ARTICLE 1 The Municipal Body.

Section 1 Incorporation.

Section 2 Powers.

Section 3 Form of government.


ARTICLE 2 Elections.

Section 1 Conduct of elections.

Section 2 Canvassing authority.

Section 3 Elected officials.

Section 4 Form of ballot.

Section 5 Vacancy in elective  office.

Section 6 Oath of office.

Section 7 Recall of elected  officials.

Section 8 Voter initiative and  referendum.

Section 9 Term limits. (Reserved)


ARTICLE 3 Town Council.

Section 1 Term and  qualifications.

Section 2 Compensation.

Section 3 Organization and  conduct of meetings.

Section 4 Authority and  responsibilities.

Section 5 Procedure for ordinance enactment.

Section 6 Emergency ordinances.

Section 7 Direction of Town employees.


ARTICLE 4 Administration.

Section 1 Town Administrator.

Section 2 Departments.

Section 3 Boards and  Commissions.

Section 4 Courts.

Section 5 Rural Preservation Land Trust.

Section 6 Town Solicitor.



ARTICLE 5 Finance.

Section 1 Administration.

Section 2 Budget adoption.

Section 3 Annual budget referendum.



ARTICLE 6 Deportment of Public Officials.


ARTICLE 7 The Charter.

Section 1 Transitional provisions.

Section 2 Construction.

Section 3 Amendment.


We, the citizens of Richmond, to secure for ourselves and for future generations

the right to local self-government guaranteed to us by Article XIII of the Constitution

of the State of Rhode Island, hereby adopt this Home Rule Charter. By this act we affirm our

belief in efficient government, accountable leadership,

and representative democracy.


ARTICLE  1 The Municipal Body.


Section 1 Incorporation.


The inhabitants of the Town of Richmond within the corporate limits as now established shall continue to be a municipal body politic and  corporate in perpetuity in the name of the “Town of Richmond.”


Section 2 Powers.


A.  The Town shall have all of the powers  of self-government it is possible for a town to have under the Constitution and  laws of the State of Rhode Island, now  or as hereafter granted, together with  all of the implied powers necessary  to exercise those powers.


B.  The Town shall have the power to acquire property inside or outside its corporate limits for any public purpose, in fee simple or any lesser interest, by purchase, gift, devise, or lease, and  may  sell, lease, mortgage, hold, manage and  control its property as its interests may require. The Town shall not  exercise the power of condemnation for the purpose of redevelopment.


C.  The Town shall have the power to enact, amend, and repeal  ordinances, regulations, and  resolutions necessary  to exercise its powers, and  shall have the power to enforce its ordinances, rules, and  regulations by imposition of fines, forfeitures and penalties.


D.  The Town shall have the power to act jointly or in cooperation, by contract or otherwise, with  any Town, any State or State division or agency, and  with  the United States or any United States department or agency, provided that  the other  political entity has the same power by charter or legislation to similarly contract.


Section 3 Form of government.


A.  The municipal government established by this Charter shall be the Town

CouncilTown Administrator form of government.


B.  All powers  of the Town, except  the power to adopt an annual municipal budget and  to approve borrowing or the issuance of bonds pursuant to the laws of the State of Rhode Island, shall be vested  in an elected  Town Council that  is responsible for establishing policies, enacting ordinances, and  appointing a Town Administrator. The Town Administrator shall supervise the operation of the municipal government under the authority and  direction of the Town Council.


ARTICLE 2 Elections. Section 1 Conduct of elections.


The Constitution and  laws of the State of Rhode Island, so far as they may be applicable and  so far as they are consistent with this Charter, shall govern the conduct of Town elections.


Section 2 Canvassing authority.


A Board of Canvassers shall be appointed in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


Section 3 – Elected officials.


A.  Biennially in even-numbered years, on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, the qualified electors  of the Town shall elect five Town Council members and as many members of the school  committee as are necessary  to fill the offices  expiring that year.



B.   Town Council members and  school  committee members shall be elected  at


C.  No qualified voter  shall be ineligible for election to the school  committee by reason  of his or her employment by the Town.


D.   No person elected  or appointed to a Town office shall seek or accept employment in the service of the Town during his or her term  of office and  for one year after leaving office, other  than  employment that  was held  at the time  of the officials election or appointment to office  or on the date of approval of this subsection.


Section 4 Form of ballot.


