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5 Richmond Townhouse Road

Wyoming, RI  02898

(401) 539-9000





Regular Town Council Meeting

Town Council Chambers

5 Richmond Townhouse Road, Wyoming, RI 02898

December 6, 2022

6:00 P.M.


This meeting will take place in Town Council Chambers, 5 Richmond Townhouse Road, Richmond, RI 02898; however, the public can also observe and participate in the meeting remotely broadcasted on Zoom. The public is invited to observe and participate in the deliberations of this meeting by accessing the meeting link below. For those without access to video observation platforms, you may also call in to listen to the deliberations of this meeting by using the call-in phone number provided herein. To participate during Public Hearing or Public Input you will press *9 to raise your hand.



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A.        CALL TO ORDER Video Icon


President Carpenter called the meeting of the Richmond Town Council to order at 6:00 P.M. held on December 6, 2022.  This meeting was held In-Person at the Town Council Chambers, 5 Richmond Townhouse Road, Wyoming, RI as well as teleconferenced via Zoom.


B.        ROLL CALL


Town Council Members present in Council Chambers were as follows: Council President Nell Carpenter, Vice President James Palmisciano, Councilor Rich Nassaney, Councilor Ron Newman, and Councilor Lauren Cacciola. Also, present Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth, Town Administrator Karen Pinch, Finance Director Laura Kenyon, Police Chief Elwood Johnson Jr., Town Planner Shaun Lacey, Emergency Management Director Randall Gemme, Electrical Inspector Al Vennari and Town Clerk Erin Liese.




The pledge of allegiance was recited.




President Carpenter led in a moment of silence in observance of community members lost.


E.        CONSENT AGENDA Video Icon

Approval of the Consent Agenda shall be equivalent to approval of each item as if it had been acted upon separately; or items may be removed by the Town Council for review, discussion and/or take Action.

1)         Approval of Town Council Minutes

a)         October 28, 2022 (Special Meeting)


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Cacciola to approve the October 28, 2022 (Special Meeting) Minutes.

Vote: President Carpenter, abstain; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, abstain; Councilor Cacciola, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye.


b)         November 1, 2022 (Regular Meeting)


Councilor Nassaney advised on the corrections made.


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Vice President Palmisciano to approve the November 1, 2022 (Regular Meeting) Minutes as amended.

Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye.


F.         LICENSES Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)         Approval of Complete Application Renewal for a Holiday License

a)         Request of Pasquale Farms and Garden Center


2)         Approval of Complete Application Renewal for a Victualing License

a)         Request of Pasquale Farms and Garden Center


Items F1 and F2 were taken in conjunction.


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Cacciola to approve the Request of Pasquale Farms and Garden Center for Renewal of a Holiday License Victualing License.

Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, recused; Councilor Cacciola, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye.


3)         Approval of Complete Application Renewal for a Victualing License

b)         Request of Pasquale Farms and Garden Center


G.        NEW BUSINESS Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)         Ratification of the Public Works Director Purchase of a F-750 Dump Truck with Plow in an amount not to exceed $150,000


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Cacciola to approve the Ratification of the Public Works Director Purchase of a F-750 Dump Truck with Plow in an amount not to exceed $150,000

Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye.


A motion was made by Councilor Cacciola with second by Vice President Palmisciano to file the Communications. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye.



The Council may acknowledge any of the listed Communications and Proclamations and Resolutions. Should any member wish to have a conversation on any of the matters, the item will be placed on a future agenda for review, discussion and/or potential action and/or vote.

1)         Communications Received:

a)         Letter to: Richmond Town Council

From: Probate Judge Christine J. Engustian

Dated: November 14, 2022

Re: Thank you for Re- Appointment


I.          PUBLIC FORUM Video Icon

Those participating remotely, use the “raise hand” icon at the bottom right side of your screen, or, if you are using a phone, press *9. The moderator will tell you when it is your turn to speak.

Note:   During the public forum, town council members may respond to a comment made by a member of the public if that matter is not on the agenda, but town council members may not initiate discussion of a matter not posted, and the town council may not vote on a matter not posted except: To refer the matter to another body or official, or when a vote is necessary to address an unanticipated situation that requires immediate action to protect the public health, safety or welfare.


