Pursuant to

Rhode Island General Laws, Section 42-46-1, as amended, 

and in accordance with Section 42-46-5

Purposes for Which Meeting May be Closed,

“(a) (5) Any discussions or considerations relating to the acquisition or lease of real property for public purposes, or of the disposition of publicly held property wherein advanced public information would be detrimental to the interest of the public…”


the Newport City Council will meet in Executive Session

in the Second Floor Conference Room,

Newport City Hall

43 Broadway, Newport


The Council, prior to meeting in Executive Session, will meet in Open Session and, by open call by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members, vote to convene the meeting in a closed session at


5:30 p.m.

Thursday February 21, 2019


The City Council will discuss in Executive

Session issues relating to

the disposition of publicly held property located at J.T. Connell Highway, Lots 35 & 36, Plat 3.


Posted- (lcs-2/19/2019)


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