Click Video Icon to view the entire meeting or click any video icon below to jump to that section of the meeting.



5 Richmond Townhouse Road

Wyoming, RI  02898

(401) 539-9000



Regular Town Council Meeting

Town Council Chambers

5 Richmond Townhouse Road, Wyoming, RI 02898

August 23, 2022

6:00 P.M.


A.        CALL TO ORDER Video Icon


President Carpenter called the meeting of the Richmond Town Council to order at 6:15 P.M. held on August 23, 2022. This meeting was held In-Person at the Town Council Chambers, 5 Richmond Townhouse Road, Wyoming, RI as well as teleconferenced via Zoom.


B.        ROLL CALL


Town Council Members present in Council Chambers were as follows: Council President Nell Carpenter, Councilor Rich Nassaney, Councilor Ron Newman and Councilor Lauren Cacciola. Vice President Palmisciano was not present. Also present Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth, Town Planner Shaun Lacey, Finance Director Laura Kenyon, Building Official Anthony Santilli, Assistant Town Clerk Kendra Tanguay and Police Chief Elwood Johnson Jr. and Town Clerk Erin Liese.






Council President Carpenter advised tonight would be a moment of recognition for the Emergency Response and volunteers serving at the Washington County Fair.


President Carpenter requested item L1 be moved forward in the agenda.


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Cacciola to move forward item L1 in the agenda. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


L.        NEW BUSINESS Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)                  Discussion and Consideration on the Request of Councilor Ronald Newman for ARPA allocation for current and future Richmond Community/Senior Center


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Cacciola to table item L1 to the next agenda. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


E.        RESOLUTION Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)                  Resolution 2022-15: Adopting the Hazard Mitigation Plan -2022 Update


A motion was made by Councilor Cacciola with second by Councilor Newman to approve the Resolution 2022-15: Adopting the Hazard Mitigation Plan -2022 Update. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


F.         PUBLIC HEARING Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney to open the public hearing on amendments to Chapter 18.12 of the Zoning Ordinance relative to Districts and Maps of Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD) Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


1)                  Discussion and consideration of amendments to Chapter 18.12 of the Zoning Ordinance relative to Districts and Maps of Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD)


Town Planner Lacey explained the following amendments:



Chapter 18.12



            18.12.010        Division into districts.

            18.12.020        Zoning districts defined.

            18.12.030        Official zoning map.


18.12.010  Division into districts.  The zoning ordinance divides the town into the following zoning use districts.  Zoning use districts are depicted by type and location on the official zoning map:





Residential use - 43,560 sq. ft. minimum lot size


Residential use - 87,120 sq. ft. minimum lot size


Residential use - 130,680 sq. ft. minimum lot size


Neighborhood business


General business


Light industrial



AQU Overlay

Aquifer protection overlay


Planned unit development-village center


Planned development


Flex Tech 

AGR Overlay

Agricultural overlay district 


Flood hazard overlay


Shannock Village


Planned Development Resort District


Conservation and Open Space


Public and Governmental


(Ord. dated 12-19-94 (part); Ord. dated 11-16-02; Ord. dated 11-17-02; Ord. dated 9-2-03 (part); Ord. dated 11-19-13; Ord. dated 8-12-14; Ord. dated 6-16-15; Ord. dated 9-20-16; Ord. dated 7-20-21; Ord. dated 8-23-22)


18.12.020  Zoning districts defined. 

A.  Residence 3 (R-3).  This district is located on fragile aquifer, watershed, streambelt, inland wetland and significant adjoining areas as delineated on a map entitled “Richmond, Rhode Island, Showing Area Underlain by the Stratified Drift Deposited” (adopted as the aquifer protection district map by the town of Richmond in 1985).  Permitted uses in this district are limited to low density residential uses not to exceed a density of one dwelling unit per three acres and, by special use permit, low intensity non-residential uses that meet performance standards with regard to groundwater protection.


B.  Residence 2 (R-2).  This district contains areas of the community that are partially or fully developed at an approximated density of one dwelling unit per two acres and areas that are planned for future development of this density.


