The Town Council of the Town of Tiverton, County and State aforesaid held a Regular Council Meeting on
Monday, February 10, 2020 at 7:00 at the Tiverton Town Hall, 343 Highland Road.
Council President Hilton called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Members present
Council President Hilton | Councilor Perry | Solicitor Marcello |
Vice-President deMedeiros | Councilor Clarke | Town Clerk Mello |
Councilor Cook | Councilor Driggs | |
Members absent
Council Edwards
President Hilton read the items on the Consent Agenda.
A. Approval of Town Council Minutes
1. January 27, 2020 – Regular Meeting
2. January 27, 2020 – Executive Session
B. Acknowledge Receipt of Minutes from Boards/Commissions/Committees
1. Open Space and Land Preservation Commission – (1)
2. Planning Board (3)
C. Acknowledge Receipt of Reports
D. Acknowledge Receipt of Correspondence
1. Town of Hopkinton – Resolution in Support of Fully Funded E-911 Statewide and Municipal
2. Lynne Radiches, RI Ethics Commission Staff Attorney/Education Coordinator – Regarding Ethics
3. RIDEM – Notification to Abutters/Site Investigation – 691 Brayton Road
E. Susan Gill, Administrative Officer Report of Activities (3)
Councilor Driggs removed Consent Agenda item 4-E.
Councilor deMedeiros motioned to approve Consent Agenda items with the exception of 4-E. Councilor Clarke seconded the motion. The Motion passed unanimously.
Councilor Cook requested an update from Planning Board Chair Susan Gill with regard to the Bill’s Sales Industrial Park concept plan review application. Chair Gill responded that the Board had received an environmental review statement but have yet to receive a master plan submission packet.
Councilor Driggs motioned to approve Consent Agenda item 4-E. Councilor deMedeiros seconded the motion. The Motion passed unanimously.
EDC member Renee deJesus-Jones addressed Council with concerns about the Recycling Center’s Industrial Park location and the potential unintended consequences of allowing companies that may adversely impact the success of future businesses.
Resident William McLaughlin spoke regarding his concerns of Town building maintenance issues. He noted that he intends to formerly raise the issue on a future agenda request.
Dog Park Committee Co-Chair Barbara Pelletier requested an update with regard to official approval of the location/land donation of the lot behind the Crandall Road fire station that abuts the Tiverton Public Library. She noted that $3000 in donations had been raised thus far and was hopeful for an April opening date. Councilor Hilton suggested placing a future agenda request for specific answers.
A. Bill Bothelo/The Cheese Wheel Village Market, 3838 Main Road – Request Approval of Victualling License
Councilor Driggs motioned to approve the relative victualling license. Councilor deMedeiros seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
A. Annual Tree Warden Appointment to January 31, 2021
1. Frankey Ramos, Manchester’s Tree & Landscaping, 2970 Main Road – New Request
2. Jonathan Hathaway, JDH Landscaping and Tree Service, 1631 Fish Road – New Request
Frankey Ramos was present and spoke briefly about his experience and desire for appointment to Tree Warden. He was a licensed Arborist, who had worked for former Tree Warden John Manchester for 20 years before purchasing his business in 2016.
Jonathan Hathaway was not present. As it was unclear if Hathaway was notified about candidate interviews, Council requested he be contacted and placed on the next agenda for an interview.
B. Budget Committee
1. Acknowledge Resignation of Alexander Cote as of February 3, 2020
Councilor deMedeiros motioned to acknowledge the resignation of Alexander Cote. Councilor Driggs seconded the motion. The Motion passed unanimously. The Council also expressed appreciation for his many years of service to the Town.
A. Budget Committee Chair Jay Edwards - Request Vote for Approval of Funding a Secretary for Budget Committee for FY 20-21 from Council Contingency for $1600
Chair Jay Edwards was not present, however, his accompanying letter explained that there were no members who volunteered for the open secretary position. Vice Chair Deborah Janick explained the job of Secretary during the budget season was exceptionally onerous and that most members believed that taking notes interfered with active participation. Town Clerk Mello had offered that she could provide secretary services from within her office for the purpose of taking meeting minutes.
