John Laurito



Joseph Lembo



Peggy A. Passarelli



Joseph M. Polisena Jr.


Legal Counsel

Joseph R. Ballirano, Esq.




Town of Johnston

Planning Board

100 Irons Avenue, Johnston, RI 02919

TEL (401) 231-4000   FAX (401) 231-4181


Gina M. Sabitoni-Arakelian

                George Lazzareschi

Laura-Jean Ferranti

Louis Prata



Robert Pingitore

Eric Peloquin




Thomas E. Deller, AICP








The Planning Board of the Town of Johnston held their monthly meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9th, 2024 at the Johnston Senior Center, 1291 Hartford Avenue, Johnston, RI.


I.                   Call to Order & Roll Call 6:01 PM

Louis Prata-CHAIRMAN, Gina M. Sabitoni- Arakelian-BOARD MEMBER, Robert Pingitore and Eric Peloquin-ALTERNATE MEMBERS


II.                Approval of Minutes


January 9th Meeting Minutes Approved by Robert Pingitore. Seconded by Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian.  Suspend rules to hear 21-4 first by Robert Pingitore.  Seconded by Gina Sabitoni-Aarkelian.  VOICE VOTE; ALL IN FAVOR.


III.             OLD BUSINESS


PB 21-4 – Cherry Blossom Estates – Discussion-clarification of Board’s action on an access easement for the adjacent property. 


Relief of requirement in stipulation for easement, motion to remove condition from Preliminary Plan approval by Robert Pingitore.  Seconded by Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian.  VOICE VOTE; ALL IN FAVOR.


PB 23-34 – Revisions to the Land Development and Subdivision Regulations-DRAFT Language to bring the Regulations into conformance with revised state law.  Review language and set public hearing date.


Motion has been heard and will be continued to next meeting by Louis Prata.  Seconded by Robert Pingitore. VOICE VOTE; ALL IN FAVOR.


PB 23-35 – Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance – DRAFT Language to bring the Ordinance into conformance with revised state law.  Review framework to get council approvals. 


Motion has been heard and will be continued to next meeting by Louis Prata.  Seconded by Robert Pingitore. VOICE VOTE; ALL IN FAVOR.



IV.             NEW BUSINESS

PB 24-01 – Giarusso Property-Public Hearing on a Minor Subdivision and Unified Development Review to legalize an undersized lot.  41 Tartaglia Street.  AP 27 Lot 60.  Zoned R-20.  Applicant Paul Giarusso.  Motion to grant dimensional variance approved by Robert Pingitore.  Seconded by Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian.  VOICE VOTE; ALL IN FAVOR. 

Motion to approve Minor Subdivision by Robert Pingitore.  Seconded by Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian.  VOICE VOTE; ALL IN FAVOR.


V.                COMPREHENSIVE PLAN

PB 22-57- The Johnston Comprehensive Plan- Update on Status.





VII.          ADJOURNMENT 6:20 P.M.

                Motion to adjourn by Robert Pingitore.  VOICE VOTE; ALL IN FAVOR.




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