Click Video Icon to view the entire meeting or click any video icon below to jump to that section of the meeting.




















Rory H. McEntee, President

Michael K. Marran, Vice President

Patricia A. Alley

Deborah D. Bergner

Jay G. Wegimont


James M. Manni, Town Manager

Michael A. Ursillo, Esquire, Town Solicitor

Nichole C. Romane, Town Clerk




Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend in person or view the meeting live on ClerkBase at or on your local Public Access Television Station.


NOTE:  Individuals requesting American Sign Language interpreters or CART service must call the Town Clerk’s Office at 401-789-9331 seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the meeting date.


DATE POSTED 1/9/2025

1.            CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION – 6:30 PM


A.        A Closed Executive Session pursuant to 42-46-5 (a)(5) relative to the disposition of publicly held property, RIGL §42-46-5(a)(5) to discuss matters related to the acquisition or lease of real property for public purposes, or of the disposition of publicly held property wherein advanced public information would be detrimental to the interest of the public, and RIGL §42-46-5(a)(3) to discuss matters pertaining to security including, but not limited to, the deployment of security personnel or devices.


2.            A.        INTERVIEW – immediately following Video

1.         Jack Cadman for appointment to the Economic Development Committee.



All items listed on the Town Council agenda are subject to discussion.


3.            REGULAR SESSION – 7:30 PM

Please be advised that the Council intends to discuss and/or act upon each and every item appearing on this agenda.


            A.        PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Video



4.            ROLL CALL Video




6.            CONSENT AGENDA Video


(CA)    A.        A resolution granting Holiday Sales Licenses to the following: Renewals:


Narragansett Pest Control Inc d/b/a All Outdoors Power Equipment, 4060 Tower Hill Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Margaret Siligato, Owner. License No. 61388.


Point Judith Marina LLC d/b/a Point Judith Marina, 392D Gooseberry Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Anne Killeen, General Manager. License No. 60136.


South County Bread Company d/b/a South County Bread Company, 333 Main Street, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Jeffrey Collins, Co-Owner. License No. 87012.


Graphic Expressions Inc d/b/a Graphic Expressions, 254 Robinson Street, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Wayne Cahoone, President. License No. 59796.


Main Street Candy LLC d/b/a Main Street Candy, 324 Main Street, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Wayne Cahoone, President. License No. 59795.

Low Tide Jewelry Company d/b/a Low Tide Jewelry Company, 1070 Kingstown Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Paula Quigley, Owner. License No. 69699.


(CA)    B.        A resolution granting Victualling and Holiday Sales Licenses to the following: Renewals:


L&R Northup, Inc d/b/a L&R Northup, 1892 Kingstown Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Rachel Northup, Owner. License No. 73184.


Starbucks Corporation d/b/a Starbucks Coffee #2798, 600 Kingstown Road, Wakefield, RI 59601. Application by Mary Her, Senior License Analyst. License No. 59601.


Bagelz of Wakefield Inc d/b/a Bagels, 90 Pershing Ave, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Scott Lieberman, President. License No. 59135.


Taylors Landing Country Store Inc d/b/a TLC Coffee Roaster, 3362 Kingstown Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by James McCarthy, Owner. License No. 81647.


Hyde Park Burgers LLC d/b/a Five Guys Burgers and Fries, 600A Kingstown Road, Wakefield RI 02879. Application by Michelle Siddall, Marketing & Administration Manager. License No. 87164.


(CA)    C.        A resolution granting a Victualling License to the following Renewals:


Town Made LLC d/b/a Town Made, 203 Main Street, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Ken Procaccianti, Principal. License No. 75003.


Oatslay6 Inc d/b/a Oatley’s ll, 575 Kingstown Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Vaughn Oatley, President. License No. 84505.


Gen-Care, Inc d/b/a Subway @ Emporium, 99 Fortin Road, Kingston, RI 02881. Application by Paul Gencarelli, President. License No. 59750.


Baked by Jessica d/b/a Baked by Jessica, 406A Main Street, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Jessica Dyer, Owner. License No. 65314.


Brickleys Ice Cream LLC d/b/a Brickleys Ice Cream, 322 main Street, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Chris Brophy, Vice President. License No. 61447.


Daisey Beckham LLC d/b/a Pokemoto, 26 South County Commons Way, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Timothy O’Connor, CEO. License No. 77592.


