CHAIRPERSON John Laurito VICE-CHAIRPERSON Joseph Lembo SECRETARY Peggy A. Passarelli ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Thomas E. Deller, AICP. | Town of Johnston Planning Board 100 Irons Avenue, Johnston, RI 02919 TEL (401) 231-4000 FAX (401) 231-4181 | MEMBERS Louis Prata George Lazzareschi Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian Laura-Jean Ferranti ALTERNATES Robert Pingitore Eric Peloquin BOARD COUNSEL Joseph R. Ballirano, Esq |
Approved Meeting Minutes
The Planning Board of the Town of Johnston held their monthly meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2nd,2024 at the Johnston Senior Center, 1291 Hartford Avenue, Johnston, RI.
Joseph Lembo, Vice-Chairperson, Thomas E Deller, AICP, Administrative Officer, Louis Prata, George Lazzareschi, Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian, Robert Pingitore, Eric Peloquin, Joseph R. Ballirano, ESQ,
Board Counsel, Deb Pavone, Recording Secretary
Mr. Pingitore made the motion to Approve. Seconded by Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian. Voice Vote; All in favor.
PB 24-10- Compass Stone & Tile, Inc. 1763 & 1765 Plainfield Pike. AP27 Lots 165 and 227. A Public Hearing on a Minor Land Development with Unified Development Review to establish a
countertop fabrication business with outside storage in a B-2 zone.
Special Use- Mr. Prata made the motion to approve subject to landscaping and storage 30x200 as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Pingitore. Voice Vote; All in favor. Mr. Peloquin made the motion to approve the plan. Seconded
by Mr. Prata. Voice Vote; All in favor.
PB 22-05- Winsor I. 112 Winsor Avenue. AP 59 Lot 15
PB 22-04- Winsor II. 86 Winsor Avenue. AP 60 Lots 2, 20 and 86
PB 22-03-Johnston Winsor III. 46 Winsor Avenue. AP 60 Lot 4
PB 22-02- Johnston Harilla I. 28 Harilla Lane. AP 51 Lots 9 &11
PB 22-01- Johnston Elmgrove II. 25 Elmgrove Avenue. AP 51 Lot 4
A request in accordance with RIGL 45-23-40 (g) for a one (1) year extension of the Master Plan approval for the reference projects.
Mrs. Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian made the motion to approve extension. Seconded by Mr. Pingitore. Voice Vote; All in favor.
PB 17-15 SASA-29 Pleasant Street. 1056 Atwood Avenue. AP 24 Lot 9. A request in accordance with RIGL 45-23-40(g) for a one (1) year extension of the Master Plan approval for the reference
Mr. Pingitore made the motion to re-establish Master Plan approval. Atwood- subject to not being denied by Zoning. Seconded by Mr. Prata. Voice Vote; All in favor.
PB 24-09 Alexendria Way. Adjacent to 29 Taylor Road. AP 30 Lot 16. A Board vote to ratify the action of the Administrative Officer in calling the performance bond.
Mr. Lembo made the motion to ratify action of Town Planner. Seconded by Mr. Prata. Voice Vote; All in favor.
PB 24-11 Mill Street Apartments. 64 Mill Street. AP 4 Lot 311. Status update and review of Preliminary Plan as a result of the change in ownership. Discussion as to whether the project needs to appear before the Board again. Vote possible.
Mr. Lembo made the motion to allow extension. Seconded by Mr. Prata. Voice Vote; All in favor.
PB 23- 12 – Zoning Update. Discussion and review of draft zoning ordinance. Major restructuring of the ordinance was required because of the changes and the failure to update the ordinance over the past years when changes were made to state law.
PB 22- 57- The Johnston Comprehensive Plan
Presentation. Overview and discussion of state law changes to RIGL 45-23. Land Development and Subdivision Review and RIGL 45-24. Zoning Enabling. Note – revised Land Development Regulations were adopted at the February 6, 2024 meeting
8:02 p.m. motion to adjourn made by Mr. Prata. Seconded by Mrs. Ferranti. Voice Vote; All in favor.
o The Planning Board Agenda and Minutes are available for review at or Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at the Planning Office, 100 Irons Avenue, Johnston. o Items not heard by 9:00 p.m. may be continued to the next Regular Meeting or a special meeting at the discretion of the Board. o Facilities are handicap accessible. Interpreter services may be requested from TTD (401) 792-9642 at least 72 hours in advance. |