The Town Council of the Town of Richmond hereby ordains that Ch. 10.04 of the Code of Ordinances is amended to read as follows
10.04 Speed limits.
10.06 Street stop signs.
10.08 No parking streets.
10.10 Through trucking.
10.11 Limitations on commercial vehicles.
10.12 Special parking regulations.
Chapter 10.04 SPEED LIMITS
10.04.005 Valley Lodge Estates.
10.04.010 Gardiner Road.
10.04.020 Wood Road.
10.04.030 Woodland Drive.
10.04.040 Corey Trail.
10.04.050 Pinehurst Drive.
10.04.060 Soneric Lane.
10.04.070 Crestmont Drive.
10.04.080 Old Richmond Townhouse Road.
10.04.082 Kenyon Hill Trail.
10.04.085 Red Oak Drive.
10.04.090 Hunter Lane.
10.04.100 Crestwood Drive.
10.04.105 Shadow Ridge Drive
10.04.110 Shannock Hill Road.
10.04.115 Whitetail Trail
10.04.120 Fawn Drive
10.04.125 Violation – Penalty.
(Ord. dated 11-2-93; Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23 Ord. dated 1-7-2025)
(Ord. dated 4-4-88 (part); Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23 )
(Ord. dated 6-6-88; Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
(Ord. dated 6-19-89, §l(part); Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
(Ord. dated 6-19-89, § l (part); Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
(Ord. dated 6-19-89, § l (part); Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
(Ord. dated 6-19-89, § l (part); Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
(Ord. dated 12-15-92; Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
10.04.082 Kenyon Hill Trail. The speed of motor vehicles traveling on Kenyon Hill Trail in that section between
(Ord. dated 12-19-95; Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
(Ord. dated 8-16-94 (part); Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
(Ord. dated 8-16-94 (part); Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
(Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
10.04.105 Shadow Ridge Drive. The speed of motor vehicles traveling on Shadow Ridge Drive shall not exceed fifteen miles per hour.
(Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
10.04.115 Whitetail Trail. The speed of motor vehicles traveling on Whitetail Trail shall not exceed fifteen miles per hour.
(Ord. dated 2-15-22; Ord. dated 1-3-23)
10.04.120 Fawn Drive. The speed of motor vehicles traveling on Fawn Drive shall not exceed fifteen miles per hour.
(Ord. dated July 16, 2024)
10.04.125 Violation – Penalty. Persons violating this Chapter shall be liable for the penalties provided in R.I. Gen. Laws §31-41.1-4, as amended.
(Ord. dated 4-4-88 (part); Ord. dated 12-6-05)
10.06.010 Stop signs generally – Penalty.
10.06.020 Places where vehicles are required to stop.
10.06.010 Stop signs generally – Penalty. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to pass any street stop sign that has been placed at any intersection by the town without first bringing the vehicle to a complete stop. Violation of this section shall be punishable by the penalties provided in R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-41.1-4, as amended.
(Ord. dated 12-6-05)
10.06.020 Places where vehicles are required to stop. Stop signs shall be placed at the following intersections, and vehicles traveling on the first-named street shall stop before entering the second-named street:
A. Kenyon Schoolhouse Road at
B. Deerfield Drive at
C. Meadowbrook Road at
D. Meadowbrook Road at
E. Beaver River Road at
F. Gardiner Road at Hog House Hill Road in Exeter. Vehicles traveling south on Gardiner Road shall stop before continuing south on Gardiner Road or traveling east on Hog House Hill Road.
G. Carolina Nooseneck Road at Baker Pines Road. Vehicles traveling south on Carolina Nooseneck Road shall stop before continuing on Carolina Nooseneck Road or traveling west on Baker Pines Road.
H. Baker Pines Road at Carolina Nooseneck Road.
I. Tug Hollow Road at Hillsdale Road.
J. Hillsdale Road at Tug Hollow Road and Bell Schoolhouse Road. Vehicles traveling north on Hillsdale Road shall stop before continuing west on Tug Hollow Road or north on Bell Schoolhouse Road.
(Ord. dated 12-6-05, Ord. dated 8-15-23, Ord. dated 9-5-23, Ord. dated 12-19-23)
10.08.010 Streets where parking prohibited or limited.
10.08.020 Authority of police chief to prohibit or limit parking on certain streets.
10.08.030 Parking restrictions to be posted.
10.08.040 Penalties.
10.08.010 Streets where parking prohibited or limited. Parking of motor vehicles on the following streets is prohibited or limited:
A. Kenyon Hill Trail. No vehicle shall be parked on Kenyon Hill Trail from its intersection with Switch Road easterly to its intersection with Richmond Townhouse Road. (Ord. dated 4-12-65, §.1; Ord. dated -1-5-72, §1; Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 6-7-16)
B. Mill Street. It is unlawful for anyone to park a motor vehicle at any time on either side of Mill Street in the Village of Hope Valley in the town.