(CA)    D.        A resolution granting Holiday Sales, and Farm Retail Sales Licenses to Carpenter’s Farm d/b/a Carpenter’s Farm, 520 Matunuck Beach Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by David Carpenter, Owner. License No. 59455.


(CA)    E.         A resolution granting a Theater and Holiday Sales License to Matunuck Live Theatre Inc d/b/a Theatre By the Sea, 364 Cards Pond Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Karen Kessler, Vice President & Secretary. License No. 78932.


(CA)    F.         A resolution granting Trailer Park/Campground Licenses to Blackbeard Homeowners Association d/b/a Blackbeard Homeowners Association, 836 Matunuck Beach Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Sabrina Courville, Treasurer. License No. 82430.


(CA)    G.        A resolution granting Holiday Sales and Farm Produce Licenses to Whaley Farm d/b/a Whaley Farm, 2 Jerry Brown Farm Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by George Whaley, Owner. License No. 78225


(CA)    H.        A resolution granting Victualling and Holiday Sales Licenses for the year beginning December 1, 2023, to Kingston Mart d/b/a Kingston Mart, 100 Fortin Road, Kingston, RI 02881. Application by Mohamed Hsaine, Owner. License No. 66454.


(CA)    I.          A resolution granting Tourist Accommodations and Holiday Sales Licenses to Village Hotel Associates d/b/a Hampton Inn South Kingstown, 20 Hotel Drive, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Bonnie Brake, Director of Hotel Operations. License No. 60002.


(CA)    J.         A resolution authorizing the Town Assessor to abate taxes in the amount of $6,581.48, as shown on Tax Abatement Request No. 644.


Rule 13:  All items listed with a (CA) are to be considered routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Council, or a member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed from Consent Agenda (CA) consideration and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.


7.            LICENSES


            A.        A resolution granting a Victualling License to Vincent Ventures LLC d/b/a The Fresh Monkee SK, 3045 Tower Hill Road, Saunderstown, RI 02874. Application by Vincent Brown, Owner. New; License No. 85954. Video


            B.        A resolution granting Victualling and Holiday Sales Licenses to Mama What’s Cooking LLC d/b/a Mama What’s Cooking, 100 Fortin Road, Kingston, RI 02881. Application by Ihab Chamseddine, Owner. New; License No. 87050. Video


8.            PUBLIC COMMENTS – 30 Minutes Video


Rule 10A.  for the conduct of the meetings of the South Kingstown Town Council:  Members of the public shall be entitled to speak at regular meetings during any period designated on the agenda for public comment, once, for a period of five minutes, or longer at the discretion of the President, and at other times when invited to do so by the President.  The public shall address their comments to the question under debate as indicated on the agenda. Pursuant to RI General Laws §42-46-6(b), public comment regarding subject matter not on the agenda but received during the public participation portion of a meeting shall be for information purposes only and may not be voted on except where necessary to address an unexpected occurrence that requires immediate action to protect the public or to refer the matter to an appropriate committee or to another body or official.


9.            PUBLIC HEARINGS


A.        A Public Hearing, continued from November 26, 2024, to consider revised proposed amendments to the Town’s Zoning Ordinance, Article 1. Establishment of Districts and Official Zoning Map, Section 101 B. Commercial, Article 3 Use Regulations, Section 301 Schedule of Use Regulations Table, Article 503 Accessory Uses, Appendix B. Parcels Subject to Special Conditions of Previous Zoning Amendments, Article 12. Definitions; to the Town Code, Chapter 9 Licenses and Miscellaneous Business Regulations, Article 1 In General, Section 9-19 Hours of Operations of Certain Businesses; and to the Town’s Zoning Map adding a CN-M (Commercial Neighborhood – Matunuck) Zoning District, as shown on Exhibit 1 attached hereto. Video


B.        A Public Hearing relative to proposed amendments to the Town Code, Chapter 10 Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Article I In General, Section 10-12 Boulevard and Street Stop Signs Designated for the installation of stop signs at Belmont Avenue and Wright Avenue where they terminate at Highland Avenue as follows: Video





Sec. 10-12 – Boulevard and street stop signs designated.



Belmont Avenue at Highland Avenue. Traffic to stop on Belmont Avenue at intersection.”




“Wright Avenue at Highland Avenue.  Traffic to stop on Wright Avenue at intersection.”


