Click Video Icon to view the entire meeting or click any video icon below to jump to that section of the meeting.




















Rory H. McEntee, President

Michael K. Marran, Vice President

Patricia A. Alley

Deborah D. Bergner

Jay G. Wegimont


James M. Manni, Town Manager

Michael A. Ursillo, Esquire, Town Solicitor

Nichole C. Romane, Town Clerk




Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend in person or view the meeting live on ClerkBase at or on your local Public Access Television Station.


NOTE:  Individuals requesting American Sign Language interpreters or CART service must call the Town Clerk’s Office at 401-789-9331 seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the meeting date.


DATE POSTED 1/23/2025


1.            CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION – 6:00 PM


A.        A Closed Executive Session pursuant to RIGL §42-46-5(a)(5) to discuss matters related to the acquisition or lease of real property for public purposes, or of the disposition of publicly held property wherein advanced public information would be detrimental to the interest of the public.


2.            A.        INTERVIEWS – 7:00 PM Video

1.         Richard Morrissey for appointment to the Affordable Housing Collaborative Committee. Video

2.         Brian Smith for appointment to the Affordable Housing Collaborative Committee. Video

3.         Susan Mittendorf for appointment to the Affordable Housing Collaborative Committee. Video

4.         Neil Murray for appointment to the Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Video

5.         Kim Falcone for appointment to the Sustainability Committee. Video

6.         Hilary Carlson for reappointment to the Library Board of Trustees. Video


B.        WORK SESSION – immediately following Video

All items listed on the Town Council agenda are subject to discussion.


3.            REGULAR SESSION – 7:30 PM Video

Please be advised that the Council intends to discuss and/or act upon each and every item appearing on this agenda.


            A.        PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Video



4.            ROLL CALL Video




            A.        Work Session – October 15, 2024


B.        Regular Session – October 15, 2024


C.        Closed Executive Session – October 15, 2024


6.            CONSENT AGENDA Video


(CA)    A.        A resolution granting Holiday Sales Licenses to the following: Renewals:


The Purple Cow Company d/b/a The Purple Cow, 205 Main Street, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Malinda Witham, President. License No. 83170.


RPC Inc d/b/a Rumford Pet Express, 20 Main Street, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Lisa Vellucci, VP Finance. License No. 70144.


South County Bread Company d/b/a South County Bread Company, 333 Main Street, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Jeffrey Collins, Co-Owner. License No. 87012.


(CA)    B.        A resolution granting Victualling and Holiday Sales Licenses to the following: Renewals:


Jennifer’s Chocolates d/b/a Jennifer’s Chocolates, 160 Old Tower Hill Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Jennifer Dowell, Owner. License No. 61338.


Drake Petroleum Company Inc d/b/a West Kingstown Xtra Mart, 3411 Kingstown Road, West Kingstown, RI 02892. Application by Sean Geary, Chief Legal Officer. License No. 86381.


L&R Northup Inc d/b/a L&R Northup, 1892 Kingstown Road, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Rachel Northup, Owner. License No. 73184.


Sumo Sushi Inc d/b/a Sumo Sushi, 109 Fortin Road Kingston, RI 0281. Application by Ki J Lee, Owner. License No. 69836.


(CA)    C.        A resolution granting Holiday Sales and Farm Retail Sales Licenses to Clark Farms Inc d/b/a Clark Farms, 2984 Commodore Perry Highway, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Richard Clark, President. Renewal; License No. 61447.


(CA)    D.        A resolution granting a Victualling License to A&A Sandwich Shops, Inc d/b/a Subway, 684 Kingstown Road, Wakefield RI,02879. Application by Khalid Amri, Owner. Renewal; License No. 59619.


(CA)    E.         A resolution authorizing the Town Clerk to advertise for Order of Notice a Public Hearing relative to an application for transfer of a license to keep and sell alcoholic beverages in South Kingstown in accordance with the General Laws of 1956, as amended, as follows:




Transfer of a Class B Victualler Liquor License from Phil's Kitchen, Inc. d/b/a Phil's Restaurant / Phil's Main Street Grille, 323 Main Street, Wakefield, RI, by Kenneth J. Tetzner, President to 323 Main Restaurant, LLC d/b/a SALT, 323 Main Street, Wakefield, RI, by Shannon Brito, Owner for the first floor dining area, second floor dining area, walkway, roof deck dining area on an adjacent building at 329 Main Street in accordance with Special Use Permits granted by the Zoning Board of Review on July 21, 2010, April 20, 2011 and February 21, 2012; and as further defined in site plans on file in the Town Clerk's office.


