Sec. 1.  Purpose.

            The purpose of the following temporary provisions is to provide for the necessary procedures required to give effect to the provisions of this charter.


Sec. 2.  When elections held.

Elections shall be held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November beginning in 2014. The mayor, city council members, and school committee members elected in the 2013 election shall serve a term in office until 2016.

(Ch. No. 7635, 8-3-2011)


Sec. 3.  Terms of office.

            The terms of office of such elected city officers shall be those provided by the charter or any duly adopted amendment thereto; provided, however, that the city officers elected on the first day of April 1969 and those school committee members elected on April 4, 1967 shall serve until 8:00 p.m. local time on the thirtieth (30th) day of November, 1971, or until their respective successors shall be duly elected and qualified, provided, however, that the school committee members elected on the first day of April, 1969 shall serve until 8:00 p.m. local time on the thirtieth (30th) day of November, 1973, or until their respective successors shall be duly elected and qualified.

            Editor’s note—Chapter XVIII, section 3 above is set out as amended at an election called by Ord. NO. 2362 adopted December 2, 1968 and held April 1, 1969.  Said amendment was effective at 8:00 p.m. April 30, 1969.


Sec. 4.  Appointments by council.

            The council upon taking office shall appoint by resolution the several officers of the city whose appointments are required by this charter to be made by the council.


Sec. 5.  Continuation of existing personnel.

            All other personnel and employees of the city shall continue to perform their duties until re-appointed or until successors to their respective duties are appointed in the manner provided by this charter.


Sec. 6.  Boards, commissions, committees.

            All boards, commissions and committees are abolished upon the taking effect of this charter and any boards, commissions or committees hereby created shall be appointed or constituted in the manner provided therefor.


Sec. 7.  Outstanding taxes.

            All taxes levied by the city prior to the effective date hereof which have not been collected shall be collected, with any penalties thereon, by the city government hereby established.


Sec. 8.  Ordinances necessary to implement charter.

            The council shall proceed to adopt, as promptly as possible, any ordinances which may be necessary to implement the provisions of this charter.


Sec. 9.  Changes in appropriations.

            The council shall have authority to make such changes and transfers in existing appropriations as may be required for the proper and orderly operation of the city under the provisions of this charter.


Sec. 10.  When charter effective.

            For the purpose of nominating and electing the elective officers of the city, this charter shall be in effect from and after its approval by the electors of the city.  For all other purposes this charter shall be in effect from and after 8:00 p.m., local time, the thirtieth day of April next following the first election of officers.


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