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South Kingstown School Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


South Kingstown High School Cafeteria

215 Columbia Street

Wakefield, RI  02879


Attendees - voting members

Stephanie Canter - Chair

Sarah Markey - Vice Chair

Michelle Brousseau

Alycia Collins

Emily Cummiskey

Kate McMahon Macinanti

Jacy Northup


Attendees - other

Kristen Stringfellow - Superintendent

Pauline Lisi - Assistant Superintendent

Maryanne Crawford - CFO

Teresa Eagan - Director of Pupil Personnel


1.         7:00 PM - Call to Order


A. Call to Order


Stephanie Canter called the November 27, 2018 meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


2.         School Committee Reorganization Video


A. School Committee Reorganization


Augusta Hazard Scholarship - Michelle Brousseau, Emily Cummiskey

NSBA Liaison - Sarah Markey

RIASC Liaison - Sarah Markey

Crisis Committee Representative - Kate Macinanti

SELAC - Alycia Collins

Wellness - Kate Macinanti, Chair; Stephanie Canter

State Legislation - Michelle Brousseau, Sarah Markey

Building Committee - Jacy Northup, Chair

Contract Compliance Committee - Stephanie Canter, Jacy Northup

Contingency Committee - Emily Cummiskey, Jacy Northup, Stephanie Canter

Transportation - Kate Macinanti


Emily Cummiskey recommended adding a marketing and communications committee as a subcommittee; and Stephanie Canter expressed an interest in serving on such a committee.  Ms. Cummiskey recommended that the administrative team come up with a description and scope/charge and participants for the next meeting. 


Ms. Markey requested the committee have a discussion about a late start time for the middle school and high school.  Ms. Canter suggested that the Transportation Committee discuss late start times. 


The community members currently serving on each committee shall remain continuous.  Any community member wanting to serve on the subcommittees should contact either the chair or Mary Ellen Murano.


Stephanie Canter asked each School Committee member to develop a charge and deliverable for their committee.

Stephanie Canter expressed interest in a grant-writing position.  Kristen Stringfellow will see if there are similar positions in other districts.


3.         Superintendent's Report


A. Meeting Calendar Video


Dr. Stringfellow noted that the Town Council/School Committee initial budget hearing is scheduled for December 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM in the Town Council Chambers.


B. Monthly Student and Employee Recognition Video


Dr. Stringfellow advised that "The Key Is Me" award recipient for November is Eric Anderson, Dean of Students at South Kingstown High School.  Dr. Stringfellow reviewed his work history and shared the rationale for his nomination.


Dr. Stringfellow advised that the "I Make a Difference" award recipient for November is Melissa Taylor, Supervisory Aide at Curtis Corner Middle School.  Dr. Stringfellow reviewed her work history and shared the rationale for her nomination.


Dr. Stringfellow shared a video of South Kingstown High School Teacher, Deirdre Carlino, reading her nomination letter and recognizing the "You Inspire Me" award winner for November, Katie Barrus, South Kingstown High School student. 


C. Spotlight: Computer Science Presentation Video


Dr. Chip McGair provided information regarding computer science in our district.  He shared information, via a PowerPoint presentation, on how SKSD has partnered with CS4RI and URI; the work at the Elementary Schools K-5; Middle School grades 6, 7, and 8; High School electives - grades 9-12; High School CTE Program.  Dr. McGair shared a video showing students working together and using computational skills.  Dr. McGair shared that Hour of Code will be kicked off at the elementary level starting 12/3/18 to 12/9/18 and he encouraged everyone to participate.  Dr. McGair also shared that URI was able to nominate one person in the State to receive an all-expense paid trip to Seattle; and his nomination was accepted due to the work being done in South Kingstown. 


Ms. Canter inquired about technology companies in Rhode Island that may offer coding camps.  Ms. Cummiskey recommended to Dr. McGair that this information be disseminated to the larger community and to have a district computer science camp day that she had seen offered at Bay View.


D. SK Insights Video


Dr. Stringfellow shared a video explaining the world language programs in South Kingstown.


E. Official October 1 Enrollment Video


Dr. Stringfellow shared the official enrollment numbers pulled by the Department of Education on October 23, 2018, with a snapshot date of October 1, 2018. 


F. Financial Update


The Committee was provided with the financials and the lunch balances. 