(Ord. dated 3-14-66, §1; Ord. dated 6-7-16)
C. North Road. No vehicle shall be parked at any time on either side of North Road in the Village of Shannock, from the intersection of North Road and Shannock Village Road for a distance of five hundred feet in a northerly direction along North Road.
(Ord. dated 11-20-72 (part); Ord. dated 12-6-05; ; Ord. dated 6-7-16)
D. Pleasant Street. It is unlawful for anyone to park a motor vehicle at any time on either side of Pleasant Street in the Village of Hope Valley in the town.
(Ord. dated 2-15-67, § 1; Ord. dated 6-7-16)
E. Shannock Hill Road. No vehicle shall be parked at any time on the paved section of Shannock Hill Road, from Rt. 112 easterly to the intersection of Shannock Hill Road and West Shannock Road.
(Ord. dated 9-3-74, § 1; Ord. dated 6-7-16)
F. Village of Kenyon. It is unlawful for anyone to park any motor vehicle on the southerly side of that public street in the village of Kenyon, said street running east and west and bordered southerly by Lot No. 1-D on that certain plat entitled “Plan in Subdivision of the property of the Eastern Finishing Works, Inc. at Kenyon, R.I., Towns of Richmond and Charlestown, August, 1934, Rossi & Lewis, Engrs. Scale 1" = 40'” and bordering northerly by Lots No. 7, 8 and 9 as described on the aforementioned plat. The plat is filed in the office of the town clerk, in plat book No. 1, at page 67.
(Ord. dated 1-16-78, § 1; Ord. dated 6-7-16)
G. Stilson Road. No vehicle shall be parked at any time on either side of Stilson Road from the intersection of Rt. 138 north to Buttonwood Road.
(Ord. dated 11-6-89; Ord. dated 6-7-16)
H. Beaver River Road. No vehicle shall be parked at any time on either side of Beaver River Road from its intersection with Kingstown Road to its intersection with Beaver River Schoolhouse Road.
(Ord. dated 6-18-02; Ord. dated 6-7-16)
I. Spring Green Drive. No vehicle shall be parked at any time on the east side of Spring Green Drive from its intersection with Main Street (Rt. 138) to its intersection with Chariho Drive.
(Ord. dated 3-16-10; Ord. dated 6-7-16)
J. O’Sullivan Drive. No motor vehicle shall be parked on either side of O’Sullivan Drive between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on a day when public schools are in session.
(Ord. dated 6-7-16)
K. O’Keefe Drive. No motor vehicle shall be parked on either side of O’Keefe Drive between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on a day when public schools are in session.
(Ord. dated 6-7-16)
L. O’Shay Lane. No motor vehicle shall be parked on either side of O’Shay Lane between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on a day when public schools are in session.
(Ord. dated 6-7-16)
M. O’Rieley Court. No motor vehicle shall be parked on either side of O’Rieley Court between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on a day when public schools are in session.
(Ord. dated 6-7-16)
10.08.020 Authority of police chief to prohibit or limit parking on certain streets. Subject to the following conditions and standards, the chief of police shall have the authority to prohibit or limit parking on any street owned by the Town of Richmond.
A. The chief of police shall determine that prohibiting or limiting parking on all or a portion of the street is necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare because the street right of way is not adequate to accommodate on-street parking or because on-street parking could cause traffic congestion or could result in situations that would endanger the safety of pedestrians.
B. Whenever the chief of police shall determine that on-street parking should be prohibited or limited, he shall prepare a written memorandum articulating the precise prohibition or limitation imposed and the reasons for the prohibition or limitation. The memorandum shall be kept in a permanent file in the police department, and copies shall be transmitted to the town administrator, the town clerk, and the town council.
C. If the chief of police determines that a parking prohibition or limitation previously imposed pursuant to this Section is no longer necessary or should be amended, he shall prepare a written memorandum rescinding or amending the prohibition or limitation. The memorandum shall be kept in a permanent file in the police department, and copies shall be transmitted to the town administrator, the town clerk, and the town council.
(Ord. dated 6-7-16)
10.08.030 Parking restrictions to be posted. On every street where parking is prohibited or limited, appropriate signs shall be posted advising the public of the parking prohibition or limitation.
(Ord. dated 6-7-16)
10.08.040 Penalties. Anyone violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be liable for the penalties provided in R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-41.1-4, as amended, for violation of municipal ordinances regulating traffic.
(Ord. dated 3-14-66, § 2; Ord. dated 2-15-67, § 2; Ord. dated 4-5-72, § 2; Ord. dated 11-20-72 (part); Ord. dated 9-3-74, § 2; Ord. dated 7-7- 75; Ord. dated 1-16-78, § 2; Ord. dated 12-6-05; Ord. dated 6-7-16)
R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 31-12-12, 31-41.1-4.
