Click Video Icon to view the entire meeting or click any video icon below to jump to that section of the meeting.




Thursday, May 11, 2023 @ 6:00 PM


High School Auditorium

94 Trimtown Road

N. Scituate, RI 02857


The Town has set up the following internet video conference and telephonic access capabilities for remote public participation for items other than public hearings:


By internet/Zoom at:


Dial via telephone:

888 788 0099 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 812 4329 2388

Passcode: 13231



Attachments are available to view on our website


1.   Pledge of Allegiance Video Icon


2.   Call to order – Town Council President Video Icon


3.   Roll Call – Town Clerk


4.   Possible Motion(s) to convene into Closed/Executive Session: Video Icon


A.   The Town Council may convene into Executive Session to discuss, take possible action, and/or vote pursuant to the relevant requirements of R.I.G.L. § 42-46-5(a) Subsection (2) Pending Litigation (Refinement, LLC v. Town of Scituate, C.A. 1:23-cv-00023-JJM-LDA).  Discussion and/or Potential action, announcement and/or vote(s) from Executive Session and/or Open Session concerning Refinement, LLC v. Town of Scituate, C.A. 1:23-cv-00023-JJM-LDA


B.   The Town Council may convene into Executive Session to discuss, take possible action, and/or vote pursuant to the relevant requirements of R.I. General Laws § 42-46-5(a) Subsection (5) Real Estate, specifically regarding possible sale and/or transfer of real estate and/or interest(s) in real estate for which the Town owns tax title.  Discussion and/or Potential action, announcement and/or vote(s) from Executive Session and/or Open Session concerning possible sale and/or transfer of real estate and/or interest(s) in real estate for which the Town owns tax title.


C.   The Town Council may convene into Executive Session to discuss, take possible action, and/or vote pursuant to the relevant requirements of R.I. General Laws § 42-46-5(a) Subsection (2) Collective Bargaining (IBPO, Local 502) concerning a potential Memorandum of Understanding for a Temporary Position to manage the Police Accreditation process.  Discussion and/or Potential action, announcement and/or vote(s) from Executive Session and/or Open Session concerning a potential Memorandum of Understanding with IBPO, Local 502 for a Temporary Position to manage the Police Accreditation process. 


D.   The Town Council may convene into Executive Session to discuss, take possible action, and/or vote pursuant to the relevant requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-46-5 (a) Subsection (1), a discussion of the job performance, character, or physical or mental health of the Animal Control Director, provided that such person affected shall have been notified in advance in writing and advised that he may require that the discussion be held at an open meeting.  Discussion and/or Potential action, announcement and/or vote(s) from Executive Session and/or Open Session concerning the Animal Control Director and/or his benefits and terms of employment. 


5.   Motion to close Executive Session / Motion to seal Executive Session minutes / Announcement of Vote(s) in Executive Session, if any.


6.   Regular Meeting call to order – Council President – Beginning no earlier than 7:00 P.M. Video Icon


7.   Proclamation Presentations, Acknowledgements and Announcements—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote: Video Icon


A.   Public Works Week to be celebrated May 21 –27, 2023

B.   Town-wide Speeding Study


8.   Public Hearings—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote (Note: No virtual participation on these public hearing items): NONE Video Icon


9.   Public comment for items not on the agenda Video Icon


10. Appointments—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote: Video Icon


A.   Recommendation from the Police Chief to hire Jarett Kelly as a Scituate Police Department Full-time Dispatcher, with salary, benefits, terms and conditions of employment in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement with NAGE Local R1-42.


11. Consent Items—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote: Video Icon


A.   Approval of Town Council meeting minutes:


i.    Regular Meeting – April 13, 2023

ii.   Executive Session – March 13, 2023

iii.  Executive Session – April 13, 2023


B.   Department Reports


i.    Town Clerk

ii.   Public Works

iii.  Building Official/Zoning

iv.  Police       

v.   Treasurer

vi.  Senior Services

vii. Human Services

viii. EMA

ix.  Recreation


C.   Abatements and Additions: None


D.   Correspondence: NONE


E.   Joint Pole Location(s): NONE


F.   Re-Appointments:


i.    Hope Village Overlay District Committee, term ending 5/31/2025


a.   Harley Bartlett

b.   Brian Leach

c.   Robert Morse

d.   Judith Loven


G.   Resignations & Retirement


i.    Police Department Executive Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police, Kathryn Melvin, effective, May 5, 2023


H.   Authorization to post for open positions:


i.    Senior Services – Request from Senior Services Director Cheryl Ignacio to conduct a search for candidates for two part-time employees to fill vacancies.  The new employee’s hours will not exceed 19.5 hours/week with salary to be determined based on qualifications and Director’s recommendation.


ii.   Police Department Executive Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police


I.    Licenses—subject to receipt of all required paperwork, all State and Local permits, and compliance with all stipulations, rules and regulations as previously required by the Town Council:


i.    Firearm Sales - Adam Berry, 416 Rocky Hill Road, Scituate


J.    Town Treasurer’s request to authorize out of state training for Karen Beattie to attend IAAO conference in Salt Lake City, Utah from August 27, 2023 through August 30, 2023 in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00, to include conference registration and travel expenses.


K.   Payment of Town Bills:


i.    Early Town Expenses – $141,393.06

ii.   Early Town Expenses Old Budget $60,775.11

iii.  Regular Town Expenses Old Budget Quarterly April Payments – $10,680.81


12. Resolutions—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote: NONE Video Icon


13. Town Business—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote: Video Icon


A.   Approval of route and safety protocols as required by the Police Department for the 2023 Alzheimer's Walk in the North Scituate Village on September 30, 2023; subject to the Rhode Island Department of Transportation approvals and possible conditions of approval.


B.   Recommendation from the HR Committee, Purchasing Agent and Town Treasurer to award the RFP for HR/professional consulting services to Tranquil Multi Dynamic Advisory LLC (TMDA).


C.   Approval for Alicia Ann Kelley, as Chair of the HR Committee to request the Town Council work in conjunction with the School Committee to explore if the School District HR position could also incorporate the Town's needs for HR services.


D.   Request from the Scituate Land Trust to hire GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. for services at Esek Hopkins Park in the amount of $25,357 (to be paid from the federally appropriated funds) for surveying and designing the proposed universally accessible trails and preparing bid ready specs for constructing the trails.


E.   Request from the Scituate Land Trust to hire GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. for services at Esek Hopkins Park in the amount of $8,196, to be paid with budgeted Land Trust funds and/or the open space/recreation reserve funds, for preparing conceptual design drawings to allow the Town and North Scituate Rotary to proceed with adding accessible playground equipment and seek additional funding to make at least 50 percent of the playground accessible under American with Disability Act guidelines.


F.   Approval of Weston & Sampson proposal for On-Call Planning Services under the State Master-Pricing Agreement (MPA).  Town Planner will remain Ashley Sweet, but will now provide services under her full-time employer of Westin & Sampson.


G.   Possible creation/amendment of Recreation Committee Charge.


14. Adjournment of Meeting


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