C.  Residence 1 (R-1).  This district contains areas of the community that are partially or fully developed at an approximated density of one dwelling unit per acre and areas for which this density of development is considered appropriate.


D.  Neighborhood Business (NB).  This district is established to provide areas for small scale retailing and personal service activities, primarily intended to serve the day-to-day needs of persons living nearby.

(Ord. dated 1-19-21)


E.  General Business (GB).  This district is established to provide areas for commercial uses that depend on greater volumes of vehicular traffic and highway related uses.  Typical uses include those which offer accommodations and services to motorists, specialized retail outlets and uses that are more community oriented than those permitted in the neighborhood business district.


F.  Light Industrial (LI).  This district contains land that is considered suitable for more restrictive light manufacturing and related uses, such as commercial offices and warehouses, in order to protect the water quality of adjacent streams and wetlands.


G.  Industrial (I).  This district contains land that is currently in manufacturing use and related uses, and land that is considered suitable for future development in manufacturing.


H.  Planned Development (PD).  This district is in the area of town along Route 138 and Route I-95.  The planned district will allow for a mix of residential and commercial uses with design standards and a unified site design that allows for the clustering of buildings, common open space, building types and land uses. Planned developments require approval by the Planning Board as land development projects or through the development plan review process.


I.  Aquifer Protection Overlay District (AQU). The boundaries of the aquifer protection overlay district coincide with the boundaries of the GAA groundwater quality classification, including the groundwater reservoir and associated recharge areas, delineated on a map prepared by the department of environmental management, office of water resources, groundwater quality rules, and adopted in June 2010. The overlay provides for protection of surface and groundwater resources by preventing contamination of the water supply.

(Ord. dated 12-19-94(part); Ord. dated 6-16-15)


J.  Agricultural Overlay District.  The purpose of the agricultural overlay district is to protect large contiguous areas of prime agricultural soils by imposing special low-density residential development requirements that create parcels reserved for farming. 

(Ord. dated 9-7-10)


K.  Flood Hazard Overlay District (FH).  The purpose of the flood hazard overlay district is to protect the public safety, minimize property damage, protect watercourses from encroachment, and preserve the ability of floodplains to retain and carry off floodwaters. 


L.  Flex Tech (FT). This district incorporates a mixture of general business and light industrial uses in a unified design that provides for clustering of buildings and areas of open space.


M.  Planned Unit Development-Village Center (PUD-VC). This district incorporates a mixture of residential uses at different densities, neighborhood businesses, professional offices, retail uses, governmental uses, and recreational facilities designed to create a distinct “sense of place” that has the scale and character of a traditional New England village center.

(Ord. dated 12-19-94(part), Ord. dated 7-15-97(part); Ord. dated 11-16-02 (part); Ord. dated 11-17-02 (part); Ord. dated 9-7-10; Ord. dated 10-5-10; Ord. dated 11-19-13)


N.  Shannock Village District (SV). The purposes of this district are to preserve the historic character of Shannock Village and to encourage economic vitality by allowing a mixture of residential and commercial uses.

(Ord. dated 8-12-14)


O.  Planned Development Resort District (RD). This district provides regulations for a unified development that includes commercial and non-commercial recreational facilities; hotel and event facilities, restaurants, and limited commercial uses to provide amenities for residents and guests; and a restricted-access residential area.


P.  Conservation and Open Space (COS).  This district is for recreation or conservation land owned by the town, the state, or the federal government, and for public or private land protected from development by open space, conservation, or preservation easements or restrictions.


Q.  Public and Governmental (PUB) This district is for land owned by the town or by another governmental or quasi-governmental entity such as a chartered fire district or a regional school district. 

(Ord. dated 9-20-16; Ord. dated 7-20-21; Ord. dated 8-23-22)


18.12.030  Official zoning map.  The location and boundaries of the zoning districts are established as shown on a map in the custody of the town clerk entitled “Town of Richmond, R.I. – Official Zoning Map,” revised March 2010 to show amendments through October 2009. This map and its subsequent amendments are made a part of this Title.