10.          NEW BUSINESS


A.           A resolution adopting citations recognizing Elizabeth “Betsey” Babcock, Account Clerk I and Stephen “Steve” Babcock, Auto Mechanic II upon their retirement after 23 years of dedicated service to the Town of South Kingstown, as requested by Council Member Wegimont. Video


B.           Discussion of the South Kingstown High School cost reduction strategies and potential action authorizing the possible use of advanced reimbursement Pay Go funding for additional project contingency. Video


C.           A resolution authorizing an award of bid to Coldmasters, 72 Fenner Street, Cranston, RI 02910 for boiler replacements at the Peace Dale Library in an amount not to exceed $83,968 and Public Works Garage in an amount not to exceed $60,474, including a contingency for each project, and as further described in a memorandum from the Director of Facilities to the Town Manager dated December 26, 2024 and entitled, “Bid Recommendation – Boiler Replacements for Peace Dale Library and Public Works Garage – SK0021FAC.” Video

D.           A resolution authorizing an award of bid to Skurka Construction, 301 East Greenwich Avenue, West Warwick, RI 02893 for the Green Hill Pond, Factory Pond Stream and Teal Pond Stream Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and Nitrogen Reduction Implementation Project in a total amount of $310,360, including a contingency of $8,860 to be paid from the SNEP Watershed Implementation Grants (SWIG24) and available funds from the Town’s Grant Matching Fund account, as further described in a memorandum from the Public Services Director to the Town Manager dated December 26, 2024, entitled “Award of Bid - Green Hill Pond Water Quality.” Video


E.            A resolution to authorize an amendment to an award of bid originally granted on February 10, 2021 and subsequently amended on August 10, 2022 to Woodard & Curran, 33 Broad Street, Providence, RI 02908 for Green Hill Pond, Factory Pond Stream and Teal Pond Stream Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and Nitrogen Reduction Engineering Services from an amount not to exceed $289,200 to an amount not to exceed $311,840 to be paid from the SNEP Watershed Implementation Grants (SWIG24) and available funds from the Town’s Grant Matching Fund account, and as further described in a memorandum from the Public Services Director to the Town Manager dated December 26, 2024, entitled “Award of Bid - Green Hill Pond Water Quality.” Video


F.            A resolution authorizing an award of contract to Central Maine Pyrotechnics, PO Box 322, Hallowell, Maine, 04347 for Fourth of July fireworks displays in 2025 and 2026, in accordance with all bidding specifications, in a total amount of $23,000 per year, and as further described in a memorandum from the Director of Leisure Services to the Town Manager dated January 7, 2025 and entitled “Bid Recommendation  – Fourth of July Fireworks Display.” Video


G.           A resolution authorizing the Town Clerk to advertise for Order of Notice a Public Hearing to consider proposed amendments to the Town’s Zoning Ordinance, Article 8 Signs, Section 802 Signs Permitted in Any Zoning District Without Permits, as shown on Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Video


H.           Discussion and potential action relating to a letter dated November 18, 2024 from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) concerning the Town’s Ordinance on political signs, as requested by Council Vice President Marran Video.


I.              Discussion, tabled from December 18, 2024, regarding traffic education and safety within the Town, as requested by Council Member Bergner. Video


J.            Discussion, tabled from December 18, 2024, regarding the impact of using American Rescue Plan Act funds to advance planned Capital Improvement Program purchases, as requested by Council Member Bergner. Video


11.          PUBLIC COMMENTS – Continued Video


Rule 10A.  for the conduct of the meetings of the South Kingstown Town Council:  Members of the public shall be entitled to speak at regular meetings during any period designated on the agenda for public comment, once, for a period of five minutes, or longer at the discretion of the President, and at other times when invited to do so by the President.  The public shall address their comments to the question under debate as indicated on the agenda. Pursuant to RI General Laws §42-46-6(b), public comment regarding subject matter not on the agenda but received during the public participation portion of a meeting shall be for information purposes only and may not be voted on except where necessary to address an unexpected occurrence that requires immediate action to protect the public or to refer the matter to an appropriate committee or to another body or official.


12.          TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT Video


A.           Update on SBC and School Facilities Project




            A.        An email dated October 29, 2024 from Marisa Salisbury requesting the expansion of Saugatucket Park by absorbing the abutting Wakefield Elementary School and its associated playground is received, placed on file, and the Town Council directs Video                                              .