G. Budget Preliminary Information Video


Dr. Stringfellow shared the budget preliminary information, via PowerPoint, for the Committee's review.  She presented background information to the Committee in preparation for the December Joint Budget meeting with the Town Council.  Discussion followed. 


Ms. Canter asked about a resource for researching and finding grants. 


Ms. Cummiskey requested the Superintendent provide a list of suggested cuts.


H. Accept the Superintendent's Report Video


MSV (1) move to accept and place on file the Superintendent's report.


Motion made by:      Michelle Brousseau

Motion seconded by:            Sarah Markey

Vote:  Unanimously approved


4.         Consent Agenda Video


Ms. Crawford advised that the effective start date for the Registered Behavior Technician will be 11/28/2018, not 11/05/2018 as listed.


A. Approval of Open Session Minutes - Meetings of 9/25/18 (corrected), 10/9/18, 10/23/18, and 10/30/18

B. Approval of Executive Session Minutes - Meetings of 10/23/18 and 10/30/18

C. Personnel Actions

D. Home Schooling Request(s)

E. Expenditure over 10,000 - MPA #227 SHI International Corp. Microsoft Software Licenses

F. Expenditure over 10,000 - MPA #308 Cisco Switches & Wireless Controller

G. Bid Award - Bid #2387 HVAC Replacement Matunuck

H. Approve Consent Agenda


MSV (2) move to accept the Consent Agenda as present.


Motion made by:          Alycia Collins

Motion seconded by:    Jacy Northup

Vote:  Unanimously approved


5.         Comments from the Community Video


A. Comments from the Community


Ms. Canter recommended a change of order for community discussion/comment.  Discussion ensued with Committee members.


MSV (3) move to have general community comments, followed by Committee discussion, followed by community comments on a specific item, and then vote. 


Motion made by:          Emily Cummiskey

Motion seconded by:    Jacy Northup

Vote:  Unanimously approved


Raissa Mosher questioned the Committee approving executive session minutes without a quorum, as executive session minutes cannot be seen if current members did not attend.  


Nicole Mulanaphy thanked Dr. McGair for preparing students for the future.  She also questioned Ms. Markey's ability to effectively be on the Committee without an advisory opinion from the Ethics Commission on what she can and cannot vote for as an NEARI employee.  Ms. Mulanaphy checked with the Ethics Commission at 3:45 PM that day and they had not received a request from Ms. Markey.


Pamela Lazaeta, parent, thanked the Committee for their hard work, acknowledged the great DLI program with hopes it will continue through middle school, and expressed thanks for the resolution approved in August eliminating Styrofoam trays.  She advised that Earth Farm can receive compostable trays and recommended their use.


Joy Gregory, 2nd grade student, shared her observation of the process for West Kingston Elementary School changing from a non-recycling school to a recycling school. 


Francisca Gregory, student, shared information on why the planet is so important and what the land provides.  She stated that we belong to the Earth; the Earth does not belong to us. 


Christine Mueller, resident, spoke in support of changing to reusable trays and utensils at the schools.  She shared three reasons why reusable trays are needed:  1) to limit global warming; 2) our oceans are under threat; and 3) biodegradable trays fill the landfills. 


Bruce Waitlen, fraud and ethics investigator, and attorney, expressed deep concerns about Ms. Markey serving on the School Committee for the Town of South Kingstown, due to her work at the NEARI.  He urged her to formally request direction from the RI Ethics Committee to be able to serve effectively.  He stated that Ms. Markey’s conflict was amplified by the legal review.


Roland Benjamin spoke about the budget and the $4.4 million budget cut, the per pupil cost in Rhode Island vs. Massachusetts, and urging the Committee to be respectful to taxpayers.


Brooke Conley commented that South Kingstown voters are not idiots, as discussed on a radio program.


Abby Cooper commented on grant writing, noting that there is money available for STEAM and agriculture.


Cameron McElroy commented on the expense of running a business in the State of Rhode Island.  He asked the School Committee to please take that into consideration with their expenditures.


Valerie Speredelozzi, parent, commented on the importance of educating an entire generation of children about environmental sustainability; and urged the Committee to include recycling and sustainability in the contract with the district's food vendor.