10.10.010 Restrictions.
10.10.020 Exceptions.
10.10.030 Penalties.
10.10.010 Restrictions.
A. The operation of through commercial vehicles on Carolina-Nooseneck Road from the intersection of Carolina-Nooseneck Road and Rt. 138 and on Baker Pines Road to the intersection of Baker Pines Road and Rt. 3 at any time is prohibited, and the chief of police is directed to have conspicuous signs erected at the intersection of Carolina-Nooseneck Road and Rt. 138, at Buttonwoods and Stilson Roads and at the intersection of Baker Pines Road and Rt. 3 giving notice of such prohibition.
B. The operation of through commercial vehicles on Pinehurst Drive from Rt. 112 to Pinecrest Road, on Soneric Lane from Pinehurst Drive to Crestmont Drive and on Crestmont Drive from Pinecrest Road to Shannock Hill Road at any time is prohibited, and the chief of police is directed to have conspicuous signs erected at the intersection of Rt. 112 and Pinehurst Drive, and the intersection of Shannock Hill Road and Crestmont Drive giving notice of such prohibition. (Ord. dated 10-4-05; Ord. dated 9-6-16)
C. The operation of through commercial vehicles on King Arthur Drive at any time is prohibited, and the chief of police is directed to have conspicuous signs erected on King Arthur Drive at both of its intersections with Gardiner Road giving notice of such prohibition.
(Ord. dated 9-6-16)
D. The operation of through commercial vehicles on Canob Lane between Nooseneck Hill Road (Rt. 3) and Spring Green Drive and on Spring Green Drive between Canob Lane and Main Street (Rt. 138) at any time is prohibited. The chief of police is directed to have conspicuous signs erected on Canob Lane at Nooseneck Hill Road and on Spring Green Drive at Main Street giving notice of such prohibition.
(Ord. dated 12-3-19)
10.10.020 Exceptions. Nothing contained in this Chapter shall prohibit or restrict the use of such Town streets by any fire truck, Town public works department truck, police vehicle, ambulance or other public safety or emergency vehicle, or by any vehicle engaged in delivering goods, wares, merchandise or materials to or from any residence, building or lot where the operation of through commercial vehicles is prohibited.
(Ord. dated 12-7-87 (part); Ord. dated 10-4-05; Ord. dated 9-6-16)
10.10.030 Penalties. Persons violating this Chapter shall be liable for the penalties provided in R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-41.1-4, as amended, pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-12-12, as amended. (Ord. dated 12-7-87 (part); Ord. dated 10-4-05; Ord. dated 9-6-16).
10.11.010 Restrictions generally.
10.11.020 Violation.
10.11.010 Restrictions generally.
A. The operation of all commercial vehicles with a carrying capacity of one-and-one-half tons or more on
B. The operation of all commercial vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than twelve thousand (12,000) pounds on Pine Hill Road from Rt. 112 to Switch Road is prohibited between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., and the chief of police is directed to have conspicuous signs erected on Pine Hill Road giving notice of such prohibition.
C. The operation of all commercial vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than twenty six thousand (26,000) pounds on that portion of Skunk Hill Road east of Rt. 3, and on that portion of KG Ranch Road south of Route 3, is prohibited between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., on Sundays, and on legal holidays, and the chief of police is directed to have conspicuous signs erected at the intersection of Rt. 3 and Skunk Hill Road, and at the intersection of Rt. 3 and KG Ranch Road, giving notice of such prohibition.
(Ord. dated 12-7-87 (part); Ord. dated 6-19-89; Ord. dated 10-6-89; Ord. dated 10-16-89; Ord. dated 5-21-91; Ord. dated 10-4-05)
10.11.020 Violation. Persons violating this Chapter shall be liable for the penalties provided in R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-41.1-4, as amended, pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-12-12, as amended. (Ord. dated 10-4-05)
10.12.010 Snow emergencies.
10.12.010 Snow emergencies.
A. It is unlawful for any person to cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in the name of, or operated by such person, to be parked upon any street within the town during a snow emergency. A “snow emergency” exists whenever there is snow upon the highway that requires the plowing of the highway, and until the highway has been plowed by the town or state highway department. Notice of the snow emergency shall be made upon the authorization of the chief of police, and arrangements shall be made to broadcast such notice immediately over radio and television stations serving the town. Failure to receive such notice shall not relieve any person from complying with a snow emergency as defined herein.
B. Violation of this section is punishable by the penalties provided in R.I. Gen. Laws §31-41.1-4, as amended.
(Ord. dated 4-3-78, §§ 2, 6; Ord. dated 12-6-05)