            B.        An email dated December 5, 2024 from Kenneth Burke requesting that an Ad Hoc Committee for the Nation’s 250th anniversary be formed is received, placed on file, and the Town Council directs                                         .


            C.        A letter dated December 9, 2024 from Mark DeMoranville tendering his resignation from the Sustainability Committee effective January 1, 2025 is received, placed on file, and the Town Council directs Video                                                .


            D.        An email dated December 15, 2024 from Louis Santilli requesting the adoption of an unruly gatherings ordinance is received, placed on file, and the Town Council directs Video                                                      .


            E.         A letter dated December 16, 2024 from the Affordable Housing Collaborative Committee concerning the Town’s three vacant surplus properties is received, placed on file, and the Town Council directs Video                                                             .


            F.         An email dated January 6, 2025 from Nathan Pham, Verizon requesting a letter of support in conjunction with Verizon's application to the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation Capital Project Fund Request for Proposal to expand their fiber optic network and facilitate broadband for unserved and underserved residents and businesses in South Kingstown is received, placed on file, and the Town Council directs Video                                      .


            G.        An email dated January 7, 2025 from Bret Harrington concerning the maintenance of effort calculations that determine the level of financial support provided to the School Department is received, placed on file, and the Town Council directs Video                                  .


Rule 18:  Correspondence to the Town Council shall be placed on the Council agenda only where action by the Council is requested.  Correspondence relating to personnel issues or personal matters shall not be placed on the agenda.  The Town Clerk shall confer with the Town Manager and/or Town Solicitor where the intent of the correspondence may be unclear.  The Town reserves the right to make correspondence public by posting it on the Town Council agenda or otherwise.


14.          APPOINTMENTS Video


A.           A resolution appointing ___________________________________ to the ______________________________ Board/Committee/Commission for a term to expire in _______________. (See Attachment A for Boards and Commissions Appointments Report)


Rule 11:  No item of business other than that of adjournment may be brought before the Town Council at any meeting unless such an item is introduced before 11:00 PM; provided, however, that this rule may be suspended by an affirmative vote of a majority of members present.


Pursuant to RIGL §42-46-6(b). Notice – “Nothing contained herein shall prevent a public body, other than a school committee from adding additional items to the agenda by majority vote of the members.  Such additional items shall be for informational purposes only and may not be voted on except where necessary to address an unexpected occurrence that requires immediate action to protect the public or to refer the matter to an appropriate committee or to another body or official.”



Exhibit 1


Proposed Amendments to the Town Code and Zoning Ordinance,


Part III Code of Ordinances

Chapter 9 Licenses and Miscellaneous Business Regulations


Article I. In General


Section 9-19. - Hours of operation of certain businesses.

Every person owning, leasing, occupying or keeping a saloon, shop, room or place of business where a billiard table, bagatelle table, pool table, scippio table or any table of a similar character, or a bowling alley, or an amusement or public resort, or tavern club, victualling house and cooking shop, shall close and keep closed the saloon, shop, room, tavern, club, victualling house, cooking shop, bowling alley, amusement, public resort or place of business, between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.; but any tavern, club, victualling house and cooking shop may open at 5:00 a.m. for the sale of food and soft drinks. Further, for cause shown or if it appears that it is for the best interest of the public, the town council may grant permission for a particular tavern, club, victualling house, cooking shop or theater or dancehall, upon application, to remain open after the 1:00 a.m. closing hour, upon such conditions and after such notice as the town council may deem advisable but if the permission is to continue for more than six (6) consecutive days, notice shall be given of a public hearing on the application at least once in a newspaper of local concern, and the clerk or person acting on his behalf shall send, by registered letter, notice of the hearing to all abutting or adjacent property owners, the cost of such notices to be paid by the applicant at the time of the filing of the application. The permission, if granted, shall be revocable at the pleasure of the town council. Nothing in this section shall be construed to include hotels, garages, gas or oil stations and pharmacies as to a closing hour.


(Code 1971, § 16-1)


Cross reference— Business hours of peddlers restricted, § 9-63.


Appendix A Zoning Ordinance


Article 1. Establishment of Districts and Official Zoning Map


Section 101 Zoning Districts


B. Commercial


CN – Commercial Neighborhood. This district provides small-scale retail establishments designed to provide local business service to residential neighborhoods throughout the town. This district includes mixed uses within specially designed retail areas which include office uses and specific public and semi-public uses with single and multi-household residential development under special conditions, all of which must meet certain design and site planning requirements.


