The Town Council of the Town of Tiverton, County and State aforesaid held a Special Council Meeting on Saturday, the 15th day of February 2020 at 9:00 a.m. at the Tiverton Town Hall, 343 Highland Rd.
Council President Hilton, Councilor Clarke, Councilor Cook, Councilor Driggs and Councilor Edwards Vice-President deMedeiros and Councilor Perry were absent Town Clerk Mello was also present
Council President Hilton called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Overall Discussion, Review, and Potential Preliminary Votes on FY 2020/2021 Budget, Including Individual Line Items, as Previously Submitted by Town Administrator
Included but not limited to:
a. Tax Assessor
b. Planning & Building – Land Use
c. Library Services
d. Public Works
Clerk provided updated spread sheet on Administrator’s recommended expense budget including all AFSCME and Teamster salary adjustments from Council contingency to appropriate departments dated February 15, 2020.
Tax Assessor- Dave Robert
Able to reduce Professional Tech Services from $1500 to $1000. Comfortable with 40k for revaluation. Anticipated cost for full revaluation was approximately 365k but ended up 286k plus 50k for power plant consultant. Publications Sakonnet Times and NE Real Estate Journal. Capital request of 30k for software combined with Tax Collector. Current system support by Microsoft ends this year. Exploring getting cost down. Can still manage but trying to spread cost of new software over 2 years. Most of increase in staff salaries.
Discussion on allocating additional capital expenses when some not spent in current year. Consensus of Council no objection reducing 30k for software to 0 and fund all in following year when more likely needed.
Land Use - William Moore
Previously met with Budget Committee. Reduce boarding of buildings from $1000 to $500.
Discussion on cross training and possibility of moving department to allow all in one area. Several options. Expressed the importance and need for Planner. Increase mainly due to staff salary increase and Planner salary increase.
Planning Board – Susan Gill
Planning Board Tech Services used for Steere Engineering. Cost of $500 per meeting and allows for zoning meetings if needed. Continued discussion on location for planning/building office space.
Library – Director Catherine Damiani and Trustee Carol Hermann
Director gave extensive presentation before Budget Committee. Handed out detailed report of staff, financial information, all revenues including state aid, Town allegation, checking account, fines fees, Friends of Library funds for programs and museum passes. Foundation funds primarily used on initial building cost. Currently building funds back up with goal to help in future. Endowment interest goes to operating and State gives match of 22%. Presently only about 250k and not large enough for interest income yet. Foundation is a 501c-3 and has their own Board.
FY 21 includes funding for opening on Sundays. Survey indicates residents want Library open on Sundays. Director explained she does best to maintain repairs and upkeep of building but does not have expertise in outside building maintenance. Spent $27,612 in current year for emergency repairs. All detailed in report. Some were covered under warranty or manufacturer but rest from budget. All detailed in report.
DPW Director Rogers and Building Office went out to inspect Library building. Building Official Moore stated there are some concerns. He will be putting report together with general list and itemize. Not under B/O description but he is also a licensed builder in RI and Ma. Everything fixable, concern with exterior trim. Building 5 years old and hasn’t had good plan for maintenance.
Councilor Hilton addressed Library requesting 2.9% increase and Administrator recommended 2.05% increase. Discussion relative to repairs in capital and need for repairs over opening on Sunday. Discussion regarding how would work with maintenance of effort. Director Damiani will check with state for information.
2. Discussion of Merit Increase Methodology for Salary and Budgeting
Councilor Hilton raised potential of merit salary increases instead of automatic 2% for Department Heads. Suggested Council consider putting money in “pot” and base salary increases on merit potentially giving the Administrator more flexibility. Removes guaranteed 2% raises from budget.
Discussion on new phone service at Town Hall that should save money. Concern with municipal capital accounts not used in current fiscal year. Need additional information on following:
· Building maintenance listed in both capital and operating accounts
· Telephone
· Streetlights
· Recreation
· Infrastructure account
· Dept Head Salary accounts
· DPW tractor and maintenance
· Capital accounts not spent
· Paving
Council President will work with Town Clerk for answers.
Next meeting will be on February 18th. Added items will include Revenue, Fire Dept, Third Party Billing, Police, DPW and Capital Expenses
Councilor Edward motioned to adjourn, seconded by Councilor Clarke. Motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned 11:30 a.m.
A True Copy.
ATTEST: _______________________________
Nancy L. Mello, Town Clerk