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Regular Town Council Meeting
Town Council Chambers
5 Richmond Townhouse Road, Wyoming, RI 02898
December 20, 2022
6:00 P.M.
President Trimmer called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Town Council Members present in Council Chambers were as follows: Mark Trimmer, Richard Nassaney, Michael Colasante, Helen Sheehan, and Samantha Wilcox. Also, present Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth, Town Administrator Karen Pinch, Police Chief Elwood Johnson Jr., Town Planner Shaun Lacey, Public Works Director Scott Barber, Assistant Town Clerk Kendra Tanguay and Town Clerk Erin Liese.
1) AAA Traffic Safety Heroes
a) Sergeant William Litterio
Chief Johnson requested this be continued to the next meeting as Sergeant Litterio’ s family is ill.
b) Patrolman Anthony Meola
Chief Johnson introduced Patrolman Anthony Meola and his family. Chief spoke of Patrolman Meola’s service and awarded him with the AAA Traffic Award.
Approval of the Consent Agenda shall be equivalent to approval of each item as if it had been acted upon separately; or items may be removed by the Town Council for review, discussion and/or take Action.
1) Approval of Town Council Minutes
a) December 6, 2022 (Regular Meeting)
Councilor Wilcox pulled the minutes of December 6, 2022, and requested the minutes be amended to include the request of Councilor Colasante for the side bar conversation.
A motion was made by Councilor Wilcox with second by Vice President Nassaney to approve Consent Agenda Item 1a as amended. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
2) Approval of Town Department Reports
a) Approval of the Police Department report for the month of November 2022
b) Approval of the Finance Department report for the month of November 2022
3) Approval of Appropriations and Payment of Bills – 12/01/2022 to 12/14/2022
A motion was made by Vice President Nassaney with second by Councilor Sheehan to approve Consent Agenda Item 2& 3. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
Please Note the following items are Status Reports and Matters of Interest to the Council and are for Informational Purposes unless Indicated Otherwise and will be Acted upon in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b)
1) Town Administrator’s Report: Karen D. Pinch on activities of the Town
a) Authorization to Hire Josh Jordan as Zoning Official
Josh Jordan was present.
Councilor Sheehan recused herself.
Town Administrator Pinch introduced Mr. Jordan who is currently the Plumbing and Mechanical Inspector. She further explained the role addition with her recommendation for Josh to serve as Zoning Official. She advised he would serve as Zoning Official, Zoning Clerk while also serving as Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector. She explained if approved he would go to full time and be eligible for benefits.
Discussion ensued on his role.
A motion was made by Councilor Wilcox with second by Vice President Nassaney to authorize the hiring of Josh Jordan as Zoning Official. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
2) Police Chief’s Report: Elwood M. Johnson, Jr. on activities of the Police Department
a) Authorization to Hire Phillip T. Brodeur, Jr. as part-time Police Dispatcher
Chief Johnson introduced Mr. Brodeur.
A motion was made by Vice President Nassaney with second by Councilor Wilcox to authorize the hiring of Philip T. Brodeur, Jr, as part-time Police Dispatcher. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye
Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:
1) Approval of Complete Application Renewal of Brian Baker’s Private Detective License; as reviewed for application completeness on December 15, 2022
Councilor Wilcox noted items need to be completed on Mr. Baker’s Application. Town Clerk Liese advised she would have Mr. Baker complete the missing items prior to issuance.
A motion was made by Vice President Nassaney with second by Councilor Colasante to approve the Private Detective License for Brian Baker. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye
2) Approval of Application of Celebrated, LLC dba Celebrated for a Victualing License located at 5 Stilson Road. Subject to Dept. of Health Certificate; Building Approval, and Zoning Approval as reviewed for application completeness on December 15, 2022.
It was noted this would be a bakery.
Town Clerk Liese advised the License application has pending items so the motion should be contingent on completing those noted on the agenda.
