Chapter 13 POLICE



In General


§ 13-1. through § 13-18. (Reserved)



Police Advisory Commission


§  13-19. Town  council  as  police advisory  commission.

§  13-20. Purpose.

§  13-21. Duties  and  powers.


§  13-22. Power  to  appoint  police advisory  commission.

§  13-23. through §  13-35.  (Reserved)



Police Department


§  13-36. Established;  composition; authority; supervision.

§ 13-37. Classifications of police officers;  appointment.

§  13-38. Political  activity  prohibited.




Police department, § 802

Police advisory commission, § 907.

Duties of police advisory commission, § 907. Police advisory commission, § 907.





Council may serve as police advisory commission, § 2-18 Town council may serve as police advisory commission, § 2-18.

Public property, § 2-216 et seq.

Fire and police stations, § 2-226 et seq. Miscellaneous offenses, ch. 10.




In General


§ 13-1. through § 13-18. (Reserved)



Police Advisory Commission


§ 13-19. Town council as police advisory commission. [Rev. Ords. 1989, § 13-16]

The town council shall have all the powers bestowed upon the police advisory commission. The town council may sit as the police advisory commission at any of its regular scheduled meetings or at a special meeting which is properly noticed under rules and procedures of the town council adopted by the town council on December 5, 1980, or the town council may schedule special meetings to sit as the police advisory commission in which event public notice of the meeting of the town council as police advisory commission shall be given at least 72 hours prior to the time of such meeting. The town council may meet upon shorter notice by unanimous consent of all its members in the event of an emergency situation.



§ 13-20. Purpose. [Rev. Ords. 1989, § 13-17]

The town council sitting as the police advisory commission will oversee the operation of the police department; ensure the proper function of the police department; review complaints against the police department; assist in preparation of the budget for the police department; and interview applicants for all positions within the police department.



§ 13-21. Duties and powers. [Rev. Ords. 1989, § 13-18]

(a)          The duties and powers of the police advisory commission shall be as provided in § 907 of the Charter and in this section.

(b)         The town council acting as the police advisory commission will interview all applicants for any and all positions with the police department.

(c)          The town council acting as the police advisory commission together with the chief of police will prepare a budget for the police department. Such budget will be presented to the finance committee.

(d)         The town council acting as the police advisory commission shall review all complaints brought against members of the police department which shall be initially investigated by the chief of police of the department.

(e)          The town council acting as the police advisory commission shall have the power and duty to veto any permanent written police policies submitted.



§ 13-22. Power to appoint police advisory commission. [Rev. Ords. 1989, § 13-20]

(a)          The town council may appoint five members to sit as a police advisory commission. The five members shall be residents of the town and shall serve without compensation.

(b)         The five members shall have the following initial terms:

(1)         One member shall be appointed for a period of one year;

(2)         Not more than two members shall be appointed for a period of two years; and

(3)         Not more than two members shall be appointed for a period of three years. Appointment after the initial appointment shall be for a term of three years.

(c)          If the town council does appoint a five-member commission to act as the police advisory commission, it shall have all the duties, powers and authority granted to the town council under the provisions of this article.

(d)         If the town council does appoint a police advisory commission, appeal from any decision of the police advisory commission shall be to the town council and the appeal shall be taken within 10 days of any decision made by the police advisory commission.



§ 13-23. through § 13-35. (Reserved)


Police Department


§ 13-36. Established; composition; authority; supervision. [Rev. Ords. 1989, § 13-36]

(a)          The police department shall consist of a chief of police and such additional officers and reserve police officers as may from time to time be appointed by the town manager pursuant to § 802 of the Charter. The various officers and reserve police officers as herein designated shall have all the powers and authority established by the laws of the state, the ordinances of the town and orders, rules and regulations of the town council.

(b)         The daily operation of the police department shall be the responsibility of the chief of police.

State law reference — Police department, G.L. 1956, § 42-28.6-1 et seq.



§ 13-37. Classifications of police officers; appointment. [Rev. Ords. 1989, § 13-37]

There shall be the following categories of police officers:

(1)         Full-time police officers. Officers who have completed the prescribed probationary period of at least one year's active service will be eligible for full-time appointment.

(2)         Seasonal police officers. The town manager may appoint additional police officers for specified terms or to serve at the pleasure of the town manager. Police officers after attaining retirement age will be eligible for appointment to serve for additional one-year periods or at the pleasure of the town manager.

(3)         Reserve police officers. The town manager shall from time to time appoint such number of reserve police officers as he may deem necessary to assist the full time police. Such reserve police officers shall serve at the pleasure of the town council and be compensated on an hourly basis.



§ 13-38. Political activity prohibited. [Rev. Ords. 1989, § 13-40]

No permanent or probationary police officer shall engage in any political activity or become a candidate for or hold an elective office in the town or the state.




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