(Ord. dated 12-19-94; Ord. dated 9-7-10; Ord. dated 11-19-13)



R.I. Gen. Laws § 45-24-36.


No public comment.


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney to close the public hearing on amendments to Chapter 18.12 of the Zoning Ordinance relative to Districts and Maps of Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD) Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Cacciola to approve the amendments to Chapter 18.12 of the Zoning Ordinance relative to Districts and Maps of Planned Unit Development Overlay (PUD) Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


Town Solicitor Ellsworth advised the following item needed further review and requested this be heard at a later date.


2)                  Discussion and consideration of amendments to Chapter 18.20 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding Dimensional Regulations related to height, setbacks and supplemental regulations of uses within the R-3, GB, L1,FT, and PD Zoning Districts


Town Planner Lacey explained the Planning Board review.


Discussion ensued on further review.


A motion was made by Councilor Cacciola with second by Councilor Newman to file amendments to Chapter 18.20 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding Dimensional Regulations related to height, setbacks and supplemental regulations of uses within the R-3, GB, L1,FT, and PD Zoning Districts Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney to open the public hearing on amendments to Chapter 18.53 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding Telecommunication Towers, Antennas and Accessory Structures Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


3)                  Discussion and consideration of amendments to Chapter 18.53 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding Telecommunication Towers, Antennas and Accessory Structures



Town Planner Lacey explained the following amendments:


Chapter 18.53



                                    18.53.010        Title.

                                    18.53.020        Definitions.

                                    18.53.030        General purposes of telecommunication tower chapter.

                                    18.53.040        General requirements for telecommunication towers.

                                    18.53.050        Additional special use permit application requirements.

                                    18.53.060        Development standards.

                                    18.53.070        Advisory development plan review


18.53.010  Title.  This chapter shall be known as Telecommunication Towers, Antennas and Accessory Structures. 

(Ord. dated 10-7-97 (part)); Ord. dated 8-23-22)


18.53.020  Definitions.  As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated.

“Antenna” means any device used in communications which transmits and/or receives telecommunications signals as part of a personal wireless services facility. Examples of such devices include, but are not limited to, dish, panel and whip devices, but do not include structures to which they may be attached.

"Co-location" means an installation wherein more than one wireless communications provider mounts equipment and accessories on a single tower or support structure at one site.

"Telecommunication tower" means a structure intended to support antennas, waveguide and associated equipment for the transmission of signals for wireless communication such as television, radio, radio telephone, telephone or cellular land mobile communications.

 (Ord. dated 10-7-97 (part); Ord. dated 8-23-22)


18.53.030  General purposes of telecommunication tower chapter.  The general purposes of this chapter are:


A.  To manage the total number of towers, and/or antennae, throughout the community;


B.  To encourage installation of towers, and/or antennae, in areas where adverse impacts upon the community are minimized;


C.  To encourage tower, and/or antennae, configuration that minimizes adverse visual impact on the community;


D.  To encourage co-location of equipment.

(Ord. dated 10-7-97 (part); Ord. dated 8-23-22)


18.53.040 General requirements for telecommunication towers.  Any equipment buildings and structures shall be considered accessory to the telecommunication tower and shall meet the yard setback requirements for accessory structures in the zoning district in which they are located.  

(Ord. dated 10-7-97 (part); Ord. dated 8-23-22)


18.53.050 Application requirements for telecommunications towers. 

A.  An application for a special use permit or an application for development plan approval for a telecommunications tower shall include the following information:

            1.         The equipment load carrying capacity for the telecommunication tower and the method by which the calculation was made.

            2.         Evidence that the tower is designed to be as visually unobtrusive as possible given technical, engineering and other pertinent considerations;

            3.         Evidence that the height proposed is the minimum height necessary to accommodate the proposed equipment and to service the area.

            4.         Evidence that co-locations were considered and why those co-locations are inadequate. 


B.  For three continuous weeks before the public hearing, an applicant for a special use permit for a telecommunications tower shall fly a helium balloon at the proposed tower location and at the proposed tower height. The balloon shall be of sufficient size and color to be visible at a distance of one mile.   

