From:   Philip Hervey, Town Manager 

To:       Barrington Town Council  

Subj:    Town Manager Memo for September 11, 2023, Council Meeting

Date:    September 11, 2023


AGENDA ITEM #4: Announcements (Town Manager)

o   Assistant Emergency Manager Normand Menard has been named as “Emergency Management Professional of the Year” by the Rhode Island Association of Emergency Managers

o   The Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee will host a Community Bike Path Painting Event on Sunday, Sept. 24th, from noon to 5 p.m. at the Bike Path Connector between Waseca Avenue and the East Bay Bike Path. Activities include painting the connector, a bike safety demonstration, fun with sidewalk chalk for kids

o   Reserve a Tree:  Rhode Island DEM announced Fall 2023 Energy-Saving Trees Program


o   Tree Planting & Removal:  8/1/2022- 7/30/23– 99 trees removed/ 98 trees planted.


AGENDA ITEMS #5 - #11: Consent Agenda 

                    Motion:  To accept the Consent Agenda, Items #5 – #11, as presented. 


AGENDA ITEM #12:  Discuss and Act:   Interviews and Appointments

TM Comment: No interviews this month.


AGENDA ITEM #13: Discuss and Act on Resolutions

TM Comment: No resolutions.


AGENDA ITEM #14:  Discuss and Act on Ordinances

INTRODUCTION: (No ordinance introductions)

PUBLIC HEARING: (No hearings)


AGENDA ITEM #15: Discuss and Act on Bid(s):

Fire Department

Authorization to Purchase Rescue Vehicle from Specialty Vehicles, Inc., of Plainville, MA, in the amount of $474,274


TM Comment:  The Fire Chief is requesting Council authorization to place an order for the purchase of a rescue vehicle at a cost of $474,274 from Specialty Vehicles, Inc., of Plainville, MA. This will replace a 2012 reserve rescue vehicle.


Chief Bessette is requesting approval from the Council so he can place the order with Special Vehicles in anticipation of a long lead time for production and delivery of the vehicle. The order will be placed with funding from the Fire Department Apparatus Replacement Capital Reserve. This requires a commitment of the Town to add $250,000 to the capital reserve account as part of the FY2025 capital budget to ensure there is sufficient balance to complete the purchase once the production of the vehicle is complete. Currently there is a balance of approximately $230,000 in this account. On August 1, 2023, the proposal was presented to the Planning Board, which by ordinance is charged with developing the capital budget each year. The Board unanimously approved a motion “to grant the request for authorization of $250,000 of FY25 funds to support ordering a new Emergency Management Vehicle for Barrington Fire Department.”


Motion: To authorize the purchase of a Rescue Vehicle from Specialty Vehicles, Inc., of Plainville, MA, in the amount of $474,274.


Town Manager:

Lincoln Avenue Complete Streets Project – VHB

TM Comment:  VHB has developed concepts for improving bicycle and pedestrian access along Lincoln Avenue from County Road to Washington Road. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee reviewed several potential conceptual plans at a recent meeting. The Committee recommended proceeding with cost estimating to determine a budget for the preferred concepts. VHB has submitted a proposal to add this to its scope of work at a cost of $5,100. There is an estimated 2 to 3-week turnaround to have this prepared. This information will help the Town determine a final design budget for the Lincoln Avenue corridor. The Town has approximately $4 million available for bicycle and sidewalk improvements from the unspent balance of the Barrington Middle School project (voters approved the reallocation at the 2022 FTM).

Motion: To approve adding $5,100 to the Town’s contract with VHB to include cost estimating in the Lincoln Avenue Complete Streets conceptual design project.


Additional Scope for Recreation Center / Field House Feasibility Study

TM Comment:  Requesting Council approval to add a third site to the scope of the Recreation Center / Field House Feasibility Study. Victus Advisors of Park City, UT. The consultant is analyzing in-depth two sites – a wooded Town-owned Old County Road property to the east of Primrose Hill School, and Chianese Park. Including an additional third site in the study – the gymnasium/classroom building at the former Zion Bible Institute campus – is recommended given the conceptual plans for redevelopment of the property presented last week to the Planning Board by the owner show the building remaining, along with parking for the facility.

