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For informational purposes only
Posted: 8.7.23
Thursday, August 10, 2023 @ 6:30 PM
High School Auditorium
94 Trimtown Road
N. Scituate, RI 02857
The Town has set up the following internet video conference and telephonic access capabilities for remote public participation for items other than public hearings:
By internet/Zoom at:
Dial via telephone:
888 788 0099 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 812 4329 2388
Passcode: 132310
AMENDED AGENDA (Item 4A)(Item 12 F)
Attachments are available to view on our website
2. Call to order – Town Council President
3. Roll Call – Town Clerk
4. Possible Motion(s) to convene into Closed/Executive Session:
A. The Scituate Town Council may vote to move into Executive Session pursuant to R.I.G.L. § 42-46-5(a) Subsection (2) Pending Litigation (Knight v. Scituate, PC-2020-05420). Discussion and/or Potential action, announcement and/or vote(s) from Executive Session and/or Open Session concerning Knight v. Town of Scituate, PC-2020-05420.
5. Motion to close Executive Session / Motion to seal Executive Session minutes / Announcement of Vote(s) in Executive Session, if any.
6. Regular Meeting call to order – Council President – Beginning no earlier than 7:00 P.M.
7. Public Hearings—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote (Note: No virtual participation on these public hearing items):
A. Second Reading of proposed ordinance amendment of Chapter 12 which will modernize the ordinance with regard to Soil Erosion & Sediment Control, Post-Construction Stormwater Control, and Illicit Discharge of Stormwater.
B. First Reading of the proposed Public Event Ordinance amendment. Proposed ordinance amendment of Chapter 6, Article VII, will establish standards to provide one-time and reoccurring entertainment.
8. Public comment for items not on the agenda
9. Appointments—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote:
A. Authorization to hire Jared Therrien for the Public Works Laborer position with terms and conditions in accordance with collective bargaining agreement with Teamsters Local 251.
B. Authorization to hire Dawn Wallitsch as recommended by Senior Services Director Cheryl Ignacio, as a part-time employee. The employee’s hours will not exceed 19.5 hours/week with current salary to be determined by Town Council.
C. North Scituate Village Overlay District Committee, term expiring 5/31/2025, applications received from:
i. Joseph Lang
D. Pawtuxet River Authority member appointments (3 openings); term expiring 6/01/2026; Members from each political party shall be appointed per R.I.G.L. § 46-24-3 from names submitted by each political party: Names submitted:
Democratic Comm. Names Submitted: | Republican Comm. Names Submitted: | Other |
Robert Nero | Peter Meusert | Allen Durand |
George Kuzmowycz |
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10. Consent Items—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote:
A. Approval of Town Council meeting minutes:
i. Regular Meeting – July 13, 2023
i. Town Clerk
ii. Public Works
iii. Building Official/Zoning
iv. Police
v. Treasurer
vi. Senior Services
vii. Human Services
viii. EMA
ix. Recreation
C. Abatements and Additions: See Attached
D. Correspondence: NONE
i. Proposed new pole – 338 Rocky Hill Road
ii. Proposed new pole – 150 William Henry Road
iii. Proposed new pole – 9 Westcott Road
F. Re-Appointments: None
G. Resignations & Retirements:
i. Norma Knox – North Scituate Village Overlay District Committee
ii. Chris DaRosa – Human Resource Committee
H. Authorization to post for open positions:
i. North Scituate Village Overlay District Committee-term ending 5/31/2025
ii. Human Resource Committee – term ending 12/31/2024
I. Licenses—subject to receipt of all required paperwork, all State and Local permits, and compliance with all stipulations, rules and regulations as previously required by the Town Council: NONE
J. Payment of Town Bills:
i. Early Town Expenses - $244,486.01
ii. Regular Town Expenses Old Budget - $50,716.07
iii. Early General Obligation Bond - $7,129.66
11. Resolutions—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote: NONE
12. Town Business—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote:
A. Ratify purchase of Building Official’s vehicle, utilizing MPA 563. Selected vendor is Tasca Ford, for a 2021 Ford Escape AWD for $27,624. Funded through accumulated capital in L2113. ($30,000 available)
B. Request permission to go out to bid for Statistical Revaluation required December 31, 2024 per R.I.G.L. § 44-5-11.6. Note the state will reimburse the Town $12 per parcel for this project per R.I.G.L. § 44-5-11.6 (c)
C. Request from the Town Clerk in consultation with the Purchasing Agent to post a request for proposals (“RFP”) for a Land Evidence Recording System.
D. Request from the Police Chief to begin the hiring/recruiting process to hire a police officer
E. Request from Janice LeBrun, Trustee of the Janice M. LeBrun 2019 Declaration of Trust dated December 23, 2019, and Rhode Island Housing to waive eligibility requirements of the Town’s CSSLP which currently does not allow for non-individual owners of property to apply for a septic system loan concerning Lot 23 on Scituate Tax Assessor’s Plat 45, also known as 476 Central Pike.
F. Authorization for the Animal Control Director to take his work vehicle home, to be used for animal control related business
G. Possible determination by the Town Council of whether to fill the vacancy on the Town Council created by the death of David A. D’Agostino, and if the Town Council decides that the vacancy should be filled, a possible determination of the process and/or manner in which the vacancy should be filled.