John Laurito



Joseph Lembo



Peggy A. Passarelli



Thomas E. Deller, AICP.





Town of Johnston

Planning Board

100 Irons Avenue, Johnston, RI 02919

TEL (401) 231-4000   FAX (401) 231-4181


Louis Prata

George Lazzareschi

Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian

Laura-Jean Ferranti



Robert Pingitore

Eric Peloquin



Joseph R. Ballirano, Esq






Approved Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024


George Lazzareschi, Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian, Louis Prata, Laura-Jean Ferranti, Robert Pingitore, Joseph R. Ballirano, Esq., Legal Counsel to the Planning Board, Thomas E. Deller, AICP, Town Planner/Administrative Officer, Deb Pavone, Recording Secretary.


II.   APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Approved by Mr. Pingitore.  Seconded by Mr. Lazzareschi. Voice vote; All in favor.


 III    APPROVAL OF CALENDAR YEAR 2025. Mr. Pingitore Made the motion to approve. Seconded by Lazzareschi/Arakelian.  Voice vote; All in favor.


IV.  Old Business

PB 23-01 - 1725 Plainfield Pike.  AP 26 lots 77, 85, 111 and 149.  A Public Meeting on a Final Plan submission of a Major Land Development consisting of 12 buildings containing 24 units of housing.  The property is located in an R-7 zone.  Mrs. Ferranti made the motion to Approve.  Seconded by Mr. Pingitore.  Voice vote; All In favor.


PB 19-31 – 80 Morgan Avenue.  A Public Hearing on the Preliminary Plan submission of a Major Land Development.  AP 8 Lots 1 and 276 a Planned Development Continuing Care Retirement Community (PD-CCRC).  Mrs. Ferranti made the motion to open public meeting. Seconded by Mr. Pingitore.  Mrs. Ferranti made the motion to close public meeting.  Seconded by Mr. Pingitore.  Mr. Lazzareschi made the motion to continue to the January 7th, 2025 meeting.  Seconded by Mr. Pingitore.  Voice vote; All in favor.


PB 17-16 - 1056 Atwood Avenue.  A Public Hearing for a Minor Subdivision with Unified Development Review.  1056 Atwood Avenue AP 24 Lot 9.  Zoned R-15.  Owner/Applicant Mohamad Yaser & Rhonda Sasa.  Mr. Pingitore made the motion to adopt variance. Seconded by Mr. Lazzareschi.  Voice vote; All in favor.  Mr. Pingitore made the motion to accept the Preliminary Plan.  Seconded by Mr. Lazzareschi.  Voice Vote; All in favor.


PB 21-30 – 1357 Hartford Avenue and PB 21-44 – 1347 Hartford Avenue.  Request for a one-year extension on the approved Master Plan in accordance with Section II Article E 2.g. Vesting of the Land Development and Subdivision Review Regulations.  Mrs. Ferranti made the motion the motion to approve.  Seconded by Mr. Lazzareschi. Voice vote; All in favor.




PB 24-32 – Dunkin.  A Public Hearing for a Minor Land Development with Unified Development Review to develop a 1000 Square foot Drive Thru coffee shop.  1296 Atwood Avenue AP 44 Lot 110 Zoned R15.  Applicant GMP Associates, LLC

       Mrs. Ferranti/Pingitore made the motion to open public meeting. Mr. Pingitore and Mr. Lazzareschi closed the public hearing.  Mr. Pingitore made the motion.  Mr. Pingitore made the motion for grant use variance and special use permit. Seconded by Mr. Lazzareschi. Mrs. Ferranti made            

       the motion to approve the Preliminary Master Plan.  Seconded by Mr. Pingitore.  Voice Vote; All in favor.

       Mr. Pingitore made the motion to suspend rules to hear PB 24-30 Seconded by Mr. Lazzareschi.


        PB 24-30 - George Waterman Comprehensive Permit.  A Pre-Application meeting on a proposed Low- and Moderate-income housing development containing approximately 155 dwelling units.  178- 200 George Waterman Road. AP 37 Lot 193.  Zoned R15.  R40 and B1.          

        Letter from Mayor Joseph M. Polisena, Jr. was accepted into exhibit by Mr. Lazzareschi and Mr. Pingitore.  Town Residents stated their concerns on this proposal.  No Vote taken because it was a Pre-Application Proposal.


        PB 24-40 - 38 Mill Street a Public Hearing for a 2 lot Minor Subdivision with Unified Development Review.  38 Mill Street.  AP 4 Lot 7.  Zoned R15.  Owner/Applicant Mark D. Harrington, JR

        Mr. Pingitore made the motion to continue to the January 7th Planning Board Meeting. Seconded by Mr. Lazzareschi. Voice vote; All in Favor.


       PB 24-39 – 101 Irons Avenue AP 35 Lot 185.  Advisory opinion on the donation of this parcel to the Town. Mr. Lazzareschi made the motion to accept. Seconded by Mr. Pingitore. Voice vote; All in favor.


        PB 24-31- Advisory Opinion on the request to Rezone 2697 Hartford Avenue from R-40 and B-2 to B-2.   A.P. 57 Lot 170.  Mr. Lazzareschi made the motion to approve.  Seconded by Mrs. Ferrante.  Voice Vote; All in favor.





VI.   ADJOUNMENT   9:15 pm.  Pingitore/Lazzareschi.  All in favor.




o   The Planning Board Agenda and Minutes are available for review at or Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at the Planning Office, 100 Irons Avenue, Johnston.


o   Items not heard by 9:00 p.m. may be continued to the next Regular Meeting or a special meeting at the discretion of the Board.


o   Facilities are handicap accessible. Interpreter services may be requested from TTD (401) 792-9642 at least 72 hours in advance.




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