The plan does not show a field house – a different site would be required for such a facility.

For the Victus team to develop options for building a gymnasium / recreation center (not a field house) at Zion, the scope would need to be amended to cover the cost of a structural assessment report from a Structural Engineer to determine the viability of re-using the existing structure.

Victus estimates the additional fees as follows:

Structural Assessment                               $10,000

Structural Survey

Structural report overview of code deficiencies

Structural report overview of upgrades needed to make the structure code compliant

Architectural Fees                                     $1,000

Cost Estimating                                        $2,500

TOTAL FEES:            $13,500

Proposed funding: American Plan Rescue Act funds. The Council will need to revise the ARPA budget to include this amount (see motion). This will leave an unallocated balance of approximately $15,525; this balance will increase once other projects that are utilizing ARPA funds are closed out and remaining unused funds are released.

Motion 1: To approve revising the American Plan Rescue Plan budget to add $13,500 for the Recreation Center / Field House Feasibility Study.


Motion 2: To approve the addition of $13,500 to the Victus Advisors contract with the Town to add the gymnasium/classroom building at the former Zion Bible Institute Campus as one of the sites evaluated in the Recreation Center / Field House Feasibility Study.


BAY Team:

Purchase of Medication Lock Bags

TM Comment:  The BAY Team is requesting Council approval of the purchase of safe medication lock bags from Promotional Gifts, USA, at a cost of up to $15,000. No Town funds are required.

Motion: To approve the purchase of medication lock bags from Promotional Gifts USA, at a cost not to exceed $15,000 for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2024.



AGENDA ITEM #16:           Presentation: Director of HousingWorks RI to Discuss Housing Issues, 2023 Housing Factbook, and RI Zoning Atlas

TM Comment:  Brenda Clement, Director of HousingWorks RI, will be presenting information on the 2023 Housing Factbook and the upcoming release of the RI Zoning Atlas, and be available to answer questions on housing-related issues in general.

Motion: No motion provided.


AGENDA ITEM #17: Discuss and Act:  Economic Development Commission Recommendation to Remove Requirement for Additional Local Alcohol Training

TM Comment: On June 5, 2023, the Town Council discussed a recommendation from the Economic Development Commission (EDC) to eliminate the annual local liquor training completed for Barrington by the BAY Team in accordance with Town ordinances. The EDC motion was as follows:

The Town requirements for local training can be found under Chapter 63, Alcoholic Beverages, Article III, Liquor License Rules and Regulations (see Section 34):


The Council voted (3-0) to refer the question of amending or eliminating, as recommended by the EDC, to the BAY Team, Police Chief Correia and the EDC for a response and recommendations and to report back to the Council at the September meeting.

The BAY Team/Barrington Prevention Coalition has submitted a memo responding to the EDC’s recommendation. The memo lists 13 bullet points in support of keeping the Barrington liquor training intact. It mentions a potential change to the program:

The EDC had this as a topic of discussion in July. We will forward to the Council minutes of this meeting if available prior to the Council meeting.

Fire Chief Bessette, Police Chief Correia and Police Capt. Igoe are planning to attend to speak to the Council about this issue.

I recommend keeping the local alcohol training intact, but with the revision suggested in the BAY Team memorandum.

Motion:  To request the Town Solicitor to draft an ordinance revising the requirements in Chapter 63, Alcoholic Beverages, Article III, Liquor License Rules and Regulations, Section 34, to exempt from the annual local training requirement any owner, manager, or alcohol server of the licensee for the year or years in which an individual has received State certification or re-certification.


AGENDA ITEM #18:           Presentation:  Day of Caring

TM Comment: Denise Alves, a member of the Day of Caring planning committee, will make a presentation on this year’s event to be held on Monday, October 9, 2023.

Motion:  No motion provided.


