South Kingstown School Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


South Kingstown High School Cafeteria

215 Columbia Street

Wakefield, RI  02879


Attendees - voting members

Sarah Markey - Vice Chair

Michelle Brousseau

Emily Cummiskey

Jacy Northup

Kate Macinanti

Alycia Collins


Members Absent:

Stephanie Canter - Chair


Attendees – other

Linda Savastano - Superintendent

Maryanne Crawford – CFO

Michael Polak - Attorney

Chip McGair – High School Principal

Breta Combs – Director of Pupil Personnel Services

Charity Shea – Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel Services

Kim Komocar – Peace Dale Principal


1.         6:00 PM -The School Committee may seek to convene in executive session

in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws for the purpose(s) of: 


A.     Grievance (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(9)) - Council 94 Grievance Hearing

B.     Personnel (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(1)) -discussion of job performance and recommendation to terminate employment of Council 94 member

C.     Collective Bargaining (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(2)) - Negotiations - Council 94


Sarah Markey called the December 10, 2019 School Committee meeting to order at 6:00 PM.


MSV (1) move to convene in executive session in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws for the purposes of Grievance (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(9)); Personnel (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(1)); and Collective Bargaining (RIGL 42-46-5(a)(2)) - Negotiations - Council 94.  The affected party had been notified in advance in writing and opted not to have discussion held in open session.


Motion made by:  Jacy Northup

Motion seconded by:  Alycia Collins

            Vote:  Unanimously Approved


2.         7:00 PM - Open Session


A.   Call to Order


Sarah Markey called the December 10, 2019 School Committee meeting back into open session at 7:31 PM.


·       Seal the minutes of the executive session


MSV (2) move to seal the minutes of executive session.


Motion made by:  Jacy Northup

Motion seconded by:  Alycia Collins

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


B.   Pledge of allegiance to the Flag


Ms. Markey led in the pledge of allegiance to the Flag.


C.   School Committee Agreements (norms) – Not addressed


D.   Reporting of vote(s) taken in executive session


Ms. Markey advised that there were no votes taken in executive session.


E.   Seal the minutes of the executive session – previously addressed


F.   Discussion/Action - Superintendent's recommendation to terminate employment of Council 94 member


MSV (3) move to table to the next meeting.


Motion made by:  Michelle Brousseau

Motion seconded by:  Emily Cummiskey 

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


G.  Discussion/Action - Council 94 Grievance


MSV (4) move to deny the Council 94 grievance.


Motion made by:  Alycia Collins

Motion seconded by:  Emily Cummiskey

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


H.  Chair - Agenda review


Ms. Markey asked if there were any questions regarding the agenda as posted.  No questions noted.


3.         Superintendent's Report


A.   Meeting Calendar


Ms. Savastano reviewed the meeting calendar; and advised of a brief Executive Session on January 14, 2019 at 5:30 PM; and a Work Session scheduled for 6:00 PM on January 14, 2019 for a presentation by RGB. 


Ms. Savastano also shared a summary of the work session, subcommittee meetings, and building meetings for December 2019 through April 2020.


B.   Cancellations


Ms. Savastano shared information regarding the comprehensive process used in advising families and staff of school cancellations.  She encouraged people to sign up with RI Broadcasters.


C.   Budget Planning FY21


Ms. Savastano shared information via PowerPoint regarding the budget planning for FY21.  She commented on the mission; collective commitments; management goals; budget needs and theory of action; mathematical levels; programmatic priorities by building and department; budget preparation calendar; anticipated enrollment by grade and enrollment projections from NESDEC; budget preparation guide; budgeting responsibilities; uniform chart of account definitions; and the use of the budget projection goals-based worksheet for principals. 


D.   Enrollment/Staffing


Ms. Savastano shared information, via PowerPoint, regarding enrollment by grade level and building; and K-4 by class size.  She advised that she would share this information each month so the Committee can see trends. 


E.   Special Education Programming


Ms. Savastano provided a snapshot regarding special education programming; advising that there were challenges at the start of the year and we are working on improvements.  She stated that she is excited about some of the changes in the district – inclusion and co-teaching classrooms.  Ms. Savastano further explained the co-teaching model.  She commented on asking Bradley School to consider having a class placement in one of our buildings; and the leadership team is looking at the integrated preschool current locations at Peace Dale and West Kingston and the implications. 