(CA)    F.         A resolution granting Holiday Sales and Laundry/Dry Cleaners to Kingston Cleaners Inc d/b/a Pier Cleaners 50 High Street, Wakefield, RI 02879. Application by Larry Fish, President. Renewal; License No. 78304.


Rule 13:  All items listed with a (CA) are to be considered routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Council, or a member of the public so requests, in which event the item will be removed from Consent Agenda (CA) consideration and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.



7.            LICENSES Video


            A.        A resolution granting a Miscellaneous Permit to conduct the annual Ocean State Rhode Race on Sunday, October 26, 2025 from 7:30 am -1:30 pm to the Rhode Race & Events Inc, 3 Mayo Drive, Warren, RI 02885 subject to the execution of a hold harmless agreement indemnifying the Town and issuance of a certificate of insurance naming the Town as an additional insured in the amounts specified by the Finance Director. Application by Cameron Rancourt, Event Operations Director. New License No. 86953.


8.            PUBLIC COMMENT – 30 Minutes Video


Rule 10A.  for the conduct of the meetings of the South Kingstown Town Council:  Members of the public shall be entitled to speak at regular meetings during any period designated on the agenda for public comment, once, for a period of five minutes, or longer at the discretion of the President, and at other times when invited to do so by the President.  The public shall address their comments to the question under debate as indicated on the agenda. Pursuant to RI General Laws §42-46-6(b), public comment regarding subject matter not on the agenda but received during the public participation portion of a meeting shall be for information purposes only and may not be voted on except where necessary to address an unexpected occurrence that requires immediate action to protect the public or to refer the matter to an appropriate committee or to another body or official.


9.            PUBLIC HEARINGS


A.           A Public Hearing relative to adoption of the proposed FY 2025-2026 to FY 2030-2031 Capital Improvement Program, as shown on Exhibit 1 attached hereto. Video


B.           A Public Hearing, continued from November 26, 2024, relative to proposed amendments to the Town Code, Chapter 2 Administration, as follows: Video


Chapter 2 Administration

Article III. Boards and Commissions


Sec. 2-41. - Historic district commission


The historic district commission was established by Section 4930 of the Home Rule Charter of 1968, pursuant to the authority contained in G.L. Tit. 45, Ch. 24.1. The jurisdiction and duties of the commission are provided in article 21 of the zoning ordinance. The commission reviews plans for construction, demolition, relocation, and exterior alterations of structures located in designated historic districts, and reviews plans for alterations to historic cemeteries. The commission is also authorized to promote historic preservation throughout the town by providing advisory assistance to owners of historic properties on matters of historic preservation or as otherwise authorized by the Town Council.

* * *

This ordinance shall take effect upon passage.



10.          NEW BUSINESS


A.           A resolution authorizing the Town Manager to sign a consent request allowing AT&T Mobility, 2180 Lake Boulevard, 5th Floor, #5B13, Brookhaven, GA 30319, to enter into an agreement with Verizon to co-locate at the Public Safety Complex communications tower, 1790 Kingstown Road, in accordance with terms and requirements of the Prime Lease and as provided in the New Co-location Agreement, and as further detailed in a memorandum from the Public Services Director to the Town Manager, dated January 15, 2025, and entitled “AT&T Request – Public Safety Tower – Verizon Agreement.” Video


B.           A resolution authorizing the Town Manager to execute a grant agreement with the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank on behalf of the Town for roadway improvements at the Saugatucket Road Culvert as further detailed in a memorandum from the Public Services Director to the Town Manager, dated January 15, 2025, entitled “Saugatucket Road Culvert - MRP Construction Grant Award Agreement.” Video


C.           A resolution authorizing the Town Clerk to advertise for Order of Notice a Public Hearing relative to an application by South County Health Care System for a Zoning Map Amendment to re-zone property located at 11 Kenyon Avenue (A.P. 64-1, Lot 16) from its “R10 – Medium High Density Residential Zoning District” designation to “GI – Government and Institutional, as shown on Exhibit 2 attached hereto. Video


D.           Presentation and discussion regarding the Necessity of School Construction Stage III Schematic design submission to the Rhode Island Department of Education for the South Kingstown School Building Project. Video