AGENDA ITEM #19: Discuss and Act:  Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island to Place Donation Bin (Jen McAuslin Director of Donation Center Operations)

TM Comment: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island will make a presentation on their programs, and request approval to place a donation bin on Town or school property. Locations mentioned include the Barrington Public Library, Barrington High School, Barrington Recycling Center. This will require additional review by the Town. The Library is not a good fit in my opinion. The Senior Center parking lot also is not a suitable site, as this is where the Dumpster for the building is located; plus, a composting drop-off site will be added near the Dumpster. It’s possible the rear parking lot north of Kids Kove playground might work, next to the existing Dumpster. Input from DPW is needed to determine whether the Recycling Center is an appropriate location. I believe Council approval is needed given this is a potential long-term commitment for the use of Town property.

Motion:  To approve the placement of a Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island donation bin on Town property, subject to approval by the Town Administration.


AGENDA ITEM #20:          Discuss and Act:  25 Watson Avenue / Carmelite Monastery Frequently Asked Questions and Next Steps

TM Comment: For the June 5, 2023, meeting the Town prepared a “FAQ” in consultation with the Town Solicitor, as requested by the Council. The Council briefly discussed the FAQ before continuing the item to the July 24th meeting. Since the June meeting the Town engaged Peter A. Scotti & Associates to complete an appraisal of the property based on the Planning Board-recommended plan (summarized below), a modified version of that plan, and several other options developed by Union Studio and presented to the Planning Board.


Planning Board Recommendation: On May 1, 2023, the Planning Board’s motion approved on April 26th on the redevelopment of the former Carmelite Monastery property at 25 Watson Avenue was presented to the Town Council. The motion was as follows:


Member Rua, seconded by Vice Chair Lucini, made a motion to recommend Concept Plan 2 for redevelopment at 25 Watson Avenue, that includes the following characteristics:

The three lots to the south remain open space and are not developed.

The pocket neighborhood is individually owned, via a condo association or single-family lots.

The thru-road becomes a path, not a cut-through.

There be a maximum of 10-12 units in the pocket neighborhood.

There be two separate RFPs – one for the individual lots, one for the pocket neighborhood.

Maintain Town control, such as deed restrictions or phased development.

One of the lots and 25 percent of the pocket neighborhood be dedicated to low-to-moderate income (LMI) housing.

Revise the lot lines for the lots on the south side, where the connecting road will not have vehicle access.

Motion carried unanimously.


The Town engaged Union Studio to develop illustrations of the Planning Board-recommended plan, as well as a plan with modifications that I requested (putting my “planner hat” on). These sketches were presented to the Council at a special meeting on August 30th held at Barrington Middle School.


The Council to date has taken no formal action endorsing any development concept, including the one based on the Planning Board motion. Also, the Planning Board has not yet been presented with the concept that was revised based on my input.


I recommend:


Referring the modified Planning Board concept to the Planning Board for review and recommendations;

Approving up to $6,000 from the 25 Watson financing to cover the cost of design services to incorporate any additional changes recommended by the Planning Board and/or the Town Council.


More information:

Union Studio’s presentation on the revised concepts, presented April 26th:

Appraisal by Peter A. Scotti & Associates

Additional materials on 25 Watson:


Motion 1:  Refer the sketches by Union Studio of development at 25 Watson Avenue illustrating 14 cottage units and five single-family lots to the Planning Board for a recommendation.


Motion 2: Approve $6,000 for architectural services to engage Union Studio to revise the conceptual plans for 25 Watson based on input from the Planning Board.


AGENDA ITEM #21:           Discuss and Act: Policy Brief – Actions to Mitigate Noise Pollution for Health and Wellness of Barrington (M. Thorsson)

TM Comment: Magnus Thorsson, Chair of the Resilience and Energy Committee, has submitted a memorandum on behalf of the Committee with a bullet list of recommended action items, including several impacting Town operations such as having Public Works do a pilot test of battery string trimmers and blowers, and to transition maintenance equipment to battery-powered electric over the next three years. (The Town is currently working on testing this type of equipment, so we’ll have a better understanding of what options are available and whether they could be used by DPW on a regular basis.)

