The Town Council of the Town of Richmond hereby ordains that Ch. 18.55 of the Code of Ordinances is amended to read as follows:


Chapter 18.55



            18.55.010        Requirements.

            18.55.020        Land development project approval required.

            18.55.030        Special conditions.


18.55.010  Requirements.  Recreational campgrounds may be established by special use permit provided that the following requirements are satisfied:

(Ord. dated 5-21-24)


A.  The lot or parcel on which the campground is located shall contain a minimum of forty acres and shall have frontage on a public street.


B.  The facility shall contain a maximum of eight individual campsites per acre of land, excluding wetlands and excluding land devoted to streets, accessory buildings, accessory structures and accessory uses.


C.  A two-hundred-foot buffer shall be located on the perimeter of the lot or parcel on which the campground is located.  The perimeter buffer, except for that portion adjacent to a public street, shall contain a vegetative buffer consisting of trees, bushes, or other vegetative material or plantings, either original to the site or planted, that shields the campground from the view of adjacent property.  The vegetative buffer shall be located ten feet from the perimeter lot line(s) and shall be a minimum of twenty-five feet wide and a minimum of ten feet in height. The planning board shall review the plan for landscaping the vegetative buffer during major land development approval.

(Ord. dated 5-21-24)


D.  No campsite, accessory building, accessory structure or accessory use, stormwater management structure or facility, or on-site wastewater treatment system shall be located within the two-hundred-foot perimeter buffer. Wells may be located within the two-hundred-foot perimeter buffer.


E.  The campground shall comply with all local ordinances and state statutes regulating such facilities. 

(Ord. dated 5-21-02(part); Ord. dated 7-19-16)


18.55.020  Land development project approval required.  A recreational campground must be approved by the planning board as a major land development project.

(Ord. dated 5-21-02(part); Ord. dated 7-19-16; Ord. dated 5-21-24)


18.55.030  Special conditions.  When granting a special use permit under this chapter, the planning board shall have the authority to impose any special conditions required to promote the intent and purposes of the comprehensive community plan and this title. Any such special conditions shall be based on competent credible evidence entered into the record of the public hearing.  Such conditions shall be included in the planning board’s written decision. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, provisions for:

(Ord. dated 5-21-24)


A.  Minimizing the adverse impacts of the use or development on surrounding property or uses;


B.  Minimizing adverse impacts on town services and facilities;


C.  Minimizing adverse effects on the environment;


D.  Designating the exact location and nature of development.

(Ord. dated 5-21-02(part); Ord. dated 7-19-16)



R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 45-24-33(a)(9), 45-24-42; 1962 R.I. Acts & Resolves ch 240.


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