The Town Council of the Town of Richmond hereby ordains that Ch. 18.29 of the Code of Ordinances is amended to read as follows


Chapter 18.29



            18.29.010        Off-street parking required.

            18.29.020        Design requirements.

            18.29.030        Landscaping requirements.    

            18.29.040        Number of parking and loading spaces required.

            18.29.050        Shared parking.

            18.29.060        Drive-through windows.

            18.29.070        Loading areas.


18.29.010  Off-street parking required.  Off-street parking areas for motor vehicles shall be provided for the following:


A.  Construction of any new building for a principal use.


B.  Enlargement of an existing building for a principal use, except a single-family or two-family dwelling, by more than ten thousand (10,000) square feet of gross floor area.


C.  Alteration or redevelopment of an existing principal structure for a change of use from one use code to another.

(Ord. dated 5-16-17)


18.29.020  Design requirements.  Parking and loading areas shall be designed according to the following requirements:


A.  The design shall provide safe traffic circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and accessibility by emergency vehicles.


B.  Required parking shall be located on the same lot as the use it serves or on an adjacent lot. 


C.  Accessible parking spaces shall be provided in the number, size and design required by current federal regulations promulgated under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended.


D.  Parking shall be located on the side or rear of buildings except where physical site constraints make such a location impossible.


E.  Each lot shall have no more than two driveways entering and exiting to a street. To minimize the number of access points to public streets, adjoining parking areas on the same or adjacent lots should be connected. Property owners are strongly encouraged to reduce the number of street entrance and exit points by arranging to share entrances with other uses on the same lot or adjacent lots.


F.  Proposed and existing driveways shall be located at least fifty (50) feet apart unless the dimensions of the lot make such a separation impossible. On corner lots, the principal point of access shall be from the secondary street.


G.  The design shall conform to Sections 13.5 (street dimensions and design), 13.7.3 (pedestrian walkways), 14.1 (construction specifications), and 14.5 (pedestrian walkways adjacent to streets) of the land development and subdivision regulations to the extent those provisions are applicable.


H.  Parking and loading areas shall have a surface of dust-free material. Grassed areas may be used for occasional and overflow parking. Impervious parking areas, including gravel and paved, shall comply with the current edition of the R. I. stormwater design and installation standards manual adopted by the R. I. department of environmental management and the R. I. coastal resources management council.


I.  Standard parking spaces shall be at least nine (9) feet wide and eighteen (18) feet long. Angled parking is permitted. 


J.  One-way aisles shall be at least twelve (12) feet wide. Two-way aisles shall be at least twenty (20) feet wide.


K.  Light fixtures in and adjacent to parking areas shall be those approved by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA). Lamps shall have a maximum of 250 watts.

(Ord. dated 5-16-17)


18.29.030  Landscaping requirements. 

A.  A landscaped parking area is required for every parking area that contains more than ten (10) 10 parking spaces.


B.  At least forty-five (45) square feet of landscaping, consisting of pedestrial walkways, lawn, and vegetation and excluding perimeter buffers, must be provided for each parking space. At least one tree shall be provided for each thirty (30) parking spaces.


C.  Landscaping shall be dispersed throughout the parking area. The landscaped areas may be arranged in any of the following ways.

         1.  In landscape strips at least four feet wide between rows of parking spaces.

         2.  In areas at the ends of rows of parking.

         3.  Between parking spaces within rows of parking.

D.  A perimeter buffer in the form of evergreen vegetation or a solid, opaque fence six (6) feet in height must be provided where a property line abuts land on which dwellings are located within 100 feet of the property line, or where a property line abuts land zoned for residential development.

(Ord. dated 5-16-17)


18.29.040  Number of parking spaces required. 

A. The following number of parking spaces shall be the minimum required for the following uses. See Ch. 18, Section 18.23.060(A) for parking requirements associated with dwelling units in an adaptive reuse mixed use development.