Councilor Cook motioned approve the relative request to Fund a Secretary for Budget Committee for FY 20-21 from Council Contingency for $1600. Councilor deMedeiros seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Town Administrator – Request to Schedule Public Hearing or Workshop on the Draft Design Study for
the Mount Hope Bay Greenway project, followed by possible action to submit comments on the same
and/or request that the project be re-included in the State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP).
Bike Tiverton member Carolyn Wieman addressed Council relative to support for the Design Study Report recently completed by VHB Engineering detailing preliminary design decisions proposed for the Mt. Hope Bay Greenway trail (MHBG). She furthered that with no major benefactors, ultimately State funding is essential. She noted time was of the essence as the VHB 2 year contract ends in April 1, 2020.
Councilor deMedeiros made a motion to give Clerk authority to set the relative Public Hearing date. Councilor Perry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
C. Town Solicitor – Approval and Acceptance of Parcel 1/Plat 221, Lot 103 (driveway entrance to
Ranger School) on the easterly side of North Brayton Road as described in “Minor Subdivision Final
Plan, School House Lots” dated February 13, 2018 - subject to a 40’ wide access easement for Stone
Bridge Fire District
Solicitor Marcello noted that the item was merely a housekeeping issue whereas the Town needed to formerly accept Parcel 1.
Councilor deMedeiros made a motion to Approve and Accept Parcel 1/Plat 221, Lot 103 (driveway entrance to Ranger School) on the easterly side of North Brayton Road as described in “Minor Subdivision Final Plan, School House Lots” dated February 13, 2018 - subject to a 40’ wide access easement for Stone Bridge Fire District. Councilor Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
D. Town Administrator – Report from Police and Fire Department on Implementation of Public Safety
Protocol at Twin River Tiverton Casino, and associated activity by both departments during the period
September-December, 2019
Chief Jones summarized the Police and Fire activity for the period of July 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019 as well as updated Council on the Public Safety Protocol Implementation at Twin River Casino. He noted that good communication/cooperation continues with Twin Rivers and that training for security and response protocols for major public safety events has been ongoing.
A. Town Administrator - Update on Progress of the Proposed Recycling Center
DPW Director Rogers offered that Pare Engineering has been working on the revised layout per the January 27 meeting comments. Additionally, Pare was analyzing limits of disturbance necessary for storm water permitting. He furthered that there has been coordination with DiPrete Engineering for potential survey layout, landscape architecture and storm water design and permitting. Updated permitting estimates and engineering costs from Pare and DiPrete was forthcoming.
B. Town Clerk
C. Town Solicitor - Katz v. Town of Tiverton APRA Complaint
Solicitor Marcello briefed Council with regard to an Open Meetings complaint by a current member of
Council against other members of Council, noting that the Complainant had granted a deadline extension
for a formal response.
D. Town Councilors
A. Council President Hilton – 42-46-5(a) (1) – Town Administrator Performance Evaluation – Notice Given
B. Town Administrator – 42-46-5 (a) (2) – Collective Bargaining – Teamsters
1. Proposed Three Year Contract with Teamsters, July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2022
Councilor deMedeiros motioned to enter Executive Session pursuant to 42-46-5 (a) (1) – Town Administrator Performance Evaluation – Notice Given. Councilor Perry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Councilor deMedeiros motioned to enter Executive Session pursuant to 42-46-5 (a) (2) – Collective Bargaining Proposed Three Year Contract with Teamsters, July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2022. Councilor Perry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
Solicitor Marcello noted for the record that Administrator Reitsma had been given notice of the meeting and the option to request the item held in Open Session. The Administrator did not request Open Session, therefore Council was to proceed with Executive Session.
The Council entered Executive Session at approximately 7:47 p.m.
The Council returned to Open Session at approximately 8:55 pm.
Solicitor announced the closed session was adjourned and there was a motion to seal the minutes.
Councilor Perry motioned to seal the minutes of Executive Session. Councilor deMedeiros seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Solicitor announced there was discussion only and no votes were taken relative to the Town Administrator’s Performance Evaluation.
Regarding Collective Bargaining on Teamsters Proposed 3 year contract, there was a unanimous vote made by Councilor Cook and seconded by Councilor Driggs to amend the language of the Teamster contract by striking “or return the jacket or other clothing to the Town within seven (7) days of the employee’s separation.”
Councilor Perry motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Driggs seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm,
A True Copy.
Nancy L. Mello, Town Clerk