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MONDAY | OCTOBER 23, 2023 | 5:30 P.M. |
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Present: President Aiello, Vice Pres. Overton
Councilors Lowther, Cordio, LaPietra, Scialabba, Lombardo
T. Mgr. Lacey, T. Sol. Conley
Co. Clk. LeBlanc, T. Sgt. Falcone
Also Present: Melissa Davy, Asst. T. Mgr
a. Former Tower Street School Reuse Study Update – Hosted by the Tower Street School Re-Use Committee – Discussion
Present: Linda Schreiber, Consultant
Charles Royce, President and Treasurer, Royce Family Fund, Inc.
Danny Forrester, Royce Family Fund, Inc.
Thomas Liguori, Jr., Esq., representing Royce Family Fund, Inc.
Meg Lyons, Meg Lyons Architects, Inc.
Nicholas Moore, Esq., Chief of Staff, Royce Family Fund, Inc.
Mary Nash Rush, Esq., Managing Partner, Mcquire Woods, LLP, Raleigh, NC
Ms. Schreiber gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Tower Street Re-Use Study, which is attached hereto and made a part of the record of these proceedings. She stated that Westerly identified top six community needs that include a community center; affordable housing; workforce development/jobs; accessible healthcare & mental health services, youth services and services for low income families, young/single parents. The presentation addressed the depth of community engagement, potential partners, and collaboration. She stated that there is still a lot of work ahead and that these types of projects take several years in development. She stated that the goal tonight is to move forward with the ground lease, to capitalize on the initial development funds, and then funds for construction.
Mr. Royce explained how the project developed. He asked the Council to authorize legal authority to proceed with a lease so that the project can proceed. He noted that the current lease agreement expires on December 31, 2023. He stated that all levels within the State believe that this project would be a model for the State.
Attorney Liguori addressed the memorandum from Town Solicitor Conley, dated October 23, 2023, regarding Tower Street School Building Resue Study Update regarding Proposed Term, which is attached hereto and made a part of the record of these proceedings. He addressed the Tower Street Center key provisions of the Ground Lease, which is attached hereto and made a part of the record of these proceedings. He addressed the location of the project as central to the community, having all of the attributes in terms of infrastructure. He addressed the need for healthcare, mental health, and childcare services. He reviewed a proposed site plan and the need for low- and moderate-income housing. He explained that a portion of land, which currently houses existing basketball and tennis court areas, could be cleaved out of the Ground Lease to house up to 10 one- to two-bedroom units or 3 or 4 single-family units. He stated that, if the area housing the existing courts was cleaved out for housing, then the courts could be relocated immediately adjacent to the parking area. He asked for the identification of any further modifications to the ground lease and the creation of a Special Purpose Entity (SPE).
Ms. Lyons stated that affordable housing was considered at the start of the investigation of the project because it was a high priority need to the community; however, the site contains four acres of wetlands and the neighborhood was not keen on additional housing. She addressed the parcel proposed for affordable housing, stating that, if the three-quarter acres is cleaved out of the lease, it would be up to the Town to decide what to do with the land.
Discussion was held regarding the proposed addition of low- and moderate-income housing, concerns for protecting open space in the neighborhood, proposed zoning ordinance amendments, key provisions of the Ground Lease, healthcare services, and a 65-year ground lease.