A.  The names  of candidates for Town Council and  school  committee shall be arranged opposite the title of the office  to be filled. The order  of the names  on the ballot shall be determined by a lottery conducted by the Board of Canvassers. All candidates shall be listed  on the ballot in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Rhode Island.

B.  No more  than  one candidate's name shall appear in each horizontal line.


C.  The Board of Canvassers shall determine the arrangement of ballots except  as provided in this Charter and  except  as otherwise provided by the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


Section 5 Vacancy in elective office.


A.  The Town Council shall declare  that  a vacancy exists in any elective Town office  if the incumbent dies, submits a written resignation to the Office of the Town Clerk, ceases to be qualified as an elector, or is convicted of a felony or a crime  involving moral turpitude.


B.  If a Town Council seat or a school  committee seat becomes vacant, the Town Council shall appoint the unelected candidate who  received the greatest  number of votes for that  office  in the most  recent  general  or special election. If that  person is unavailable, the Town Council shall appoint in sequence the unelected candidates who  received the next greatest  number of votes. Write-in candidates shall not  be considered eligible for appointment as unelected candidates. If no appointee is available from among any of the candidates for that  office in the most  recent  general  or special election, the Town

Council shall appoint a qualified elector  to serve the remainder of the term.


Section 6 Oath of office.


The term  of each elected  official shall begin at the first Town Council meeting following certification of the election by the Board of Canvassers. Before entering upon the duties of his or her office, each official shall make  the following oath  or affirmation, to be administered by a person lawfully qualified to administer oaths:


I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and  obey the Constitution and  laws of the United States of America and  the Constitution and  laws of the State of Rhode Island, that I will observe  the Charter and  the ordinances of the Town of Richmond, and  that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office.


Section 7 Recall of elected officials.


A.  Any elected  Town official may be recalled from office  by the qualified electors of the Town at a special election called for that  purpose.


B.  A recall election shall be initiated by submitting to the Board of Canvassers a petition containing the name of the official whose  recall is sought and  a number of signatures of qualified electors  equal  to twenty-five percent of the number of votes cast in the most  recent  general  election. Each signature shall be accompanied by an address. Each person who  obtains signatures on a petition shall swear or affirm under oath  that the persons who  signed the petition did  so in the presence of the person who  obtained the signatures.


C.  Within seven business days of receipt of the petition, the Board of Canvassers shall certify the number of valid signatures. If the petition contains the sufficient number of signatures, the Office of the Town Clerk  shall, within seven days of the date of certification, notify the official by certified mail, return receipt requested, that  the recall petition has been submitted. The Board of Canvassers shall arrange with  the Secretary

of State for a special  recall election to be conducted no more  than  sixty days after the date on which the signatures were certified. The ballot question shall be stated  as follows: “Shall [name of incumbent] be recalled  from office?” If the official whose  recall is sought submits a written resignation from office  no fewer than  thirty days before  the date set for the recall election, the recall election shall not  take place.


D.  A separate  petition shall be submitted for each official whose  recall is sought. The recall of  more  than  one official may  be sought in the same election, provided that  a separate  question appears on the ballot for each official whose  recall is sought.


E.  An official shall be recalled  only  by an affirmative vote of a majority of qualified electors  casting ballots, and  if the number of ballots cast is equal  to thirty percent of the number of electors  who  participated in the most  recent  general  election. A recall shall take effect when  the Board of Canvassers certifies the election result. The vacancy in office  shall be filled  according to the provisions of Section 5 of this Article.


Section 8 Voter initiative and  referendum.


A.   The qualified electors  of the Town shall have the right to initiate the enactment, amendment, and  repeal  of Town ordinances.


B.  Enactment, amendment, or repeal  of an ordinance shall be initiated by submitting to the Board of Canvassers a petition containing a number of signatures of qualified electors  equal  to ten percent of the number of votes cast in the most  recent general  election. Each signature shall be accompanied by an address. Each person who obtains signatures on a petition shall swear or affirm under oath  that  the persons who signed the petition did  so in the presence of the person who  obtained the signatures. A copy  of the ordinance proposed for enactment, amendment, or repeal  shall be attached to the petition. A separate  petition shall be required for each enactment, amendment or repeal or each group of related enactments, amendments, or repeals.


C.  Within seven business days of receipt of the petition, the Board of Canvassers shall certify the number of valid signatures. If the petition contains the sufficient number of signatures, the Board of Canvassers shall forward the petition to the Town Clerk, who  shall place the enactment, amendment, or repeal on the agenda of the next regular Town Council meeting.  At that  meeting, the Town Council shall order  that notice be given  of a public hearing on the proposed ordinance enactment, amendment

or repeal in the manner required by Article 3, Section 5 of this Charter. The notice shall state that  the proposed enactment, amendment or repeal was initiated by petition.