Louise Dinsmore thanked the outgoing Council for service. She also read a statement signed herself as well as by Council President Carpenter and Councilor Lauren Cacciola, writing in support of President Michael Colasante to lead the next two years. She further commented on records of Councilor Nassaney and Councilor Trimmer. She further advised on Mr. Colasante’s qualifications.


Patricia Pouliot speaking as a concerned citizen and wished outgoing Council members best wishes. She advised there is one body and election season is over and to put their feelings aside for the benefit of Richmond. She stated concern with the rise in taxes. She commented on the service of Councilor Nassaney, Councilor Trimmer, and Councilor Colasante. She supported Mr. Colasante as the next Council President.


Tracy Nelson thanked the Charter Commission and Town Solicitor Ellsworth on work of the Charter and the residents that supported many of the changes. She congratulated the incoming Council. She thanked the outgoing Council for their years of service. She further thanked Council President Carpenter. She commented on Councilor Nassaney’s actions since 2018. She identified qualities of leaders and minimum standards of behavior according to the Charter. She commented on the Ethics findings of Councilor Nassaney.




Councilor Nassaney commented on the Ethics violation and thanked President Carpenter for his further understanding of ethics. He further commented on the ethics findings. He explained the misunderstanding. He also stated everyone should have a voice. He may have disagreements, but we have a job to do for the Town of Richmond. Do the right thing for the Town.


Councilor Newman thanked the people of Richmond for honoring him so many times. He advised on his previous years of service. He commented on previous leaders of Richmond. He thanked Erin Liese Town Clerk and Ann Deputy Clerk. He thanked Al the Electrical Inspector. He thanked Scott Barber and the highway department. He thanked Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth. He thanked Chief Johnson and the Police Department. He thanked Town Administrator Pinch, and he was here when she first got started. He thanked the current Council.


Councilor Cacciola congratulated the new Council. She summarized her service to the Town of Richmond and will continue to do so. She explained the work done on the Grant for the new playground and pavilion. She commented on the grant of the dog park. She explained that these were great undertakings. She commented on her work done while being a single mother, employed, caregiver to a parent and achieving her master’s degree shortly. She thanked Chief Barber. She thanked Chief Johnson. She thanked Town Administrator Pinch and Town Solicitor Ellsworth. She commented on her future as she supports her family during this difficult time but will serve the community in a future capacity.


Vice President Palmisciano stated change is constant and brings new energy and ideas. He wishes the best of luck to the New Council. He quoted Dickenson “It was the best of times but the worst of times”. He advised when he started was during the pandemic without vaccines. He stated now is the best of times. He thanked Town Administrator Pinch, Town Solicitor Ellsworth, Town Clerk Liese and former Town Clerk Rapose, Finance Director Kenyon, Public Works Director, Town Planner Lacey, Chief of Police, and all he has failed to mention. He pledges his support to the town to serve. He stated embrace public service. Thank you.


President Carpenter advised on her necklace an arrowhead from Vice President Palmisciano. It was given as a token of inspiration. She commented on the meaning of the arrow. She stated she was proud of the accomplishments that will leave this community better than it was found. She advised on the ARPA allocation, the Wellness Committee, and the award of grants.  She thanked Public Works Director Barber and his service. She thanked Chief Johnson and his service and dedication to the community. She stated she prays for the safety of the police. She thanked Town Administrator Pinch for her attentiveness and worked together greatly during a difficult time. She thanked all members of town hall. She thanked her devoted husband and boys for the time and missed moments this position has taken from the family. She stated when it suits her, she will take a seat in the back row as she is not going anywhere just changing seats.


Town Clerk Liese requested a brief recess.


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Vice President Palmisciano for a brief recess. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye.




A motion was made by Councilor Cacciola with second by Councilor Newman to approve the December 6, 2022, Minutes with corrections.

Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye.




A motion was made by President Carpenter with second by Councilor Newman  to adjourn at                6:49 P.M. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye







Erin F. Liese, CMC Town Clerk


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