CN-M – Commercial Neighborhood – Matunuck. This district represents a portion of the commercial area within Matunuck that allows for small-scale retail establishments designed to provide local business service to residential neighborhoods within the Village.  This district recognizes Matunuck’s unique characteristics and rich history and aims to allow for compatible land uses that complement its diversity while preserving its cultural importance and integrity.


Article 3. Use Regulations


Section 301. Schedule of Use Regulations Table.








































































Article 5. Supplementary Regulations


Section 504 Special use permits


504.20 Brewpubs


Recommended standards and objective criteria for special use permits for brewpubs:

(1)  Brewpubs are required to obtain a Brewpub Manufacturer’s License in accordance with RIGL 1956 § 3-6-1.2, as amended.  All conditions associated with the approval of any special use permit for brewpub use shall be incorporated into the requisite license issued by the Town of South Kingstown.  Such conditions shall be reviewed for compliance as part of the annual licensing for any brewpub establishment;

(2)  Brewpubs shall be subject to the property owner obtaining and holding a Class A, B, or BM license, or other license deemed applicable as required by the Town of South Kingstown or the State of Rhode Island;

(3)  Brewpubs shall be subject to the limits applicable to the sale, distribution, and on-site/off-site consumption, as regulated by RIGL 1956 § 3-6-1.2, as amended;

(4)  All brewing operations shall occur on the property and/or premises in which the brewpub is located in accordance with applicable local and state licensing.

(5)  Production Capacity - Brewing capacity for any proposed brewpub may be limited by site conditions including but not limited to; storage of material, onsite wastewater treatment capabilities, South Kingstown’s Wastewater Treatment facilities ability to process effluent from the proposed facility and/or pumping and disposal. Any brewpub use shall submit an effluent management plan to the Town of South Kingstown, Department of Public Service for review and approval.  Effluent discharge from the brewing operation of a brewpub shall be stored onsite and disposed of off-site by a septage hauler.  No discharge from a brewpub brewing operation will be allowed into the municipal wastewater system due to the exceedingly high levels of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) associated with the production of malt beverages. 

a.    The maximum capacity of the brewing equipment and/or systems at any brewpub shall not exceed seven barrels (7 BBLs).

b.    The Planning Board may limit the capacity of brewing equipment and/or the rate of beer production at a brewpub based on the following criteria:

                                          i.    Requirements of the Subdivision & Land Development Regulations, Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan;

                                         ii.    Requirements and/or conditions established by any other state or local government agencies;

                                        iii.    Solid and liquid waste storage and off-site disposal plans;

                                       iv.    The type and proximity of abutting property uses;

(6)  Waste Management Plan - All brewpubs shall submit a waste management plan for review and approval by the Department of Public Services. The waste management plan shall address the storage and disposal of all solid waste and wastewater (wastes) generated by brewpub operations. All waste management plans shall include or provide for:

a.    Plans showing adequate capacity to store all waste generated by brewing operations when conducted at the maximum rate of production.

b.    Written confirmation that the applicant has secured the means to legally transport and dispose of all wastes generated by the brewpub operations.

c.    Copies of any transportation or disposal permits/approvals required for the applicant and/or the applicant’s contractors to haul or accept waste for disposal.

d.    Onsite disposal of brewpub waste is prohibited in the absence of required state and federal permits/approvals, which shall be submitted with the application materials.

(7)  Solid Waste – Onsite solid waste storage systems shall utilize fully enclosed, airtight storage containers designed, constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with best practices in the brewing industry to reduce/prevent the discharge of odors and the attraction of vectors. Solid waste may be accumulated onsite for no longer than forty-eight (48) hours before being removed for disposal.