Other recommendations include a ban on the use of “small off-road engines” and comply with a 70 dB maximum allowable noise level (required of the Town and contractors by 1/1/26, and all residents and businesses by 1/1/27).


The memo also suggests amendments to the Town’s noise ordinance.


There is a lot in this memorandum. I recommend referral to the Administration for a follow-up report to the Council on the recommended action items. Input from the Solicitor will be needed. It will require some research by the Town; we should be able to pull together a report for the Council for review at the November meeting.


Motion:  To refer to the Administration for a follow-up report and recommendations the July 27, 2023, Policy Brief from Magnus Thorsson, Chair of the Resilience and Energy Committee, RE: Actions to mitigate noise pollution for health and wellness of Barrington.


AGENDA ITEM #22: Discuss and Act:  Community Center Compact

TM Comment: The Town of Barrington has the potential to receive an allocation of $691,369 Multipurpose Community Facilities Municipal Grant from the Rhode Island Capital Projects Fund (CPF). There is no local match requirement.  This preliminary allocation is based on a funding formula approved by the U.S. Treasury to distribute $81,720,129 awarded to the State to support local “multipurpose community center” projects.

The application for this funding is due by October 10, 2023, by 11:59 p.m. One of the requirements is for the Town to sign a Rhode Island Community Learning Center Compact as an addendum to the Learn365RI compact, which the Town previously signed. (The Town has been awarded a $50,000 Learn365 grant to fund out-of-school learning initiatives; we are working with the Schools to implement the program, which will be based at the Bay Spring Community Center.)

A challenge for the Town is to comply with the requirement that funds from the CPF grant must be expended and programs operational by December 31, 2026. If the funds are not spent by that date with programs up and running, the Town would have to repay 100% of the grant allocation. There are no exceptions to that requirement.

A municipal building that is a great candidate for this funding is the Bay Spring Community Center (BSCC). The funds alone are insufficient to build a new facility. Expansion and renovation of the BSCC is feasible. In addition, the Friends of the Bay Spring Community Center and the Town have begun discussing how to make better use of the building, which the Resilience and Energy Committee has identified as the location of a new “Resilience Education Center.”

The Town also has moved one of its summer camps to the BSCC, and several Boards and Commissions meet there on a regular basis. It will be the location of after-school programs funded with the Learn365RI grant mentioned above.

The Multipurpose Community Facilities Municipal Grant will require the Town to make at least a portion of the building available to the public on normal weekday hours for two main purposes – health monitoring and a jobs component. The Town would need to figure out how to staff the building to comply with this requirement. This could involve creating a new position, possibly part-time, and/or utilizing existing staff to keep the building operating during weekdays. These programs must be running at the facility for at least five years upon closeout of the grant.

Requesting Council approval to sign the Rhode Island Community Learning Center Compact for a Multipurpose Community Facilities Municipal grant-funded project at the Bay Spring Community Center.

Motion:  To authorize the Town Manager to sign the Rhode Island Community Learning Center Compact for a Multipurpose Community Facility project at the Bay Spring Community Center.


AGENDA ITEM #23:          Discuss and Act:  Architectural Services for Bay Spring Community Center Compact Project

TM Comment: The Town reached out to Brewster-Thornton Group Architects of Providence for a proposal to complete conceptual plans, along with a community engagement process, for the Multipurpose Community Facility project as described in the previous agenda item.

Brewster-Thornton is on a State Master Price Agreement (Contract # MPA 494A) for architectural services. The Town hired the firm to design and oversee the renovation of the Center for Adult Enrichment (Senior Center) and TAPIN, as well as the replacement of the Peck Center roof. The projects were completed on time and within budget.

The Cost Proposal covers the initial scoping phase; additional fees will be required at a later date should the Town decide to proceed with the project. We will not sign a contract until we receive official notice of the grant award, expected in October. The Town will also be reaching out to a facilitator to assist with community engagement, as this is a critical component of the grant program. (No Council action needed for the facilitator funding.)