(Ord. dated 10-7-97 (part); Ord. dated 8-23-22)


18.53.060 Development standards.  

A.  When the telecommunication tower site abuts a non-residential zoning district, the distance between the base of the telecommunication tower and any abutting property lines, measured from the center of the telecommunication tower, shall be a minimum of one foot for each one foot of telecommunication tower height.


B.  Where the telecommunication tower site abuts a residential zoning district, the distance between the base of the telecommunication tower and abutting property lines, measured from the center of the telecommunication tower, shall be one and one-half feet for each foot of telecommunication tower height.


C.  All telecommunication towers and supports shall be clearly marked for the first fifteen feet above grade so as to be visible at all times. All supports shall meet the minimum yard setback requirements for the zoning district in which they are located, but in no case shall the setback be less than twenty-five feet.


D.  All supports and anchors shall have a minimum of a ten-foot horizontal setback from any overhead utility lines.


E.  All telecommunications towers and poles shall be enclosed by a fence no less than six feet in height or more than ten feet in height from natural grade. Access shall be through a locked gate.  Vegetation shall be planted to screen fences and accessory buildings.


F.  Telecommunication towers shall not be artificially lighted except as required for public safety purposes by federal regulations.


G.  No signs shall be allowed on any telecommunication tower except as required by federal regulations.


H.  All telecommunication towers, together with any accessories, structures or buildings shall be removed from the site within one year from the date that they cease to function. The owner shall notify the building official of cessation of operation and shall immediately commence the removal of the structures and equipment that have ceased to function.


I.  Site location and development shall preserve, as closely as possible, the preexisting character of the abutting lands and surrounding zoning districts.  Insofar as possible, all telecommunication towers, equipment structures and facilities shall be integrated through appropriate location and design to blend with the existing character of the site.


J.  Existing site vegetation shall be preserved or improved, and disturbance of existing topography shall be minimized unless appropriate site development would result in less visual impact of the sight on the surrounding area. 

(Ord. dated 10-7-97 (part); Ord. dated 8-23-22)


18.53.070   Advisory development plan review. Advisory development plan review is required for all telecommunication towers allowed by special use permit. An applicant for a special use permit shall submit an application for advisory development plan review pursuant to Chapter 18.54 of this Title with the special use permit application. The planning board’s review of the development plan shall take place before the public hearing on the special use permit.

(Ord. dated 8-23-22)



R.I. Gen. Laws § 45-24-30(3) (v).



Town Solicitor Ellsworth also explained that this ordinance was outdated.


No public comment.


A motion was made by Councilor Cacciola with second by Councilor Newman to close the public hearing on amendments to Chapter 18.53 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding Telecommunication Towers, Antennas and Accessory Structures Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


A motion was made by Councilor Nassaney with second by Councilor Newman to approve the amendments to Chapter 18.53 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding Telecommunication Towers, Antennas and Accessory Structures Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


G.        CONSENT AGENDA Video Icon

Approval of the Consent Agenda shall be equivalent to approval of each item as if it had been acted upon separately; or items may be removed by the Town Council for review, discussion and/or take Action.

1)                  Approval of Town Council Minutes

a)                  July 12, 2022 (Regular Meeting)

b)                  July 21, 2022 ( Special Meeting)


A motion was made by Councilor Nassaney with second by Councilor Newman to table items G1a & b to the next meeting due to quorum.  Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


2)                  Approval of Town Department Reports

a)         Approval of the Town Clerk’s report for the month of July, 2022

b)         Approval of Tax Collector’s report for the month of July, 2022

c)         Approval of Building, Planning & Zoning report for the month of July, 2022

d)         Approval of Police Department report for the month of June, 2022

e)         Approval of Police Department report for the month of July, 2022

f)         Approval of the Finance Department report for the month of July, 2022


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney to approve items 2a-f.  Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


3)                  Approval of Tax Assessor Abatements dated August 10, 2022


A motion was made by Councilor Nassaney with second by Councilor Newman to approve Tax Assessor Abatements dated August 10, 2022Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