(8)  Wastewater - Brewpub operations generate wastewater with very high levels of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS); regulated pollutants that are damaging to Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) and capable of exceeding the treatment capacity of municipal sewage treatment systems. Accordingly:

a.    All brewpubs shall maintain separate wastewater collection and disposal systems for standard sanitary wastewater (e.g. lavatory, kitchen, laundry) and process wastewater from brewpub operations.

b.    Disposal of wastewater from brewpub operations to the South Kingstown sewage treatment system is prohibited. This prohibition extends to both onsite discharge to the town’s sanitary sewer system and the delivery of wastewater by tank-truck to the South Kingstown treatment facility.

c.    Disposal of wastewater from brewpub operations to an OWTS approved by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) for disposal of sanitary wastewater is prohibited.

d.    Onsite disposal of wastewater from brewpub operations to an industrial or commercial onsite wastewater disposal system designed to handle wastewater generated by brewing operations is permitted provided that the discharge system has received all required state and federal pollutant discharge approvals.

e.    Onsite wastewater storage systems shall utilize one or methods to reduce TSS in the wastewater stream prior to transporting the wastewater for disposal, such as settling, screens, filters, chemical flocculation or other system.

f.     Onsite wastewater storage systems shall be designed, constructed, operated  and maintained in accordance with best practices in the brewing industry to reduce/prevent fermentation in the storage tanks, prevent discharge of odors and minimize the attraction of vectors. Wastewater may be accumulated onsite for no longer than forty-eight (48) hours before being removed for disposal.

(9)    All brewpubs shall be subject to the parking requirements outlined within Article 7 – Standards for Parking Lots and Loading Facilities and all other standards and requirements associated with Use Code 56.1 – Restaurant with Alcohol shall be adhered to;

(10)  Brewpub operators shall employ best management practices in the collection, storage, repurposing, and/or disposal of waste byproducts generated from brewing operations, as suggested by RIDEM.  All waste byproducts shall be stored in suitable leak-proof containers specifically designed for waste storage in a secure and fully screened location that is not visible or accessible to the general public, and shall be physically removed from the property within 24-hours of being generated;

(11)  Brewpub operations shall not emit any noxious odors other than those ordinarily associated with and/or generated by a typical restaurant.  If compliance with this standard is not met, the Town of South Kingstown may require that mitigation measures be employed as part of the annual licensing review process.  Failure to correct said noncompliance may be cause for revocation or denial of requisite licensing.


Failure to clearly demonstrate compliance with the above-referenced standards and objective criteria may result in the denial the special use permit.  Failure of brewpub uses permitted under this section in maintaining compliance with these standards shall constitute a zoning violation and be subject to enforcement action and/or recommendations to revoke requisite license(s).  Consequently, the recommendation to modify the Town’s existing Zoning Ordinance to allow restaurants to add a brewing component should have limited impact to an existing restaurant’s operation and any characteristics of said operation that may be of concern could be mitigated through standards required to be met in the granting of a special use permit.  Further, noncompliance with these standards could be reviewed and/or enforced during the establishment’s annual business license renewals conducted by the Town Council.


Article 12 Definitions


Brewpub - An establishment where beer and malt beverages are made on the premises in conjunction with a restaurant or bar and are intended to be served on site as part of the overall restaurant/pub establishment, and where no less than 40%  of the product that is manufactured  on the site is sold on site. Brewpubs may distribute to off-site accounts or sell beer to take away in accordance with state law. The primary restaurant/pub component must always be available/open to serve food when alcohol is proposed to be served on site.


BreweryAn establishment where beer or other malt beverages are made on the premises. A manufacturer’s license to make alcoholic beverages under R.I.G.L. § 3-6-1 shall be required and such establishments must meet all local dimensional and parking regulations per Article VII of the Town’s Zoning Code.


Appendix B. - Parcels Subject to Special Conditions of Previous Zoning Amendments


Assessor's Plat/Lot


Zoning/Restrictions and Conditions





CN, Limited to Use Code 35.1 - Nonprofit Community Center and Use Code 35 - Nonprofit Community Park or Playground

YMCA property on Broad Rock Road



9.78 ac.)

CN with the following Use Codes prohibited:
56.1 - Restaurant, with alcohol
56.2 - Brewpub
55.3 - Liquor store

All Commercial CN property in Kingston/URI area, including Kingston Emporium



Proposed Zoning Map Amendment

Split Zoning Designations

Recommended modifications to the Town’s existing zoning map:

·         R20 Conversion: Conversion of the existing CN designation on residentially used properties to R20 by extending the existing and abutting R20 Zoning District south to Matunuck Beach Road, as well as most of the existing CN zoned parcels that do not front on Matunuck Beach Road.

·         CN Conversion: Extending a small portion of the existing CN District one parcel located off Barney Avenue (AP 92-2, Lot 52) that is behind and immediately adjacent to existing commercial uses.