A motion was made by Councilor Colasante with second by Councilor Sheehan to approve the Application of Celebrated, LLC dba Celebrated for a Victualing License located at 5 Stilson Road; subject to Dept. of Health Certificate; Building Approval, and Zoning Approval. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye
Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:
1) Resignation of Ken Mason from the Tax Assessment Board of Review
A motion was made by Councilor Colasante with second by Vice President Nassaney to accept the Resignation with regrets of Ken Mason from the Tax Assessment Board of Review. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
2) Resignation of William McIntosh from the Economic Development Commission
A motion was made by Vice President Nassaney with second by Councilor Wilcox to accept the Resignation of William McIntosh with regrets from the Economic Development Commission. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Abstain.
Mr. McIntosh read his letter for the record as attached to the agenda as H-2.
Council advised they wished Mr. McIntosh would allow this Council an opportunity to work with him serving on the EDC.
Back to the Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
3) Request from Philip Damicis for re-appointment to the Planning Board with term expiration of January 31, 2026
A motion was made by Councilor Colasante with second Vice President Nassaney to approve the Request from Philip Damicis for re-appointment to the Planning Board with term expiration of January 31, 2026. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
4) Request from Nancy Hess for re-appointment to the Planning Board with term expiration of January 31, 2026
A motion was made by Vice President Nassaney with second by Councilor Wilcox to approve the Request from Nancy Hess for re-appointment to the Planning Board with term expiration of January 31, 2026. Vote: President Trimmer, No; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, No; Councilor Sheehan, No; Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
It was noted that because discussion was not held prior to the vote the above motion was rescinded by Councilor Wilcox and Vice President Nassaney.
Discussion ensued on the reappointment of Nancy Hess.
Vice President Nassaney shared concern that the Chair of Planning may resign if Ms. Hess is not reappointed.
Town Planner Lacey spoke of his experience with the Planning Board.
Councilor Wilcox advised on the procedure to remove a member with just cause.
President Trimmer requested Town Planner Lacey provide input.
Town Planner Lacey spoke of his experience with the Planning Board.
President Timmer stated Ms. Hess has a wealth of knowledge; however she can be an obstructionist with commercial development.
Councilor Colasante shared concern with Ms. Hess stifling growth.
Discussion ensued on Ms. Hess’ service.
Councilor Sheehan shared concern with the McIntosh project.
It was noted that the McIntosh project was not on the agenda and the subject needs to be germane to Ms. Hess appointment.
Mark Reynolds of Richmond advised that Ms. Hess is only one member of the board, and the Planning Board works with a majority. He further stated her experience would be hard to replace. She is following the rules and acting in accordance with the law and rules and regulations.
Dan Madnick of Richmond advised that Ms. Hess was a mentor to him serving on the Planning Board and her wealth of knowledge. He further advised the only negative advisory opinions were for solar projects. He further commented on the waiver provided for Mr. Colasante’s project. He also stated the Planning Board does not provide for or reject Economic Development. He stated we are all volunteers. He stated you should have a conversation with Ms. Hess before you make a decision. She will be hard to be replaced.
President Trimmer spoke on his experience while serving with Ms. Hess on the Planning Board and maybe we should wait and could speak with Ms. Hess.
A motion was made by Vice President Nassaney with second by Councilor Wilcox to continue to the next agenda, Nancy Hess’s re-appointment to the Planning Board with term expiration of January 31, 2026. Vote: President Trimmer, No; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, No; Councilor Sheehan, No; Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
5) Request from Randall Gemme for re-appointment as EMA Director with term expiration of January 31, 2025
A motion was made by Councilor Colasante with second by Councilor Sheehan to approve the Request from Randall Gemme for re-appointment as EMA Director with term expiration of January 31, 2025. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:
1) Discussion and Consideration of Amendments to Town Council Rules and Procedures regarding the Public Forum
A motion was made by Councilor Colasante with second by Councilor Sheehan for Discussion and Consideration of Amendments to Town Council Rules and Procedures regarding the Public Forum.