If the Town opts to do this project using the grant funds, these costs will be covered by the grant. On the other hand, if the Town decides against moving ahead after going through this process, the Town will have to cover the cost. There is sufficient balance, about $40,000, in the Bay Spring Community Center Capital Reserve account to cover this cost if needed. Given that this is an opportunity for almost $700,000 of grant funds with no local match, I recommend authorizing the Town to engage the architect, subject to notice from the State that the Town’s grant application has been approved.

Motion:  To approve engaging Brewster-Thornton Group Architects of Providence to provide architectural services in support of the development of a building program for a Multipurpose Community Facility project at the Bay Spring Community Center, at a cost of $19,300.


AGENDA ITEM #24:          Discuss and Act:  A-Frame Signage

TM Comment: Vice President Humm is requesting a review of and potential amendments to the A-Frame signage requirements in the Town’s Zoning Ordinance. A review of the A-Frame sign regulations makes sense, as very few businesses have taken advantage of this option. The requirements, I believe, are overly strict and do not work for some businesses given their unique circumstances.

If the Council would like to revisit these regulations, input from the Planning Board is required. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) and Economic Development Commission (EDC) will also need to be involved.

Motion: No motion provided.


AGENDA ITEM #25:          Discuss and Act:  Banner Program

TM Comment: President Kustell is requesting a review of the Town’s lamppost banner program. The Council several years ago approved adding banners to the lampposts on County Road and Maple Avenue. The banners are installed and removed by Public Works. The Barrington Business and Community Association (BBCA) has raised funding by providing space for business names and logos on banners it purchases, a concept that was approved by the Council. The banners on the poles now are the BBCA’s.

The Town on one or two occasions paid for and installed its own banners. The School Department during Covid placed banners with names of all of the graduating seniors. Most recently, the Town installed banners designed and funded by the Barrington United Veterans with the names and insignias of the applicable military branch of veterans who died during conflict. The Town intends to have these banners on display each year for several weeks around Memorial Day.

I have noticed that several of the banners are blocking views of the new wayfinding signs – those will need to be adjusted at some point in the future.

Changes to the banner program should include input from the EDC, BBCA, TRC and the Planning Board.

Motion: No motion provided.


AGENDA ITEM #26:          Discuss and Act:  Expedited Massasoit Sidewalk Construction

TM Comment: Added to the agenda by President Kustell. The State’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) includes construction of a new sidewalk on Massasoit Avenue, filling in the gap between Woodward and Arvin Avenues. The Town has received many calls over the years from residents concerned about pedestrian and cyclist safety on this street, which is a critical connection for students in Hampden Meadows walking and biking to and from school. The construction of the sidewalk is a high priority project in the Town’s Complete Streets Plan.

The State TIP (excerpt below) has this project scheduled for funding starting in 2026; last year of funding is 2029. Construction would happen sometime between 2026 and 2029.

STIP Program

Active Transportation Program



Project Name

Massasoit Ave Sidewalk (Woodward Ave. to Arvin Ave.)

Project Description

New and upgraded sidewalks along Massassoit Avenue from Woodward Avenue to Arvin Avenue. This project will include drainage improvements if necessary, and will be coordinated with TIPID 1473.

First Year of Funding


Last Year of Funding


Construction Funding



The Council could formally request the State to amend the TIP to speed up construction. The State can consider amendments to the TIP as part of a formal process. The motion below includes a blank for the Council to fill in. Note that the project will first need to be funded, prior to the engineering phase and then construction.

Motion: To request the State to amend the Transportation Improvement Program to expedite construction of the Massasoit Avenue Sidewalk, TIP Project 1474, by at least ____ years.


AGENDA ITEM #27           Discuss and Act:  Council Goal-Setting Session

TM Comment: The Council at previous meetings indicated an interest in scheduling a goal-setting session. The last one was in 2022 at Barrington Middle School, facilitated by Emily Morash with a budget of $1,500. This fall would be a good time of year to have the session, as this would be prior to the development of FY2024 budget.

