Art. 1.  City Clerk, §§ 1-4

Art. 2.  Zoning Board of Review, §§ 1-3

Art. 3.  Library Trustees, §§ 1,2

Art. 4.  Advisory Boards, § 1





Sec. 1.  Position established; appointment.

            There shall be a city clerk who shall be appointed by the council by resolution.


Sec. 2.  Duties of clerk of council; custody of seal.

            The city clerk shall be the clerk of the council, shall make a permanent record of council proceedings and shall certify by his signature all actions of the council.  He shall be the custodian of the city seal and of the official documents and records of the city.


Sec. 3.  Duties of registrar of deeds: duties prescribed by ordinance or law.

            The city clerk shall be the registrar of deeds and shall direct and supervise the recording of deeds, mortgages and other instruments and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the council by ordinance or by state law.


Sec. 4.  To be probate clerk.

            The city clerk shall be the clerk of the probate court.


Sec. 5.  Tenure.

            The city clerk shall serve at the pleasure of the council, provided that, after having served for a period of four (4) years, he shall enjoy tenure, and shall not thereafter be removed from office except as provided in Chapter XVI.  (Election of 11-6-01)

            Editors’s note—Chapter XI, Art. 1, was amended by the addition of § 5, at an election held November 3, 1970, pursuant to Ch. No. 2570





Sec. 1.  Established; membership; terms.

            There shall be a zoning board of review which shall consist of five (5) members to be appointed by the council by resolution, and one auxiliary or sixth member who shall be appointed by the mayor, and who shall sit as an active member of said zoning board of review upon the request of the chairman of said board when and if a member of said board is unable to serve at any hearing.  The members of said board shall serve for terms of five (5) years; provided however, that the original appointments shall be for terms of one, two (2), three (3), four (4) and five (5) years.


Sec. 2.  Conflict of interest.

            Members of said board shall be persons not actively engaged in business and professions, unless the same shall be in compliance with state law regarding conflict of interest, Chapter 14, Title 36-14-17 of the General Laws of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.  (Election of 5-24-77)


Sec. 3.  Powers, duties.

            The zoning board of review shall exercise such powers and authority, and shall perform such duties as are conferred or required by  state law concerning such boards, and by city ordinance enacted in conformity with said state law.





Sec. 1.  Established; membership; terms; vacancies.

            The council shall provide by ordinance for the board of trustees of any free public library, and shall appoint thereto five (5) members to serve for a term of three (3) years without compensation.  Vacancies occurring by resignation, removal, death or otherwise shall be filled by the council for the unexpired term thereof.  (Election of 5-24-77)


Sec. 2.  Powers, duties.

            The said board shall take possession of said library, and shall thereafter be the legal guardians and custodians of the same, and shall have such powers, authority, duties and responsibilities with respect thereto as are provided by state law.





Sec. 1.  Authorized.

(A)       The City Council by resolution shall have authority to create any board which is advisory to any department or agency of the city to serve concurrently during its term of office.  Any such board shall serve without compensation and shall have no executive or administrative powers.  The City Council shall appoint the membership of such advisory boards by Resolution. Such Board or Boards duly appointed by the City Council shall be known as City Council Advisory Board(s). (Election of 2016)


(B)       The Mayor shall have the authority to create any board which is advisory to any department or agency of the city to serve concurrently with the Mayor's term of office. Any such board shall serve without compensation and shall not have executive or administrative powers. The mayor shall have the sole authority to appoint such members. Such Board or Boards appointed by the Mayor shall be known as Mayoral Advisory Board(s). (Election of 2016)


Sec. 2. Membership.


(A)       Appointments to City Council Advisory Board shall consist of City Council members, residents and/or business owners within the City, and non-residents who possess special skills, experience, or qualification which in the opinion of the City Council is necessary to effectuate the charge of the Board. At least three appointees must he City residents. (Election of 2016)



(B)       Appointments to Mayoral Advisory Boards shall consist of City Directors, municipal employees, city residents, business owners, and non-residents who possess special skills, experiences, or qualifications within the opinion ofthe Mayor that is necessary to effectuate the change or purpose of the Mayoral Advisory Board. At least three appointees must be City residents. (Election of 2016)



Sec. 3. Reports.


Each appointed City Councilor or Mayoral appointed Mayoral Board shall report on its findings, recommendations, or conclusions and shall keep minutes of their meetings in accordance with the provisions of the Rhode Island Open Meetings Act as set for the at R.LG.L. 42-26-1. (Election of 2016)



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