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Regular Town Council Meeting

May 3, 2022

6:00 P.M.


A.        CALL TO ORDER Video Icon


Council President Carpenter called the meeting of the Richmond Town Council to order at 6:00 P.M. held on May 3, 2022. This meeting was held In-Person at Town Council Chambers, 5 Richmond Townhouse Road, Wyoming, RI, and was also teleconferenced via Zoom.


B.        ROLL CALL


Town Council Members present in Council Chambers were as follows: Council President Nell Carpenter, Vice President James Palmisciano, Councilor Ronald Newman, and Councilor Lauren Cacciola.  Not present: Councilor Rich Nassaney. Also present Town Administrator Karen D. Pinch, Town Solicitor Karen Ellsworth, Finance Director Laura Kenyon, Town Planner Shaun Lacey, and Town Clerk Erin Liese.




The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.




Councilor Cacciola led in a moment of silence for all the moms and happy Mother’s Day.


E.        RESOLUTION Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)         Resolution 2022-5: Opposing Passage of 2022 –H7370; which would Allow the Sale of Malt Beverages and Wine in Grocery Stores, Markets, and Convenience Stores


Vice President Palmisciano read the following proposed resolution:



WHEREAS,   sale of malt beverages and wine in grocery stores, markets, and convenience stores currently is prohibited, and

WHEREAS,   2022-H7370, an Act Relating to Alcoholic Beverages, would permit sale of malt beverages and wine in grocery stores, markets, and convenience stores; and

WHEREAS,   Richmond, because of its population of 8,020, currently issues Class A alcoholic beverage licenses to only two package stores; and

WHEREAS,   allowing sales of malt beverages and wine in grocery stores, markets, and convenience stores is likely to substantially affect the economic viability of the Town's two package stores, both of which are small businesses owned by local residents; and

WHEREAS,   increasing the number of locations at which alcoholic beverages are sold at retail is likely to make it substantially more difficult for Richmond's 14-member police department to enforce the law prohibiting sales of alcoholic beverages to underage persons; and

WHEREAS,   sales taxes on malt beverages and excise taxes on malt beverages and wine accrue to the State of Rhode Island, not to the cities and towns; and

WHEREAS,   sale of alcoholic beverages at additional locations is likely to increase revenue to the State of Rhode Island in the form of sales and excise taxes while providing no economic benefit to Richmond;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Richmond Town Council hereby opposes passage of 2022-H7370 and urges the General Assembly not to enact it.



A motion was made to Approve Resolution 2022-5: Opposing Passage of 2022 –H7370; which would allow the Sale of Malt Beverages and Wine in Grocery Stores, Markets, and Convenience Stores by Vice President Palmisciano seconded by Councilor Newman.

Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


2)         Resolution 2022-6:Declaring the second week of May as Turquoise Takeover Week to educate Residents of Lung Cancer


Council President Carpenter read the following proposed Resolution:



WHEREAS,    about every two and a half minutes, a person in the U.S. is diagnosed with lung cancer; and

WHEREAS,    lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for women and men; and

WHEREAS,   lung cancer screening saves lives, and advocacy and increased awareness will result in more high-risk individuals getting screened.

WHEREAS,    public support for research funding will result in new treatments and better methods of early detection; and

WHEREAS,    LUNG FORCE is a national initiative led by the American Lung Association, to defeat lung cancer.

BE IT RESOLVED, that Richmond Rhode Island hereby designates the second week in May as             Turquoise Takeover Week throughout the Town of Richmond and encourages all residents of Richmond to learn more about lung cancer, risk factors and early detection.