Motion: To schedule a Council Goal-Setting Session during the month of ____, and to approve up to $1,500 from Council Contingency for a facilitator.


AGENDA ITEM #28:          Discuss and Act:  Recreation Fields and Facilities (R. Humm)

TM Comment: This has been a standing agenda item. The Town is continuing to work on the questions in the Council motion passed at the January 10th meeting “to explore, on separate but parallel tracks:

whether to build a recreation center in Barrington;

whether to install a synthetic turf field in Barrington; and,

ways to improve the overall maintenance of Barrington’s fields, including whether to develop a dedicated field maintenance team.”


The motion further stated the Town should include the following action items (updates in bold):


Sending out a survey to residents asking questions and opinions regarding each of the three issues; [Comment: The Town posted an online survey on January 13th, which was active through February 17th. The survey generated a total of 787 responses. (Discussed in greater detail in the materials provided to the Council for the March meeting)]

Referring the three issues to all of the Boards and Commissions listed on page 32 of the “Improving Barrington’s Fields and Recreational Facilities” presentation from the January 9, 2023 Town Council meeting, including the School Committee, and in addition to the Conservation Commission and any other appropriate Board or Commission; [Comment: The only comments received to date are from the Economic Development Commission, which passed motions at two separate meetings.

At the Feb. 27th EDC meeting, the Commission passed a motion recommending the Town make every responsible effort to secure a large enough parcel of land to support a plan for new athletic fields and recreation center with consideration to sell 25 Watson to offset the acquisition of the entire Zion property for that purpose and other uses consistent with the Town’s master plan.   Motion carried (7 in favor of motion, no opposition).

At the January 19th EDC meeting, the Commission discussed the newest conceptual plan for the development of the Zion site and consideration of the Town to acquire space for a Recreation Center.  The EDC unanimously (9-0) passed the following motion: “The EDC is requesting the Town Council provide a review and comment of drafted survey prior to its release to insure inclusivity of all communities within Barrington and economic impact with consideration to acquire space for a recreation center to help further discussion of the following items:


whether to build a recreation center in Barrington;

whether to install a synthetic turf field in Barrington; and,

ways to improve the overall maintenance of Barrington’s fields, including whether to develop a dedicated field maintenance team.”

Holding public workshops to discuss and develop the three issues for public awareness and to solicit public feedback; [Comment: The Council has held two workshops, on February 1st (fields and rec center discussion) and on April 19th (specifically on the recreation center/fieldhouse concept. The Council also toured several athletic fields with Traverse on Saturday, August 12, visiting the High School athletics complex, St. Andrew’s Farm, and Barrington Middle School.]

Commissioning preliminary, efficient, and cost-effective studies by consultants to review the issues involving a recreation center and synthetic turf field, including engineering and other technical studies, feasibility studies, traffic studies, or other reasonable and cost-effective preliminary studies; and, [Comment: The Town has engaged Victus Advisors to complete a Recreation Center/Field House Feasibility Study, and Traverse, a Providence landscape architecture firm, to complete an Athletic Fields Condition and Needs Analysis. Victus will be in Barrington this week (June 7 and 8) to visit sites, meet with the Town, and conduct stakeholder interviews. The Town had a kickoff meeting recently with Traverse to discuss the scope and schedule.

Obtaining more information on potential locations for a recreation center and synthetic turf field.  [Comment: this question will be examined in the recreation center/fieldhouse study, mentioned above]


Field House/Rec Center Update


Victus in August received input from the Town on its draft “Interim Report”. This report includes the following:

1.      Introduction

2.      Demographic & Socioeconomic Analysis

3.      Local Sports/Recreation Program & Facility Inventory

4.      Interview Summaries:

A.     Stakeholders

B.      User Groups

5.      Comparable Sports/Recreation Center & Trends Analysis 38

6.      Market Demand Assessment & Building Program Recommendations

7.      Initial Site Analysis

8.      Next Steps


Victus emailed the Town on Sept. 7th with the following update on the project status:



Kickoff Meetings, Site Tours & Stakeholder Interviews

Demographic & Socioeconomic Analysis

Local Sports/Recreation Program & Facility Inventory

Comparable Sports/Recreation Center & Trends Analysis

Initial Site Analysis

Develop Market Feasibility Results & Initial Program Recommendations

Present Deliverable - Market Feasibility Results & Initial Program Demand


In Progress

Detailed Site Analysis

Initial Building Program Development

Facility Operating Pro Forma Modeling


Next Steps

Complete Financial Pro Forma

Complete Funding Options & PPP Analysis

Complete Building Concept & Site Plans

Complete Building Cost Estimate

Submit Full Draft Report

Public Presentation in Barrington for Community Feedback

Present Full Final Report to Town Council


The schedule calls for the final report to be delivered in October; however, the analysis of the gym/classroom building at Zion (previous agenda item) may push back that date.


Fields Analysis Update


Update from Traverse (last updated in late July):


Kick-off meeting and field tours completed.

Site visits are about 60% complete.  Traverse still has to complete its site visits to review all facilities.  Tom Irwin Advisors (subconsultant) has completed the initial surveys to get soil samples out as quickly as possible.

Traverse has met with user groups and will start to compile the information into a list of meeting minutes. 

The above information will be used to compile the usage study and some other recommendations. 

Traverse is planning to have another sit-down with DPW to review some of the findings from the user groups and get some feedback on maintenance practices.

Traverse will be reviewing and commenting on the Haines Park field improvements project drawings by Kevin Alverson.

Meeting with Victus next week to share information.

Traverse is prepared to set up field tours, preferably in early August. (Note – Council held field tours on August 12)


Traverse has started the following:


Building CAD base plans including constraints for every site for development of recommendations.  This will help determine the exact square footage available in town.

Building the hours of use model for the field usage study.


Art Eddy of Traverse: “We are still in the investigation stage of the project but, we have started to develop some opinions that we believe will lead to a recommendations list and a plan to move forward.”


Motion: No motion provided.


AGENDA ITEM #29:          Discuss and Act: New State Laws Relating to Land Use and Housing Production


TM Comment: Assistant Solicitor Amy Goins has provided memos on new laws passed by the RI Legislature related to land use and housing production.  Several bills with a compliance deadline of January 1, 2024, will require Town Council action at several meetings, starting next month. From Planning, Building and Resilience Director Teresa Crean:

The RI Legislature passed several bills this session related to land use and housing production. The American Planning Association-Rhode Island Chapter (APA-RI) leadership noted that this is the most significant set of changes to Rhode Island’s land use structure in 30 years. The effective date for most of this legislation is January 1, 2024, which gives municipalities about 6 months to comply.  APA RI commissioned the law firm of Ursillo, Teitz, & Ritch, Ltd. (UTR) to draft a summary of the legislation that passed and the most important key takeaways for municipalities.


Motion: No motion provided.


AGENDA ITEM #30:          Discuss and Act:  Conservation/Climate Resiliency

TM Comment: A standing agenda item on Conservation/Climate Resiliency items.


Motion: No motion provided.


AGENDA ITEM #31.           Update:  Liaison Reports

TM Comment: Standing agenda item to provide Council members the opportunity to provide information in their capacity as liaison to various boards, commissions, and organizations.


Motion: No motion provided.



AGENDA ITEM #32.          Public Comment (Maximum 3-minute statement)

To the public:  This agenda item is for members of the public to speak regarding a topic that is not already on the agenda.  Please indicate that you would like to speak by raising your hand.  When you are recognized, please state your name and residency for the record.


AGENDA ITEM #33:          Set Agenda for the Monday, October 2, 2023, at 7:00pm Town Council Meeting

·       Resolution:  Barrington High School Students Building “Barrington by Address” (T. Crean) (October 2, 2023)

Discuss and Act:  Melrose and Hawthorne Avenue STOP Sign

Community Engagement

Discuss and Act:  Evaluating Resource Needs to Implement Resilience Pledges



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