Town Solicitor Ellsworth advised she prepared the draft in accordance with Council’s wishes.
Councilor Wilcox suggested out of fairness a time limit of three minutes per speaker.
Councilor Sheehan shared concern with the missing of the Moment of Silence.
Town Solicitor Ellsworth advised Moment of Silence was not in the Rules and Procedures.
President Trimmer clarified Moment of Silence.
Discussion ensued on three minutes for public comment.
Councilor Wilcox also suggested having a Public Forum sign in sheet.
Town Clerk Liese shared concern of a sign in sheet for those participating via Zoom.
Councilor Colasante spoke of his experience at the Chariho District meeting and limitations of the sign in.
Discussion ensued on sign in.
It was noted the sign in sheet could be used as a trial prior to changing the regulations.
Back to the Vote: A motion was made by Councilor Colasante with second by Councilor Sheehan for Discussion and Consideration of Amendments to Town Council Rules and Procedures as amended regarding Public Forum section 6A. President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
2) Discussion and Consideration of the Request of Councilor Sheehan regarding the Water Chlorination System
President Trimmer stated the water system is an economic driver of the town. It should be invested and approved which will drive Economic Development of 138 to Stilson Road. He also explained he did receive and advisory from the Ethics with preliminary draft decision and he was advised Mr. Trimmer can participate in discussions as it is a Class exemption.
Councilor Sheehan questioned if grant funding or applications were made towards this project.
Town Administrator Pinch advised that small amounts of funding were received.
Councilor Sheehan questioned if the water system was a Capitol Fund. Town Administrator Pinch advised it was an Enterprise Fund.
Town Administrator Pinch further advised on the cost of the system.
Councilor Colasante questioned if rates were adjusted.
Discussion ensued on the water system and bond.
Councilor Wilcox shared concern with the system and funding. She would recommend authorizing funding with ARPA with a plan implemented for reserve funds.
Discussion ensued on the water system.
It was noted that $150,000 had been allocated from ARPA and the remaining funds would come from the Enterprise fund.
It was noted that more information would be needed from the Finance Director. It was recommended it be postponed.
President Trimmer requested it be continued to the second meeting in January so his Ethics final determination can be received.
Patricia Pouliot of Richmond questioned what the plan would be if ARPA funds were not available and how much commercial development was left on Route 138. Town Administrator Pinch explained the engineering used much of the funds in the account. President Timmer advised on the amount of commercial development on route 138.
Discussion ensued on water system and ARPA funds.
A motion was made by Councilor Colasante with second by Councilor Nassaney to continue the Water Chlorination System to the January 17th Town Council Meeting. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:
1) Discussion and consideration of proposed amendment to Chapter 10.04 of the Code of Ordinances requested by Chief Johnson, regarding Speed Limits on Shadow Ridge Drive; and authorization for the Town Clerk to advertise for Public Hearing
A motion was made by Councilor Colasante with second by Councilor Wilcox to authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for Public Hearing proposed amendment to Chapter 10.04 of the Code of Ordinances regarding Speed Limits on Shadow Ridge. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
Jim Palmisciano of Richmond questioned if speed bumps were considered to control speed and expand language to include speed mitigation.
Discussion ensued on speed bumps.
Public Works Director Barber advised he would reserve his comments for the Public Hearing. He shared concern with the use of speed bumps.
2) Scheduling of a Joint Workshop with the Planning Board in review of proposed changes to the Town’s Aquifer Protection Overlay District regulations
Town Clerk Liese advised we were looking at holding the Joint Workshop prior to the regular meeting on January 17th at 5:00 P.M.
Councilor Colasante advised we have not received any information on the proposed changes. Will the Council be up to speed. It was noted this was the intent of the workshop.