A motion was made to Approve Resolution 2022-6: Declaring the second week of May as Turquoise Takeover Week to educate Residents of Lung Cancer by Councilor Cacciola seconded by Councilor Newman. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


3)         Resolution 2022-7:In Support of Full Funding of Categorical Transportation Aid as Outlined in RIGL 16-7.2-6


F.         PUBLIC HEARING Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:


A motion was made to open the Public Hearing on the Outdoor Entertainment License Application of Richmond Smoke, LLC d/b/a Republican Smoking Bar by Councilor Cacciola seconded by Councilor Newman. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


1)         Outdoor Entertainment License Application:

a)         Applicant:  Richmond Smoke, LLC d/b/a Republican Smoking Bar

Entertainment: Live Music

Dates:  May, 2022 to October, 2022

Location:         Richmond Smoke- 342 Kingstown Road


Councilor Newman questioned the address of the establishment. It was noted the agenda reflected a scribe error and the location should be 1219 Main Street. It was also noted the Public Hearing notice reflected the correct address.


Justin was present on behalf of the application.


Councilor Cacciola questioned if food was served.


It was noted that food was served.


Town Solicitor Ellsworth advised this was for Outdoor Entertainment and food service is not required. She also the conditions relative to Outdoor Entertainment.


A motion was made to close the Public Hearing on the Outdoor Entertainment License Application of Richmond Smoke, LLC d/b/a Republican Smoking Bar by Councilor Cacciola seconded by Councilor Newman. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


A motion was made to approve the Outdoor Entertainment License Application of Richmond Smoke, LLC d/b/a Republican Smoking Bar by Councilor Cacciola seconded by Vice President Palmisciano. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


A motion was made to open the Public Hearing on the Outdoor Entertainment License Application of Warwick Civic Orchestra d/b/a Warwick Symphony Orchestra by Vice President Palmisciano seconded by Councilor Newman. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


2)         Outdoor Entertainment License Application:

a)         Applicant:  Warwick Civic Orchestra d/b/a Warwick Symphony Orchestra

Entertainment:        Live Music

Dates:         June 11-12, 2022

Location:   Washington County Fair Grounds- 78 Richmond Townhouse Road


Catherine Gagnon of Deer Run was present on behalf of the Orchestra and explained the event to be held at Washington County Fair Grounds. She further explained this would be a fundraiser for Hasbro.


Town Solicitor Ellsworth explained the conditions relative to Outdoor Entertainment.


A motion was made to close the Public Hearing on the Outdoor Entertainment License Application of Warwick Civic Orchestra d/b/a Warwick Symphony Orchestra by Councilor Cacciola seconded by Councilor Newman. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


President Carpenter requested a reimbursement for license fee be provided due to the Orchestra’s Non-Profit status.


A motion was made to approve the Outdoor Entertainment License Application of Warwick Civic Orchestra d/b/a Warwick Symphony Orchestra with reimbursement provided for the licensing fee by Vice President Palmisciano seconded by Councilor Newman. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


A motion was made to open the Public Hearing on the Outdoor Entertainment License Application of SRI 4H Leaders Fair Bar by Vice President Palmisciano seconded by Councilor Newman. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


3)         Outdoor Entertainment License Application:

a)         Applicant:  SRI 4H Leaders Fair

Entertainment:        4H Animal Exhibits, Displays and Educational Workshops

Dates:         June 24 -26, 2022

Location:   Washington County Fair Grounds- 78 Richmond Townhouse Road


It was noted a licensing fee was not charged due to the nonprofit status of the 4H Leaders Fair.


A motion was made to close the Public Hearing on the Outdoor Entertainment License Application of SRI 4H Leaders Fair Bar by Councilor Newman seconded by Councilor Cacciola. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


A motion was made to approve the Outdoor Entertainment License Application of SRI 4H Leaders Fair Bar by Vice President Palmisciano seconded by Councilor Cacciola. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


G.        CONSENT AGENDA Video Icon

Approval of the Consent Agenda shall be equivalent to approval of each item as if it had been acted upon separately; or items may be removed by the Town Council for review, discussion and/or take Action.

