Chapter 18.22



            18.22.010        Purposes.

            18.22.020        District defined.

            18.22.030        Applicable ordinance provisions.

            18.22.040        Dimensional regulations.

            18.22.050        Parking.

            18.22.060        Building materials.

            18.22.070        Buildings containing commercial uses.

            18.22.080        Special use permits.


18.22.010  Purposes.  The purposes of this district are to preserve the historic character of Shannock Village by ensuring that building maintenance and new construction reflect the village’s architectural heritage as a mill village with structures and features dating from several architectural periods, and to encourage the village’s economic vitality by permitting commercial and mixed-use development and redevelopment. These ordinance provisions are intended to be complementary to the ordinance provisions applicable to the areas of the village located in Charlestown. Establishment of this district implements the policy directives of the Comprehensive Community Plan by encouraging development that protects the Town’s historical heritage.

(Ord. dated 8-12-14)


18.22.020  District defined.  The boundaries of the district are delineated on the Zoning Map. The following lots are located in the district: Assessors Plat 10 D lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11-2, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 25-2, 25-3, 25-4, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 35-2, 35-3, 35-4, 35-5, 35-6, 35-7, 35-8, 35-9, 35-10, 35-11, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 44-2, and 60; and Assessor's Plat 10E lot 1. 

(Ord. dated 8-12-14)


18.22.030  Applicable ordinance provisions.

A.  The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all property within the district.


B.  Property owners are advised to consult “Shannock Historic Mill Village - Design Guidelines for Building in the Village,” dated October 30, 2010, by the Horsley Witten Group, available from the Planning Department and on the Town website. The design guidelines, except those also contained in sections 18.22.060 and 18.22.070, are voluntary. The requirements of sections 18.22.060 and 18.22.070 are mandatory. 

(Ord. dated 8-12-14)


18.22.040  Dimensional regulations.  Shannock Village is characterized by buildings situated close to the street that may have little or no front yard, small front steps, entry on the front or side, and stone walls or fences at the street frontage. Lots are typically small and narrow. To preserve the appearance of the village, the following dimensional regulations shall apply in addition to the dimensional regulations in chapter 18.20 of this Title:


A.  New or relocated accessory structures other than garages shall not be located in existing front or side yards. Garages shall be located at least five (5) feet back from the front building line of existing primary structures.

B.  New accessory structures shall be smaller than the principal structure. This subsection shall not apply to buildings used primarily for principal or accessory agricultural uses.

(Ord. dated 8-12-14)


18.22.050  Parking.  Designated parking spaces for residential or non-residential uses are prohibited in front yards. Notwithstanding the requirements of section 18.28.030 of this Title, required parking does not need to be located on or adjacent to the site of the principal use. 

(Ord. dated 8-12-14)


18.22.060  Building materials.

A.  On buildings that are visible from a public street, exterior siding shall be wood clapboard, wood shingles, smooth cementitious clapboard, or vinyl siding with a wood-like appearance. Metal siding, board and batten, shakes, brick, and stone are prohibited. This subsection shall apply only to new buildings and to buildings on which all the exterior siding is being replaced.


B.  In order to minimize change in the character of existing buildings, vinyl siding is permitted to replace the exterior siding on an existing building only if all of the following conditions can be met:

1.   The existing siding cannot be repaired because of the degree of deterioration or damage.

2.   The vinyl siding can be installed without irreversibly damaging or obscuring the building’s architectural features and trim.

3.   The vinyl siding replicates the existing siding in size, profile and finish.


C.  Exterior doors visible from a public street shall be made of wood or shall appear to be made of wood.


D.  Windows shall be wood-cased or vinyl-cased with the appearance of wood. 


E.  New and reconstructed fences visible from a public street shall be constructed of wood, stone, or wrought iron. All other types of fences are permitted only if they are not visible from a public street. Temporary fences such as those to protect gardens are not subject to these restrictions.


F.  Roofing shingles shall be made of wood, slate, asphalt, or composite asphalt in colors traditionally used in New England architecture. Metal roofing is allowed only on accessory structures that are not visible from a public street. 

(Ord. dated 8-12-14)


18.22.070  Buildings containing commercial uses.  The following requirements apply to new buildings and to existing buildings converted wholly or partly to commercial use.


A.  Buildings containing retail uses shall have a principal façade and entrance facing a street or sidewalk. A building may have more than one principal façade and entrance.


B.  Main entrances shall incorporate architectural features that draw attention to the entrance, such as recessed doorways, covered porches, porticos, or awnings.


C.  Internally-illuminated signs are prohibited. Externally-illuminated signs shall have downward-directed, fully-shielded decorative lights that do not obscure the sign face.


D.  Awnings with the name of the business or related information are permitted, provided that only the apron of the awning shall contain printing. Such awnings shall not be considered signs.


E.  Signs mounted on the exterior of a building shall not cover any part of a window.

(Ord. dated 8-12-14)


18.22.080  Special use permits.  Relief from the requirements of sections 18.22.040, 8.22.050, 18.22.060, and 18.22.070 shall be by special use permit. In addition to the requirements in section 18.52.060 of this Title, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the zoning board of review that:

A.  Literal enforcement of this chapter would not contribute materially to preservation of the character of the building or the zoning district, and


B.  There is no reasonable alternative that would more effectively carry out the intent of the ordinance. 

(Ord. dated 8-12-14)



Code ch. 18.20, ch. 18.24, code § 18.52.060.


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