Town Planner Lacey explained the need for a joint workshop
A motion was made by Vice President Nassaney with second by Councilor Sheehan to schedule the Joint Workshop with the Planning Board in review of proposed changes to the Town’s Aquifer Protection Overlay District regulations to January 17th at 5:00 P.M. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
3) Discussion and Consideration of the Request of the Richmond Conservation Commission for Approval of Grant Funding Applications to the Wood-Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic Stewardship Council
A motion was made by Councilor Colasante with second by Vice President Nassaney to approve the Request of the Richmond Conservation Commission for Approval of Grant Funding Applications to the Wood-Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic Stewardship Council.
James Turek Chair Conservation explained the grant funding application to the Wood-Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic Stewardship Council to place signage education on the grass project. He also explained the second application would be to implement an invasive mitigation plan. He explained there is no match requirement. He explained these projects are at no cost to the town.
President Trimmer offered to volunteer.
Town Solicitor Ellsworth advised the motion to be amended to include authorization of Town Administrator to Sign the application.
A motion was made by Councilor Colasante with second by Vice President Nassaney to approve the Request of the Richmond Conservation Commission for Approval of Grant Funding Applications to the Wood-Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic Stewardship Council with authorization for the Town Administrator to sign. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
4) Request of Councilor Colasante for discussion of the Wellness Committee Report, Minutes, and Findings.
Councilor Colasante requested a report be provided by the Wellness Committee on the work conducted and needs that were recommended.
Pamela Rohland of the Wellness Committee explained that the report has been filed with the Town and she was here to answer any questions regarding the report.
Councilor Colasante requested an overview of the report provided.
Councilor Wilcox questioned if this was additional to what has been provided and previously reported.
Pamela Rohland explained the work and report of the Wellness Committee. She explained the increase in self-reporting, drug use and residents in crisis. She further advised the report was in detail including the Human Services Position.
Discussion ensued on the recommendations of Wellness Committee and Human Services position.
Councilor Sheehan advised we already have a Senior Director and Police has a social worker.
It was noted the Senior Director is a different position than Human Services Director. Chief Johnson advised the social worker was a temporary pilot program for one day of service to Richmond. He also advised on the surge since Covid for services.
Vice President Nassaney explained the ARPA allocation for the position as three years. If funding is not available, the town is still in a better position by utilizing the funding.
Discussion ensued on what other communities offer and duplication of services.
Lesley Bietz of Richmond advised on the United Way Van.
Louise Dinsmore of Richmond shared concern when the funding is not available and would be a huge expense to the town.
Discussion ensued on Community Center.
Councilor Colasante shared concern with duplication of funding.
Chief Johnson advised the recommendations were based on a resolution the committee was charged with.
It was noted that New Business Items 4 and 5 would be considered jointly.
5) Request of Councilor Colasante for update on the proposed Senior/Community Center
Gary Kowalski of the Wellness Committee advised that the committee was not tasked with locating the funding, however, they were tasked with locating the need.
Discussion ensued on the cost to fund the building.
Chief Johnson spoke on the joint use of the Police Department.
Erin Liese of Richmond advised the position advertisement and contract could be drafted that is contingent on funding to relieve the burden of a funded permeant position. She also shared concern that the Richmond Community Center has been studied for over a decade and she served on the Community/Senior Feasibility Study Commission, and she was disappointed the ARPA funds were not allocated towards furthering that work.
Pat Pouliot of Richmond stated after three years of funding there will be a different Council and there is still a concern of transportation.
Louise Dinsmore of Richmond questioned the grant funding.
Town Administrator Pinch advised the town had received a ½ million dollars from Senator Langevin’ s Office to provide for a pavilion, playground, basketball courts, engineering and bathrooms at 4 Richmond Townhouse, not a Community Center.
Louise Dinsmore questioned when the facilities will be done at 4 Richmond and shared concern on expectations of the Human Services Position and Wellness Center.
James Turek of Richmond stated this could be a dual role that identifies grant funding and application.
President Trimmer stated regionalization could be utilized.