D.   Upon receipt of the petition, the Town Clerk  shall forward it to the Town Solicitor, who  shall within fourteen days of receipt of the petition render a written opinion to the Town Council as to the legality of the proposed enactment, amendment or repeal.


E.  At the public hearing, the Town Council shall make  public the Town Solicitors opinion. If in the opinion of the Town Solicitor the proposed enactment, amendment or repeal  is legally infirm, the Town Council shall not  enact it.


F.  If after public hearing the Town Council does not  approve the enactment, amendment, or repeal  in substantially the same form as it was proposed for reasons other than  its legal infirmity, a referendum on the enactment, amendment or repeal shall be placed on the ballot of a general  or special election within sixty days of the date for which notice was given of the public hearing before  the Town Council. The enactment, amendment or repeal shall appear on the ballot in its entirety. If a majority of qualified electors  approve the enactment, amendment or repeal, it shall take effect on the day the Board of Canvassers certifies the result of the referendum.


G.   Any petitioner shall have the right to challenge the opinion of the Town

Solicitor by seeking a declaratory judgment in the Superior Court.


Section 9 Term limits.  (Reserved.)


ARTICLE 3 Town Council.


Section 1 Term and  qualifications.


A.  A Town Council consisting of five members shall be elected  at large in the manner provided by Article 2 of this Charter. Town Council members shall serve for a term  of two years or until a successor  Town Council is elected  and  qualified.


B.  Members of the Town Council shall be qualified electors  in Richmond. The Town Council shall be the judge of the qualifications of its members to hold office, and for that  purpose shall have the power to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths  or affirmations, and  compel the production of evidence.


Section 2 Compensation.


Town Council members shall receive  compensation for the performance of their responsibilities in amounts determined by the annual budget referendum.


Section 3 Organization and  conduct of meetings.


A.  Each newly-elected Town Council shall first meet on the Tuesday after the Board of Canvassers certifies the election of at least three members. At that  meeting, the Town Council shall elect a president and  a vice president from among its members. The Town Clerk  shall preside at the meeting until the president has been elected.


B.  The president shall be the chief  executive of the Town, shall sign all contracts on behalf of the Town, and  shall preside at all meetings of the Town Council. The vice president shall carry out the duties of the president during the president's absence  or disability. The president shall not  be disqualified from voting on account of his or her office.


C.  The Town Council shall meet regularly at least once in each month at a time and  place established by ordinance or resolution.  Special meetings may be called by the president or by three members. A quorum shall consist of three members. Each member shall have one vote.   An affirmative vote of a majority of members present shall be necessary  to approve a motion or to take any official action. The Town Council may adopt rules and  regulations governing the conduct of its meetings.


Section 4 Authority and  responsibilities.


The Town Council shall have the authority to:


A.  Enact, amend, and  repeal  ordinances to preserve  the public peace, health, safety, comfort, and  welfare, to protect the natural environment, and  to manage the property, affairs, and  government of the Town, without limitation and  not  inconsistent with the Constitution and  laws of the State of Rhode Island;


B.  Appoint or remove a Town Administrator in the manner provided by Article

4, Section 1 of this Charter.


C.  Appoint and  remove all Town employees, including department heads.

D.  Appoint and  remove a Town Moderator and  a Town Sergeant.

E.   Appoint members of boards and  commissions, and  appoint trustees  of trusts, as provided by this Charter, the laws of the State of Rhode Island, and  the ordinances of the Town.


F.  Establish, by ordinance or resolution, boards, commissions, or committees, including ad hoc committees, that  in the judgment of the Town Council are necessary for the orderly and  efficient management of the Town, and  appoint the members of those boards, commissions, or committees.


G.   Determine the amount of the bond of any Town officer or employee whose bonding is required by this Charter, by the laws of the State of Rhode Island, or by the ordinances of the Town.


H.  Arrange for the annual audit prescribed by Article 5, Section 1. G. of this


I.  Order an audit of the accounts of the Town, or of any department or agency  of the Town, when in the judgment of the Town Council such an audit is necessary.


J.   Investigate the conduct of any employee, department, or agency  of the Town, and  for that  purpose subpoena witnesses, administer oaths  or affirmations, and  compel the production of evidence.


