18.31.010        Definitions.

18.31.020        Performance standards.

18.31.030        Manure management.


18.31.010   Definitions.  For the purposes of this title, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings.


Arena or riding ring – An enclosed outdoor area where animals are ridden or exercised.


Equestrian academy –  A facility that provides daily care to more than three horses, mules, asses, burros, donkeys and where one or more of the following activities take place: riding instruction; hiring of horses for riding; training of horses; and equestrian shows, exhibits, or competitions to which the public may be admitted.


Equestrian boarding or breeding facility – A facility where horses and other equines are boarded or bred that provides daily care to more than three horses, mules, asses, burros, or donkeys.


Paddock or corral – An enclosed outdoor area where animals are confined.


Pasture – An enclosed area where animals graze.

(Ord. dated 11-19-13)


18.31.020   Performance standards.  Equestrian academies and equestrian boarding or breeding facilities shall satisfy the following standards:  


A.  The property shall be at least three (3) acres and have at least fifty (50) feet of frontage on a public street.


B.  The number of animals on the premises shall not exceed twice the number of acres of paddock or corral and pasture.


C.  Paddocks or corrals shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet from a lot line; arenas or riding rings shall be at least one hundred (100) feet from a lot line, and structures housing animals shall be at least fifty (50) feet from the front lot line, one hundred (100) feet from the rear lot line, and thirty-five (35) feet from the side lot line. All other structures shall be at least fifty (50) feet from a lot line. Maximum building coverage shall be ten percent (10%).


D.  No structure shall exceed thirty-five feet (35) in height.


E.  Stormwater runoff from paddocks or corrals and arenas or riding rings shall be diverted from wetlands and wells on the same property or adjacent property.


F.  Outdoor lighting shall use full cut-off fixtures approved by the International Dark Sky Association. Light shall be directed away from adjacent property. Arenas or riding rings shall not be lighted between 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.


G.  Amplified outdoor sound systems shall not be used between 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.


H.  Parking areas shall comply with Chapter 18.29 of this Title. One parking space for each stall shall be provided.

(Ord. dated 11-19-13; Ord dated 1-2-18)


18.31.030   Manure management.

A.  At development plan review, the applicant shall submit a plan for the sanitary storage, disposal or use of all animal waste. The plan may include a composting facility that complies with state department of environmental management regulations. The plan must be approved by the U.S. department of agriculture natural resources conservation service (NRCS).


B.  Manure shall not be stored or composted within one hundred (100) feet of a lot line or well, or within two hundred (200) feet of a wetland or stormwater drainage feature.  


C.  Stormwater runoff from manure storage or composting areas shall be diverted from wetlands and wells on the same property or adjacent property.

(Ord. dated 11-19-13)



R.I. Gen. Laws title 2, ch. 22; code ch. 18.29; Code ch. 18.08.


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