For informational purposes only
Posted 12.17.24
Thursday, December 19, 2024 @ 7:00 PM
Scituate Senior Center
1315 Chopmist Hill Road
N. Scituate, RI 02857
The Town has set up the following internet video conference and telephonic access capabilities for remote public participation for items other than public hearings:
By internet/Zoom at:
Dial via telephone:
888 788 0099 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 812 4329 2388
Passcode: 132310
Attachments are available to view on our website
A. Resolution approving change orders (1) $16,371.00 for pump house fire alarm to the Scituate High School fire alarm upgrades contract & (2) $4,539.32 for fire alarm conduit if not included in contract allowance & (3) $1,972.88 for state permit fees, all to be funded by $1,000,000 (water project) bonds approved at April 4, 2023 Financial Town meeting
A. The Town Council may convene into Executive Session to discuss, take possible action, and/or vote pursuant to the relevant requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-46-5 (a) Subsection (1), a discussion of the job performance, character, or physical or mental health of a person or persons, specifically to allow the Town Council to conduct interviews of potential Building Official/Zoning Official candidates, provided that such person or persons affected shall have been notified in advance in writing and advised that they may require that the discussion be held at an open meeting. Discussion and/or Potential action, announcement and/or vote(s) from Executive Session and/or Open Session concerning interviews of potential Building Official/Zoning Official candidates.
Adjournment of Meeting