K.  Take any action necessary  to give effect to any vote at the annual budget referendum authorizing borrowing or the issuance of bonds for any purpose, in accordance with the laws of the State of Rhode Island, determine the maximum sum to be levied in taxes based on the approved budget, and  authorize the collection of taxes.


L.   Establish by ordinance any Town department, office, or agency, consistent with this Charter and  the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


M.  Issue, suspend, or revoke  licenses  as provided by this Charter, the ordinances of the Town, and  the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


N.  Ratify all Town contracts and  agreements, including but  not  limited to collective bargaining agreements.


O.   Borrow money in each fiscal year in anticipation of the receipt of the taxes

due or to become due in that  fiscal year, by resolution and  in accordance with the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


Section 5 Procedure for ordinance enactment.


A.  The Town Council may act by ordinance, resolution, or rule, provided that amendment or repeal  of an existing ordinance, and  establishment or abolition of any Town department or office, shall be done by ordinance. An  ordinance that  repeals or amends all or part of an existing ordinance shall set out in full the ordinance, section, or subsection to be repealed or amended. Text to be repealed shall be struck  through and text to be added shall be underlined.


B.  No ordinance except  an emergency ordinance shall be acted upon at the meeting at which it was introduced, but  shall be referred to a subsequent meeting for a public hearing. The proposed ordinance or amendment shall be posted on the Towns website at least seven days before  the date of the public hearing. The posting shall state the date, day, time, and  location of the public hearing. The Town Clerk  shall post a copy of the proposed ordinance or amendment in the Town Clerks office. Any change to the posted ordinance must  be presented during the public hearing.


C.  Every ordinance shall become effective upon passage unless another effective date is specified. Every ordinance adoption, amendment, or repeal  shall be authenticated by the signature of the Town Clerk  and  shall be recorded in a book kept for that  purpose.

Section 6 – Emergency ordinances.


The Town Council may  enact an emergency ordinance on the day of its introduction in an emergency affecting the public health, safety, welfare  or the environment, or in an emergency in which persons or property are endangered. Such  an ordinance shall specifically state the nature of the emergency and  shall automatically be repealed sixty days after its enactment.


Section 7 Direction of Town employees.


Individual Town Council members shall not  assign or direct the responsibilities of Town employees, either directly or through the Town Administrator. The Town Council shall assign or direct the responsibilities of Town employees only  by a majority vote and through the Town Administrator.


ARTICLE 4 Administration. Section 1 Town Administrator.


A.  The Town Council shall appoint a Town Administrator to supervise the business of the Town government at its direction. The appointment shall be made solely on the basis of executive, administrative, and  educational qualifications. The Town Council shall review  the Town Administrators performance annually.


B.  The Town Administrator shall be the chief administrative officer of the Town. It shall be the responsibility of the Town Administrator to:


1.   Submit to the Town Council a list of qualified candidates for department directors. The Town Council may make  an appointment from among the candidates submitted, may ask the Town Administrator to submit additional candidates, or may  ask the Town Administrator to readvertise the position.


2.  Supervise and  coordinate the administrative activities of the Town and the performance of each department, office, and  agency, implement an annual review  of the performance of all employees, including department directors, and   submit to the Town Council an annual report on the performance of each department.


3.   Submit to the Town Council a list of persons qualified to serve as Town

Moderator and  Town Sergeant.


4. Discipline and  suspend Town employees, including department directors, provided that  the Town Administrator shall immediately notify the Town Council of such discipline or suspension.


5.  Recommend to the Town Council the removal of any department director.

6.  Designate a temporary replacement in the event  of the absence  or disability of a department director, provided that  the Town Administrator shall immediately notify the Town Council of such appointment.


7.  Supervise the negotiation of all collective bargaining agreements.


8.  Maintain an inventory of all Town property and assets.


9.  Annually prepare and  present to the Town Council a five-year  capital improvement plan  and  budget.


10. Ensure that  all laws and  ordinances of the Town are enforced, that  all franchises, permits, and  privileges granted by the town are observed, and  that all contracts made by the Town are performed.


11.  Perform any other  duties required by this Charter or by ordinance of the

Town or assigned by the Town Council.


12. Act as the Purchasing Agent.


C. A Town Administrator shall be appointed according to the following procedure:


1.   The Town Council shall appoint a committee of at least three members to recommend candidates for the position.  The committee shall include at least one Town Council member.