4)                  Approval of Appropriations and Payment of Bills – July 1, 2022 to July 31, 2022


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney to approve Appropriations and Payment of Bills – July 1, 2022 to July 31, 2022.Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


5)                  Approval of  Agreement with the Department of Environmental Management for funding of construction of Richmond Dog Park at 3 County Acres Road, authorization for the Town Administrator to sign the Agreement, and authorization for the Town Administrator to sign and record a Notice of Grant Agreement in the Land Evidence Records



Councilor Newman advised he would be recusing from this matter.


Town Solicitor Ellsworth explained the terms of the contract.


A motion was made by Councilor Nassaney with second by Councilor Cacciola to approve the Agreement with the Department of Environmental Management for funding of construction of Richmond Dog Park at 3 County Acres Road, authorization for the Town Administrator to sign the Agreement, and authorization for the Town Administrator to sign and record a Notice of Grant Agreement in the Land Evidence Records. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


H.        REPORTS Video Icon

Please Note the following items are Status Reports and Matters of Interest to the Council and are for Informational Purposes unless Indicated Otherwise and will be Acted upon in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b)

1)                  Police Chief’s Report: Elwood M. Johnson, Jr. on activities of the Police Department

a)                  Update on Police Recruitment Process

b)                  Discussion and Authorization for Conditional Hiring of  a Police Candidate for RI Municipal Police Training Academy


Chief Johnson reported on the recruitment process and that there were three candidates. He also commented on recent arrest activity.



Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)                  Resignation of  Russell Brown as Zoning Enforcement Officer


Councilor Newman thanked Mr. Brown for his service to the town.


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney to accept the Resignation of Russell Brown as Zoning Enforcement Officer with regret. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


2)                  Request of Bryce Kelley for Appointment to the Planning Board with Term Expiration Date of  January 31, 2025


Mr. Kelley was present via Zoom.


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Cacciola to approve the Request of Bryce Kelley for Appointment to the Planning Board with Term Expiration Date of January 31, 2025. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


J.         LICENSES Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or   take Action on the following items:

1)         Request of Pasquale Farms Garden Center LLC for a Holiday Sales License; located at 421 Kingstown Road


Owners of Pasquale Farms were present and advised they would be operating at the old John and Cindy’s garden center and planned a similar operation.


A motion was made by Councilor Cacciola with second by Councilor Nassaney to approve the Request of Pasquale Farms Garden Center LLC for a Holiday Sales License; located at 421 Kingstown Road. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye




Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)                  Administration update to Council on American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) requests                          (Continued from 7-12-2022)

a)                  Excel Listing of Requests as of August 3, 2022


Finance Director advised you have received an updated listing on requests. She advised $87,500 was recommended by the Finance Board to be approved to RICAN. She also explained 1.9 million had been allocated out of the 2.3 million.


2)                  Council Discussion and Consideration of allocation of ARPA funds                                           (Continued from 7-12-2022)


3)                  Discussion and Consideration of Request of Council President Carpenter for ARPA allocation to the Rhode Island Center Assisting Those in Need (RICAN)


Executive Director Riley from RICAN explained they had received an allocation from Charlestown and the remaining funds were for the roof and solar. He further explained the demographics. He also explained they have a request into Hopkinton but have not heard from them.


Councilor Nassaney questioned how much funding RICAN needed to complete the project. Director Riley advised $87,500.


Director Riley also explained the pandemic effects on RICAN, but assured the public they did not become broke and they had received private and federal funds.


Discussion ensued on RICAN.


A motion was made by Councilor Cacciola with second by President Carpenter to allocate $80,000 of ARPA Funds to RICAN.


Councilor Newman stated he was disappointed in Hopkinton.


Councilor Nassaney advised $80,000 would not be enough to fund the project.


Councilor Newman questioned how many bids were received.


Director Riley advised two bids and some were pending.


Councilor Cacciola and President Carpenter rescinded the above motion.


