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South Kingstown School Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


South Kingstown High School Cafeteria

215 Columbia Street

Wakefield, RI  02879


Attendees - voting members

Stephanie Canter - Chair

Sarah Markey - Vice Chair

Emily Cummiskey

Jacy Northup

Kate Macinanti

Michelle Brousseau

Alycia Collins


Attendees – other

Kristen Stringfellow - Superintendent Video

Pauline Lisi - Assistant Superintendent

Maryanne Crawford – CFO

Teresa Eagan – Director of Pupil Personnel

Breta Combs – Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel

Patricia Aull – Curtis Corner Middle School Principal

Tammy McNeiece – Curtis Corner Middle School Assistant Principal

Robert Mezzanotte – South Kingstown High School Principal

Shivali Finkelstein – South Kingstown High School Assistant Principal of STEAM


1.         6:00 PM -The School Committee may seek to convene in executive session in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws for the purpose(s) of:


A.  Discussion / Action: Collective Bargaining ESP Negotiations; Council 94 Negotiations (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(2))

B.  Legal advice regarding personnel and confidentiality

C.  Discussion of executive session minutes


Stephanie Canter called the April 9, 2019 School Committee Meeting to order at 6:02 PM.


MSV (1) move to enter executive session for the purposes of collective bargaining, ESP and Council 94 negotiations; legal advice regarding personnel and confidentiality; and discussion of executive session minutes.


Motion made by:  Sarah Markey

Motion seconded by:  Emily Cummiskey


Stephanie Canter – Yes

Sarah Markey – Yes

Emily Cummiskey – Yes

Kate MacinantiNot Present at the Time of the Vote

Jacy Northup – Yes

Michelle Brousseau – Yes

Alycia Collins - Yes



2. 7:00 PM - Call to Order


A.     Call to Order


Stephanie Canter called the April 9, 2019 School Committee Meeting back to order at 7:04 PM.


B.     Reporting of vote(s) taken in executive session


Stephanie Canter reported on votes taken in Executive Session:  A motion to approve the Council 94 negotiations proposal.  Motion made by Jacy Northup, seconded by Emily Cummiskey.  The vote was 7-0-0.


A motion to approve SKESP negotiations proposal.  Motion made by Emily Cummiskey, seconded by Alycia Collins.  The vote was 6-0-0 (Sarah Markey recused).


C.     Seal the minutes of the executive session


MSV (5) move to seal the minutes of the executive session.


Motion made by:  Alycia Collins

Motion seconded by:  Kate Macinanti

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


D. Chair - Agenda review


Ms. Canter advised that the agenda in on BoardDocs.


3. Superintendent's Report


A.     Administrator Appointments for PPS Director and Interim Principal BRMS Video


Dr. Stringfellow shared her recommendation to appoint Breta Combs to a three-year contract for the position of Pupil Personnel Director effective July 1, 2019.  Dr. Stringfellow explained the length of the contract, which Ms. Canter questioned.


MSV (6) move to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to appoint Breta Combs as Pupil Personnel Director with a three-year contract, effective July 1, 2019.


Motion made by:  Jacy Northup

Motion seconded by:  Michelle Brousseau

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


Dr. Stringfellow shared her recommendation to appoint Tammy McNeiece as Interim Principal at Broad Rock Middle School with a three-year contract as an administrator, effective July 1, 2019.


MSV (7) move to appoint Tammy McNeiece as Interim Principal at Broad Rock Middle School, with a three-year contract as an administrator. 


Motion made by:  Sarah Markey

Motion seconded by:  Jacy Northup

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


B.     Teacher of the Year Nominees Video


Dr. Stringfellow advised that annually, the South Kingstown School District honors teachers who have been nominated to be considered as South Kingstown Teacher of the Year.  The nominees were honored as Dr. Stringfellow announced each individual teacher and Ms. Lisi presented them with a certificate.

Dr. Stringfellow advised that they will announce the South Kingstown Teacher of the Year later in the week, who will go on to represent our community of learners who will compete for Rhode Island Teacher of the Year.  This teacher will represent all of the fine educators in our school department. 


Karen Perry – Curtis Corner Middle School Special Educator

Kate Arruda – Curtis Corner Middle School Math Teacher

Kristen Precious – Curtis Corner Middle School English Teacher

Jennifer DeFeo – Grade 5 Broad Rock Middle School Teacher

Eric Anderson – South Kingstown High School Dean of Students

Ryan Borden – Curtis Corner Middle School Special Educator

Karin Campbell – West Kingston Elementary School Special Educator

Eric Swanson – South Kingstown High School CTE Coordinator

Stacie Zamperini – South Kingstown High School Health and APE Teacher

Terri McKinney – Grade 1/DLI English Peace Dale Elementary Teacher   


C.     Meeting Calendar Video


Dr. Stringfellow advised that the 4/23/19 School Committee work session is cancelled.  She reminded that the Public budget meetings with the Town Council are scheduled for 4/15/19 and 4/16/19.  She also noted that a Special Education Community Conversation is scheduled for 5/28/19.


