DATE: JULY 23, 2024   

TIME:  6:00 PM


*This meeting location is accessible to the handicapped.  Individuals requiring interpreter services for the hearing-impaired should notify the Town Clerk’s Office at 401-847-0009 not less than 48 hours before this meeting.




1.       Roll call

2.       Adoption of Zoning Board meeting minutes from June 25, 2024.



New Petitions:


Petition of: Francine Newth (Owner) for a Variance from 603, 701 & 803(G) to construct a 13’ x 17’ one story addition with a front yard setback of 7’ where 25’ is required.  Said real estate is located at 39 Continental Drive and further identified as lot 48 (A) on tax assessor’s plat 114.


Petition of: Timothy D. Corr (Owner) Sean Sullivan & Colleen Weaver (Applicants) David P. Martland, Esq. (Attorney) for a Variance from 603 to construct a second story above the existing single-family dwelling along with a rear deck and front porch.  The front porch would extend outward resulting in a front yard setback of 12.9’ where 17.83’ is required.  Said real estate is located at 24 Perry Avenue and further identified as lot 86 on tax assessor’s plat 121NW.


Petition of: Castle Keep RI (Owner) and Christine Offenberg (Attorney) for a Special Use from Article 12 Section 1212 to permit a free standing sign 28 sqft where 16 sqft is permitted; and a height of 12’ where 8’ is permitted.  Said real estate is located at 999 Aquidneck Avenue and further identified as lot 207 on tax assessor’s plat 113.


Inactive Petitions & Appeals - Pending Other Board Decisions


Petition of: Prescott Point Investor, LLC (Owner) Jeremiah C. Lynch III, Esq. (Attorney) for a Special Use Section 902, Article 9 to permit the construction of a 20-unit multifamily dwelling project, with a 2,500 sqft. clubhouse.  Said real estate is located at 0 West Main Road and further identified as lot 7 on tax assessor’s plat 104. (Pending Planning Board)


Petition of: Prescott Point Investor, LLC (Owner) Jeremiah C. Lynch III, Esq. (Attorney) for a Variance from Section 603, 1506 (A), 1508 (A) & 903 to construct principal buildings, with windows, within 50’ of the adjacent building and to permit the construction of a multifamily dwelling project with maximum building height of 45’ where 35’ is allowed.  Additionally, seeking variance for multifamily dwelling project not connected to sewer system.  Said real estate is located at 0 West Main Road and further identified as lot 7 on tax assessor’s plat 104. (Pending Planning Board)



All items on this agenda may be considered, discussed, and voted upon.

POSTED:  June 28, 2024

* RI Secretary of State Webpage *Clerkbase *Middletown Library

*Town Hall of Middletown Bulletin Board * Middletownri.com Website.


*Meetings begin promptly at the time posted and will not last for more than four (4) hours. The Board normally will take a short break after 1½ to 2 hours of hearings to re-assess the agenda and their ability to reach the remaining items pending before it.  The Board will not entertain/begin a new petition after 10:00 p.m. and will conclude all hearings at 10:30 p.m. therefore some petitions cannot be heard due to these time constraints and will be continued to the next regular meeting date. 




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