Click Video Icon to view the entire meeting or click any video icon below to jump to that section of the meeting.


Posted April 12, 2022




Thursday, April 14, 2022 @ 6:30 PM


High School Auditorium

94 Trimtown Road

N. Scituate, RI 02857


The meeting will also be live-streamed only with no remote participation at the following address:


By internet at:

Join Zoom Meeting


Dial via telephone:

888 788 0099 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 831 9026 4577

Passcode: 549351


Please contact the Town Clerk’s Office during normal business hours with any questions.


*Amended to add Item 4(B)

Attachments are available to view on our website


1.   Pledge of Allegiance Video Icon


2.   Call to order – Council President


3.   Roll Call – Town Clerk


4.   Possible Motion(s) to convene into Closed/Executive Session: Video Icon


A.   The Town Council may convene into Executive Session to discuss, take possible action, and/or vote pursuant to the relevant requirements of R.I. General Laws § 42-46-5(a) Subsection (2) Collective Bargaining (Union negotiations with Teamsters Local 251 for new collective bargaining agreement beginning July 1, 2022). Discussion and/or Potential action, announcement and/or vote(s) from Executive Session and/or Open Session concerning negotiations with Teamsters Local 251 for new collective bargaining agreement beginning July 1, 2022.


B.   The Town Council may convene into Executive Session to discuss, take possible action, and/or vote regarding litigation pursuant to the relevant requirements of R.I. General Laws § 42-46-5(a) Subsection (2) Pending Litigation (Sugrue & Associates, Inc. v. Town of Scituate RI - AAA CASE No. 012200015081. Discussion and/or Potential action, announcement and/or vote(s) from Executive Session and/or Open Session concerning Sugrue & Associates, Inc. v. Town of Scituate RI - AAA CASE No. 012200015081.


5.   Motion to close Executive Session / Motion to seal Executive Session minutes / Announcement of Vote(s) in Executive Session, if any.


6.   Regular Meeting call to order – Council President – Beginning no earlier than 7:00 P.M. Video Icon


7.   Authorization for Town Council President Abbie Groves to execute the Town of Scituate Arbor Day Proclamation. Video Icon


8.   Presentation by the Scituate Arts Festival Committee of the award of grants to Scituate Human Services, North Scituate Fire Department, and Scituate EMA. Video Icon


9.   Recommendation of Police Chief Eric Rollinson for Police Appointments and Promotions, terms and conditions of employment in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement with IBPO—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote: Video Icon


A.   Promotion of Sergeant Frank Rambone to the permanent position of Detective Sergeant in the Scituate Police Department

B.   Promotion of Police Officer Cory Nangle to the permanent position of Patrol Sergeant in the Scituate Police Department

C.   Appointment of Probationary Police Officer David Williams to the permanent position of Police Officer in the Scituate Police Department.

D.   Appointment of Probationary Police Officer Alex Sajche to the permanent position of Police Officer in the Scituate Police Department

E.   Appointment of Probationary Police Officer Joseph Paliotte to the permanent position of Police Officer in the Scituate Police Department.


10. Public Hearings—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote: Video Icon


A.   First reading of Ordinance No. 22-01 Amending Ordinance Chapter 15 – Taxation, Article I – In General, to allow waiver of interest on overdue payments pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 44-5-8.1.


11. Public comment for items not on the agenda Video Icon


12. Consent Items – Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote: Video Icon


A.   Approval of Town Council meeting minutes:


i.    Regular meeting March 10, 2022

ii.   Executive session March 24, 2022

iii.  Special meeting March 24, 2022


B.   Department Reports


i.    Town Clerk

ii.   Public Works

iii.  Building Official/Zoning

iv.  Police

v.   Treasurer

vi.  Senior Services

vii. Human Services

viii. EMA

ix.  Recreation


C.   Abatements and Additions: See attached list.


D.   Joint Pole Location(s):  NONE


E.   Appointments: NONE


F.   Re-Appointments: NONE


G.   Resignations: NONE


H.   Authorization/Ratification to post for open positions: NONE


I.    Licenses—subject to all requirements and necessary approvals from all department heads:

i.    New Victualing License expiring 12/01/2022:

a.   Adam Batchelder d/b/a Smoke & Squeal BBQ, 955 Chopmist Hill Road


J.    Correspondence: NONE


K.   Payment of Town Bills:


i.    Early Town Expenses Old Budget - $271,608.76

ii.   Early Town Expenses New Budget - $449.86

iii.  Regular Town Expenses Old budget - $119,301.65

iv.  Regular Town Expenses New Budget - $759,377.25


L.   Referral of request for additional streetlights on Brandy Brook Road to the Traffic Safety Committee.


13. Resolutions—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote: Video Icon


A.   Proposed Resolution in Support of Rhode Island House of Representatives Bill H-7616 regarding improvements to the R.I. Office of Healthy Aging.


14. Town Business—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote: Video Icon


A.   An update from EMA Director John Robinson on the COVID-19 pandemic.


B.   Recommendation from the Traffic Safety Committee to restrict the weight limit to 40-tons or less on Old Plainfield Pike and Trimtown Road.


C.   Request from the Recycling Committee to change their name to the Scituate Sustainability Initiative Committee.


D.   Announcement of Scituate Recycling Earth Day Clean-up April 23, 2022


15. Adjournment of Meeting


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