2.  The committee shall advertise the position through professional

organizations, in a publication of statewide or greater  circulation, and  through other  methods of dissemination, and  shall review  applications and  interview applicants.


3.  The committee shall submit the names  of no fewer than  two candidates to the Town Council. The Town Council may appoint one of the candidates as Town Administrator by a majority vote, may ask the committee to submit additional candidates, or may  ask the committee to readvertise the position.


D.  The Town Administrator shall designate a department director to exercise the powers and  carry out the responsibilities of the Town Administrator in the event  of his or her temporary absence. No such designee shall serve as interim Town Administrator for more  than  thirty days without Town Council approval. If the Town Administrator fails to or is unable to designate an interim Town Administrator, or in the event  of the Town Administrators incapacity, resignation, or death, the Town Council shall appoint an interim Town Administrator to serve until a Town Administrator is appointed.


Section 2 Departments.

A.  There shall be a Department of Public Works headed by a Director. The department shall be responsible for maintaining the Town's public streets, bridges, and buildings, coordinating the activities of the tree warden, and  performing any other duties required by the ordinances of the Town or assigned by the Town Administrator.


B.  There shall be a Department of Planning headed by a Town Planner. The department shall carry out all the planning functions related to land  use, environmental protection, and  economic development required by this Charter, the ordinances of the Town, and  the laws of the State of Rhode Island, and  shall provide administrative assistance to the Planning Board and  the Zoning Board of Review.


C.  There shall be a Building and  Zoning Department headed by a Director. The department shall be responsible for administration and  enforcement of the state building code, the zoning ordinance, and  the state housing maintenance code, and  any other  function required by the ordinances of the Town or the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


D.  There shall be a Water Department administered by a Director. The department shall be responsible for the operation of the Town's water supply system, the enforcement of ordinances, rules and  regulations governing water service, and capital planning.


E.  There shall be a Recreation Department supervised by a Recreation Commission and  administered by a Director. The department shall be responsible for operation and  staffing of recreation programs.


F.  The Town Council may provide by ordinance for the appointment of a Town



G.  The Town Council may provide by ordinance for the appointment of an

Economic Development Director.


H. There shall be a Police Department headed by a Police Chief. The department shall be responsible for the preservation of the public peace,  prevention of crime, apprehension of criminals, protection of the rights and property of persons, and enforcement of the ordinances of the Town and  the laws of the State of Rhode Island. The Police Chief and  other  members of the department shall have all the powers and duties now  or hereafter conferred by the laws of the State of Rhode Island and  the ordinances of the Town.


1.   The Police Chief shall be appointed by the Town Council. The Police Chief

shall have at least five years of supervisory or administrative experience in law enforcement.


2.  All police officers below  the rank  of Chief shall be appointed or promoted by

the Town Council upon the recommendation of the Police Chief. The Police Chief shall promulgate rules and  regulations for the conduct of all members of the department.


I. There shall be an Emergency Management Agency, headed by a Director, to plan  and  coordinate the Town's response to any occurrence or imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury,  loss of property, or loss of life. The Town Council shall provide by ordinance for the establishment of the Emergency Management Agency pursuant to the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


J. There shall be an Office of the Town Clerk, headed by a Town Clerk.


1.  It shall be the responsibility of the Town Clerk  to:


a)  Make and  keep a record of all proceedings and  official acts of the Town Council, and  give notice of all Town Council meetings in the manner provided by the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


b) Issue a warrant to the Town Sergeant requiring written notification to be posted of the annual budget referendum as required by Article 5, Section 3.C. of this Charter.

c)  Serve as the clerk of the Board of Canvassers and  the Probate Court. d) Record and  maintain deeds  and  other  documents that  are recorded

pursuant to the laws of the State of Rhode Island, issue birth and  death certificates and  marriage licenses  and  keep a record of vital  statistics pursuant

to the laws of the State of Rhode Island, and  serve as the custodian of the

Town Seal and  all official Town documents and  records.


e)  Issue licenses  and  collect  fees required by the laws of the State of Rhode

Island and  by Town ordinance.


f) Serve as the custodian of the zoning ordinance, including the official zoning map.


g) Undertake any other  responsibilities prescribed by this Charter, the ordinances of the Town, and  the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


2.  The Town Clerk  and  deputy shall be bonded in the amount provided by ordinance.


Section 3 Boards and  Commissions.


