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WEDNESDAY | JUNE 14, 2023 | 5:30 P.M. |
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Present: Pres. Morrone, Vice Pres. Lowther
Councilors Overton, LaPietra, Scialabba, Cordio, Aiello
T. Mgr. Lacey, T. Sol. Conley
Co. Clk. LeBlanc
Absent: Councilor Aiello (arrived 5:38 p.m.)
T. Sgt. Falcone
a. Potter Hill Mill Site – Update – Joint Meeting with Hopkinton Town Council – Alyse Oziolor, Principal Planner – Discussion
Present: Nancy Letendre, Town Planner
Alyse Oziolor, Principal Planner
Nils Wiberg, Fuss & O’Neill, Inc.
Hopkinton Town Council members: Michael Geary, President; Scott Bill Hirst, Vice President; Sharon Davis, Robert Burns
5:37 P.M. Council President Geary called the Hopkinton Town Council meeting to order.
Ms. Oziolor gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Potter Hill Mill Site, which is attached hereto and made part of the record of these proceedings. She stated that this project started in 2020 and that the goals and objectives have expanded. She stated that the project is to enhance resiliency and public value. She addressed the DEM and Town partnership project site, the public safety concern at the mill site, the poor condition of the dam, the multiple barriers to fish passage efficiency, Potter Hill being the last remaining reconnection project on the Pawcatuck River, and the proposed project goals, which include ensuring public safety and enhancing resiliency, expanding passive recreational opportunities, restoring fish passage and river corridor habitat, preserving and publicizing cultural values of the historic mill, and minimizing financial, operational and maintenance cost for the Town. She reviewed Fuss & O’Neill’s four river restoration alternatives. She reported on the concerns/considerations identified during the first round of engagements, the project status and next steps, the funding obtained for design and upcoming funding opportunities for implementation, and project sequence. She distributed information on tasks and timeframe and costs associated with same which is attached hereto and made part of the record of these proceedings.
Both Councils posed questions and concerns regarding preserving portions of the historic mill that are in good condition, minimizing the Town’s liability by removing the mill and dam, available funding for removal of the dam, the Town’s Comprehensive Plan recommendation for removal of the dam, project timeframe and costs, hydroelectric turbines, private wells, the number of affected Hopkinton property owners, property values, the installation of a riffle-pool system to maintain water levels, possible ARPA funding from both Westerly and Hopkinton, ecological implications on wells and recreation, the scope of incremental restoration alternatives, the handling of the mill and dam together or separately, possible extension of the Town’s water line to Hopkinton residents, support for historic preservation, safe passive recreational opportunities, support of safe passage for humans, fish and other wildlife, protection of public drinking water, grant funding, and partial dam removal.
Mr. Wiberg addressed incremental restoration alternatives, the construction of a rock ramp, and project funding.
6:43 P.M. Council President Geary adjourned the Hopkinton Town Council meeting.
Motion by Ms. Scialabba, Seconded by Mr. LaPietra, to move to Item #3a at this time. (Voted Unanimously)
b. The Route One Commercial Corridor Study (“ROCC”) – James Torres, Chair and Douglas Brockway, Vice Chair, Economic Development Commission – Discussion and Possible Action
Present: James Torres, Chairman, Economic Development Commission
Douglas Brockway, Member, Economic Development Commission
Justin Hopkins, Chairman, Planning Board
Matt O’Neil, Planning Board
Nancy Letendre, Town Planner
Alyse Oziolor, Principal Planner
1. Resolution Endorsing The Route One Commercial Corridor Study (“ROCC”) And Authorizing The “ROCC” And Planning Board To Prepare Comprehensive Plan And Ordinance Revisions For Town Council Consideration – Discussion And Possible Action
(Tabled from 3/20/23 and 2/13/2023)
Mr. Torres stated that the Council was presented with a presentation of the Route One Corridor Study Report on January 23, 2023, and he addressed the goal of the study and the process to achieve the goal. He reviewed the study results and recommendations from the Town Council.
Mr. Hopkins explained the process undertaken by the Planning Board.
Ms. Oziolor stated that the Route One Corridor Study was completed by a consultant that includes the recommendation of sewers along Route One; however, the Council can direct the Planning Board to not include this in their recommendation.
Ms. Letendre explained the process undertaken by the Planning Board regarding the Comprehensive Plan.
Discussion was held regarding concerns of extending sewers along Route One and expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Motion by Ms. Scialabba, Seconded by Ms. Cordio, that the Route One Corridor Study be referred to the Planning Board for review and recommendation.
Ms. Scialabba withdrew her motion and Ms. Cordio withdrew her second.
Motion by Mr. Aiello, Seconded by Mr. LaPietra, that the Route One Corridor Study, dated August 2022, be accepted. (Voted Unanimously)
During discussion, it was made clear that the aforesaid action to accept the Route One Corridor Study is only recognizing receipt of the Route One Corridor Study and in no manner does it imply any approval, adoption, or endorsement and that it is purely meant as “receiving” the document.
Motion by Mr. Aiello, Seconded by Mr. Overton, that the Route One Corridor Study be referred to the Planning Board with the stipulation that the Planning Board not act upon the recommendation of expanding municipal sewers. (So Voted 6 to 0 – Councilor LaPietra dissented)
During discussion, it was clarified that the aforesaid action that the Route One Corridor Study be referred to the Planning Board is simply intended to place the Route One Corridor Study document officially in the hands of the Planning Board and is not intended to indicate any approval or direction to implement any portion of the Study or its recommendations.
Motion by Mr. Aiello, Seconded by Mr. Lowther, that the Planning Board focus on zoning related matters in the separate sectors of the Route One corridor. (Voted Unanimously)
During discussion, clarification was made that zoning-related matters are the only area to be addressed by the Planning Board and, once those matters are completed, the Planning Board is to request from the Town Council the next subject area to be addressed by the Planning Board.
No action was taken on the aforesaid resolution or on establishing any committee.
a. 22/23-70 Resolution Of The Westerly Town Council In Support Of The Coastal Resources Management Council’s (CRMC) Designation Of Public Access To, From, And Across Napatree Point, Including Fort Road As A CRMC Recognized Right-Of-Way (ROW) – Discussion and Possible Action
Motion by Mr. Overton, Seconded by Mr. Lowther, to discuss the aforesaid resolution. (Voted Unanimously)
Town Solicitor Conley explained the aforesaid resolution. He noted the letter received today from Attorney Gerald J. Petros regarding the position of the Watch Hill Fire District and the Watch Hill Conservancy in this matter, which is attached hereto and made part of the record of these proceedings.
Motion by Mr. Aiello, Seconded by Mr. Overton, that the aforesaid resolution be adopted. (Voted Unanimously)
Town Solicitor Conley shared, for the record, his qualifications and experience in response to comments made regarding his legal representation of the Town in these matters.
Council President Morrone read aloud the list of names in favor and those in opposition to the aforesaid resolution, which is attached hereto and made part of the record these proceedings.
Motion by Ms. Cordio, Seconded by Mr. Aiello, to revert to Item #2b. (Voted Unanimously)
b. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Requests – Vote of Council to Set Submittal Deadline of June 14, 2023 – Discussion and Possible Action
Motion by Ms. Scialabba, Seconded by Mr. Lowther, that the deadline for the submittal of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) requests be set for June 14, 2023. (So Voted 5 to 2 – Councilors LaPietra and Aiello dissented)
8:32 P.M. Voted Unanimously to adjourn.
| Mary L. LeBlanc, MMC Council Clerk |
Details of the aforesaid proceedings are available on audio on the Town of Westerly website.