D.     Financial Update Video


Dr. Stringfellow advised that Maryanne Crawford was available to answer any questions regarding the financial update provided.  Ms. Cummiskey expressed concern regarding the lunch balance.  Dr. Stringfellow explained that the principals and social workers reach out to families who have a balance on account.    


E.     Monthly Student and Employee Recognition Video


“The Key is ME!” Award:  Dr. Stringfellow advised that “The Key is ME” Award recipient for April is Terri McKinney, Grade 1/DLI English Teacher at Peace Dale Elementary School.  Dr. Stringfellow shared information regarding her work history, certifications, education, and the various rationale and nomination comments regarding Ms. McKinney.


“I Make a Difference” Award:  Dr. Stringfellow advised that the “I Make a Difference” Award recipient for April is Chery Dyer, Special Education teacher Assistant at Matunuck Elementary School.  Dr. Stringfellow shared information regarding her work history, education, and the various rationale and nomination comments regarding Ms. Dyer. 


“You Inspire Me” Award:  Dr. Stringfellow advised that the “You Inspire Me” Award for April is John Gazerro, Matunuck Elementary School student.  Dr. Stringfellow shared a video of Beth Anne McLoughlin, Kayla Tobin, and Shelly McConnell sharing their nomination comments with John and presenting him with the “You Inspire Me” Award. 


F.      SKPP (South Kingstown Partnership for Prevention) RI Student Survey Data 2018 Video


Melissa Mowry with South Kingstown Partnership for Prevention and Dr. Paul Floran shared information, through a PowerPoint presentation, regarding the RI student survey date of 2018 (grades 8-12), that included statistics about past 30-day use of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, non-medical RX, and E-cigs; age of first use of alcohol and marijuana; and mental health issues.  Abby, a student, shared information about her wellness initiative.    


G.    Letter from RIDE regarding status of stage 2 application Video


Dr. Stringfellow provided an update on the time line of the stage 2 application.


H. Accept the Superintendent's Report Video


MSV (8) move to accept and place on file the Superintendent’s Report.


Motion made by:  Alycia Collins

Motion seconded by:  Michelle Brousseau


Stephanie Canter – Yes

Sarah Markey – Yes

Emily CummiskeyNot Present at the Time of the Vote

Kate Macinanti – Yes

Jacy Northup – Yes

Michelle Brousseau – Yes

Alycia Collins - Yes


4. Consent Agenda Video


Alycia Collins asked that item “B” be pulled to the next agenda.


MSV (9) move to pull item “B” to the next agenda.


Motion made by:  Alycia Collins

Motion seconded by:  Sarah Markey

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


Dr. Stringfellow advised of a hand carried item – the resignation of Nicole Nieves.


A. Approval of Open Session Minutes - Meetings of 3/12/19 and 3/26/19

B. Approval of Executive Session Minutes - Meetings of 2/12/19, 2/27/19, 3/12/19, and 3/26/19

C. Personnel Actions

D. Bid Award #2392-2 On-Call, Periodic & Emergency Services

E. Expenditure over 10,000 - Eureka Math Materials

F. Expenditure over 10,000 - MPA #416 Ockers

G. Expenditure over 10,000 - Eureka PD

H. Approval of Fundraiser(s)

I. Home Schooling Request(s)

J. Field Trip Approval(s)

K. Adding the Pledge of Allegiance to the start of SC meetings

L. Approve DLI sub-committee

M. Approve Consent Agenda


MSV (10) move to approve the Consent agenda as amended.


Motion made by:  Jacy Northup

Motion seconded by:  Michelle Brousseau

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


5. Comments from the Community Video


Ms. Canter reviewed the rules regarding comments from the community.


A. Comments from the Community


Robert Mezzanotte, Principal, expressed concern about the passing of the proposed amendment to the PAT policy and its effect on students at the high school. 


Shivali Finkelstein, Assistant Principal, spoke about the CTE programs and the various different requirements.


Tia Beckman, Immigration Task Force member, spoke about the need to continue staff training regarding privacy.  She also expressed concern about the budget effects on the SMILE Club. 


Brian Nelson, NEASK President, spoke about the PAT policy and the need for a transparent policy.


Carol Englander, SMILE Program Director, shared statistics on the success of the SMILE Program for students. 


Mick Lefort, NEASK Vice President, spoke about the PAT process and advised that the PAT process is about transfers, not layoffs. 


David DeQuatro, RGB contractor, spoke about the design review and Stage 3 requirements to RIDE.    


6. School Committee Business


A.      Public Works district Efficiency Audit Video


Eric Schnurer, a presenter at the NSBA Conference in Philadelphia, PA, shared information about long-term operational efficiencies for the district.  After discussion, it was recommended that Maryanne Crawford, Dr. Stringfellow, Attorney Henneous, and Stephanie Canter meet to review the details. 


B. Campus Safety Policy #8231 Implementation Considerations Video


Sarah Markey advised that she met with the Immigration Task Force and provided a comprehensive list regarding implementing the School Immigration Policy to go to administrators to see what the district is already implementing.  Dr. Stringfellow advised what is already implemented in the district and noted that the next step is to share this with principals at leadership.


