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Administrative: Roll Call, Adoption of Minutes from September 22, 2020
Petition of: James L. Paradise (owner) by his attorney Girard A. Galvin, Esq. for a Variance from Sections 903, 1504 & 603 to allow six - two bedroom residential units on 19,452 sq ft where 48,000 sq ft is required and a side yard setback of 17.9’ where 25’ is required. Said real estate is located at 170 Aquidneck Avenue and further identified as lots 145,146 & 147 on tax assessor’s plat 115SE.
Continued from 2/25/2020, 3/24/2020, 6/23/2020, 7/28/2020, 8/25/2020, 9/22/2020
Petition of: James L. Paradise (owner) by his attorney Girard A. Galvin, Esq for a Special Use Permit and Development Plan Review from Sections 306(B), 602, 902 & 1500, et seq. to convert the existing commercial building into six residential condominium units. Said real estate is located at 170 Aquidneck Avenue and further identified as lots 145, 146 & 147 on tax assessor’s plat 115SE.
Continued from: 2/25/2020, 3/24/2020, 6/23/2020, 7/28/2020, 8/25/2020, 9/22/2020
Petition of: Newport National Real Estate, LLC (owners) by their attorney Robert M. Silva, Esq. for a Variance from Section 603 & 605 to allow the construction of a clubhouse with a main roofline of 35 feet with a clocktower of 40’-8” where 30’ is allowed and a footprint of 12,863 sq ft where 10,000 sq ft is allowed. Said real estate is located at 425 Mitchell’s Lane and further identified as lot 29 on tax assessor’s plat 124.
Continued from: 3/24/2020, 7/28/2020, 8/25/2020, 9/22/2020
Petition of: John R. Gullison & Bonnie F. Zimble (owners) by their attorney Jeremiah C. Lynch, III for a Variance from Sections 603, 1301(b), 1301(d), 1304, 1404 & 1406 to construct an 18 room hotel on a lot with 17,533 sq. ft. where 18,000 sq. ft. is required with an elevated parking structure with less than the required landscape buffer area on the south, east and west property lines resulting in lot coverage of 53% where 35% is allowed and increasing the number of spaces to 40 where 35 are allowed. Provide a loading space and service drive on the north side with less than the required landscape buffer. Said real estate located at 59 Aquidneck Ave and further identitied as Lot 169 on Tax Assessor’s Plat 115SE.
Continued from: 1/10/2017, 3/28/2017, 4/25/2017, 7/25/2017, 9/26/2017, 11/28/2017, 3/27/2018, 6/26/2018, 10/23/2018, 11/27/2018, 2/26/2019, 5/28/2019, 8/27/2019, 10/22/2019, 1/28/2020, 3/24/2020, 6/23/2020, 9/22/2020
Petition of: John R. Gullison & Bonnie F. Zimble (owners) by their attorney Jeremiah C. Lynch, III for a Special Use Permit from Sections 602 & 1400 to allow the construction of a hotel (18 rooms) with the an accessory restaurant. Said Real estate located at 59 Aquidneck Avenue and further identified as Lot 169 on Tax Assessor’s Plat 115SE.
Continued from: 1/10/2017, 3/28/2017, 4/25/2017, 7/25/2017, 9/26/2017, 11/28/2017, 3/27/2018, 6/26/2018, 10/23/2018, 11/27/2018, 2/26/2019, 5/28/2019, 8/27/2019, 10/22/2019, 1/28/2020, 3/24/2020, 6/23/2020, 9/22/2020
Petition of: Cenz Corporation (owner) and GD Middletown West Main I, LLC (applicant) for a Variance from Sections 725(B)(2) & (3) to allow a ground mounted solar voltaic system with less than the required visual screening and electrical lines and connections above ground. Said real estate is located at 0 West Main Road and further identified as lot 9A on tax assessor’s plat 111.
Continued from: 7/28/2020, 8/25/2020, 9/22/2020
Petition of: Cenz Corporation (owner) and GD Middletown West Main I, LLC (applicant) for a Special Use Permit and Development Plan Review from Section 602, 725(A) (1), 725(B) (2) (3), 1102 (A) (3) & 1106 to allow a ground mounted solar voltaic system in Watershed Protection District Zone I. Said real estate is located at 0 West Main Road and further identified as lot 9A on tax assessor’s plat 111.