Mike Naimes, resident, commented on the rise in property taxes and asked the Committee what they will do to make sure students are literate and what will they do to control property taxes, which have tripled.


Michelle Neri congratulated the School Committee and commented that Ms. Markey's employment with the NEA is not new information.  She asked for mature discourse, and not to bully or slander.


Michelle Brousseau expressed concern that the Committee has opened themselves up for ethics violation due to the approval of the executive session minutes.  She recommended pulling the executive session minutes until direction is given.


MS (4) move to vote on the Consent Agenda as is without the Executive Session minutes.


Motion made by:          Alycia Collins

Motion seconded by:    Emily Cummiskey


Ms. Markey suggested leaving it as is.


Motion Withdrawn by Alycia Collins.


6.         School Committee Business


A. Discuss and Act on the Appointment of Legal Counsel to the School Committee Video


Ms. Collins stated that due to comments about the budget and the fact that there are two firms that represent the district, she is recommending terminating the legal counsel of Sara Rapport and the firm of Whelan, Corrente, Flanders, Kinder and Siket.  She further stated that trust and effective communication is imperative between the School Committee and legal counsel. 


MS (5) move to terminate Sara Rapport and Whelan, Corrente, Flanders, Kinder and Siket as legal counsel to the South Kingstown School Committee.


Motion made by:          Alycia Collins

Motion seconded by:    Jacy Northup


Ms. Collins then added:


Motion to appoint Henneous, Carroll, and Lombardo as legal counsel to the South Kingstown School Committee pursuant to the terms and conditions outlined in the retainer agreement that Stephanie Canter is in possession of. 


Ms. Macinanti stated that she believed this needed to go out to bid or RFP.


Ms. Collins stated that it doesn’t need an RFP.


Ms. Markey stated that she had heard from a number of constituents that the way the law firm operates is not reflective of the community's values. 


Ms. Canter stated that she believes it is important to have one legal interpretation with one firm and that we need more expertise in special education.  There are many districts that use Andrew Henneous for both special education and general counsel.  It is important to have a unified legal team.  She stated that she did not see the need to pay 30% more per hour, and that although she had not had personal experience with Sara Rapport’s firm, she felt betrayal today on the radio program without ever reaching out.


Ms. Cummiskey stated that her concern is that the firm has an inability to remain objective on teacher issues.  She stated that she has done her research, and Chariho’s legal costs are significantly less than South Kingstown’s.


Alycia Collins stated that the community could comment after the vote.


Sarah Markey stated that the motion should be withdrawn for now.


Alycia Collins withdrew her second motion.


Emily Cummiskey stated that this is the first meeting for several new members.  She asked that the community be courteous.  She stated that Chair is doing a great job as we figure out the correct order.


Alycia Collins withdrew her first motion.


Community Comment resumed.


Mike Naimes recommended the Committee explore the pros and cons of both firms and to take time on this matter.  He stated that he was 100% in favor of saving money, but this action might appear capricious tonight if one firm is chosen over another for $60K, and that it might be wise to take their time.


Jason Rameaka, parent, shared information about a CCMS educator who bullied and berated students.  He shared his experience in working with the current legal counsel for the School Committee and requested that firm finish the job they have started, as a change would be detrimental to the children.  He reminded the School Committee that they ran for kids.  Kids spoke up about injustice.  He asked the School Committee to put aside their own personal grudges and let the law firm continue.


Ms. Canter said that she did speak to Andrew Henneous, and if there is a case that would be put in jeopardy with this switch, that she would continue the retainer only for those cases.


Rachel Craven, teacher and parent, shared her experience in learning about the situation of the CCMS educator and the process the children have endured.  She described a concern in her son’s class where students were squirted in the face with a water bottle and where students witnessed verbal and physical abuse by a teacher.  She stated that students brought it to the attention of their principal.  The teacher is appealing the decision to RIDE, and students volunteered to testify one year later.  She asked the School Committee to wait until this case has a final verdict before changing legal counsel.


Ms. Canter stated that she talked to Andrew Henneous and that he would look at them on a case by case basis. 


Nicole Mulanaphy noted that the Committee would have to go out to bid for any expense over $5,000, therefore the School Committee must go through an RFP process.  She stated this was a town ordinance.


Ms. Collins disagreed.


