In Council Chambers @6:30 P.M. | | Monday, May 1, 2023 |
Anyone can observe the meeting via cable channel 5, YouTube (Community Access Yellow Springs) or on Facebook. If you would like to make a live statement or otherwise participate virtually, please contact Judy Kintner ( or 937-767-9126) to arrange access to the Zoom meeting platform. THIS MUST BE DONE PRIOR TO 6pm ON THE DATE OF THE MEETING. Please be advised that if you wish to participate, you MUST identify yourself and your contact information as it will be part of the public record created from the meeting. No unidentified statements or commentary or from platforms other than Zoom will be read into the minutes of the meeting or responded to in real time. Council may establish reasonable uniform limitations on public participation, including time restrictions for comments. VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION WILL BE PERMITTED ONLY DURING LEGISLATION AND CITIZEN CONCERNS.
For the Purpose of Amending a Contract with a Public Official.
1. Minutes of April 17, 2023 Regular Session
The Clerk will receive and file:
Elaine and Keith Kresge re: Opposition to Zoning Code Change
Leslie Schaefer re: Excellent Service from VYS
John Hempfling re: Opinion on Conditional Uses
Marianne MacQueen re: Addressing Multiple Subjects
Matt Raska re: Appreciation of Zoning Amendment Process
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-17 Amending Chapter 1242.04 “Annexed Land” of the Zoning Code
Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance 2023-18 Amending Chapter 1248 “Residential Districts” of the Zoning Code to Allow Multiple Family Dwellings in Residence “A”
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-20 Repealing and Replacing Chapter 1250 “Business Districts” of the Village of Yellow Springs Zoning Code
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-21 Repealing and Replacing Chapter 1252 “Industrial Districts” of the Village of Yellow Springs Zoning Code
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-22 Repealing and Replacing Chapter 1258 Schedule of District Uses of the Village of Yellow Springs Zoning Code
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-23 Repealing and Replacing Chapter 1262.08 Specific Requirements of the Village of Yellow Springs Zoning Code
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-24 Repealing and Replacing Chapter 1284.02 Definitions: A-B of the Village of Yellow Springs Zoning Code
First Reading of Ordinance 2023-25 Repealing and Replacing Chapter 1284.09 Definitions: T-U of the Village of Yellow Springs Zoning Code
Reading of Resolution 2023-32 Approving a Grant to Yellow Springs Home, Inc.
Reading of Resolution 2023-33 Approving the Waiver of Up to $50,000 in Tap Fees for Phase I of the Yellow Springs Home, Inc. “Cascades” Project
Reading of Resolution 2023-34 Supporting YS Pride in the Amount of $5000 for 2023 Events
Reading of Resolution 2023-35 Approving a Pesticide Policy for the Village of Yellow Springs
Reading of Resolution 2023-36 Approving a Contract with Digital Ally for In Dash Cameras
Reading of Resolution 2023-37 Approving a Preliminary PUD Plan for Home, Inc.
Reading of Resolution 2023-38 Authorizing the Village Manager to Act as a Fiscal Agent for a Grant Received from the State Homeland Security Program
Council Consideration of a PUD on Less Than Five Acres (Swinger: 15 min.)
May 15: Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance 2023-17 Amending Chapter 1242.04 “Annexed Land” of the Zoning Code
Second Reading and Public Hearing of Text Amendment Ordinances: 2023-XX through 2023-XX
Ordinance 2023-0X Amending the Personnel Policy Manual to Incorporate Anti-Discrimination Language per OCRC Settlement
Ordinance 2023-0X Amending the Personnel Policy Manual to Incorporate Anti-Discrimination Language per OCRC Settlement
Ordinance Enacting an Internal Forfeiture Policy
Resolution 2023-XX Approving a Contract with DWA Recreation for Playground Equipment for Gaunt Park Playground
Renewable Energy Credit Policy Conversation
Quarterly Financials
Treasurer’s Report
June 5: Event Fees Discussion
June 20: American Municipal Power Presentation: Annual Power Supply Update
*Future Agenda items are noted for planning purposes only and are subject to change.
The next regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Yellow Springs will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 15, 2023.
The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village Clerk of Council’s Office at 767-9126 or via e-mail at for more information.