Continued from: 7/28/2020, 8/25/2020, 9/22/2020
Petition of: John & Pamela Wallace (owners) by their attorneys Chappell & Chappell for a Special Use Permit and for Development Plan Review from Section 305, 602 & 719 to allow the use of a mixed residential and commercial use in a single building and a garage to be used as the owner’s art/pottery studio. Said real estate is located at 819 Aquidneck Avenue and further identified as lot 129 on tax assessor’s plat 114.
Continued from 9/22/2020
Appeal of: Eugene Goldstein (owner) by his attorney David P. Martland, Esq. from the Decision of the Planning Board dated October 18, 2019 and recorded on October 22, 2019 which denied the pending application for combined Preliminary & Final Plan approval for a proposed 8-lot major subdivision of property fronting on Prospect Avenue. Said real estate is located approximately 0.3 miles to the east of the intersection of Prospect and Aquidneck Avenue and further identified as lot 66A on tax assessor’s plat 121NW.
Continued from 12/17/2019, 3/24/2020,6/23/2020, 8/25/2020, 9/22/2020
Petition of: Benjamin & Alexandra Ducas (owners) for a Variance from Sections 603 & 701 to construct a 172 sq ft mudroom and enclosed porch with a rear yard setback of 43’ where 50’ is required. Said real estate is located at 426 Paradise Avenue and further identified as lot 27 on tax assessor’s plat 126.
Petition of: Claudia Cavallaro & Vincent Roderick (owners) for a Variance from Sections 603 & 701 to construct a 2,540 sq ft single family dwelling which includes a 90 sq ft front deck and a 176 sq ft rear deck resulting in a rear yard setback of 48.2’ where 60’ is required. Said real estate is located at 0 Morrison Avenue and further identified as lot 303 on tax assessor’s plat 120.
Petition of: Beatrice B. Bazarsky Trust (owner) for a Variance from Sections 603 & 701 to allow the construction of a 2,698 Square foot single family dwelling with a front yard setback of 20’ where 40’ is required. Said real estate is located at 0 Indian Terrace and further identified as lot 43A on tax assessor’s plat 129.
Petition of: Thomas & Ella Auchincloss (owners) by their attorney David P. Martland, Esq. for a Special Use Permit from Sections 803(A) & 1106 to enlarge an existing nonconforming use by constructing a kitchen addition to the main house which is located in Zone 1 of the Watershed Protection District. Said real estate is located at 233 Third Beach Road and further identified as lot 149 on tax assessor’s plat 125.
Continued from 9/22/2020
Corrected Petition of: Glenn P. Brogan (owner) for a Variance from Sections 603, 701 & 802(B) to demolish the existing structure and construct a 2,378 sq ft single family dwelling with a left side yard setback of 8.1’ and a right side yard setback of 8’ where 15’ is required. Said real estate is located at 75 Tuckerman Avenue and further identified as lot 114 on tax assessor’s plat 116NE.
Petition of: Stephen Faria & Barbara Walton-Faria (owners) by their attorney Robert M. Silva, Esq. for a Special Use Permit from Section 803 to allow the expansion of a non-conforming commercial use in a residential district by allowing indoor storage of contractor vehicles and equipment. Said real estate located at 595 Aquidneck Avenue & 39 Newman Road on Tax Assessor’s Plat 114 Lots 216,217 & 205A.
Continued from: 6/23/2020, 7/28/2020, 8/25/2020, 9/22/2020
Petition of: Newport County Regional YMCA (owner) by their attorney Robert M. Silva, Esq. for a Special Use Permit from Section 605(B)(1) to allow an 11,406 sq ft addition to the existing structure resulting in a total of 52,844 sq ft where 35,000 sq ft is allowed. Said real estate is located at 792 Valley Road and further identified as lot 1 on tax assessor’s plat 115.
Petition of: Newport County Regional YMCA (owner) and 127 John Clarke Road, LLC (owner) by their attorney Robert M. Silva, Esq. for a Variance from Section 1301(D) to allow parking closer than the 10’ setback and from Section 1302 to allow off-site parking to be located on a lot not occupied by the principal use (plat 115 lot 59). Said real estate is located at 792 Valley Road and further identified as lot 1 on tax assessor’s plat 115.
All items on this agenda may be considered, discussed and voted upon. This agenda is subject to change. Individuals requiring interpreter services for the hearing-impaired should notify the Town Clerk’s Office at 401-847-0009 not less than 48 hours before this meeting.
Posted on at Middletown Town Hall, Middletown Library, Middletown Web Site, and Secretary of State Web Site.