The Town Council shall provide by ordinance for the establishment and

additional responsibilities of the following boards and  commissions, as well as any other

board, commission, committee or agency  it determines to be necessary  for the orderly and  efficient management of the Town.


A.  A Building Code Board of Appeal consisting of five members appointed in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Rhode Island. The Building Code Board of Appeal shall hear appeals from determinations of the Building Official and  grant  relief from the provisions of the building code. The Building Code Board of Appeal also shall serve as the Housing Board of Review. Members shall serve without compensation.


B.  A Conservation Commission appointed by the Town Council. The Conservation Commission shall promote and  protect the natural resources of the Town by providing advice and  information to the Town Council and  other  Town officials and departments. Members shall serve without compensation.


C.  An Economic Development Commission appointed by the Town Council. The Economic Development Commission shall provide advice and  information to the Town Council, other  Town officials and  departments, and  to the business community to promote the industrial and  commercial vitality of the Town in a manner consistent with the environmental policies contained in the Comprehensive Community Plan. Members shall serve without compensation.


D.  An Elder Affairs Commission appointed by the Town Council. The Elder Affairs Commission shall advise the Town Council and  other  town officials and departments on matters of particular interest to older  citizens. Members shall serve without compensation.


E.  A Planning Board consisting of seven members appointed by the Town Council. The Planning Board shall prepare updates to the Comprehensive Community Plan, shall adopt and  administer land  development and  subdivision regulations, and shall undertake any other  duties required by the laws of the State of Rhode Island and the ordinances of the Town. Members shall serve without compensation.


F.  A Recreation Commission appointed by the Town Council. The Recreation Commission shall provide advice and  information to the Town Council and  to other Town officials and  departments about recreational facilities and  programs to serve the citizens of the Town. Members shall serve without compensation.


G.  A Zoning Board of Review consisting of five full members and  two alternate members appointed by the Town Council. The Zoning Board of Review shall have the authority and  duties prescribed by the laws of the State of Rhode Island and  the ordinances of the Town. The Zoning Board of Review also shall serve as the Planning Board of Appeal. Members shall serve without compensation.


Section 4 Courts.


A.  Probate Court.

1.  There shall be a Probate Court headed by a Probate Judge, who  shall have all of the powers and  duties prescribed by the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


2.  The Probate Judge shall be a member in good standing of the Rhode Island Bar and  shall have practiced probate law for not  less than  five years.


3. The Town Council shall appoint the Probate Judge for a term  concurrent with  the Town Council's term  in office. The Probate Judge shall receive compensation in an amount determined at the annual budget

referendum. He or she shall serve until his or her successor is appointed.  The

Town Council shall fill any vacancy in office  for the remainder of the term.


4. If the Probate Judge is unable to serve because  of absence, disability, or for any other  reason, a Town Solicitor shall have the authority to temporarily assume  the duties of the Probate Judge.


B.  Municipal Court.  The Town Council may  by ordinance establish a Municipal

Court in accordance with R.I. General Laws § 45-2-63.


C.  Juvenile Hearing Board. (Reserved)


Section 5 Rural Preservation Land Trust.


A.  Pursuant to the authority conferred by the laws of the State of Rhode Island, the Town shall have a Rural Preservation Land Trust to acquire, hold, and  maintain property and  interests in property in order  to preserve  open spaces, protect natural resources, and  provide public land  for recreation.


B.  The Trust shall be administered by seven Trustees appointed by the Town Council. Trustees shall be qualified electors  of the town, shall serve without compensation, and  shall hold office  until their  successors have been  appointed. No Trustee shall be an elected  officer or paid employee of the Town.


Section 6 Town Solicitor.


A.  The Town Council shall appoint one or more  Solicitors to represent the Town in civil or criminal proceedings brought by or against the Town or any of its

departments or officials and  to provide legal advice to Town officials, employees,

departments, boards, and commissions.


B.   Solicitors shall be members in good standing of the Rhode Island Bar and shall have practiced law for not  less than  five years.


C.   Solicitors shall be appointed for a one-year term  commencing on the first day of February.  Solicitors shall receive  compensation in an amount determined by the

annual budget referendum. The Town Council shall fill any vacancy in office for the remainder of the term.


ARTICLE 5 Finance


Section 1 Administration.


A.  The Town Council shall appoint a Finance Director to supervise and administer the Town's finances. The Finance Director shall be responsible for accounting, budget administration, control and  disbursement of expenditures, investment of Town money, and  any other  related responsibilities required by this Charter, the ordinances of the Town, and  the laws of the State of Rhode Island, including but  not  limited to the duties of Treasurer.  A deputy shall be appointed who shall have the authority to exercise the powers of the Finance Director in his or her absence. The Finance Director and  deputy shall be bonded in the amount provided by ordinance.