·         OS Conversion: Extending a small portion of the Open Space (OS) Zoning District that covers the Town of South Kingstown Beach and parking area on the west side of Matunuck Beach Road into the street right-of-way to separate the northern and southern sections of the CN zone.

Figure 1: Zoning District Conversions


CN-M (Commercial Neighborhood – Matunuck) Zoning District

Recommended new zone:

Figure 2: New CN-M Zoning District







Exhibit 2

Proposed Amendments to the South Kingstown Zoning Ordinance

Appendix A – Zoning Ordinance

* * *

Article 8. – Signs.

* * *

Sec. 802. Signs permitted in any zoning district without permits.

The following signs are permitted without permits issued by the building official, and shall not be counted when calculating the quantity of signs permitted and the total allowable sign area; provided, however, that such signs shall conform to all other applicable regulations, and further provided that such signs shall conform to all other applicable regulations, and further provided that such signs shall be neither illuminated nor indirectly illuminated, except as otherwise specified herein:

* * *

I. Election signs or political signs. Political signs are nonilluminated and must be incidental to a town, state, or federal election or referendum. Such signs shall be constructed of durable material, and shall not be affixed or attached to trees, traffic signs or utility poles, and shall not be located upon any public right-of-way nor upon any public property. Such signs shall be erected not more than sixty (60) days prior to such election or referendum. No premises shall have a sign erected for more than one hundred twenty (120) days in any calendar year. Political signs relating to any election or referendum shall be removed within fourteen (14) days after said election or referendum. In all districts, such signs shall not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area per side.

* * *



Attachment A


Boards and Commissions Appointments Report



The following information reflects the status of those Town boards, commissions and committees which have vacancies, members whose terms are expiring and are eligible for reappointment, and/or applications filed for consideration of appointment. The Town Council may make appointments at any meeting.


Affordable Housing Collaborative Committee (7 members; 3 year term)

Vacancies: two terms to expire August 2025 (George Helwig and Carol Babbitt Spears resigned)

Applicant: Richard Morrissey (applied 10/29/2024)


Assessment Board of Review (3 members, 1 alternate; 3 year term)

Reappointments for terms to expire January 2025: Bradford Hevenor and Ken Munroe wish to be reappointed. It is reported that Mr. Hevenor has attended 16 of 16 meetings and Mr. Munroe has attended 14 of 16 meetings held during their current term (attendance as of 11/4/2024).


Bicycle – Pedestrian Advisory Committee (Minimum 5, maximum 9 members; 2 year term)

Vacancies: four terms to expire in July 2025 (David Hamel and James Vogel did not wish to be reappointed; Christopher Moore resigned; two additional open positions).

Applicant: David R. Stone (applied 7/16/2024); Neil Murray (applied 9/3/2024).


Building Code/Minimum Housing Code Boards of Appeals (5 members; 5 year term)

Vacancy: one term to expire in June 2029 (Paul Schurman did not wish to be reappointed).


Canvassing Authority (3 members, 2 alternates; 6 year term)

Reappointments for terms to expire March 2025: John Rose wishes to be reappointed. Awaiting responses from Helen Rose DiSanto, Roland Benjamin, and Margaret Healy.


Conservation Commission (7 members; 3 year term)

Reappointments for terms to expire in September 2024. Margaret Clune wishes to be reappointed. Dennis John Bowman does not wish to be reappointed. It is reported that Ms. Clune has attended 6 of 6 meetings held during her current term (attendance as of 4/23/2024).


Economic Development Committee (11 members, 3 year term)

Reappointments for terms to expire March 2025: Michael Gagas and Susan Marcus wish to be reappointed. Awaiting responses from Brian Smith, Kenneth Tetzner, and Henry Thayer. It is reported that Mr. Gagas has attended 21 of 22 meetings, Ms. Marcus has attended 22 of 27 meetings, Mr. Smith has attended 23 of 27 meetings, Mr. Tetzner has attended 9 of 27 meetings, and Mr. Thayer has attended 20 of 27 meetings held during their current term (attendance as of 11/5/2024).

Vacancy: one term to expire in March 2027 (Larry Fish resigned).

Applicant: Jack Cadman (applied 8/21/2024)


Historic District Commission (7 members; 3 year term)

Reappointments for terms to expire in December 2024. Awaiting response from David Nedwidek. Linda Stedman does not wish to be reappointed. It is reported that Mr. Nedwidek has attended 17 of 26 meetings held during his current term (attendance as of 8/9/2024).

