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Special Meeting

Town Council Chambers

5 Richmond Townhouse Road, Wyoming, RI 02898

December 17, 2024

5:00 P.M.


This meeting will take place in Town Council Chambers, 5 Richmond Townhouse Road, Richmond, RI 02898.


The public can also observe and participate in the meeting remotely broadcast on Zoom. The public is invited to observe and participate in the deliberations of this meeting by accessing the meeting link below. For those without access to video observation platforms, you may also call in to listen to the deliberations of this meeting by using the call-in phone number provided herein. To participate during Public Hearing or Public Input you will press *9 to raise your hand.


This meeting is being offered via Zoom and YouTube as an added service to our constituents.  There is no legal requirement for this method of viewing the meeting.  Should technological issues on the part of the Town or the viewer prevent this meeting from being seen via Zoom or YouTube, no part of the meeting will be repeated.  Should you wish to participate in any part of the meeting, the most reliable way to do so is to be in person at the Town Hall.                                                                                                                   


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A.        CALL TO ORDER Video


B.        ROLL CALL





1)         Pursuant to § 42-46-5 (a)(2) Regarding the following Pending Litigation Superior Court Appeals of Taxes on property at the Preserve at Boulder Hills:

a)         Appeals filed in 2021 for the 2020 tax year: WC2021-0329 Dickson - 6B/4-C0I; WC202 l-0330 Stavola - 6B/4-C02; WC202 l-0332 White Tail Ridge LLC - 6B/4-C03;  WC202 l-0333 CH Tang, LLC - 6B/4-C04; WC2021-0334 SA Tang, LLC- 6B/4-C05; WC2021-0335 Bazzano -6B/4-RBI; WC202 l-0336 Townhouses on the Green, LLC, PPM II & Co LLC - 6B/4-RB2; WC2021-0337 Townhouses on the Green, LLC, PPM II & Co LLC- 6B/4-RB3; WC202 l-0338 Masse - 6B/4-RB4; WC202 l-0339  Hilltop Lodge, LLC - 6B/4-G00; WC202 l-0340 Laurel Ridge LLC - 6B/4-RM I, 6B/4-RM2, 6B/4-RM3, 6B/4-RM4, 6B/4-RM5, 6B/4-RM6, 6B/4-RM7, 6B/4-RM8, 6B/4-RM9;WC2021-0341 Castle Residences, LLC- 6B/2; WC2021-0342 Preserve at Boulder Hills, LLC-6B/4; WC2021-0343 Preserve Range, LLC- 6B/4-87C; WC202 l-0344  Preserve at Boulder Hills IV, LLC - 6A/5


b)         Appeals filed in 2022 for the 2021 tax year: WC2022-0276 Blueberry Hill LLC, Preserve at Boulder Hills, LLC - 6B/2-LU14; WC2022-0277 Castle Residences, LLC, Preserve at Boulder Hills, LLC-6B/2-LUl3; WC2022-0278 Townhouses on the Green, LLC- 6B/4-RDI, 6B/4-RD2, 6B/4-RD3, 6B/4-RD4, 6B/4-RD5, 6B/4-RD6, 6B/4-RD7; WC2022-0279 Bazzano -6B/4-RBI; WC2022-0280 SA Tang, LLC - 6B/4-C05; WC2022-0282 Stavola - 6B/4-C02; WC2022-0283 Masse - 6B/4-RB4; WC2022-0284 Preserve Range, LLC - 6B/004-87C; WC2022-0285 Hilltop Lodge, LLC - 6B/004-G00; WC2022-0286 Preserve at Boulder Hills IV, LLC - 6A/5; WC2022-0287 CH Tang, LLC - 6B/4-C04;WC2022-0288 Preserve at Boulder Hills, LLC, Preserve at Boulder Hills II, LLC B6/4LU3; WC2022-0289 Dickson - 6B/4-C0;WC2022-0290 Preserve at Boulder Hills, LLC - 6B/4-AS1; WC2022-0291 PPM & Co., LLC-6B/4 RB2;WC2022-0292 Wells - 6B/4-RB3;WC2022-0293 Laurel Ridge LLC- 6B/4-RM1, 6B/4-RM2, 6B/4-RM3, 6B/4-RM4, 6B/4-RM5, 6B/4-RM6, 6B/4-RM7, 6B/4-RM8, 6B/4-RM9 WC2022-0294 NRPRE, LLC - 6B/4-C03