B.  The Town Council shall appoint a Tax Assessor who  shall be responsible for carrying out all of the property assessment duties and  functions prescribed by the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


C.  The Town Council shall appoint a Board of Tax Assessment Review consisting of three qualified electors  of the Town who  shall serve staggered three-year terms. The Town Council shall fill any vacant seat for the unexpired term. The board shall hear and consider any property owner's appeal of the Tax Assessor's valuation of his or her property. If the board determines that  the valuation of any property has been

incorrectly assessed, the board shall have authority to order  a correction. The Town Council shall provide by ordinance for the organization of the board and  for the manner of receiving, considering, and  disposing of appeals.


D.  The Town Council shall appoint a Tax Collector to collect  and  receive all taxes and  other  assessments due and  payable to the Town. The Tax Collector shall be bonded in the amount provided by ordinance.


E. The fiscal year of the Town shall begin on the first day of July  and  shall end on the last day of the following June.


F.  The Town shall have the authority to exercise all of the power conferred by the laws of the State of Rhode Island to borrow money and  incur bonded indebtedness, provided that  no borrowing that  would increase the Town's aggregate outstanding principal indebtedness to three percent of the full assessed value of taxable property in the Town, not  including borrowing in anticipation of taxes, shall be incurred unless it is first approved by a majority of the qualified electors  at a general  or special election, an annual budget referendum, or a special  referendum.


G.  In every fiscal year, the Town Council shall provide for an independent audit of the financial records  of the Town to be performed by a certified public accountant in

conformance with generally accepted auditing standards applicable to municipalities. The audit report shall be a public record.


Section 2 Budget adoption.


A. Board of Finance.


1. There shall be a Board of Finance consisting of five members appointed

by the Town Council. The Town Administrator and  the Finance Director shall be ex-officio members. Voting members shall be qualified electors  of the

Town and  shall serve staggered five-year terms  commencing on the first day

of December. No voting member shall be an elected  officer or paid employee of the Town. The Town Council shall provide by ordinance for

the manner of appointment.


2. The Board of Finance shall conduct public meetings at which officials

and  employees of the Town and  members of the public shall be provided an opportunity to make  recommendations for the adjustment of proposed



B.  Budget Preparation. A budget shall be proposed for consideration and approval by the qualified electors  at the annual budget referendum according to the following procedure:


1. The Town Administrator shall receive  budget requests from Town departments, offices, and  agencies and  funding requests from nonprofit community service organizations no later than  the fifteenth day of January of each year, shall prepare a draft  preliminary budget, and  shall submit that budget to the Board of Finance no later than  the fifteenth day of February of each year.


2. The Town Administrator shall prepare a final version of the proposed budget, taking into consideration the recommendations of the Board of Finance, and shall submit the proposed budget to the Town Council no  later than  the last business day of March of each year.


3.   The Town Council shall conduct two public hearings to provide members of the public an opportunity to recommend adjustments to the proposed budget. The first public hearing shall take place during a regularly-scheduled Town Council meeting in April. The Town Clerk  shall provide notice of both public hearings at least ten days before  the date of the first public hearing by posting the date, time, and  location of each public hearing on the Towns website. After consideration of the information submitted during the public hearings, the Town Council shall, no later than  the twenty-first day of May of each year, vote to approve a budget to submit to the qualified electors  at the annual budget referendum.

Section 3 Annual budget referendum.


A. No later than  the fourteenth day of June of each year, the qualified electors shall vote at an annual budget referendum on approval of a municipal budget for the next fiscal year and  on approval of the issuance of bonds or borrowing of money pursuant to the laws of the State of Rhode Island.


B.  No later than  ninety days before  each annual budget referendum, the Town Council shall determine the date of the referendum, the location or locations of polling places,  and  the hours during which the polling place or places will be open.


C.  The Town Clerk  shall issue a warrant to the Town Sergeant requiring written notification to be posted of the date of the referendum, the location or locations of polling places, the hours during which polling places will be open, the proposed amount to be expended in total, and  the location or locations where  a copy  of the proposed budget in its entirety may be obtained. The warrant shall be posted in three public places in the Town at least ten days before  the date of the referendum. The Town Clerk shall cause notice of the referendum to be published on the Towns website.


