The Town Council of the Town of Tiverton, County and State aforesaid held a Regular Council Meeting on
Monday, April 13, 2020 at 7:00 via a Virtual Meeting viewable at Tiverton Videos on YouTube.
Council President Hilton called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Present: | | | |
| Council President Hilton | Councilor Perry | Council Edwards |
| Councilor Clarke | Town Clerk Mello | Town Administrator Cotta |
| Councilor Cook | Councilor Driggs | Solicitor Marcello |
| Assistant Solicitor DeCosta | Deputy Clerk Veegh | |
Absent: | | | |
| Vice-President deMedeiros | | |
A. Approval of Town Council Minutes
1. March 28, 2020 – Regular Meeting
2. March 28, 2020 – Executive Meeting
3. April 6, 2020 – Special Meeting
B. Acknowledge Receipt of Reports
1. Planning Board Administrative Officer Susan Gill – March 2020 Activities Report
Councilor Edwards motioned to approve the Consent Agenda items. Councilor Perry seconded the motion. The Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
The Public was encouraged to send written comments via email to or by regular
mail to the Town Clerk at 343 Highland Road, Tiverton, RI 02878 or placing in the grey drop box located outside Town Hall by 12:00 noon on Monday, April 13th.
Comments received were exclusively related to the 7-B agenda item (i.e. temporary amnesty of the Pay-As-You-Throw trash bag program), therefore held for discussion of that item.
Solicitor Marcello noted that we are still operating under modified Open Meetings Act rules through Executive Order of the Governor. He furthered that we are currently awaiting updated guidelines from the Governor’s office with respect to facilitating public comments.
A. Approval of Proposed Amendment to the Resolution for Fines and Fees to Repeal the 3rd Party Billing
Rescue Fees and Replace Language with “usual and customary rate for area as determined by
Medicare or other insurance carrier” – Continued to May 11, 2020
B. DPW Director, Richard Rogers – Approval to Submit to RIDEM the ESS Group RIPDES
Small MS4 Annual Report – 2019 – Continued to May 11, 2020
C. Draft Design Study for the Mount Hope Bay Greenway Project and Approval to Submit Comments on
Same and/or Request Project be Re-included in the State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) -
Continued to May 11, 2020
1. Bike Tiverton Comments
2. DPW, Building & Zoning
3. Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
Councilor Edwards motioned to continue agenda items 6-A, B and C to the May 11, 2020 Council Meeting. Councilor Driggs seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
A. Interim Town Administrator Cotta - Approval of Appointment of Jennifer Siciliano as Town
Planner/Administrative Officer and Ratification of a Three-Year Contract Commencing April 27, 2020 and
Ending April 26, 2023
Interim Town Administrator Cotta introduced Town Planner/AO candidate Jennifer Siciliano. He reminded Council of the pressing need for a Planner to assist with Industrial Park and solar projects in addition to Solar and Zoning Ordinance rewriting. Ms. Siciliano is the current Town Planner in Foster, RI, and has extensive prior municipal planning experience. Solicitor Marcello noted that he has previous work experience with Ms. Siciliano and expressed full confidence in her ability to run the department.
Councilor Edwards motioned to Approval of Appointment of Jennifer Siciliano as Town Planner/Administrative Officer and Ratification of a Three-Year Contract Commencing April 27, 2020 and
Ending April 26, 2023. Councilor Perry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
B. Councilor Edwards – Discussion and Vote to Implement an Amnesty Trash Program Allowing Each
Residence to Put Out One Non-Town Bag of Trash for Collection Each Week and Encouraging People
to Continue to Put Out Recycling with Their Trash
Comments (attached) were received by William and Christine A. Strachan, Carol and Richard Guimond, Julie Baker, Timothy Connick, Nancy Carreiro, Jumarie Reynolds, Jenn Davila, Paul Buonvino, and Peter Moniz – and were exclusively related to Pay-As-You-Throw trash bag program.
Councilor Edwards explained there have been numerous emails/text messages from concerned residents about obtaining bags in light of the COVID-19 as well as reported lack of availability, prompting his proposal for the Council to consider a temporary amnesty solution, mirroring the annual holiday amnesty program. His intent was to balance social distancing polices while not causing irreparable damage to the recycling/landfill program.
Discussion between Councilors ensued, with concerns ranging from resident financial hardships, Town revenue loss, reductions in recycling as well as non-resident trash.
Councilor Edwards motioned to implement an Amnesty Trash Program allowing each residence to put out one 30 gal. non-Town bag of trash for collection each week through May 13, 2020. Councilor Perry seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-1 on a roll call vote, with Councilor Clarke opposed.
Town Council President Hilton/Interim Town Administrator Christopher Cotta
Update on COVID-19 Operations, Response and Plans
Interim Administrator Cotta noted that our first responders have been doing an excellent job with the heightened issues. Chief Mollo had 5 personnel members who had been tested for COVID-19, 3 of which were negative and 2 remained pending. Operational plans were in place to mitigate issues that arise. Other challenges were the upcoming FTR, adjusted timelines as well as managing related budgetary factors with incomplete information from the State.
A developing concern was the number of out of state “day trippers” utilizing public areas that may potentially increase when the weather warms. Discussions between the pointed to the necessity to develop a plan that effectively limits public gatherings without being unnecessarily restrictive.
Council President Hilton finished by reiterating the importance of addressing the financial situation soon to safeguard an operable budget for next year.
Councilor Edwards motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Driggs seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
A True Copy.
Nancy L. Mello, Town Clerk