CHAIRPERSON John Laurito VICE-CHAIRPERSON Joseph Lembo SECRETARY Peggy A. Passarelli ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Thomas E. Deller, AICP. | Town of Johnston Planning Board 100 Irons Avenue, Johnston, RI 02919 TEL (401) 231-4000 FAX (401) 231-4181 | MEMBERS Louis Prata George Lazzareschi Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian Laura-Jean Ferranti ALTERNATES Robert Pingitore Eric Peloquin BOARD COUNSEL Joseph R. Ballirano, Esq |
Draft Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 7th, 2024
Joseph Lembo, Vice Chairperson, Louis Prata, George Lazzareschi, Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian, Laura-Jean Ferranti, Robert Pingitore, Eric Peloquin
Joseph R. Ballirano, Esq., Legal Counsel to the Planning Board, Thomas E. Deller, AICP, Town Planner/Administrative Officer, Deb Pavone, Recording Secretary.
Mr. Prata made the motion to Approve April 2nd, 2024 Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Mr. Lazzareschi. Voice Vote; All in favor..
PB 24-13 – Willy Reyes – 138 Scituate Avenue. AP 25 Lot 4. A Public Hearing on a Minor Land Development with Unified Development Review to establish two lots where one lot has access via a twenty (2) foot wide easement from Scituate Avenue. Property is located in an R-40 zone.
Mr. Lembo made the motion to continue this to next month’s meeting due to incorrect address, plat and lot. The Board requires the applicant to renotify Abutters and publish in the Sunrise with correct address. Seconded by Mr. Prata. Voice Vote; All in favor.
PB 23-01- 1725 Plainfield Pike. AP 26 lots 77, 85, 111 and 149. A Public Hearing on a Major Land Development consisting of 12 buildings containing 24 units of housing. development. The property is located in an R-7 zone.
PB 23-01 should be PB 23-04. Ms. Sabitoni-Arakelian made the motion to approve subject to the conditions made in the staff report, 55 plus, subject to the final drainage report, from RI D.E.M. and Fire Marshals report regarding ladder cramping angles, also subject to additional vegetation being planted on the property. Seconded by Mr. Lazzareschi. Voice Vote; All in Favor.
PB 23- 12 – Zoning Update. Discussion and review of draft zoning ordinance. Major restructuring of the ordinance was required because of the changes and the failure to update the ordinance over the past years when changes were made to state law.
Discussion by Thomas E. Deller
7:07p.m. Pingitore/Ferranti Voice Vote; All
o The Planning Board Agenda and Minutes are available for review at or Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at the Planning Office, 100 Irons Avenue, Johnston. o Items not heard by 9:00 p.m. may be continued to the next Regular Meeting or a special meeting at the discretion of the Board. o Facilities are handicap accessible. Interpreter services may be requested from TTD (401) 792-9642 at least 72 hours in advance. |