The Town Council of the Town of Tiverton, County and State aforesaid held a Special Council Meeting on Tuesday the 17th day of March 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Tiverton Town Hall, 343 Highland Rd.




Council President Hilton, Councilor Clarke, Councilor Cook, Councilor Driggs (by teleconference), Councilor Edwards and Councilor Perry        Vice-President deMedeiros was absent


Acting Town Administrator/Town Clerk Mello, Solicitor Marcello (teleconference), and Assistant Solicitor Travis DeCosta (by teleconference) were also present


Council President Hilton called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.




A. Precautionary/Preparedness Measures for COVID-19 – Current State Guidelines


Council President informed Council over the weekend Governor Raimondo asked all communities to enact a State of Emergency over concern of the virus and the medical system getting overwhelmed. President Hilton signed a Declaration of Emergency for Tiverton on March 16th.  Under the Charter the Town Council shall ratify the declaration as soon as circumstances permit. Governor Raimondo and the League of Cities and Towns have been holding conference calls to discuss best practices with EMA, DOH and other officials.


President Hilton requested to amend the agenda under 42-46-6(b) to add the following item(s) to the Town Council agenda for the Special Meeting of March 17, 2020.


Ratification of Emergency Orders of the Town Council President 2020-01, 2020-02, and 2020-03 issued previously by the Town Council President under the Authority of the Home Rule Charter of the Town of Tiverton, Section 405: entitled Declaration of Emergency.


Councilor Edwards so motioned to amend the agenda to add the item, seconded by Councilor Perry.  Motion passed 6-0, unanimously by roll call vote.


Councilor Driggs suggested on order 2020-02 referring to #9 that it be worded “shall NOT” visit Town Hall or other municipal offices to conduct non-essential business and to utilize the Town’s website to conduct normal business.  Councilor Edwards suggested “closed except by appointment”.


Pursuant to 42-46-6(b) the Chair will further accept a motion to vote on the above referenced added agenda items because there exists an “unexpected occurrence that requires immediate action to protect the public”.  For the record, the unaccepted occurrence is the Declaration of a Statewide Emergency by the Honorable Governor Gina Raimondo to deal with the COVID-19 Corona Virus Pandemic upon which the local executive orders are based.


Motion made by Councilor Edwards to vote on the added agenda item as stated.  Seconded by Councilor Perry, motion passed by roll call vote. 6-0 unanimously.

The Chair will now accept a motion to Ratify the Previously Issued Executive Orders by the Town Council President pursuant to Section 405 of the Tiverton Town Charter and said orders to remain in full force in effect until amended or repealed by the Town Council President, with notice to the Town Council and Town Clerk, within 24 hours of any amendment or repeal.


Councilor Edwards motioned to Ratify the Previously Issued Executive Orders by the Town Council President pursuant to Section 405 of the Tiverton Town Charter and said orders to remain in full force in effect until amended or repealed by the Town Council President, with notice to the Town Council and Town Clerk, within 24 hours of any amendment or repeal.  Seconded by Councilor Clarke, motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. 6-0.


B. Request Department Heads Provide Recommended Interim/Acting Personnel

President Hilton requested the Interim Town Administrator develop a departmental line of succession list.  Mello responded already beginning on list.


C. Guidance on Council Agenda Requests/Action Items

Item not necessary at this point.


D. Approval for Boards & Commissions to Postpone Meetings

All non-emergency meetings will be postponed.  Solicitor added under the open meeting law Council needs to figure out how to involve public participation.  Other elected boards would determine for themselves such as School Committee and Budget Committee.


E. Suggestions to Minimize Risk for Community and Staff Including but not Limited to Hours of Operation

Procedures are underway.  Library is closed, Senior Center is closed to public and Director Homes is working with the State on meals for seniors.  Council packet included a document entitled Temporary Workplace Practices Due to Current Impact of COVID-19 Virus.


Councilor Edwards motioned under 42-46-6(b) to add an item to the agenda of the Special Meeting for ratification of the Temporary Workplace Practices Due to Current Impact of COVID-19 Virus. Seconded by Councilor Cook and Councilor Perry, motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.6-0.


Councilor Edwards motioned pursuant to 42-46-6(b) to allow a vote on the added agenda item because there exists an “unexpected occurrence that requires immediate action to protect the public”.  Seconded by Councilor Perry, motion passed unanimously on a 6-0 roll call vote.


Councilor Edwards motioned to ratify the Temporary Workplace Practices Due to Current Impact of COVID-19 Virus policy subject to expire on expiring of aforementioned declaration of emergency.  Seconded by Councilor Perry, motion passed unanimously 6-0 on roll call vote.


F. Discussion and Possible Vote on Appointment of Interim Administrator


Councilor Hilton informed Administrator Reitsma has indicated his desire to retire and won’t be returning to work.  Town Clerk Nancy Mello is now Acting Administrator and by Charter can remain for up to 35 days.  Once the position is vacant, the Council needs to appoint an Interim Administrator.  Not sure whether it would make sense to immediately advertise or who would be applying with situation of coronavirus going on.  May be lengthy term as Interim.  Town Clerk Mello is already picking up extra work.  Councilors should  think about Interim position.


G. Discussion and Possible Vote on Statement to Budget Committee Regarding General Fund and Casino Revenue


Councilor Hilton suggested sending the Budget Committee a statement in view of what is going on with Casino, general fund and state relative to revenue.  Councilor Driggs suggests since Council already submitted their proposed budget to the B/C it would be their call.  President Hilton suggests it would be helpful to give some advice and share Council’s concerns.  There are a lot of unknowns at this point. If the Budget Committee meets again, Councilor Hilton will let them know Council’s concerns with using general funds and casino revenues.




Councilor Cook motioned to adjourn, seconded by Councilor Edwards.  Motion passed unanimously.


The meeting adjourned 7:55 p.m.


A True Copy.


ATTEST:   _______________________________

Nancy L. Mello, Town Clerk


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