1)         Approval of Town Council Minutes

a)         April 19, 2022 (Regular Meeting)


A motion was made to continue the Approval of the April 19, 2022 Minutes to the May 17th Town Council Meeting by Councilor Newman seconded by Vice President Palmisciano. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


H.        REPORTS Video Icon

Please Note the following items are Status Reports and Matters of Interest to the Council and are for Informational Purposes unless Indicated Otherwise and will be Acted upon in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b)

1)         Town Administrator’s Report: Karen D. Pinch on activities of the Town

a)         Status Update of Grants

b)         Announcement of Chariho Budget Referendum- May 5, 2022

c)         Announcement of Need for Poll Workers

d)         Explanation of Senior Survey


Town Administrator Pinch made the following announcements: Unfortunately the town did not receive the grant for the radio tower or camera’s. It is not a surprise as we received funding last year for improvements to 4 Richmond Townhouse. The Chariho Budget Referendum will be held here on Thursday. She also explained the need for Poll Workers for the upcoming fall elections. She explained that the town is collecting results as part of senior survey to determine needs.


2)         Police Chief’s Report: Elwood M. Johnson, Jr. on activities of the Police Department

a)         Status of Recruiting Process

b)         Discussion on Narcotics Investigation and Arrest


Chief Johnson reported on the recruiting process and recent arrests made.



Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)         Resignation of Daniel Jarstfer from the Zoning Board of Review


A motion was made to accept the Resignation of Daniel Jarstfer from the Zoning Board of Review with regrets by Vice President Palmisciano seconded by Councilor Cacciola. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


2)         Request from Joann Burgess for appointment to the Senior Activities Committee with term expiration of May 31, 2025


Dennis McGinity Senior Services Director spoke on behalf of Joann Burgess.


A motion was made to approve the Request from Joann Burgess for appointment to the Senior Activities Committee with term expiration of May 31, 2025 by Councilor Cacciola seconded by Councilor Newman. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


J.         LICENSES Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)         Approval of Victualing License Application

a)         Application of AC Lemonade LLC- 410 Kingstown Road


Town Clerk Liese advised this was a new applicant for the location.


A motion was made to approve the Victualing License Application of AC Lemonade LLC- 410 Kingstown Road by Vice President Palmisciano seconded by Councilor Cacciola.  Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


2)         Approval of Holiday License Application

a)         Application of Richmond Market LLC- 5 Kingstown Road


Town Clerk Liese advised this was a new owner for the location.


The Caswell’s were introduced as new owners of Richmond Market.


A motion was made to approve the Holiday License Application of Richmond Market LLC- 5 Kingstown Road by Councilor Cacciola seconded by Vice President Palmisciano.  Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


K.        NEW BUSINESS Video Icon

Please Note in Accordance with Section 42-46-6 (b) the Council May Review, Discuss and/or take Action on the following items:

1)         Discussion on the Status of Rhode Island DOT installation of Roundabout on Route 138 & Route 112


David E. Capalbo, P.E was present on behalf of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation to discuss the status of the Roundabout.


Discussion ensued on the location of the Roundabout.


It was noted outdated plans were shown.


Councilor Newman discussed concern with size.


Vice President Palmisciano discussed concern with impediment of school drop off. As cars would currently be back logged in the roundabout.


Chief Johnson suggested a meeting to review the proposed plans.


Councilor Newman stated he would like an update after the meeting.


Discussion ensued on the roundabout, traffic patterns, and timeline.


President Carpenter stated that this roadway is controlled by Rhode Island DOT and they do not need the Town’s permission, however it would be important to consider the Town’s concerns. She also noted the garden that the Chariho FFA plants and potential impact.


Mr. Capalbo explained that they would consider a garden; however shared concern with it being placed in the center of the roundabout. He stated they would consider other areas.


Town Solicitor Ellsworth requested Mr. Capalbo provide an explanation on easements.

Mr. Capalbo explained the easements were for above wires and below utilities.


Councilor Newman stated he has heard from many residents and that they do not want the roundabout and looks forward to working together at a solution.


Vice President Palmisciano questioned the impact to the Pavilion of 4 Richmond Townhouse.