A motion was made by Councilor Nassaney with second by Councilor Newman to approve the allocation of ARPA Funds to RICAN in an amount not to exceed $87,500 contingent that the allocation would be reduced by a lower bid received within 30-45 days. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


L.        NEW BUSINESS Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

2)                  Discussion and Consideration on the Request of President Carpenter for ARPA allocation- Chariho Youth Task Force


Mr. Dan Fitzgerald, Executive Director from the Chariho Youth Task Force explained his request for $57,500 for ARPA funds. He also advised on the services provide. He explained he has not heard from Charlestown or Hopkinton on allocations.


President Carpenter explained the task force makeup and services provided.


Councilor Cacciola advised this is a great organization for youth and parents.


Councilor Nassaney stated similar services are provided elsewhere and efforts should be combined.


Discussion ensued on services.


A motion was made by Councilor Cacciola with second by Councilor Newman to approve the allocation of ARPA Funds to Chariho Youth Task Force in the amount of $57,500.


Councilor Nassaney stated concern that this had not been vetted by the Finance Board. All requests have been vetted and they do have funds for 10 months to operate so time is not urgent.


Councilor Newman advised he wished to reconsider as it should go before the Finance Board.

Councilor Cacciola did not wish to reconsider.


Councilor Nassaney stated we need to follow the previous practice.


Back to the Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Nay; Councilor Newman, Nay; Councilor Cacciola, Aye (Motion Fails)


A motion was made by Councilor Nassaney with second by Councilor Newman to send the Chariho Youth Task Force request to the Finance Board. Vote: President Carpenter, Nay; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


Finance Director Kenyon questioned the timeframe of the funding.  Executive Director Fitzgerald explained June 30, 2023.


Finance Director Kenyon advised the Finance Board wishes to hear ARPA requests with the operating budget review unless there are timing issues.  She explained that review is in January and February.


3)                  Discussion and Authorization on the Contract with iParametrics for Grant Consultant Services


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney to approve the Authorization on the Contract with iParametrics for Grant Consultant Services. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


4)                  Discussion and Request for Determination of ARPA Split for Emergency Service Providers


Town Solicitor Ellsworth explained that each of the five agencies are receiving an equal split in ARPA funds. Hopkinton is also providing in a similar manner.


Finance Director Kenyon explained each agency would receive $26,500.00.


A motion was made by Councilor Cacciola with second by Councilor Nassaney to approve ARPA allocation in the amount of $26,500 evenly to the five emergency service providers. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


5)                  Authorization for the Town Administrator and Solicitor to sign a Construction and Maintenance Agreement with Rhode Island Department of Transportation Regarding the roundabout at the intersection of Rt. 138 and Rt. 112


Town Solicitor Ellsworth advised they will be provided with a new contract as there are typos so the recommendation is to approve the updated contract agreement.


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney to approve the Authorization for the Town Administrator and Solicitor to sign the updated Construction and Maintenance Agreement with Rhode Island Department of Transportation Regarding the roundabout at the intersection of Rt. 138 and Rt. 112 s. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


President Carpenter requested pulling Communication item e to be discussed at the next meeting.


A motion was made by Councilor Cacciola with second by Councilor Nassaney to file the communications a-d and f-m. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye



The Council may acknowledge any of the listed Communications and Proclamations and Resolutions. Should any member wish to have a conversation on any of the matters, the item will be placed on a future agenda for review, discussion and/or potential action and/or vote.

1)                  Communications Received:

a)         Notice of Assessor’s Statement of Assessed Values and Tax Levy for Tax Roll Year 2022; Assessment as of December 31, 2021

b)         Letter from Richard & Diane Anderson regarding Proposed Subdivision and Commercial Vineyard on Punch Bowl Trail dated July 13, 2022

c)         Letter from Elizabeth A. Johnson regarding Proposed Subdivision and Commercial Vineyard on Punch Bowl Trail dated July 14, 2022

d)         Email from Jaime Marland and Brian Embacher regarding Proposed Subdivision and Commercial Vineyard on Punch Bowl Trail dated July 15, 2022