Raissa Mosher spoke about transparency and questioned how this item ended up on the agenda.  She expressed that she did not understand the urgency on this matter tonight and recommended a deeper dive with the cost.  She stated that the legal fees included several APRA requests that had been made by Ms. Markey.  Ms. Mosher expressed concern about a comment Ms. Markey had made at a teacher forum about who would you want in executive session.


Ms. Collins stated that this is getting into a back-and-forth and that they should move on.


Attorney Rapport requested an opportunity to present to the Committee the work that her firm has done. 


Ms. Collins stated that this is Community Comment.


Attorney Rapport continued saying that she and her colleagues had waited there tonight for an opportunity to introduce themselves to the new School Committee members.


Ms. Canter stated that these comments are more in depth than the motion was.


Ms. Collins stated that they had a lot to get through that evening and that they should move on.


Ms. Brousseau commented that the current law firm has put children and the children's interests first.  She advised that she would not vote to replace the firm and requested transparent process where law firms are interviewed.


Attorney Rapport requested that she be permitted to present the CVs that she had sent to the Committee about her firm so that the Committee can know who they are.


Ms. Markey suggested that community comments be closed on this item.


Ms. Collins agreed to close community comments on this item.


Ms. Canter closed community comments.


MS (6) move to terminate Sara Rapport and Whelan, Corrente, Flanders, Kinder and Siket as legal counsel to the South Kingstown School Committee.


Motion made by:          Alycia Collins

Motion seconded by:    Sarah Markey


Ms. Macinanti stated that she had never before seen community comments closed with two people still waiting in line to speak.


Ms. Markey stated that the process had been very honest and open.


Ms. Canter asked the audience for a little bit of grace and compassion.  She stated that this wasn’t easy.  She called for a vote.


Ms. Brousseau stated that she had been participating in School Committee meetings since 1992, and she had never seen community comments closed with community members waiting to speak.


Ms. Cummiskey stated that there was a motion at the table, and there were passionate community members waiting to speak.  She stated it was important to examine legal because there are deep issues and it was the right thing to do.  She wanted people to be able to finish their comments.


Ms. Macinanti stated that it might not be wise to make a decision tonight.


Ms. Markey asked Ms. Collins to again withdraw her motion and stated that she would withdraw her second.


Motion withdrawn by Alycia Collins. 


Community Comments resumed.


Bruce Waitlen expressed deep concern about the process. He stated that there was the appearance to South Kingstown citizens that this was retribution.  He told Ms. Markey it was adverse to her interest to discourage community comments.  He called for a competitive bid process and an independent reviewer.


Abigail Hansen expressed that the optics are terrible and that this is not the way to get a different law firm.  She asked for transparency in the first major thing on the School Committee agenda.


Ms. Northup stated that she would table the motion because she didn’t like the vibe of the case involving grade 8 students.  She stated that she wanted to go with a different law firm but not tonight.


MSV (7) move to table the discussion and possible appointment of legal counsel until the next meeting so more information may be gathered. 


Motion made by:          Jacy Northup

Motion seconded by:    Kate Macinanti


Stephanie Canter - Yes

Sarah Markey - Yes

Emily Cummiskey - Yes

Jacy Northup - Yes

Kate Macinanti - Yes

Alycia Collins - Yes

Michelle Brousseau - Abstained


B. ITA Potential Program Move Vote


Ms. Cummiskey spoke of marketing the ITA at open house and the potential of families enrolling if it stays at URI. Video


Teresa Eagan provided a brief history of the ITA program, the issues around the declining enrollment at the ITA, staffing, the various transition programs now available for students 18-21 in the State, and a least restrictive environment.  Ms. Eagan explained the reasoning behind a possible move of the ITA to the Hazard building, which would allow student access to an administrator, school nurse, walkable to the community, and the ability to reach and support more students.  Ms. Eagan explained Option 1 - ITA remaining on the URI campus:

    No access to SK school nurse teacher

    No access to mental health staff

    No access to an administrator

    Cost of rent approximately $50,000 annually

    Savings in 1-2 staff members due to significantly lower enrollment

    Will not be the Least Restrictive Environment- due to low numbers

    Projected numbers -1 student with 3 staff members from April 15th to close of school year

    Projected numbers -2 students for the 2019/20 school year if it remains at present location


and Option 2 - ITA move to the Hazard Building on the SKHS campus:


    Immediate access to SK school nurse teacher

    Immediate access to mental health staff

    Immediate access to an administrator

    Savings in rent of approximately $50,000 annually

    No savings in staff (keep approximately 1 teacher and 2 TA/job coaches), because other SK students will have access to these resources

    Allows additional 18 to 21 year old students from the High School Life Skills program with medical and/or social emotional needs access.   This would be an additional 5 students that would be projected to participate if on SKHS campus


Committee discussion followed.


