The Village of Yellow Springs Planning Commission will meet in regular session on Tuesday, August 11th @ 6PM by zoom virtual meeting.
The public hearing will be broadcast “live” via Channel 5 Community Access cable station, which is simultaneously shown on the Village’s “Community Access Yellow Springs” YouTube station. To join live to make a statement during the public hearing, use the Zoom platform at this link: Those interested can also dial into these meetings via Zoom using (929) 205-6099 with the access code 355-545-7065.
Minutes of July 14, 2020 Regular Meeting
Ellen and Rodney Hoover re: 241 Xenia Ave.
1) Conditional Use Application –– R-B, Moderate Density Residential District –David Johansen has submitted a conditional use application for an Accessory Dwelling Unit at 602 Keystone Court - Ch. 1262.08 Specific Requirements; Ch. 1248.02 Schedule of Uses: Residential Districts.
Greene County Parcel ID# F19000100010000300
2) Conditional Use Application –– R-B Moderate Density Residential District – Michael Anes and Heather Wright have submitted a conditional use application for a Home Occupation at 409 S. Stafford Street to grow fruits and vegetables for resale - Ch. 1262 Conditional Use - Specific Requirements; Ch. 1248.02 Schedule of Uses: Residential Districts.
Greene County Parcel ID# F19000100090001500; F19000100090001900; F19000100090001400; F19000100090001300; F19000100090001200
3) Conditional Use Application –– R-C High Density Residential District – Max Crome has submitted a conditional use application for professional offices at 604 Xenia Avenue. Property owners Andrew Carlson and Krista Magaw. Ch. 1262 Conditional Use – Specific Requirements; Ch. 1248 Residential Districts
Greene County Parcel ID#F19000100090010500 & F19000100090010600
4) Conditional Use Application –– B-1, Central Business District – Iron Table Holdings, LLC has submitted a conditional use application for 241 Xenia Avenue to have a dwelling unit on the upper floor of a building with a nonresidential use at street level. Ch. 1262 Conditional Use -Specific Requirements; Ch. 1250.02 Schedule of Uses: Business Districts
Greene County Parcel ID# F19000100100000600 – 239/241/243 Xenia Avenue
5) Map Amendment – Request for Rezoning – Iron Table Holdings, LLC, is requesting an amendment to the Village of Yellow Springs Official Zoning District Map to rezone their property at 403 Xenia Avenue from B-1, Central Business District to R-C, High-Density Residential in order to allow for its use as a multi-family dwelling per Ch. 1280 Amendments and Rezoning.
Greene County Parcel ID #F19000100090017500 and two other parcels – Greene County Parcel ID #’s F19000100090017600 – 120 E Limestone St and F19000100090017700 – 415 Xenia Avenue
The Village of Yellow Springs is applying for amendments to the Planning Code:
1) Amend Chapter 1226.07 Subdivision Regulations – Park Land Dedication
2) Appendix A – Estate Street Section