e)         Email from Helen Sheehan regarding public money for private charities and request of utilization of microphones by the Council dated July 15, 2022

f)         Notice of Board and Commission Vacancies dated July 29, 2022

g)         Press Release from the Richmond Police Dept. dated July 21, 2022

h)         Thank You from Gina M. Picard, Superintendent for APRA Funds allocation

i)          Letter from Andrea Gardiner regarding the Preserve sign dated August 1, 2022

j)          Thank you from New Hope Chapel regarding School Days Outreach Signs

k)         Richmond Senior Center News- August 2022

l)          Notice of 2022 Election Dates and Deadlines

m)        Chariho Regional School District 2021-2022 Annual Report


N.        PUBLIC FORUM Video Icon

Those participating remotely, use the “raise hand” icon at the bottom right side of your screen, or, if you are using a phone, press *9. The moderator will tell you when it is your turn to speak.

Note: During the public forum, town council members may respond to a comment made by a member of the public if that matter is not on the agenda, but town council members may not initiate discussion of a matter not posted, and the town council may not vote on a matter not posted except: To refer the matter to another body or official, or when a vote is necessary to address an unanticipated situation that requires immediate action to protect the public health, safety or welfare.


Louise Dinsmore of Richmond commented why Public Forum is saved to the end. She provided an example as she had comments germane to RICAN. If you hold comment to end we cannot offer views and opinions. You take away the views and voices of the people. She is requesting the Council move Public Forum to the beginning for the reminder of the Term. She spoke on RICAN and do help people in need. However, RICAN the 990 documentation with the IRS has stated that in 2020 they brought in over 2 million dollars in contributions and grants. Last year RICAN had a budget of 337,000 and ended with a surplus and the Town just gave them $87,000 in ARPA funding for a roof and solar. She advised she would have asked if the Chaplain Foundation had been utilized as this would be something they typically would award funding for. Her voice has been taken away as well as other residents. She also questioned if the RI League would provide assistance with what iParametrics contract is providing. She closed by again requesting Council move Pubic Comment to the beginning of the meeting so residents voices are not taken away.


Helen Sheehan of Richmond stated concern with funding private charities such as Wood River for $50,000. We have higher taxes and the reason for insurance is to fund Wood River Health Services. She further stated people cannot afford meat and we need to support our own people.


Mark Reynolds of Richmond commented on the ARPA approval process or lack of process and criteria. He further commented frustration with the process. We started with 2.3 million and are now down to less than 400,000 and there are still town big ticket items left. He stated a process should have been established and deadline implemented. He explained the Finance Board is meeting multiple times outside the scope of their charge. The lack of process is doing a disservice. He explained the YMCA resubmitted have they been told what the process is? We also have Beaver River Playground. He urged a process be established going forward and deadline implemented and all the requests be considered together. He stated they are all great organizations but you cannot fund them all. You run the risk of running out of money with town needs left. He closed by urging the Council to develop a process.


Louise Dinsmore of Richmond echoed what Mr. Reynolds had stated and made similar comments in October of 2021 for a formal process of implementing ARPA funds.


Council convened in Executive Session at 7:47 P.M for the following:


O.        EXECUTIVE SESSION Video Icon

1)                  Request of President Carpenter to enter into Executive Session pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws -42-46-5 (a)(5) – Regarding any discussion or consideration related to the acquisition or lease of real property for public purposes, or of the disposition of publicly held property wherein advanced public information would be detrimental to the interest of the public.


President Carpenter also announced Chief Johnson would be in Executive Session.


A motion was made by Councilor Nassaney with second by Councilor Cacciola to convene in public session at 8:13 P.M. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


A motion was made by Councilor Cacciola with second by Councilor Nassaney to authorize the Town Administrator to enter into negotiations expeditiously of the purchase of the property discussed in Executive Session. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.


A motion was made by Councilor Nassaney with second by Councilor Newman to seal the Executive Session Minutes. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.





A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney to adjourn at 8:14 P.M. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye.





Erin F. Liese, CMC Town Clerk

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