Town Administrator Pinch advised they has not been finalized and will hire engineer to assist at the placement cognitive of the roundabout.


President Carpenter discussed the importance of having an updated aerial. 


Cory Maxemino of Small Pox shared concern with the roundabout and suggested incorporating a one big one away around town hall. He also questioned if there was consideration of a bike lane.


 Mr. Capalbo explained the slowing of traffic that is provided by a roundabout. He explained the 2015 accident death resulting. He explained there are bike lanes proposed with approach to roundabout. He explained that once in the roundabout it is shared.


Discussion ensued on bike lanes in roundabouts.


Mr. Capalbo explained the following projected timeframe: the design and bidding to be completed in August, with construction beginning in spring of 2023 with completion by December 2023. It was noted construction would not occur during Washington County Fair Week.


2)         Discussion and consideration of amendments to Chapter 5.24 of the Code of Ordinances regarding Second – Hand Dealers, and authorization for the Town Clerk to advertise for Public Hearing


Town Solicitor Ellsworth explained that this was to provide an update to our Ordinances to make them compliant with DBR regulations for junk yards and wrecking yards. She advised Items 2 and 3 are related.


3)         Discussion and consideration of amendments to Chapter 3.06 of the Code of Ordinances regarding Business License Fees, and authorization for the Town Clerk to advertise for Public Hearing


Vice President Palmisciano questioned if this would impact second hand goods as an individual.  Town Solicitor Ellsworth advised this would impact only commercial use. This would not affect Facebook Marketplace.


Councilor Cacciola questioned impact of antique shops.  Town Solicitor Ellsworth explained they would not be affected.


Vice President Palmisciano questioned the Fee. Town Solicitor Ellsworth stated the fee was mandated by the state.


A motion was made to authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for Public Hearing amendments to Chapter 5.24 of the Code of Ordinances regarding Second – Hand Dealers and amendments to Chapter 3.06 of the Code of Ordinances regarding Business License Fees by Councilor Newman seconded by Councilor Cacciola.  Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


A motion was made to file the Communications, Petitions and Proclamations by Vice President Palmisciano seconded by Councilor Newman.  Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye



The Council may acknowledge any of the listed Communications and Proclamations and Resolutions. Should any member wish to have a conversation on any of the matters, the item will be placed on a future agenda for review, discussion and/or potential action and/or vote.

1)         Communications Received:

a)         Notice on Board/Commission Vacancies- April 21, 2022


2)         Resolutions Received:

a)         Charlestown Resolution Regarding Support of Categorical Transportation Aid

b)         Hopkinton Resolution Regarding Support of Categorical Transportation Aid


M.       PUBLIC FORUM Video Icon

Those participating remotely, use the “raise hand” icon at the bottom right side of your screen, or, if you are using a phone, press *9. The moderator will tell you when it is your turn to speak.


Councilor Cacciola spoke on the success of the Dog Park Committee Fundraiser.


Council President Carpenter polled the Council on entering Executive Session.

Council all agreed to proceed in Executive Session pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws -46-5 (a)(2) – Collective Bargaining or Litigation Local IBPO 425



1)         Executive session pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws -46-5 (a)(2) – Collective Bargaining or Litigation Local IBPO 425


A motion was made to convene in Open Session at 7:32 P.M. by Councilor Newman seconded by Vice President Palmisciano.  Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


A motion was made to seal the minutes of Executive Session by Councilor Cacciola seconded by Vice President Palmisciano.  Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye


A motion was made to ratify the Contract between the Town of Richmond and Local IBPO 425 Police as presented to Council and Authorization of the Council President to sign by Vice President Palmisciano seconded by Councilor Newman.  Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye




A motion was made by Councilor Newman with second by Councilor Cacciola to adjourn at            7:34 P.M. Vote: President Carpenter, Aye; Vice President Palmisciano, Aye Councilor Newman, Aye; Councilor Cacciola, Aye








Erin F. Liese, CMC Town Clerk


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