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In Council Chambers @7:00 P.M.


Tuesday February 20, 2024



Please note: In accordance with Village Ordinance 2020-36, as reinstated by Resolution 2021-32, this meeting will be held as a remote meeting. The public is not permitted to access Council Chambers during the meeting.


THIS COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE HELD VIRTUALLY.  Anyone can observe the meeting via YouTube (Community Access Yellow Springs), Facebook or by contacting  If you would like to make a live statement or otherwise participate, please contact Judy Kintner ( or 937-767-9126) to arrange via the Zoom meeting platform. Please be advised that if you wish to participate, you MUST identify yourself and your contact information as it will be part of the public record created from the meeting. No unidentified statements or commentary or from platforms other than Zoom will be read into the minutes of the meeting or responded to in real time. Council may establish reasonable uniform limitations on public participation, including time restrictions for comments.









1.      Minutes of February 5, 2024 Regular Meeting

2.      Minutes of February 13, 2024 Special Meeting

3.      Credit Card Statement for January, 2024





The Clerk will receive and file:


Environmental Commission re: Questions re: Vernay Cleanup

Sarah Amend re: Support for Burns as VM

Ryan Aubin and Alex Price re: Support for Burns as VM

Sheila Pallotta re: Support for Burns as VM

Ben Sparks re: Support for Burns as VM

YS Chamber of Commerce re: Support for Burns as VM

Bartley Davis re: Support for Burns as VM

Ruthe Ann Lillich re: Support for Burns as VM

Matt Hoying, Choice One re: Support for Burns as VM

Larry Halpern re: Thanks for Passage of Ceasefire Resolution

Gail Keen re: Thanks for Passage of Ceasefire Resolution

Jason Laveck re: Reflections on Speed Mitigation Efforts on Fairfield Pike

Johanna Schultz-Herman re: Pass Ceasefire Resolution

Mayor’s Clerk re: Monthly Report (2)

GCPHD re: Strategic Plan

Brian Housh re: Village Café Final Report

Susan Stiles/Brian Housh re: Inclusionary Zoning



Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance 2024-01 Rezoning One Parcel Totaling 0.55 Acres of Property Located at 545 Dayton Street from Conservation (C) District to Medium Density Residential (R-B) District and Amending the Zoning Map Accordingly

Emergency Reading of Ordinance 2024-02 Approving a Supplemental Appropriation for the First Quarter of 2024

Reading of Resolution 2024-13 Extending a License Agreement with Cresco Labs Ohio, LLC for Storage of Cargo Containers

Reading of Resolution 2024-14 Authorizing the Village Manager to Enter into an Agreement with the Yellow Springs Community Foundation to Accept Parking Donations on Behalf of the Village of Yellow Springs

Reading of Resolution 2024-15 Authorizing the Village Manager to Enter into an Agreement with M&L Tree Service & Lawncare, LLC for 2024 Utility Line Clearance (Sections 1 and 2) of the Village

Reading of Resolution 2024-16 Approving a Contract with Johnnie Burns as Village Manager

Reading of Resolution 2024-17 Authorizing the Village Manager to Enter into a Contract with the City of Xenia for Emergency Dispatch Services 

Reading of Resolution 2024-18 Authorizing the Village Manager to Enter into a Contract with Amy Kemper for Continuing Finance Services

Reading of Resolution 2024-19 Authorizing the Village Manager to Enter into a Contract with Melissa Dodd for Continuing Finance Services

Reading of Resolution 2024-20 Authorizing the Village Manager to Enter into Bike Path Tie-In Agreements with Interested Property Owners

Reading of Resolution 2024-21 Acknowledging Transfer of Funds in the First Quarter 2024




IV.       SPECIAL REPORTS (8:20)

Environmental Commission End of Year Report (5 min.)

Home, Inc. Annual Report (Seibel: 5 min.)


V.          MANAGER’S REPORT (8:30)


VI.       OLD BUSINESS (8:40)

Council Vote to Approve Year End Financials Presented 2/5/2024.





Planning Commission (PC)        Leonard Brown

Active Transportation Enhancement Committee (ATEC) Housh

Finance Committee      Housh Leonard

Yellow Spring Development Corporation (YSDC) Housh Brown

Public Arts & Culture Commission (PACC) Brown  Gustafson 

Library Commission (LC)         Gustafson Stokes         

Environmental Commission (EC)       Brown Housh

Housing Committee       Leonard Brown

Village Mediation Program (VMP)       Brown  

YS School Liaison Housh          

YS Chamber Liaison Stokes Leonard

Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) Housh   Stokes

Greene County Regional Planning Commission (GCRPC) Stokes Housh

Municipal Broadband/Fiber Advisory Committee (MBAC) Stokes Housh


IX.       FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS*   (8:45)

March 4: Resolution 2024-21 Approving an Agreement with Greene County, Ohio for Inclusion of Village of Yellow Springs Zoning Classifications on the Greene County GIS Mapping System

Chief Burge re: April 8th Eclipse Preparation

                        YSPD: Ohio Collaborative Accreditation Report (Doug Anders)

                  Broadband Work Session

                       Annual Goals

                        Public Arts and Culture Commission End of Year Report

March 18:        Swearing In Phoenyx Fyre

Council Rules and Procedures


*Future Agenda items are noted for planning purposes only and are subject to change.



The next regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Yellow Springs will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 4, 2024.


The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities.  Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village, Clerk of Council’s Office at 767-9126 or via e-mail at for more information.


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