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5 Richmond Townhouse Road

Wyoming, RI  02898

(401) 539-9000



Regular Town Council Meeting

January 18, 2022

6:00 P.M.


A.        CALL TO ORDER Video Icon


Council President Carpenter called the meeting of the Richmond Town Council to order at 6:05 P.M. held on January 18, 2022. This meeting was held pursuant to Executive Order 22-01 and was Teleconferenced via Zoom.


B.        ROLL CALL


Town Council Members present were as follows: Council President Nell Carpenter, Vice President James Palmisciano, Councilor Ronald Newman, Councilor Rich Nassaney and Councilor Lauren Cacciola. Also present Town Administrator Karen D. Pinch, Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth, Town Solicitor Michael Cozzolino, Police Chief Elwood Johnson, Town Planner Shaun Lacey and Town Clerk Erin Liese.




The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.




Council President Carpenter led in the moment of silence to address the social, education and health problem of bullying and cyberbullying. She thanked Dan Fitzgerald for providing the following links and resources for parents and students and requested they be both recorded in the Minutes, the town website and social media pages:


·               Rhode Island Kids Count bullying brief, provided by the Rhode Island Department of Education bullying and school violence data.

o        RI Kids Count Bullying Brief 

o        RI Dept of Education Bullying and School Violence Data

·                     Chariho Say Something App (SandyHookPromise)

·                     There is a crisis text line, crisis text and the Rhode Island Samaritans

·                     Student Assistance: 

o        Crisis Text Line 

o        RI Samaritans (used to be 24/7 now limited hours due to lack of volunteers)

o        Chariho Student Assistance Counselor (Keri Pringer) RISAS


Council President Carpenter announced that unfortunately the applicants had not duly notified the abutters for the following public hearings. So we are not able to open the public hearings, we will need to advertise to be heard at a future date.


E.        PUBLIC HEARING Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)         Discussion and consideration of an Application request from Mary R. Fasano, Revocable Trust, Mary R. Fasano & Ronald E Fasano for a Proposed Zoning Map Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Amendment affecting a portion of 61 Tefft Hill Road, Assessor’s Plan 2C Lot 17 from R-2 (Single- Family Residential) to LI (Light Industrial) with Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Light Industrial


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney to continue the Public Hearing to March 1, 2022 the Application request of Mary R. Fasano, Revocable Trust, Mary R. Fasano & Ronald E Fasano for a Proposed Zoning Map Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Amendment affecting a portion of 61 Tefft Hill Road, Assessor’s Plan 2C Lot 17 from R-2( Single- Family Residential) to LI ( Light Industrial) with Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Light Industrial . Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


2)         Discussion and consideration of an Application Request from Lawrence G. Casey for a Proposed Zoning Map Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Amendment affecting two properties located at 301 & 310 Nooseneck Hill Road, Assessor’s Plan 2C Lot 16-1 and 2C Lot 4 from R-2( Single- Family Residential) to LI ( Light Industrial) with Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Light Industrial


A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney continue the Public Hearing to March 1, 2022 the Application request of Lawrence G. Casey for a Proposed Zoning Map Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Amendment affecting two properties located at 301 & 310 Nooseneck Hill  Road, Assessor’s Plan 2C Lot 16-1 and 2C Lot 4 from R-2( Single- Family Residential) to LI ( Light Industrial) with Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map designation Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Light Industrial. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


F.         CONSENT AGENDA Video Icon

Approval of the Consent Agenda shall be equivalent to approval of each item as if it had been acted upon separately; or items may be removed by the Town Council for review, discussion and/or take Action.

1)         Approval of Town Council Minutes

a)         December 7, 2021 (Regular Meeting)

b)         December 7, 2021 (Executive Session)


A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Items 1a and 1b by Councilor Cacciola seconded by Councilor Nassaney. Vote: President Carpenter, Abstain; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Abstain; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


2)         Approval of Town Department Reports

a)         Approval of the Police Departments report for the month of December, 2021

b)         Approval of the Building, Planning& Zoning report for the month of December, 2021

c)         Approval of the Tax Collectors report for the month of December, 2021


A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Items 2a, 2b & 2c by Councilor Newman seconded by Vice President Palmisciano. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


3)         Approval of Tax Assessor Abatements to the Tax Roll –in the amount of $6.19


A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Item 3 by Councilor Newman seconded by Vice President Palmisciano. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


G.        REPORTS Video Icon

Please Note the following items are Status Reports and Matters of Interest to the Council and are for Informational Purposes unless Indicated Otherwise and will be Acted upon in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b)

1)         Town Administrator’s Report: Karen D. Pinch on activities of the Town

a)         Continuation of Discussion About Turning Streetlights on State Roads Over to DOT


Town Administrator Pinch reported on the savings to turn the Streetlights over to Rhode Island Department of Transportation.


A motion was made to approve Turning Streetlights on State Roads over to Rhode Island Department of Transportation by Councilor Newman seconded by Councilor Nassaney. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


b)         COVID Heroes Plaque


Town Administrator Pinch shared the Covid Heroes Plaque in honor of Covid Hero’s Day has been delivered to Town Hall. It is a really nice plaque to honor those who volunteered and continue to volunteer during the pandemic. We just need to determine where it will be showcased in Town Hall.


Vice President Palmisciano thanked all for the effort towards the plaque.


2)         Police Chief’s Report: Elwood M. Johnson, Jr. on activities of the Police Department

a)         Recruiting Efforts


Police Chief Johnson reported on the recruiting efforts to solicit police officers through the hiring grant received.