E.            A resolution adopting the Town Beach Policy for the 2025 season, as shown on Exhibit 3 attached hereto, and amending the Town’s Schedule of Fees; as further described in a memorandum from the Leisure Services Director to the Town Manager dated January 22, 2025 and entitled “2025 Town Beach Policy and Fee Schedule.” Video


F.            Discussion, tabled from December 18, 2024 and continued from January 13, 2025, regarding traffic education and safety within the Town, as requested by Council Member Bergner. Video


G.           Discussion, tabled from December 18, 2024 and continued from January 13, 2025, regarding the impact of using American Rescue Plan Act funds to advance planned Capital Improvement Program purchases, as requested by Council Member Bergner.


H.           Discussion and potential action concerning the Washington County Regional Planning Council South Kingstown Representative appointment and dues, as requested by Council Vice President Marran. Video


11.          PUBLIC COMMENT – Continued


Rule 10A.  for the conduct of the meetings of the South Kingstown Town Council:  Members of the public shall be entitled to speak at regular meetings during any period designated on the agenda for public comment, once, for a period of five minutes, or longer at the discretion of the President, and at other times when invited to do so by the President.  The public shall address their comments to the question under debate as indicated on the agenda. Pursuant to RI General Laws §42-46-6(b), public comment regarding subject matter not on the agenda but received during the public participation portion of a meeting shall be for information purposes only and may not be voted on except where necessary to address an unexpected occurrence that requires immediate action to protect the public or to refer the matter to an appropriate committee or to another body or official.




A.           Update on SBC and School Facilities Project

B.           Update on the Noyes Farm Park Open Space Management Plan as requested by Council Member Bergner.

C.           Update on mixed use zoning on Old Tower Hill Road.




            A.        An email dated January 12, 2025 from Joyce Macmanus at the request of Council Member Bergner concerning an upcoming Community Meeting hosted by South County Hospital is received, placed on file, and the Town Council further directs                                      .


            B.        An email dated January 14, 2025 from Council Member Wegimont requesting a citation recognizing Jayd Bun for its outstanding achievement and invaluable contribution as a small business is received, placed on file, and the Town Council further directs                                      .



Rule 18:  Correspondence to the Town Council shall be placed on the Council agenda only where action by the Council is requested.  Correspondence relating to personnel issues or personal matters shall not be placed on the agenda.  The Town Clerk shall confer with the Town Manager and/or Town Solicitor where the intent of the correspondence may be unclear.  The Town reserves the right to make correspondence public by posting it on the Town Council agenda or otherwise.


14.          APPOINTMENTS


A.           A resolution appointing ___________________________________ to the ______________________________ Board/Committee/Commission for a term to expire in _______________. (See Attachment A for Boards and Commissions Appointments Report)



Rule 11:  No item of business other than that of adjournment may be brought before the Town Council at any meeting unless such an item is introduced before 11:00 PM; provided, however, that this rule may be suspended by an affirmative vote of a majority of members present.


Pursuant to RIGL §42-46-6(b). Notice – “Nothing contained herein shall prevent a public body, other than a school committee from adding additional items to the agenda by majority vote of the members.  Such additional items shall be for informational purposes only and may not be voted on except where necessary to address an unexpected occurrence that requires immediate action to protect the public or to refer the matter to an appropriate committee or to another body or official.”




Exhibit 1

Proposed FY 2025-2026 to FY 2030-2031 Capital Improvement Program




Exhibit 2



Proposed Zoning Map Amendment




Exhibit 3






It is the policy of the Town of South Kingstown to operate and maintain, as a municipal facility, the Town Beach at Matunuck for the 2025 summer season.


General Rules and Information


§  The South Kingstown Town Beach is open to the public from May 24 through Labor Day, September 1, 2025.

§  Designated Parking on Moonstone Beach Road between May 1 – September 15 requires a seasonal beach pass sticker or day pass which can be purchased at the Town Beach gate while the beach is in operation.  This parking is monitored by South Kingstown Police.

§  The Parking lot opens daily at 8:00 am, parking is first-come first-serve.

§  Gate Hours are 8:00 am to 4:00 pm weekdays; and 8:00 am to 5:00 pm weekends and holidays.

§  Restrooms are normally open from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

§  All cars must be vacated from the parking area no later than 9:00 p.m. as the gate is closed and locked at that time.