Pamela Rohland stated a lot of research can be conducted. It would be a loss of opportunity to not move on this.
6) Request of Councilor Colasante for update on the Recent Change regarding Snow Plowing of Richmond Elementary
Councilor Colasante stated he attended the Chariho District School Committee meeting, and it was announced Richmond was no longer plowing the Elementary School and he wanted to give Public Works Director Barber the opportunity to speak on the subject.
Public Works Director Barber explained that it was Richmond and Hopkinton no longer plowing the Elementary School and the School had always plowed the main campus (Middle School and High School). He advised that last January after a large storm event he expressed concerns to the Town Administrator. He explained the struggle to obtain enough plow vendors to maintain the roads. He advised there was no agreement in place for the Town to plow the elementary parking lots. He advised on the conversations held last Spring with the School District advising them of the change. He stated normally we have 8 additional vendors and 3 to 4 per diem drivers and now they currently have 1 of each. Given the short staffing his priority needs to be on the roads. He cannot pull trucks off the roads for parking lots. He further explained difficulties with communications with the school during storm events. He explained this decision was done in conjunction with the Town Solicitor, Town Administrator and the previous Council was advised on the change. He stated we are asked to do more and more with less and his priority is his Department and Roads, and the School District needs to be responsible for maintaining theirs.
President Trimmer questioned if the school had trucks. It was noted they had trucks but not enough plows.
Council thanked Public Works Director Barber on work done.
Councilor Wilcox questioned when the school was notified of this change. Public Works Director advised on the joint meeting held in April notifying the district of the change.
Council further thanked Public Works Director Barber.
Councilor Wilcox advised she would like to pull Communication Items 2a and 2b to be considered at a future meeting.
A motion was made by Vice President Nassaney with second by Councilor Wilcox to file the Communications 1a-e for consideration at the next meeting. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
A motion was made by Councilor Wilcox with second by Vice President Nassaney to pull Communications 2a-b to be considered at the next meeting. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye
The Council may acknowledge any of the listed Communications and Proclamations and Resolutions. Should any member wish to have a conversation on any of the matters, the item will be placed on a future agenda for review, discussion and/or potential action and/or vote.
1) Communications Received:
a) Letter to: Richmond Town Council From: Town Solicitor Ellsworth Dated: December 1,2022
Re: Home Rule Charter Amendments Approved November 8th
b) Letter to: Richmond Town Council From: Town Solicitor Ellsworth Dated: December 7, 2022
Re: Pending Litigation
c) Email to: Richmond Town Council From: Town Solicitor Ellsworth Dated: December 12, 2022
Re: Superior Court Decision Preserve V. Town of Richmond WC-2021-0568
d) Notice on the Town of Richmond Board/Commission Vacancies- December 13, 2022
e) Press Release of Richmond Police Department – December 8,2022
2) Resolutions Received:
a) Town of Little Compton Resolution Regarding June 19th, Juneteenth National Independence Day
b) Town of Barrington Resolution Regarding June 19th, Juneteenth National Independence Day
Note: During the public forum, town council members may respond to a comment made by a member of the public if that matter is not on the agenda, but town council members may not initiate discussion of a matter not posted, and the town council may not vote on a matter not posted except: To refer the matter to another body or official, or when a vote is necessary to address an unanticipated situation that requires immediate action to protect the public health, safety or welfare.
Laura Rieger of Richmond wished everyone a happy holiday. She stated concern with eliminating Moment of Silence. She discussed the water chlorination system and cost to the users. She commented on the accessibility of the Senior Center. She shared concern of speed bumps and speed on Pine Hill.
A motion was made by Councilor Colasante with second by Councilor Sheehan to adjourn at 8:54 P.M. Vote: President Trimmer, Aye; Vice President Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Colasante, Aye; Councilor Sheehan, Aye Councilor Wilcox, Aye.
Erin F. Liese, CMC Town Clerk