3)         Planning Board 2021 Annual Report: Town Planner Shaun Lacey


Town Planner Lacey reported on the 2021 activities of the Planning Board. He further referenced the activities provided in the Town Council materials. He also discussed upcoming work of the board.


Council President Carpenter thanked the Planning Board, Planning Dept. and Town Planner for compiling this. She noted the importance of these types of reports.



Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)         Correction of William E. McIntosh IV reappointment to the Economic Development Commission with term expiration date of January 31, 2023 not January 31, 2025 as previously approved.


A motion was made to approve the reappointment of William E. McIntosh IV to the Economic Development Commission with term expiration date of January 31, 2023 not January 31, 2025 as previously approved by Councilor Cacciola seconded by Councilor Newman. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


2)         Request of Eileen M. Burton for reappointment to the Board of Canvassers with term expiration date of February 29, 2028


A motion was made to approve the reappointment of Eileen M. Burton to the Board of Canvassers with term expiration date of February 29, 2028 by Councilor Cacciola seconded by Councilor Newman. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


I.          UNFINISHED BUSINESS Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items: 1) Discussion on potential amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding Cultivation of Medical Marijuana

1)         Discussion on potential amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding Cultivation of Medical Marijuana


Town Solicitor Ellsworth advised this item was continued from the last meeting as Councilor Nassaney was absent and to hear about what can be utilized to mitigate odors.


Councilor Nassaney advised on the use of Chlorine Dioxide to mitigate the odors. The neighbors may smell a type of bleach smell. He advised the utilization of this technology is about 50/50. If you smell marijuana you are not utilizing this type of system. He further commented on the filtration, maintenance of filtration and purification needed to mitigate odors.


Vice President Palmisciano questioned if there was a device to determine the amount of particulates or measure standards. Councilor Nassaney advised he is not aware of such a device due to the difficulties of wind and weather that would provide variables.


Vice President Palmisciano questioned the heat venting process and if there is a carbon filtration.  Councilor Nassaney believed they would be vented internally and he is not aware of any filters.


Discussion ensued on chlorine odor.


Councilor Newman questioned if Councilor Nassaney approved the amendment. Councilor Nassaney stated he would like to see a plan if they implement mitigation system and proof of mitigation.


Council thanked Councilor Nassaney for his expertise and work done on this.


Council President Carpenter advised we still look to see about more information and questions answered. She advised any amendment would be for new applicants not existing.


Discussion ensued on further research and providing feedback from Coastal. It was requested from Town Planner Lacey to reach out to Coastal for further information.


Town Planner Lacey commented on the inquiries received by his office for new cultivation facilities.


Discussion ensued on obtaining more information.


A motion was made to Continue to the February 15, 2022 meeting; discussion on potential amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding Cultivation of Medical Marijuana by Vice President Palmisciano seconded by Councilor Nassaney. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye;                Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


J.         NEW BUSINESS Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)         Request of Councilor Nassaney for Discussion and Consideration of Reappointment of Karen Ellsworth as Town Solicitor with term expiration date of February 1, 2023.


A motion was made to Reappoint Karen Ellsworth as Town Solicitor with term expiration date of February 1, 2023 by Councilor Nassaney seconded by Councilor Newman.


Councilor Cacciola questioned the term.


Council President Carpenter also recommended the previous action occurred be part of this motion.


Town Solicitor Ellsworth was questioning if this was happening tonight. She also referred to what happened at the Special Meeting.


Discussion ensued on the previous meeting and action taken regarding appointment of the Town Solicitor and performance review timeline. It was determined the performance review would be done towards the end of the term.


A motion was amended to Reappoint Karen Ellsworth as Town Solicitor with term expiration date of February 1, 2023, with the Town Administrator to establish qualifications and review criteria and to also determine contract terms by Councilor Nassaney seconded by Vice President Palmisciano. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


2)         Discussion and consideration for Authorization of the Town Clerk to Advertise for Public Hearing Proposed Amendments to Chapter 4.12 of the Code of Ordinances regarding the Affordable Housing Committee


A motion was made to authorize the Town Clerk to Advertise for Public Hearing Proposed Amendments to Chapter 4.12 of the Code of Ordinances regarding the Affordable Housing Committee by Councilor Nassaney seconded by Councilor Cacciola. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


3)         Discussion and consideration for Authorization of the Town Clerk to Advertise for Public Hearing the Amended 2021 Richmond Comprehensive Community Plan


A motion was made to authorize the Town Clerk to Advertise for Public Hearing Amended 2021 Richmond Comprehensive Community Plan by Councilor Nassaney seconded by Vice President Palmisciano. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


Motion was made to file the Communications by Vice President Palmisciano seconded by Councilor Nassaney. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


K.        COMMUNICATIONS, PETITIONS, AND PROCLAMATIONS AND RESOLUTIONS FROM OTHER RHODE ISLAND CITIES AND TOWNS The Council may acknowledge any of the listed Communications and Proclamations and Resolutions. Should any member wish to have a conversation on any of the matters, the item will be placed on a future agenda for review, discussion and/or potential action and/or vote. Video Icon

1)         Communications Received:

a)         Notice on Board/Commission Vacancies- January 10, 2022

b)         Press Release of Richmond Police Department – January 8, 2022


L.        PUBLIC FORUM Video Icon

Those participating remotely, use the “raise hand” icon at the bottom right side of your screen, or, if you are using a phone, press *9. The moderator will tell you when it is your turn to speak.


No public comment.




A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Nassaney to adjourn at               6:55 P.M. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye; Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Nassaney, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye







Erin F. Liese, CMC Town Clerk


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