·       Proposed Amendment to PAT Policy vote to approve and vote to suspend the bylaws in lieu of a 1st Reading Video


Sarah Markey recused herself from the discussion. 


Ms. Canter requested to suspend the bylaws 9.3 in lieu of a first reading for the proposed amendment to PAT policy.  Committee members discussed any issues with the existing policy.  Lengthy discussion followed regarding the importance of specialty position requirements be written into a vacancy posting; concern about consequences with moving so quickly with this change; and putting this in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. 


MSV (11) move to suspend typical policy process due to a new MOA being in the best interest of the district, which is in bylaws 9.3.


Motion made by:  Jacy Northup

Motion seconded by:  Alycia Collins


Stephanie Canter – Yes

Sarah Markey – Recused

Emily Cummiskey – Yes

Kate MacinantiNo

Jacy Northup – Yes

Michelle BrousseauNo

Alycia Collins - Yes


MSV (12) move to suspend policy #5425 as it applies to “A” new positions and “B” voluntary transfers. 


Motion made by:  Kate Macinanti

Motion seconded by:  Jacy Northup


Stephanie Canter – Yes

Sarah Markey – Recused

Emily Cummiskey – Yes

Kate Macinanti – Yes

Jacy Northup – Yes

Michelle BrousseauNo

Alycia Collins - Yes


C. MOA NEA-SK Personnel Assignment Vote


MSV (13) move to approve the MOA regarding Article V and vacancy transfers.   


Motion made by:  Kate Macinanti

Motion seconded by:  Jacy Northup


Stephanie Canter – Yes

Sarah Markey – Recused

Emily Cummiskey – Yes

Kate MacinantiNo

Jacy Northup – Yes

Michelle BrousseauNo

Alycia Collins - Yes


D.     Proposed Amendment to PAT Policy vote to approve and vote to suspend the bylaws in lieu of a 1st

Reading – Addressed Previously


E.     Revision to Policy 5141 - Medication Policy - Second Reading/Adoption Video


MSV (14) move to approve the revision to Policy #5141. 


Motion made by:  Emily Cummiskey

Motion seconded by:  Jacy Northup


Stephanie Canter – Yes

Sarah Markey – Yes

Emily Cummiskey – Yes

Kate MacinantiNot Present at the Time of the Vote

Jacy Northup – Yes

Michelle Brousseau – Yes

Alycia Collins - Yes


F.      Discussion Building/District Leadership Video


Dr. Stringfellow advised that she was hoping to have a discussion on putting together interview teams and post vacancies that remain in the administrator group; however, due to the fact that the process changed this evening, and the Article V change, she will need to check with Attorney Henneous to figure out the process to fill the vacancies.


G.    Budget Video


Dr. Stringfellow advised that the Committee needed to vote on the budget tonight, due to the adjustments after the Town Council vote.  The budget previously voted on had to be reduced by $405,517, which brings the budget to be voted on to $61,391,825.  Discussion followed regarding the rationale for cutting the West Kingston clerk position. 


MSV (15) move to approve the budget in the amount of $61,391,825. 


Motion made by:  Emily Cummiskey

Motion seconded by:  Sarah Markey

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


H.    Resolution(s) Video


·       Resolution on Financial Literacy:


Michelle Brousseau shared information regarding the Resolution on Financial Literacy.  She also shared information from Saturday’s RIASC meeting.  


·       Resolution on Gun Free Schools – Not Discussed

·       Resolution-Amend Article XII – Not Discussed


MSV (16) move to approve all three Resolutions.


Motion made by:  Sarah Markey

Motion seconded by:  Jacy Northup

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


I. Sub-committee Reports Video


·       DLI (#5 and #13)


Sarah Markey updated the Committee with information from the DLI subcommittee.  She advised that a request will be sent out asking for volunteers to join the subcommittee. 


·       Augusta Hazard (#1)


Michelle Brousseau advised that she and Ms. Cummiskey need to meet to discuss the Augusta Hazard; and will then come to the Committee with recommendations at the May meeting.


·       Legislative (#6)


Michelle Brousseau advised that she had not reached out to the representatives.  She stated that she will organize her notes from the RIASC meeting and would like to come back to the Committee with a summary. 


·       Transportation (#11)


Kate Macinanti updated the Committee on the work of the Transportation subcommittee.  She shared at recommendations the subcommittee is looking at with hopes of finding cost savings:  depot stop; reviewing door-to-door pick-up stops; opting in or out of transportation; comparing per pupil cost with districts. 


7. Comments from Committee Members Video


A. Comments from Committee Members


Alycia Collins gave kudos for all the hard work and patience with each other.


Sarah Markey commented on her visits to Peace Dale, Curtis Corner, High School, and West Kingston and that it was great to see what was going on in the buildings.


Emily Cummiskey stated great job to all.





8. Adjournment Video


A.     Adjourn meeting


MSV (17) move to adjourn at 10:46 PM.


Motion made by:  Jacy Northup

Motion seconded by:  Sarah Markey

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                Kristen Stringfellow


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