D. If the qualified electors  at the annual budget referendum do not  approve the proposed budget, the Town Council may schedule a second referendum on the approval of a revised budget in compliance with  Article 5, Section 3.C. of this Charter. Until the second referendum takes place,  expenditures during the new fiscal year, other  than  debt service payments and  payments due to the Chariho Regional School District, shall be limited to the amount authorized for each department in the approved budget for the previous fiscal year, allocated on a quarterly basis.


E. If the Town Council does not  schedule a second budget referendum, or if the revised budget is not  approved at the second budget referendum, expenditures for the new fiscal year, other  than  debt  service payments and  payments due to the Chariho Regional School District, shall be limited to the total  amount authorized in the approved budget for the previous fiscal year. The Town Administrator shall prepare a revised budget allocating the total  amount among departments. The revised budget shall take effect upon approval by the Town Council.


F. The Town Council shall have the authority to schedule a special  referendum in the manner provided in this Section for the purpose of authorizing borrowing or the issuance of bonds.


ARTICLE 6 Deportment of Public Officials.


The people of the Town believe that  public officials should be held  to a high standard of behavior and  should, at minimum, adhere to the following standards:


1.   The business of the Town must  be conducted in an open, efficient, fair, and honorable manner that  enables  the citizens to make  informed decisions.

2.  Public officials should be accountable for their own  actions. They should observe  both the letter and  the spirit of the law. They should take whatever steps are necessary  to prevent other  public officials from engaging in improper conduct.


3.   Every public official has a duty to improve the way government works  by suggesting reforms that  will increase  efficiency, economy, and  accountability.


4.   Public officials are trustees  of the public's funds. They should hold, invest, and  spend those funds with integrity and  for the purpose of obtaining the greatest  public benefit.


5.   Public officials should conduct their personal and  professional lives in a manner that  shows they are worthy of public confidence and  respect.


ARTICLE 7 The Charter. Section 1 Transitional provisions.


A.  All provisions of this Charter that  do not  require validation by the General Assembly shall take effect on the first Monday after the Board of Canvassers certifies the result of the election at which the qualified voters of the Town adopt this Charter.


B.  All ordinances, resolutions, rules, and  regulations of the Town that  are consistent with  this Charter shall remain in effect until repealed. All ordinances, resolutions, rules,  and  regulations that  are inconsistent with this Charter shall remain in effect until superseded by ordinances, resolutions, rules, or regulations that  are consistent with this Charter.


C.  It is the intent of the qualified voters of the Town that  the provisions of this Charter supersede any inconsistent legislation enacted by the General Assembly specifically for the benefit of the Town.


D.   All contracts or obligations entered into by the Town prior to the effective date of this Charter shall continue in full force and  effect.  Nothing in this Charter shall affect the validity of any pending action or proceeding, civil or criminal, in law or in equity, brought by or against the Town.


E.   All departments, boards, commissions, and  agencies whose  operation is inconsistent with this Charter, and  all officers, officials, and  employees whose  terms  of office  or duties are inconsistent with  this Charter, shall continue in office, in effect, or in operation, as the case may be, until the Town Council has enacted superseding legislation consistent with this Charter.


Section 2 Construction.




A.  The provisions of this Charter shall be liberally construed in favor  of the


B.  If any clause, section, or other  part of this Charter is held  invalid by a court  of competent jurisdiction, the judgment of the court  shall not  affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of the Charter.


Section 3 Amendment.


A.   No less frequently than  every seventh year after adoption of this Charter, the Town Council shall appoint a Charter Review Commission of no fewer than  seven qualified electors  of the Town. The Charter Review Commission shall examine the utility of the Charter in its current form and  shall recommend to the Town Council any amendments its members believe are necessary  for the efficient operation of the Town government.


B.   The Town Council may at any time propose amendments to the Charter. Amendments shall be submitted to the qualified electors  of the Town for approval at any regular or special  election. Amendments approved by a majority of qualified electors shall take effect on the date stated  in the amendment.


C.   The Town Council shall have the authority to enact an ordinance consistent with  this Charter that  provides a procedure for Charter amendment.  The ordinance may provide that  proposed amendments need  not  appear in their entirety on the ballot.





Adopted 4 November 2008

Amended 2 November 2010

Amended 6 November 2012

Amended 4 November 2014

Amended 10 November 2015

Amended 8 November 2022

Published by ClerkBase
©2025 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.