9.04                 Consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages.

9.06                 Smoking in public areas.

9.08                 Indecent exposure.

9.12                 Vandalism.





9.04.010          Consumption of alcoholic beverages in public areas.

9.04.020          Possession of alcoholic beverages by minors prohibited – Penalty.


9.04.010  Consumption of alcoholic beverages in public areas.

A.  It shall be unlawful for any person to consume alcoholic beverages from any bottle, glass,

or metal container or any other container any public place within the town, including any highway, street, court, public park, square, or any other place or building open to the public within this town, or upon the premises of any other person without that person's permission.


B.  This section shall not apply to public gatherings held at a licensed location or for which permission has been granted.


C.  Violation of this section is punishable by a fine not to exceed one hundred ($100) dollars. (Ord. dated 4-3-78, §§ 1, 2; Ord. dated 3-17-92(part); Ord. dated 6-18-02; Ord. dated 12-6-05)


9.04.020  Possession of alcoholic beverages by minors prohibited – Penalty. 

A.  It is unlawful for any person who has not attained the age of twenty-one years to have in his or her possession alcoholic beverages of any kind within a boat or vehicle, or on a public highway, beach, picnic area, or any other public place or building within the town.


B.  Violation of this section is punishable by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100). (Ord. dated 12-11-61, §§ 1, 2 ; Ord. dated 3-17-92(part); Ord. dated 12-6-05)





9.06.010          Purpose.

9.06.020          Definitions.

9.06.030          Smoking and vaporizing prohibited.


9.06.010  Purpose.  The purpose of this Chapter is to protect the public health and safety by preventing public exposure to second-hand smoke emitted during use of tobacco products or cannabis products and second-hand vapor emitted during use of vaporizers or e-cigarettes.

(Ord. dated 7-18-23)


9.06.020  Definitions.  The following words or phrases shall have the following meaning when used in this Chapter:


A.  Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is the substance defined by R.I. Gen. Laws § 21-28.11-3(6), as amended.


B.  Public area is any indoor or outdoor area open to the public, with or without payment of a fee, including, without limitation, the following:

1.  The interior of any building or structure owned by or occupied by the Town of Richmond, and the outdoor or unenclosed area surrounding that building or structure.

2.  Parks, playgrounds, conservation areas, and recreation areas and facilities owned by the Town of Richmond.

3.   Any property owned by the Town of Richmond used for outdoor public gatherings or events.

4.   The Washington County Fairground.

5.   Enclosed public places where smoking is prohibited pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-20.10-3.


C.  Vaporize means to use a vaporizer.


D.  A vaporizer, also known as a vape or an e-cigarette, is an electronic device that delivers nicotine or cannabis to the user without combustion.

(Ord. dated 7-18-23)


9.06.030  Smoking and vaporizing prohibited.  It shall be a violation of this Chapter for any person to smoke or vaporize any tobacco product or to smoke or vaporize any cannabis product in a public area.

(Ord. dated 7-18-23)



R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 21-28.11-3(6), 21-28.11-16, 21-28.11-22, 23-20.10-3.





9.08.010          Indecent exposure in town waters.


9.08.010  Indecent exposure in town waters.  Any person who indecently exposes his or her person while bathing in any waters of the town shall be fined not exceeding ten dollars. 

(Ord. dated 9-14-59, § 1; Ord. dated 12-6-05)



Chapter 9.12 VANDALISM


9.12.010          Malicious damage of lighting fixtures prohibited.


9.12.010  Malicious damage of lighting fixtures prohibited.  Any person who maliciously, wantonly or carelessly throws down, extinguishes, breaks, injures or defaces any lamp, lantern or lamppost, erected for the purpose of lighting any street, lane, highway, alley or bridge in the town, whether the same has been erected by the town or any other corporation, or by any individual, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) and be required to make restitution. 

(Ord. dated 9-14-59, § 1; Ord. dated 3-17-92 (part); Ord. dated 12-6-05)


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