Vacancy: one term to expire in December 2026 (Andrew Martinez resigned)


Housing Authority (5 members; 5 year term)

Reappointment for a term to expire in October 2024. Awaiting response from Susana Vazquez McCoy.

Applicants: Lucienne Andrew (applied 10/23/2023; did not attend interview 2/12/2024); Gregory Jones (applied 10/27/2023; interviewed 2/12/2024); Peter Swain (applied 1/12/2024; interviewed 2/12/2024)


Library Board of Trustees (7 members; 3 year term)

Reappointment for a term to expire in July 2024: Hilary Carlson wishes to be reappointed (to be interviewed at a future meeting). It is reported that Ms. Carlson has attended 25 of 32 meetings held during her current term (attendance as of 7/15/2024).

Applicant: Lisa Wholey (applied 2/23/2024); Applicant: David R. Stone (applied 7/16/2024)


Planning Board (7 members; 3 year term)

Applicants: William Green (applied 2/12/2024; interviewed 3/11/2024); Michael Christy (applied 3/14/2024; interviewed 4/8/2024)


Recreation Commission (5 members; 3 year term)

Vacancy: one term to expire June 2025 (David Palazzetti resigned)

Applicant: Matthew Fraza (applied 11/22/2024)


Route 1 Stewardship Plan Development Committee (8 members)

Vacancy: Economic Development Committee Ex-Officio Member (Larry Fish resigned)

Applicants: Jenn Judge (applied 9/30/2024); William Green (applied 10/1/2024); Maureen White (applied 10/8/2024).


Route 138 Reconstruction Project Area Committee (11 members; 2 year term)

Reappointments for terms expired in May 2023: Susan Spranger Axelrod, Dorald Beasley, Gail Faris, Thomas Marcello and William Rosen wish to be reappointed. Awaiting a response from Diane Johnson.

Vacancies: terms expired in May 2023 (Peter Maynard did not wish to be reappointed; James Garfield, Ex-Officio member of Historic District Commission resigned; and URI representative)


Saugatucket Veterans’ Memorial Park Commission (5 members; 5 year term)

Reappointments for terms to expire January 2025: Stephen Stewart and Richard Pike wish to be reappointed. Awaiting responses from Thomas Browning and Judith Ann Munson.

Vacancy: Vietnam Veteran, term expires in January 2025 (Mark Spangler deceased)


Statistical Modeling and Analytics Research Tools (SMART) Committee (9 members)

Two vacancies: (Lauren Weinstock and Jonathan E. Daly-LaBelle resigned)


Sustainability Committee (7 members)

Vacancy (Mark Kravatz resigned)


Waterfront Advisory Commission (7 members; 3 year term)

Reappointment for a term to expire in June 2024: Barry Gross wishes to be reappointed (to be interviewed at a future meeting. It is reported that Mr. Gross has attended 19 of 21 meetings held during his current term (attendance as of 2/8/2024).

Vacancy: one term to expire June 2026 (Sarah Smith resigned)

Applicant: Sara Mariani (applied 9/6/2024).


Zoning Board of Review (5 members, 3 alternates; 3 year term)

Vacancy: Alternate #3 term to expire in March 2027 (William MacDonald promoted to Alt. #2)

Applicants: Robert Fetzer (applied 3/11/2024); Michael Christy (applied 3/14/2024; interviewed 4/8/2024)




Attachment B


Upcoming Meetings Report


Listed below are the scheduled Town Council/Board/Committee meetings for the next two weeks:



·         Library Board of Trustees

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 6:00 pm

Peace Dale Library


·         Planning Board Work Session

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 6:30 pm

Town Council Chambers


·         Zoning Board of Review

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 7:00 pm

Town Council Chambers


·         Probate Court

Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 9:30 am

Town Council Chambers


·         School Building Committee

Thursday, January 16, 2025; Time TBD

Town Council Chambers


·         Housing Court

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 5:30 pm

Town Council Chambers


·         Recreation Commission

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 6:30 pm

Neighborhood Guild


·         Route 1 Stewardship Plan Development Committee

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 6:00 pm

Town Council Chambers


·         Historic District Commission

Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 5:30 pm

Town Council Chambers


·         Affordable Housing Collaborative Committee

Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 7:00 pm

Town Council Chambers

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©2025 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.