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APRIL 19, 2023

6:00 P.M.






1.      6:00 P.M.  CALL TO ORDER


Present:   Pres. Morrone

                 Councilors LaPietra, Overton, Aiello

                 T. Mgr. Lacey, Co. Clk. LeBlanc


        Absent:    Vice Pres. Lowther

                        Councilor Scialabba (arrived 6:31 p.m.)

                        Councilor Cordio

                        T. Sol. Conley

                        Cindy Kirchhoff, Acting Finance Director (arrived 6:41 p.m.)


        Also Present:   M. Davy, Assistant Town Manager

                                Paula Brouillette, Finance Board member



2.      Proposed FY2023/2024 Budget – Discussion and Possible Action


     Town Manager Lacey stated that the Council was provided with changes made to date by the Town Council to the Finance Board’s recommended budget which is attached hereto and made part of the record of these proceedings.


D.P.W. Division of Snow & Ice - $262,860


     It was the consensus of the Council that $90,000 be restored to Account 01011106-503020 – Materials for a total of $100,000.


Restricted - $1,080,464


     It was the consensus of the Council that $500,000 be placed in a restricted account for the Bradford Recreation Complex.


Capital Improvement – Town - $998,086


     It was the consensus of the Council that the $100,000 recommended by the Finance Board for Account 01011910-505521 – Craig Field be increased to $200,000.


     It was the consensus of the Council that the $100,000 recommended by the Finance Board for Account 01011910-505523 – Cimalore Facility Improvements be increased to $250,000.


Town Council - $71,607


     It was the consensus of the Council that the $3,000 recommended by the Finance Board for Account 01010101-501161 – Town Sergeant be increased to $3,200.




     It was a consensus of the Council to establish a “Keeper of the Flags” Account with an appropriation of $500.


Subsidies Town Extension - $996,250


     It was the consensus of the Council to provide the Westerly Public Library & Park with in-kind services for septic repairs of the caretaker’s cottage. 


Capital Budget


     Ms. Brouillette explained the Finance Board’s recommended Town Capital planning plan wherein the Town mandate that a prescribed percentage of 4% of the annual General Government Operating budget be reserved for capital projects.  She stated that the program could require a multi-functional review of all the requests and then prioritize needs and obligations.


     Ms. Kirchhoff reported that, after Council adjustments to the Finance Board’s recommended budget, the total surplus was $808,750 and that the proposed amendments by the Town Council totaled $800,700, leaving a total surplus of $8,050. 


     It was the consensus of the Council that the $150,000 recommended by the Finance Board for Account 01010601-504089 – Contingency be increased by $8,050 to $158,050.


     Ms. Kirchhoff reported that the total budget is $99,987,420; that the proposed tax rate is increased from $9.56 to $9.62; and that proposed personal property tax rate is increased from $11.52 to $11.59.  She stated that the overall levy increase is 1.49% and that the overall budget increase is 2.34%. 


     It was the consensus of the Council that the tentative Council budget workshop scheduled for Saturday, April 22, 2022, be cancelled.





        7:20 P.M.  Voted Unanimously to adjourn.




Mary L. LeBlanc, MMC

Council Clerk


Details of the aforesaid proceedings are available on audio on the Town of Westerly website.

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