F.   Preschool Programming – Information already shared during the special education programming discussion.


G.  State Report Cards & Accountability


Ms. Savastano advised that the RI Department of Education recently released South Kingstown’s state report card summary.  She advised that the data is informing us for the budget.  Ms. Savastano explained the “star” rating for each building.  The document provided links so that people could review the data.


H.  Legal Update (Legislative Changes)


Ms. Savastano advised of a legislative change that will take place in January, 2020 regarding the Education Accountability Act. 


Attorney Polak advised that the change will be minimal for South Kingstown.  He stated that the duties of the School Committee appointment for school personnel will be removed.  It will be the responsibility of the Superintendent; however, the School Committee still maintains the purse. 


I.    SKHS Cell Phone Use Update


Dr. McGair shared the change of students’ cell phone use at South Kingstown High School.  Students will be able to use their cell phones during advisory, the beginning and end of the day, and during hallway passes; however, they will not be able to use their phones during learning time. 


J.    Financial Update


Ms. Crawford provided a financial update and the school lunch balances.  She commented on the RI office energy resource document, and the SK food service satellite program. 


K.   Accept the Superintendent's Report


MSV (5) move to accept and place on file the Superintendent’s report.


Motion made by:  Michelle Brousseau

Motion seconded by:  Jacy Northup

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


4.         Consent Agenda


A.   Approval of Open Session Minutes - Meeting of 11/12/19

B.   Approval of Executive Session Minutes - Meeting of 11/12/19

C.   Personnel Actions

D.   Home Schooling Request(s)

E.   LED Retrofit Upgrades

F.   Approve Consent Agenda


MSV (6) move to approve the Consent agenda.


Motion made by:  Michelle Brousseau

Motion seconded by:  Jacy Northup

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


5.         Comments from the Community


A.   Comments from the Community – There were no comments from the community.


6.         School Committee Business


A.   Discussion/Action-Threat Assessment Team Policy-Second Reading/Adoption


MSV (7) move to adopt the Threat Assessment Team Policy.


Motion made by:  Michelle Brousseau

Motion seconded by:  Kate Macinanti

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


B.   Discussion/Action-Revision to Naloxone Policy-Second Reading/Adoption


MSV (8) move to adopt the revision to Naloxone Policy.


Motion made by:  Alycia Collins

Motion seconded by:  Emily Cummiskey

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


C.   Discussion/Action-Ratification of Council 94/SC Collective Bargaining Agreement


MSV (9) move to table to the January meeting.


Motion made by:  Alycia Collins

Motion seconded by:  Jacy Northup

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


D.   Discussion/Action-Change order(s) for security projects


Ms. Crawford advised that the projects are running on time and she is pleased with the projects that have been completed.  Ms. Crawford stated that the projects should be substantially completed by the end of December.  She explained her recommendation for the change orders for the security projects.


MSV (10) move to approve the change orders.


Motion made by:  Alycia Collins

Motion seconded by:  Jacy Northup

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


E.   Discussion/Action - 403B Retirement Plan Document Amendment


Ms. Crawford explained that due to IRS changes regarding hardships, the district has to change the 403B retirement plan to be in compliance with the IRS.


MSV (11) move to approve the changes. 


Motion made by:  Jacy Northup

Motion seconded by:  Michelle Brousseau

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


F.   Discussion-Sub-committee Reports


SELAC – Ms. Collins requested the SELAC meetings be posted on the Secretary of State website.


Budget Subcommittee – Ms. Cummiskey recommended that people view the documents on BoardDocs.


Wellness Subcommittee – Ms. Cummiskey advised that the new Curriculum Director will be looking at K-12 curriculum for health.


Transportation Subcommittee – Ms. Macinanti advised that the subcommittee has not met.


Building Subcommittee – Ms. Macinanti advised that they are looking to have an evening meeting at CCMS the week of January 6, 2020.  Ms. Northup stated that the projects are almost done and would like to have tours the week of January 6, 2020.


Augusta Hazard Scholarship – Ms. Brousseau advised that she requested that applications (application that has been used in previous years) be sent out to students. 


7.         Adjournment


A.     Adjourn meeting


MSV (12) move to adjourn at 8:36 PM.


Motion made by:  Jacy Northup

Motion seconded by:  Michelle Brousseau

Vote:  Unanimously Approved


                                                                                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                                            Linda Savastano


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