§  Lifeguards shall be on duty 9:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays and 9:00 am to 6:00 pm weekends and holidays

§  Alcohol consumption on the property is prohibited. 

§  Smoking on the property is prohibited.

§  Dogs are prohibited from Opening Day through Labor Day – excluding service dogs as defined by ADA (see section V). Compliance with the Town’s leash law is required at all times during the off season when dogs are allowed on the beach.  

§  All ball playing, frisbee throwing and kite flying must be done in the picnic area.


Use of the municipal parking lot at the South Kingstown Town Beach shall be governed in accordance with the following regulations:


I.          Beach Parking Stickers/Transferrable Passes


A.     A seasonal parking sticker, transferrable pass, or one-day parking pass will be required for access to the beach parking area.


B.     Season Passes will be available for purchase as follows:


1.      Online at March 3-Labor Day

2.      At the Neighborhood Guild, 325 Columbia Street, Peace Dale, Monday – Friday, March 3 – Labor Day during operating hours.

3.      At the Town Beach gate during beach operating hours (weekends only May 24 – June 14, and then Sun-Sat June 15 – Labor Day while the beach is in operation)

4.      Beach Stickers cannot be purchased at any other location.


C.     The purchase of a seasonal parking sticker or transferrable pass does not guarantee parking.


D.      The fees for seasonal and daily beach parking shall be as follows:




1.         Resident                                                                                       $65

2.         Resident – Senior Citizen (65 or older)                                         $50

3.         Elderly Abatement and SNAP recipients                                      $25

(must meet income eligibility, one pass per address)

4.         Non-Resident (see item D above)                                                 $130

5.         Transferrable Pass R (two passes issued)                                      $215

6.         Transferrable Pass NR (two pass issued – see item D above)                   $250

7.         100% disabled Veteran/ Ex-POW and families in public housing            No fee

(one pass per address)

8.         Narragansett Tribal Members (one pass per address)                                No fee


                        Weekdays – Monday through Friday

9.         Resident Daily parking fee                                                                       $10

10.     Non-resident Daily parking fee                                                    $20

11.     Daily parking for busses and large recreational vehicles              $50




12.     Residents                                                                                      $15

13.     Non-residents                                                                               $25

14.     4th of July – when the holiday falls on a Tuesday the Monday before will charge the holiday rate, when the holiday falls on a Thursday the Friday after will charge the holiday rate. Charging the holiday rate for daily parking will allow the beach to be staffed to accommodate a weekend crowd over the long holiday weekend.


E.     Resident beach parking passes shall only be issued to persons meeting one or more of the following qualifications:


1.         Property taxpayers found in the most current tax roll.

2.         Property taxpayers who can show a receipt for payment of the current year's taxes.

3.         A person who can provide the Town with a copy of a current valid 90-day or longer lease term in South Kingstown.

4.         Any person who can show current rent receipts for a South Kingstown property for a period of not less than 90 days.

5.         Senior Citizens must show proof of residency and age to be 65 or older for the reduced rate.

6.         Non-resident who serves as caregiver/driver for resident who must provide proof of residency as noted in items 1 through 4.

F.      Persons failing to meet the above-noted qualifications shall be eligible to purchase a non-resident parking pass for the South Kingstown Town Beach at the fee noted in      paragraph E.4 above.

G.    Resident parking passes will be issued only to vehicles registered to individuals meeting the criteria established in paragraph E. above.


H.    Parking stickers are not transferable.  Each pass will be marked to indicate the registration number of the vehicle to which it was issued.


I.       A valid vehicle registration must be presented for each vehicle for which a pass is issued.

J.      Parking passes are only valid if affixed to the lower front windshield on the driver's side of the vehicle.

K.    Transferrable passes are available to residents and non-residents as noted above in section E.5 and E.6 and in accordance with the following procedures:


1.         For residents: two passes will be issued per the established fee. Non-residents: two passes will be issued for the established fee.  The pass must be presented at the front gate at the time of entry to the beach and is good for one vehicle.  Pass must be visible at all times while the vehicle is parked in the beach parking lot. 

2.         Application and payment for transferrable passes will only be accepted by the Parks and Recreation Department at the Neighborhood Guild, 325 Columbia Street, Peace Dale, and RI.   Applications will not be accepted at Town Hall or the Town Beach.


