Click Video Icon to view the entire meeting or click any video icon below to jump to that section of the meeting.


For information only

Posted 5/23/23




Thursday, May 25, 2023 @ 6:30 PM


Scituate High School

94 Trimtown Road

N. Scituate, RI 02857


The meeting will also be live-streamed only with no remote participation

at the following address:


By internet/Zoom at:


Dial via telephone:

888 788 0099 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 812 4329 2388

Passcode: 132310


Please contact the Town Clerk’s Office during normal business hours with any questions.


AMENDED AGENDA (location change)

Attachments are available to view on our website


1.   Pledge of Allegiance Video Icon


2.   Call to order – Council President


3.   Roll Call – Town Clerk


4.   Possible Motion(s) to convene into Closed/Executive Session: Video Icon


A.   The Town Council may convene into Executive Session to discuss, take possible action, and/or vote pursuant to the relevant requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-46-5 (a) Subsection (1), a discussion of the job performance, character, or physical or mental health of the Building/Zoning/Planning Administrative Officer, provided that such person affected shall have been notified in advance in writing and advised that she may require that the discussion be held at an open meeting.  Discussion and/or Potential action, announcement and/or vote(s) from Executive Session and/or Open Session concerning the Building/Zoning/Planning Administrative Officer, including possible base pay adjustment concerning Administrative Officer annual salary and possible equivalent of retroactive pay to 1/1/2017, inclusive of subsequent annual increases in accordance with the Town of Scituate Human Resource Manual, as previously approved by the Town Council in 2017. 


5.   Motion to close Executive Session / Motion to seal Executive Session minutes / Announcement of Vote(s) in Executive Session, if any.


6.   Regular Meeting call to order – Council President – Beginning no earlier than 7:00 P.M. Video Icon


7.   Consent Agenda—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote:


A.   Payment of Town Bills:


i.    Early Town Expenses – $141,393.06

ii.   Early Town Expenses Old Budget $60,775.11

iii.  Regular Town Expenses Old Budget Quarterly April Payments – $10,680.81


B.   Ratification of Municipal Clerk’s Week Proclamation


C.   Ratification of Police Week Proclamation


D.   Approve expenditures up to $5,000 from the Recreation/Land Dedication Fund L2404 to install exercise equipment.  Previously approved by the council at the April 13, 2023 meeting.


8.   Town Business—Review, Discussion and/or Potential Action and/or Vote Video Icon


A.   Presentation on Town Hall addition by Jackie Brousseau, R.A. Aharonian Associates, Inc.


B.   Update from the Finance Director on American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) funds appropriated and distributed to date


C.   Update on the status of outstanding requests for ARPA funds and consideration of bringing requests to the next Town Council meeting for approval


D.   Consideration of Town Council of setting a cutoff date for new requests for ARPA funds from non-Town entities and/or Town Departments Video Icon


E.   Purchase and install fencing at Berkander Field around the baseball field and basketball courts, to be expended from the Land Dedication / Recreation Fund L2404. (current balance in the L2404 account $118,995. The bid for fencing totals $89,400. The funding source is from subdivision projects per planning regulations.)


F.   Hope Associates request for $5,000 of ARPA funds for architectural design and engineering plans for Howland Barn


G.   Scituate Preservation Society's request for $90,000 of ARPA funds for the renovation, refurbishment, and renewal of the lower level of the Preservation Society headquarters building (historic Grange #39).


H.   Gentian Garden Club’s request for $1059 of ARPA funds to purchase planters and supplies to replace planters along West Greenville Road and in the area of the Scituate Village Greene.


I.    Request from the Clayville School House Revitalization Committee for $4,000 of ARPA funds to get an asbestos analysis and a quote for an abatement


J.    Update on the request for a proposed Dog Park using ARPA funds


K.   Memorial Day Parade announcement


9.   Adjournment of Meeting




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