a. Citizens Comments
1. Alison Croke, President and CEO, Wood River Health – re: Gave a PowerPoint presentation on Wood River Health, which is attached hereto and made a part of the record of this proceeding
2. Christopher Campagnari, MD, 4 Cohasset Way, employed by Wood River Health – re: Addressed growth of Wood River Health
3. Caswell Cooke, Jr., 5 South Fairway Ave – re: Student population decline; supports proposed Tower Street Center
4. Representative Samuel Azzinaro, 20 Piezzo Dr – re: Success of Westerly Education Center; supports proposed Tower Street Center; read into the record letter from Governor Daniel J. McKee, dated October 23, 2023, re: Learn365RI Goals as they relate to the proposed Tower Street Community Center, which is attached hereto and made part of the record of this proceeding
5. Daniel Fitzgerald, 23 Spencer Dr, Wood River Health Board member – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center
6. Rachel Doyle, 77 Potter Hill Rd, Director of Business Services, Westerly Education Center – re: Addressed education training provided by Westerly Education Center; supports proposed Tower Street Center
7. Robert Terranova, 1 Mohawk Court – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center
8. Louis Toscano, 51 John St – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center
9. Colin Penney, 6 Fieldstone Way, Executive Director, South County Habitat for Humanity – re: Concerns for lack of affordable housing in town and throughout Rhode Island; supports 10 one- to two-bedroom affordable housing units; supports proposed Tower Street Center; RIGL § 45-53-10
10. Ruth Tureckova, 25 Urso Dr, Executive Director, Frank Olean Center – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center
11. Marcia Felber, 8 Elm St – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center
12. Joseph Sciarillo, 14 Fusaro Ave – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center
13. Jean Gagnier, 6 Narragansett Ave – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center
14. Gina M. Fuller, 19 Moriah Dr, Southern RI Conservation District – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center
15. Lisa Fusaro, 11 Benjamin St – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center; the need for more mental health providers and recreational space
16. Maxson Hence, President, Ayers Foundation – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center; questioned if the project can fulfill all of the needs for primary healthcare, affordable housing and child care and if it is sustainable
17. Jonathan Daly LaBelle, 22 Top St – re: Civil rights activists for better healthcare services, training through Westerly Education Center, need for affordable housing, recreational courts and mental health care
18. Julia Beasley, Westerly Recreation Director – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center – need for additional recreational facilities; how important recreation is for mental health
19. Lisa Konicki, President, Ocean Community Chamber of Commerce – re: Asked Council to support Ground Lease; supports proposed Tower Street Center
20. Jennifer Woycik, 96 Narragansett Ave – re: Supports proposed Tower Street Center; supports keeping the existing tennis court
21. Peter Woycik, 96 Narragansett Ave – re: Need for affordable housing; supports proposed Tower Street Center
b. Council Dialogue
Councilors posed questions about Wood River Health concerning its sliding fee scale, the amount of space shown on the proposed plans for Wood River Health, inpatient care, treatment care, mental health and substance abuse treatment, number of patients treated per day, primary care, and opportunities for shared services in one location. Discussion was held regarding the applicability of RIGL § 45-53-10 to Tower Street School building, the portion of land proposed for affordable housing units, the need for more recreational space, the project costs to taxpayers; the need for open space in neighborhoods, the services offered by Wood River Health, a suggestion that a member from the Recreation Department serve as a member of the Board of Directors, zoning amendments, a suggestion that shared space by Wood River Health be scaled back and more recreational space be added, use of facility by YMCA, hours of operation of facility, anchors for SPE, fundraising and in-kind contributions, budget for operation of building, and tenants’ rents.
Town Solicitor Conley addressed the applicability of RIGL § 45-53-10 to Tower Street School building.
c. Proposed Ground Lease and Establishment of Non-Profit Organization
The majority of the Council agreed that the portion of land that contains the two recreational courts be carved out from the proposal. (Councilors LaPietra, Overton and Council President Aiello dissented)
Town Solicitor to work with the Royce Family Foundation regarding carving out the portion of land that contains the two recreational courts to show the boundaries, etc. to bring back to the Council.
d. Amendment or Extension of Lease Agreement
The Council addressed the key provisions of the Ground Lease concerning capital improvements and additions to the Center in the future, a request for no onsite pharmacy, possible restrictions placed on the 65-year long term lease, impacts of zoning amendments, and the size of the proposed structure.
Councilors to e-mail suggestions and/or concerns regarding the Ground Lease to the Town Solicitor.
Town Solicitor Conley to work on the Ground Lease and establishing a Special Purpose Entity (SPE) and provide a draft to the Council when ready.
e. Council’s Discussion and Possible Action
9:44 P.M. Voted Unanimously to adjourn.
| Mary L. LeBlanc, MMC Council Clerk |
Details of the aforesaid proceedings are available on audio on the Town of Westerly website.