In Council Chambers @7:00 P.M. | | Tuesday, September 5, 2023 |
Anyone can observe the meeting via cable channel 5, YouTube (Community Access Yellow Springs) or on Facebook. If you would like to make a live statement or otherwise participate virtually, please contact Judy Kintner ( or 937-767-9126) to arrange access to the Zoom meeting platform. THIS MUST BE DONE PRIOR TO 6pm ON THE DATE OF THE MEETING. Please be advised that if you wish to participate, you MUST identify yourself and your contact information as it will be part of the public record created from the meeting. No unidentified statements or commentary or from platforms other than Zoom will be read into the minutes of the meeting or responded to in real time. Council may establish reasonable uniform limitations on public participation, including time restrictions for comments. VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION WILL BE PERMITTED ONLY DURING LEGISLATION AND CITIZEN CONCERNS.
1. Minutes of August 21, 2023 Regular Session
2. Credit Card Statement for July, 2023
The Clerk will receive and file:
Marian Stewart re: Parking on Dayton Street
Sharon Mohler re: Control Deer Population
Stephanie Goff, Greene County Engineer re: Traffic Calming (2)
Jason Laveck re: Fairfield Pike Traffic Safety (2)
Diane Diller re: Mediation Training
Greene County Public Health re: West Nile Virus
Reading of Resolution 2023-65 Authorizing Retention of up to $205,000 in the Green Space Fund through August 31, 2024 for the Tecumseh Land Trust's Natural Resources Conservation Partnership Program Grant
Reading of Resolution 2023-66 Establishing an Internal Control and Forfeiture Policy
Reading of Resolution 2023-67 Accepting Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying Them to the County Auditor
Traffic Safety Update (Burns: 15 min.)
Update on Shared Dispatch (Burge: 5 min.)
Follow Up Discussion on Sponsorship Process Proposal (Housh/Brown: 5 min.)
Review of Pause/Continue Projects List (Burns: 20 min.)
Work Session Discussion (5 min.)
External Housing Group Report (MacQueen: 5 min.)
Sept. 18: Resolution 2023-64 Authorizing the Interim Village Manager to Enter into a Contract with the City of Xenia for Emergency Dispatch Services
Electric Rate Study Report
Event Fee Budgeting Discussion
*Future Agenda items are noted for planning purposes only and are subject to change.
The next regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Yellow Springs will be held at 7:00 p.m.on Monday, September 18, 2023.
The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village, Clerk of Council’s Office at 767-9126 or via e-mail at for more information.