Ms. Cummiskey asked how much the tuition was when kids were tuitioned in 2010.  Teresa Eagan stated approximately $39K.


Maryanne Crawford stated that there have not been tuition students in approximately four years.


Ms. Macinanti asked how much time students spent at URI.  Teresa Eagan stated that the café is open five days a week, but the café cannot be the students’ entire program.  They need a significant amount of time in the community and in their job experience.  By February or April, there will no longer be a café because there are not enough students to run it.  The café cannot be their whole program because of the consent decree from the Department of Justice.  On Mondays, students are in the community.  On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, the students are at their job sites.  On Fridays, students are at URI, where they can independently access the rec center.  If the program location changed to Hazard, the students could still access the programs at URI.  Ms. Eagan stated that she was not looking to sever ties with URI.


Christina Philippi, parent and SELAC Committee member, expressed her surprise to learn of this plan to move the ITA program.  She stated that her daughter looked forward to going to URI along with her peers in 2019.  Ms. Philippi asked for a one-year lease renewal so that parents can identify some solutions, reach out to other districts, and meet with URI personnel.    


Lindsey, a PT URI student, explained the importance of the café at Independence Square and that it is the least restrictive environment for the students, and spoke about research on improving mental health with more independence.


Erin, URI PT student, asked the Committee to think again about taking students from their home and asked that their routine not be broken.  She stated that the café is amazing.


Janice Hume, URI PT faculty member, spoke of the many programs and folks at the Independence Square who utilize the café.  She spoke about the petition that was circulated where 300 signatures were obtained, as well as an online survey.  Ms. Hume read a quote from a URI student.


Norman McGiveney, former ITA student, spoke how the program helped him get a job.  He said that he would not like to see the program leave Independence Square.


Ashley Iaveno, URI student, advised that she volunteered at the ITA for years and that it is a great program.  She did not agree with moving the program to the Hazard building.


Teresa Eagan clarified that she did not want to transition the program to Hazard this year; she stated that she thought she could get another year at URI, but unfortunately two students moved out of state, and one student moved out of district, and that was the reason the choice very quickly came about for September.  She also clarified that the ITA café would be closing in February, or by latest, April; that there would only be one student enrolled, and that the café could not be that student’s whole education program.


Ms. Collins stated that over several years the IEPs have been artificially lowered and that she had heard it was easier to get a kidney transplant than an IEP in South Kingstown.


Ms. Eagan stated that we had actually been cited by the State that we over-identify in special education and that we need to write a corrective plan because of that.  She stated that the students at ITA are alternatively assessed, so she does know which students will be eligible in the next few years.


Jill Eastman, parent, advised that it would be devastating for her son to return to the high school location.


Tara Apperson asked about how many students in South Kingstown are alternatively assessed.  Ms. Eagan stated that the federal average is 1%; South Kingstown is 1.5%. 


John Brown, ITA student, he spoke about how he has a job at Belmont, how the cafe is a really good thing, how there are many friends, and that the teachers are really nice.


Darien Rounds, ITA student, spoke about how they are learning how to move on to the future; and that if they keep the program at URI, they will learn to have a better future.


Laura Roebuck asked about possibly mainstreaming some high school students with ITA students at URI for catering and hospitality.


Discussion continued about the two options and the timeline. 


Ms. Markey stated it was wonderful to hear from students and that it’s a very valuable program, and part of that value is that it is at URI.


Ms. Brousseau stated that she read the supporting documents. It is one of the most difficult decisions. She stated she visited the ITA with Ms. Eagan and she was very impressed. She stated the dollar amount does not matter. With one students and three adults, it is not educating students in the least restrictive environment. There are medically fragile students who are unable to access the ITA currently and by moving it to Hazard it will open up the opportunity to more students. She stated this must be a very difficult decision for Ms. Eagan.

