Art. 1.  Of Divers Application. §§ 1-10

Art. 2.  Amendment of Charter, §§ 1-3

Art. 3.  Effect of Charter, §§ 1,2

Art. 4.  Separability of Provisions, § 1





Sec. 1.       Performance of unassigned functions.

            Any administrative function of municipal government not specifically enumerated herein shall be performed by such appropriate department under the direction of the mayor as the council or the mayor may designate under the provisions of this charter.


Sec. 2.       Existing ordinances, etc., continued; effect of repeals.

            All existing ordinances, resolutions and other acts of the board of aldermen and the common council which are not inconsistent herewith shall remain in effect until amended or repealed by the city council.  If any ordinance which repealed a previous ordinance is itself repealed, the previous ordinance shall not thereby be revived.


Sec. 3.       Effect on existing rights, liabilities.

            The adoption of this charter shall not be regarded as impairing any right vested in or discharging any liability incurred by the city at the time of its adoption.


Sec. 4.       Continuation of pending actions, proceedings.

            All pending actions and proceedings shall continue and the appropriate officer of the city under this charter shall be substituted for the officer previously named therein.


Sec. 5.       Continuation of previous offices, agencies.

            Any office, department or agency to which are assigned the powers, duties or functions of a previously existing office, department or agency shall be deemed to constitute a continuation thereof as to matters within its jurisdiction for the purpose of succession to its powers, duties, right and obligations.


Sec. 6.       Reference to previous offices, agencies.

            Any provision of law or ordinance referring to a previous office, department or agency and which is not inconsistent herewith shall be construed so as to accomplish the apparent purpose of its enactment.


Sec. 7.       Performance of duties of officers.

Any powers, duties or functions which are required by law to be exercised, performed or administered by a particular officer of the city shall be exercised, performed or administered by such officer as by the authority of charter or ordinance is responsible for the same, notwithstanding the title or designation of the office.


Sec. 8.       Exercise of legislative powers.

            All legislative powers heretofore vested in the city or in any department or agency thereof shall be exercised by the city council.


Sec. 9.       Reference to departments, agencies.

            Reference in this charter in general terms to a department or agency of the city shall include any department, bureau, division , office, board, commission or committee, however, entitled or described, as the context and subject matter may require.


Sec. 10.     Conflict of provisions.

            To the extent that any specific provision contained in this charter conflicts with any provision expressed in general terms, the specific provision shall prevail.


Sec. 11.     Appointments to boards, committees or commissions.

As a qualification for appointment to any board, committee or commission authorized according to the provisions of this Charter, said appointee shall be a resident of the City of Woonsocket; except that, in the event that the appointing authority determines that specialized educational, professional or technical skills are required of the prospective member, first preference shall be given to residents of the City ofWoonsocket, but a non-resident may be appointed.

(Ch. No. 7636, 9-12-2011)




Sec. 1.       Authorized; conflicting amendments.

            This charter may be amended at any time or a new charter adopted in the manner provided by the constitution.  Should two (2) or more amendments adopted at the same election have conflicting provisions, the one receiving the largest affirmative vote shall prevail.


Sec. 2.       Powers of mayor limited.

            The approval of the mayor shall not be necessary for the enactment of any ordinance relating to the adoption or amendment of a charter and the mayor shall not have power to disapprove any such ordinance.


Sec. 3.       Submission of questions.

            It shall not be necessary for the full text of amendments of this charter to be printed upon the ballot and any digest or description thereof which substantially expressed the purpose and identifies the subject matter to be voted upon shall be sufficient.  When any question is to be submitted to the voters, the council shall approve the statement of the question as it shall appear upon the ballot.





Sec. 1.       Inconsistent provisions repealed.

Upon the taking effect of this charter, all laws, ordinances or resolutions or parts thereof inconsistent with its provisions shall be superseded insofar as they relate to the city.       


Sec. 2.       Liberal construction.

It is the intent of the electors that all powers of local self government be liberally construed in favor of the city.





Sec. 1.       Declared.

            If any provision of this charter be held to be invalid or ineffective, such decision shall not affect the validity, force or effect of any other provision.


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