II.        Parking Priorities


            A.        Personnel of the South Kingstown Parks and Recreation Department, with the assistance and support of the South Kingstown Police Department will oversee the management and security of the beach parking areas. 


            B.         Parking is first-come first-serve for all patrons (seasonal stickers, transferable passes, and daily parking passes)


            C.        Motorcycles, mopeds and all other recreational vehicles are considered motor vehicles for purpose of admission.


            D.        Bicycles are not considered vehicles and will be parked at the bike rack or at other designated areas.


III.       Picnic Area


            Picnic Tables and grills are available on a first come first serve basis.  Grills are for charcoal use only; open flames are prohibited.


IV.       Storage Unit Rental


            A.  Rental Procedure

1.       Rental fee per unit is $175 for the season (May 24–Labor Day).

2.       Rental applications will be accepted at the Neighborhood Guild from March 3 through Labor Day.  If more than sixteen applications are received by May 12, 2025, a lottery will be held.

3.       Only one application may be submitted per person.

4.       Payment must be submitted to the South Kingstown Parks and Recreation Department, 325 Columbia Street, Peace Dale within seven business days of the lottery drawing (by May 12, 2025)


B.  Eligibility Requirements

1.       Property taxpayers found in the most current tax roll.

2.       Property taxpayers who can show a receipt for payment of the current year's taxes.

3.       A person who can provide the Town with a copy of a current valid 90-day or longer lease term in South Kingstown.

4.       Any person who can show current rent receipts for a South Kingstown property for a period of not less than 90 days.



            C.  Storage Unit Rules

1.      The name on the application form is the person responsible for the rental unit.  

2.      Renter agrees to provide their own lock.

3.      Renter has access to storage unit during regular operating hours of beach.

4.      The unit must be cleaned and emptied by Labor Day.  Items left in the unit after Labor Day become the property of the Town and will be disposed of.

5.      The following items may not be stored in the rental unit

a.       Alcohol

b.      Firearms                       

c.       Food (overnight)

d.      Portable grills

6.      Unit rental rights are not transferable.

7.      Unit rental is not renewable for future seasons.  A lottery will be conducted annually.

8.      The Town of South Kingstown is not responsible for any damage to or loss of renter’s property as a result of theft or vandalism.


V.     Service Animals


            Service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act:   

Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.


Beach patrons accompanied by a dog may be asked what work or task has the dog been trained to perform.




Attachment A


Boards and Commissions Appointments Report


The following information reflects the status of those Town boards, commissions and committees which have vacancies, members whose terms are expiring and are eligible for reappointment, and/or applications filed for consideration of appointment. The Town Council may make appointments at any meeting.


Affordable Housing Collaborative Committee (7 members; 3 year term)

Vacancies: two terms to expire August 2025 (George Helwig and Carol Babbitt Spears resigned)

Applicant: Richard Morrissey (applied 10/29/2024); Peter Swain (applied 12/30/2024); Susan Mittendorf (applied 1/3/2025); Brian Smith (applied 1/10/2025).


Assessment Board of Review (3 members, 1 alternate; 3 year term)

Reappointments for terms to expire January 2025: Bradford Hevenor and Ken Munroe wish to be reappointed. It is reported that Mr. Hevenor has attended 16 of 16 meetings and Mr. Munroe has attended 14 of 16 meetings held during their current term (attendance as of 11/4/2024).


Bicycle – Pedestrian Advisory Committee (Minimum 5, maximum 9 members; 2 year term)

Vacancies: four terms to expire in July 2025 (David Hamel and James Vogel did not wish to be reappointed; Christopher Moore resigned; two additional open positions).

Applicant: David R. Stone (applied 7/16/2024); Neil Murray (applied 9/3/2024).


Building Code/Minimum Housing Code Boards of Appeals (5 members; 5 year term)

Vacancy: one term to expire in June 2029 (Paul Schurman did not wish to be reappointed).


Canvassing Authority (3 members, 2 alternates; 6 year term)

Reappointments for terms to expire March 2025: John Rose wishes to be reappointed. Awaiting responses from Helen Rose DiSanto, Roland Benjamin, and Margaret Healy.


Conservation Commission (7 members; 3 year term)

Reappointments for terms expired September 2024. Margaret Clune wishes to be reappointed. Dennis John Bowman does not wish to be reappointed. It is reported that Ms. Clune has attended 6 of 6 meetings held during her current term (attendance as of 4/23/2024).