Ms. Canter asked to give it another way and look at other ways to collaborate with URI.


Ms. Eagan stated that she did meet with ORS and other regional directors and there was no interest. She tried making it a project search site and the ORS said it was not appropriate. Since then the ORS funding has shifted and now it is not an option at all. CHARIHO, NK, Westerly each created their own programs at their own high schools. East Greenwich goes to West Bay Collaborative. The only two districts possible to draw from are Narragansett and EWG. We have not had students from those districts in over 3 years. Although parents from EWG have taken tours, they are touring in other places as well. Our student who is eligible could choose another program.  Ms. Eagan stated that she did not know who will move in tomorrow, but was aware of who was currently eligible.  She stated that at Hazard, we could keep all three staff.  At URI, we do not need two of our staff members.  It would be cheaper to remain at URI.  She stated that she had tried to market the program for several years.


Ms. Cummiskey asked to hear from the ITA teacher, Ms. Harris, who was in the audience.


Jennifer Harris, ITA teacher, asked how we can build the program and that if we lose the space at URI, we will not be able to get it back. 


Ms. Markey stated that they should decide between options 1 and 2.


Ms. Cummiskey thanked Ms. Eagan for bringing the discussion to the School Committee table.  She stated it was an important decision and deserved this type of conversation.


MSV (8) move to approve Option I (ITA remains on the URI campus). 


Motion made by:          Emily Cummiskey

Motion seconded by:    Sarah Markey


Stephanie Canter - Yes

Sarah Markey - Yes

Emily Cummiskey - Yes

Jacy Northup - Yes

Kate Macinanti - Yes

Alycia Collins - Yes

Michelle Brousseau - Nay


C. Facilities Plan Options - Discussion and Possible Vote Video


Nicole Mulanaphy stated that she was not sure what the plan was for that night; she assumed it was to keep Wakefield School open.


Nicole Mulanaphy expressed concerns about the improvements to the high school and the middle school consolidation.  She spoke about meeting RIDE requirements, application process, and competition for the funds if Wakefield Elementary School remains open.  She provided documents for the Committee.


Jason Ralph, Contingency Committee member, commented that over time the budget and enrollment will make decisions for the Committee.  He stated that he trusts that the Committee will consider knowledgeable sources if you go forward with keeping Wakefield Elementary School open.  He shared information about enrollment, the DLI program, redistricting of students.  He expressed concern that redistricting will need to happen every year, and worried that his 3-year-old would be attending multiple elementary schools.  He expressed concern about a loss of operational savings.


Roland Benjamin commented on the Town’s comprehensive plan, the importance of trust in working with administration, as well as the importance of listening to other parts of the community. 


Abigail Hansen commented on the State bond issue to help all schools and the importance of putting the application in to RIDE.  With so many communities fighting for these dollars and all Rhode Islanders paying for it out of taxes, she hoped that some of the money would come back to South Kingstown.


Bob Hackey expressed his support to keep Wakefield Elementary School open; and he stated that a modified facilities plan should be submitted.  He stated the Why Wakefield group was really asking for more time and a more deliberate process.


Valerie Speredelozzi, parent, stated that she believes the education of students in South Kingstown is good because of the people, not which building they are in.  She expressed concerns about one classroom per grade in a building.


Lauren Weinstock reflected on the process; and she expressed concern about putting students in a building that is too small.


Jonathan Daly-LaBelle expressed hope for a reasonable approach.  He also stated that housing will be a critical conversation.


Michelle Neri commented on the fact that there are currently no plans in place on what to do with the two existing buildings and the need to figure out what to do with empty buildings.  Until the School Committee figures out what to do with the two buildings, Wakefield School should remain open.


Dorald Beasley reviewed the facilities process and the designs by RGB.  He shared his various recommendations for the buildings. He stated that $60M is not enough money to upgrade five schools.


Ms. Canter asked Mr. Beasley to keep it positive.  Mr. Beasley concluded his comments.


Josh Daly spoke of a divided community with the difficult constraints of budget and declining enrollment.  He asked about process.


Jessica Geremia spoke in support of keeping four elementary schools.