c)         Appeals filed in 2023 for the 2022 tax year: WC2023-0374 Blueberry Hill LLC - 6B/2-LU14A, 6B/2-LU14B, 6B/2-LUl4C, 6B/2-LU14D; WC2023-0375CH Tang, LLC - 6B/4-C04; WC2023-0376  Dickson - 6B/4-C01;WC2023-0377 Hilltop Lodge - 6B/4-G00; WC2023-0378 Bazzano - 6B/4-RB1;WC2023-0379 Laurel Court, LLC - 6B/4-RB3; WC2023-0380 Masse - B/4-RB4; WC2023-0381NRPRE, LLC, MTM Naples Investments, LLC - 6B/4-C03; WC2023-0382PPM & Co. II, LLC 6B/4-RB2;WC2023-0383 Preserve at Boulder Hills, LLC- 6B/4-AS1;WC2023-0384 Preserve at Boulder Hills LLC, Preserve at Boulder Hills II, LLC - 6B/4-LU3, 6B/4-LU15, 6B/4-LU16; WC2023-0385 Preserve at Boulder Hills IV, LLC - 6A/5; WC2023-0386 Preserve Range, LLC - 6B/4-87C; WC2023-0388 SA Tang, LLC - 6B/4-C05;WC2023-0389 Townhouses on the Green, LLC-6B/4-RD1, 6B/4-RD2, 6B/4-RD3, 6B/4-RD4, 6B/4-RD5, 6B/4-RD6, 6B/4-RD7;WC2023-0390 Stavola - 6B/4-C02;WC2023-0391Laurel Ridge, LLC, CL Preserve, LLC, US Homes RI WTC, LLC, Hound at Preserve, LLC, Taylor Lukof, Daniel Eastman, Jeffrey Dickson, Jo-Ann Dickson - 6B/4-RN 1, 6B/4-RN3, 6B/4-RN4, 6B/4-RM3, 6B/4-RM4,6B/4-RM5, 6B/4-RM6, 6B/4-RM7, 6B/4-RM8, 6B/4-RM9


d)         Appeals filed in 2024 for the 2023 tax year:WC-2024-0441 B3 LLC, and LAUREL COURT, LLC; WC-2024-0435 KARYNE BAZZANO; WC-2024-0445 CASTLE RESIDENCES, LLC et al; WC-2024-0437 CH TANG, LLC;WC-2024-0433 JEFFREY DICKSON et al;WC-2024-0444 LAUREL RIDGE, LLC et al; WC-2024-0460 Paul Masse et al; WC-2024-0438 MTM NAPLES INVESTMENTS, LLC;WC-2024-0442 PPM & CO II LLC;WC -2024-0434 THE PRESERVE AT BOULDER HILLS II, LLC;WC-2024-0446 THE PRESERVE AT BOULDER HILLS, LLC et al; WC -2024-0436 SA TANG, LLC;WC-2024-0439 MICHAEL STAVOLA; WC-2024-0440 TOWNHOUSES ON THE GREEN, LLC, C.a, no. WC-2024-0443


2)         Pursuant to § 42-46-5(a)(2): Regarding Litigation: 36 & 37 Wood Road Boundary Dispute


3)         Pursuant to § 42-46-5(a)(2): Regarding Potential Litigation: 29 Buttonwoods Road


E.        ADJOURNMENT Video


Pursuant to RIGL § 42-46-6(c) Notice of this meeting was posted on the Secretary of State’s website, Richmond Town Hall, Richmond Police Station, and Clerk Base on December 12, 2024.


The public is welcome to any open meeting of the Town Council. If communication assistance (readers/interpreters/captions) is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting at (401)539-9000 x9.


“In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, the Town of Richmond is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.  (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)  To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice), or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).”  For those persons needing auxiliary aid please call 711 for assistance.


Published by ClerkBase
©2025 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.