         1.  Single-family or two-family detached dwelling  -- 2 per dwelling unit.

         2.  Dwelling unit in a mixed-use building -- 2 per dwelling unit.

         3.  Multi-family building -- 1½ per dwelling unit.

         4.  Child or adult day care -- 1 per 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area; 6 minimum.

         5.  Nursery, kindergarten, elementary, middle school -- 1.5 per classroom.

         6.  High school, technical or trade school -- 7 per classroom.  

7.  Community service facility, halfway house, homeless shelter -- 1 per 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

         8.  Nursing home, assisted living, continuing care, hospice -- 1 for every 3 beds.

         9.  Hospital or other in-patient facility -- 1 per 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

         10.  Out-patient medical or treatment facility -- 1 per 500 sq. ft of gross floor area.

11.  Indoor recreational facility, community center, gym, private club -- 1 per 330 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

         12.  Theater -- 1 for every 4 seats. 

         13.  Stadium -- 1 for every 4 seats.

         14.  Museum, library -- 1 per 400 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

         15.  Place of worship -- 1 per 100 sq. ft. of gross floor area in main assembly area.

         16.  Professional, general offices -- 1 per 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

         17.  Medical or dental offices  -- 1 per 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area. 

         18.  Financial institution -- 1 per 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

         19.  Hotel or motel -- 1 for each rental room.

         20.  Funeral home -- 20 for each reception room.

         21.  Personal retail services, repair services -- 1 per 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

22.  Retail store 5,000 sq. ft. GFA or less -- 3 per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area; 3 minimum.

23.  Retail store more than 5,000 sq. ft. gross floor area -- 2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

24.  Vehicle sales, service, repairs -- 1 per 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

25.  Bar, lounge, tavern -- 1 per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

26.  Restaurant -- 1 per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

27.  Warehouse -- 1 per 750 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

28.  Manufacturing  -- 1 per 750 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

29.  Indoor horticulture – 1 per 2,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area; 5 minimum.


B.  When more than one use is located on a lot, the number of parking spaces required shall be the sum of the number of spaces required for each use.


C.  Uses not specifically identified shall provide the number of spaces required for the most similar use listed, as determined by the zoning enforcement officer.

(Ord. dated 5-16-17; Ord. dated 1-2-18; Ord. dated 5-21-24)


18.29.050   Shared parking.  The number of parking spaces required may be reduced if two or more uses on the same or different lots are able to share parking areas because their parking demands occur at different times; provided, however, that the number of required spaces shall not be fewer than the number required for the use that requires the greatest number of spaces. To request shared parking spaces, the applicant must submit the following information to the planning board or the zoning board of review:


A.  The plat and lot number of the parking area or areas, the names and addresses of the property owners, and the uses that will share the parking.


B.  The location and number of parking spaces that are being shared.


C.  An analysis showing that the peak parking times for the uses occur at different times of day or days of the week, and that the parking area will be able to accommodate the anticipated parking needs of the uses.


D.  If the parking areas are in different ownership, an easement or deed restriction that guarantees access to the parking for both uses.

(Ord. dated 5-16-17)


18.29.060  Drive-through windows.  For uses with drive-through windows, the parking area shall include additional space for queueing of motor vehicles. Each queueing space shall be nine (9) feet wide and eighteen (18) feet long. The following number of queueing spaces are required:


A. Financial institutions – 6 spaces for a single window; 3 space each for two or more windows.


B.  Restaurants – 6 spaces per window.


C.  Pharmacy – 4 spaces per window.

(Ord. dated 5-16-17)


18.29.070  Loading areas. 

A.  At least one loading area shall be provided for every building or use that ships or receives deliveries in motor vehicles with three or more axles, or keeps one dumpster or more on the premises.


B.  Loading areas shall be of sufficient length, width and clearance height to accommodate the type of vehicle expected to use it. The length must be sufficient to prevent vehicles from projecting into a street right of way.


C.  A dumpster or refuse holding area that is not located in an enclosed structure shall be shielded on three sides by a solid wall, opaque fence, or evergreen plantings. The wall, fence or plantings shall be high enough to shield the dumpster or refuse containers from view.

(Ord. dated 5-16-17)


18.29.080  Review and approval.

A.  For permitted uses, the administrative officer, the technical review committee, or the planning board shall determine the sufficiency of the parking and loading plan during development plan review or land development project approval. The administrative officer, the technical review committee, or the planning board shall have the authority to require additional parking or loading spaces for a particular use, or to reduce the required number of parking or loading spaces for a particular use, provided that the reasons for the increase or reduction are included in the board’s written decision.

(Ord. dated 5-21-24)


B.  For special-permit uses, the zoning board of review or the planning board shall review the parking and loading plan for compliance with the requirements of this Chapter. The zoning board of review or the planning board shall have the authority to increase or decrease the required number of parking or loading spaces for a particular special-permit use based on competent evidence in the record that supports the need for the increase or decrease.

(Ord. dated 5-16-17; Ord. dated 5-21-24)



R. I. Gen. Laws §§ 45-24-33(a)(4)(vi) and (vii), 45-24-33(a)(24)(ii).


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