Jason Colvin stated that he wanted high excellence for our children and expressed concern from a money standpoint if the Committee changes the vote.  He stated that sentiment only gets you so far until the bills come due.


Discussion followed with each Committee member expressing their thoughts and opinions.


Ms. Cummiskey reminded the community that there were four options and it was a very long process. The people at the School Committee table have been paying very close attention. The community voted. It was a very transparent campaign. It is not shooting from the hip. It was clear that there was going to be an immediate change to option A.


Ms. Brousseau expressed concern with the clarity of the agenda item.


Ms. Canter stated it was the same wording as March 16, 2018. She stated we mimicked the language when we put it on there for transparency.


Ms. Markey stated this is the moment so many have worked for with the values we have as a community to protect all four elementary schools. She stated she is in awe. She has seen neighbors lead with tenacity. Commitment and love for their community. She is hesitant to vote because she does not want to slow the process down.


MS (9) move to Option A with one caveat to keep all four schools the same size by possibly putting the preschool at PDES.


Motion made by:          Emily Cummiskey

Motion seconded by:    Jacy Northup


Ms. Macinanti asked for discussion.  She stated not much had changed since she voted except that enrollment is even lower.  She expressed concern about redistricting every couple of years, stating that it has been over 10 years since South Kingstown last redistricted.


Ms. Brousseau stated that her thinking about the original vote had not changed and that she would not support Option A.


Ms. Canter spoke about a pot of money and not really knowing what our chances are.  South Kingstown outperformed birth rate projections because there are so many things we are doing right.  This was a huge platform for voters.  The community supports Option A.


Ms. Cummiskey withdrew her motion.  Ms. Northup withdrew her second.


Ms. Collins made a Motion to amend Option B to keep Wakefield School open and do two stages with security upgrades only at the four elementary schools and no other changes to the elementary schools.


Ms. Markey stated that the motion was too wordy.


Ms. Collins withdrew her motion.


Ms. Canter expressed concern that the elementary schools would be left behind with Ms. Collins’s motion.


MSV (10) move from Option B to Option A.


Motion made by:          Emily Cummiskey

Motion seconded by:    Jacy Northup


Stephanie Canter - Yes

Sarah Markey - Abstained

Emily Cummiskey - Yes

Jacy Northup - Yes

Kate Macinanti - No

Alycia Collins - Yes

Michelle Brousseau - No


D. CTE Program Line Item Transfer Vote


Maryanne Crawford advised that since we now have 68 students enrolled in CTE programs at Narragansett and Chariho, she recommended the transfer of $374,913 from the fund balance to cover the unanticipated cost for the CTE program.


MSV (11) move to transfer $374,913 from the fund balance to cover the cost of the CTE shortfall.


Motion made by:          Michelle Brousseau

Motion seconded by:    Jacy Northup

Vote:  Unanimously approved


E. School Committee Meeting Schedule Vote Video


Ms. Brousseau encouraged Committee members to attend the SC 101 at Bryant College, noting that it is required by State Law for School Committee members to attend a minimum of six hours of training, as required by law.


MSV (12) move to approve the School Committee meeting schedule, but pulling the retreat date.


Motion made by:          Sarah Markey

Motion seconded by:    Emily Cummiskey

Vote:  Unanimously approved


7.         Comments from Committee Members Video


A. Comments from Committee Members


Sarah Markey expressed enjoyment in working through hard issues with everyone and told Ms. Canter that she had done a good job.


8.         The School Committee may seek to convene in executive session in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws for the purpose(s) of: Video


A. Collective Bargaining - NEASK, SKESP and Council 94 Negotiations (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(2))


MSV (13) move to adjourn to Executive Session at 11:42 PM. 


Motion made by:          Kate Macinanti

Motion seconded by:    Alycia Collins

Vote:  Unanimously approved


9.         Open Session


The School Committee returned to open session at 12:03 AM.


B. Seal minutes of executive session


MSV (16) move to seal the minutes of the executive session. 


Motion made by:          Kate Macinanti

Motion seconded by:    Jacy Northup

Vote:  Unanimously approved


10.       Adjournment


A. Adjourn meeting


MSV (17) move to adjourn at 12:04 AM. 


Motion made by:          Michelle Brousseau

Motion seconded by:    Sarah Markey

Vote:  Unanimously approved




                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                Kristen Stringfellow

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