Applicant: Kate Shorrock (applied 1/21/2025).


Economic Development Committee (11 members, 3 year term)

Reappointments for terms to expire March 2025: Michael Gagas and Susan Marcus wish to be reappointed. Brian Smith and Henry Thayer do not wish to be reappointed. Awaiting response from Kenneth Tetzner. It is reported that Mr. Gagas has attended 21 of 22 meetings, Ms. Marcus has attended 22 of 27 meetings, and Mr. Tetzner has attended 9 of 27 meetings held during their current term (attendance as of 11/5/2024).


Historic District Commission (7 members; 3 year term)

Reappointment for term a term expired in December 2024. Awaiting response from David Nedwidek. It is reported that Mr. Nedwidek has attended 17 of 26 meetings held during his current term (attendance as of 8/9/2024).

Vacancies: one term to expire in December 2025 (Andrew Martinez resigned) and one term to expire December 2027 (Linda Stedman did not wish to be reappointed).


Housing Authority (5 members; 5 year term)

Reappointment for a term to expire in October 2024. Awaiting response from Susana Vazquez McCoy.

Applicants: Lucienne Andrew (applied 10/23/2023; did not attend interview 2/12/2024); Gregory Jones (applied 10/27/2023; interviewed 2/12/2024); Peter Swain (applied 1/12/2024; interviewed 2/12/2024)


Library Board of Trustees (7 members; 3 year term)

Reappointment for a term expired in July 2024: Hilary Carlson wishes to be reappointed (to be interviewed at a future meeting). It is reported that Ms. Carlson has attended 25 of 32 meetings held during her current term (attendance as of 7/15/2024).

Applicant: Lisa Wholey (applied 2/23/2024); Applicant: David R. Stone (applied 7/16/2024)


Planning Board (7 members; 3 year term)

Applicants: William Green (applied 2/12/2024; interviewed 3/11/2024); Michael Christy (applied 3/14/2024; interviewed 4/8/2024)


Recreation Commission (5 members; 3 year term)

Vacancy: one term to expire June 2025 (David Palazzetti resigned)

Applicant: Matthew Fraza (applied 11/22/2024)


Route 1 Stewardship Plan Development Committee (8 members)

Vacancy: Economic Development Committee Ex-Officio Member (Larry Fish resigned)

Applicants: Jenn Judge (applied 9/30/2024); William Green (applied 10/1/2024); Maureen White (applied 10/8/2024).


Route 138 Reconstruction Project Area Committee (11 members; 2 year term)

Reappointments for terms expired in May 2023: Susan Spranger Axelrod, Dorald Beasley, Gail Faris, Thomas Marcello and William Rosen wish to be reappointed. Awaiting a response from Diane Johnson.

Vacancies: terms expired in May 2023 (Peter Maynard did not wish to be reappointed; James Garfield, Ex-Officio member of Historic District Commission resigned; and URI representative)


Saugatucket Veterans’ Memorial Park Commission (5 members; 5 year term)

Reappointments for terms to expire January 2025: Stephen Stewart and Richard Pike wish to be reappointed. Awaiting responses from Thomas Browning and Judith Ann Munson.

Vacancy: Vietnam Veteran, term expires in January 2025 (Mark Spangler deceased)


Statistical Modeling and Analytics Research Tools (SMART) Committee (9 members)

Two vacancies: (Lauren Weinstock and Jonathan E. Daly-LaBelle resigned)


Sustainability Committee (7 members)

Vacancies: (Mark DeMoranville resigned)

Application: Kim Falcone (applied 1/3/2025)


Waterfront Advisory Commission (7 members; 3 year term)

Reappointment for a term to expire in June 2024: Barry Gross wishes to be reappointed (to be interviewed at a future meeting. It is reported that Mr. Gross has attended 19 of 21 meetings held during his current term (attendance as of 2/8/2024).

Vacancy: one term to expire June 2026 (Sarah Smith resigned)

Applicant: Sara Mariani (applied 9/6/2024).


Zoning Board of Review (5 members, 3 alternates; 3 year term)

Vacancy: Alternate #3 term to expire in March 2027 (William MacDonald promoted to Alt. #2)

Applicants: Robert Fetzer (applied 3/11/2024); Michael Christy (applied 3/14/2024; interviewed 4/8/2024)




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