In Council Chambers @7:00 P.M. | | Monday, June 5, 2023 |
Anyone can observe the meeting via cable channel 5, YouTube (Community Access Yellow Springs) or on Facebook. If you would like to make a live statement or otherwise participate virtually, please contact Judy Kintner ( or 937-767-9126) to arrange access to the Zoom meeting platform. THIS MUST BE DONE PRIOR TO 6pm ON THE DATE OF THE MEETING. Please be advised that if you wish to participate, you MUST identify yourself and your contact information as it will be part of the public record created from the meeting. No unidentified statements or commentary or from platforms other than Zoom will be read into the minutes of the meeting or responded to in real time. Council may establish reasonable uniform limitations on public participation, including time restrictions for comments. VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION WILL BE PERMITTED ONLY DURING LEGISLATION AND CITIZEN CONCERNS.
1. Minutes of May 15, 2023 Regular Session
The Clerk will receive and file:
John Hempfling re: Ordinance 2023-23
GCPHD re: Fairborn Safe Trade Events
GCPHD re: Mosquito Season
Mark Heise re: Appreciation of Council Support for Street Fair Activities
Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance 2023-23 Repealing and Replacing Chapter 1262.08 Specific Requirements of the Village of Yellow Springs Zoning Code
Emergency Reading of Ordinance 2023-26 Approving a Second Quarter 2023 Supplemental Appropriation and Declaring an Emergency
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-27 Rezoning 108 Cliff Street, Parcel ID Number F19-000100110025600 from I-1 Mixed Use Industrial to PUD
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-28 Rezoning 144 Cliff Street, Parcel ID NumbersF19-000100110025700 and F19-000100110025800 from I-1 Mixed Use Industrial to PUD
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-29 Repealing and Replacing Chapter 444 of the Codified Ordinances to Regulate All Wheeled Micro-Mobility Devices
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-30 Enacting New Section 238.06 “Sale and Reinvestment of Renewable Energy Credits” of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio
Reading of Resolution 2023-43 Celebrating YS Pride
Reading of Resolution 2023-44 Approving Funds for Street Fair
Reading of Resolution 2023-45 Approving a Change Order for Filmore Construction, LLC for Completion of the Sewer Rerouting Project on Dayton Street
Housing Committee Report (Salmeron/DeVore Leonard: 15 min.)
Approval of First Quarter Financials
Work Plan Debrief (Housh/DeVore Leonard: 10 min.)
Appointment of Council Representative to YSDC
Review of Retreat Agenda (Housh: 5 min.)
June 20: Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance 2023-27 Rezoning 108 Cliff Street, Parcel ID Number F19-000100110025600 from I-1 Mixed Use Industrial to PUD
Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance 2023-28 Rezoning 144 Cliff Street, Parcel ID NumbersF19-000100110025700 and F19-000100110025800 from I-1 Mixed Use Industrial to PUD
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-29 Repealing and Replacing Chapter 444 of the Codified Ordinances to Regulate All Wheeled Micro-Mobility Devices
Reading of Resolution 2023-XX Approving a Tax Budget for 2024 for the Village of Yellow Springs
Policing Policy Update
American Municipal Power Presentation: Annual Power Supply Update
July 3: Composting Plan for Village Residents
July 17:
Aug. 21: Event Fees Discussion
*Future Agenda items are noted for planning purposes only and are subject to change.
The next regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Yellow Springs will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 20, 2023.
The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village Clerk of Council’s Office at 767-9126 or via e-mail at for more information.