6:30 pm Monday, July 22, 2024

Barrington Town Hall

Council Chamber

283 County Road, Barrington, RI

Agenda and attachments:




1.      Call to Order


2.      Pledge of Allegiance


3.      Land Acknowledgement:

Aquene (Peace) We recognize the unique and enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories.  We acknowledge that we are in the ancestral homeland of the Pokanoket Tribe within the original territory of the Pokanoket Nation.  We commit to ongoing efforts to recognize, honor, reconcile and partner with the Pokanoket people whose ancestral lands and water we benefit from today.  Aquene (Peace)”


4.      Discuss and Act:  Resolutions in Recognition of MariAnn Oliveira and Michele Geremia



All items with an asterisk (*) are routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion.  There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a council member or citizen so request, and the request is for good cause in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.


6.      *Receive Updates and Events (See Town Manager’s Memo):

·       Tree Planting & Removal:  June 1, 2023- May 31, 2024 – 70 trees removed/ 178 trees planted

·       Tree Planting & Removal:  July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024 – 66 trees removed/174 trees planted


7.      *Accept Resignation(s):

·       Bicycle – Pedestrian Advisory Committee:  Lauren Burgess


8.      *Approve Reappointments to Boards and Commissions:

·       Bicycle – Pedestrian Advisory Committee:  Jack Madden (alternate) to be appointed as a full member, with a term expiration date of November 30, 2026.

·       Economic Development Commission:  Matthew Amaral, to be reappointed as a full member with a term expiration date of June 30, 2027.


9.      *Accept Monthly Department Reports (May and June ’24):

Business and Finance, Fire, Human Resources, Library, Police/Animal Control, Department of Public Works, Planning/Building and Resiliency, Recreation, Senior Services, Tax Assessor and Town Clerk


10.   *Approve Abatement List


11.   *Approve Surplus Property

(To declare the following items as surplus property and authorize the Town Manager, at his discretion, to dispose of this property (discard) if it is not practical to sell in accordance with Chapter 49 of the Town Ordinances): (none)


12.   *Acknowledge Correspondence:  BAY Team Monthly Report, BCWA Monthly Report, CRMC, A. Klepper, K. Chapin


13.   *Receive Annual Board and Commission Annual Reports


14.   *Receive Report on Public Safety Building and Library Energy Projects


15.   *Accept the Minutes from Town Council meeting on June 3, 2024


16.   Discuss and Act:  Interviews and Appointments:

·       Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee: (1 vacancy:  1 alternate member with a term expiration date of March 31, 2027.

·       Interview:  Corrie Pikul, Carly Stearnbourne and Lisa Watts

·       Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: (4 vacancies:  1 full members, 1st alternate, 2nd alternate and student representative (1 full member with a term expiration date of September 30, 2027; 1st and 2nd alternates with a term expiration date of September 30, 2026, and Student Representative with a term expiration date of May 31, 2025)

·       Interview:  Jorge Paricio and Suzanne Tedeschi-Freij

·       Housing Board of Trustees: (1 vacancy:  3rd alternate with a term expiration date of July 31, 2027)

·       Interview:  James Maloney

·       Planning Board: (1 vacancy:  2nd alternate with a term expiration date of May 31, 2027.

·       Interview: Connor O’Neal


17.   Discuss and Act:  Resolution(s): (none)


18.   Discuss and Act:  Ordinances(s):

·       INTRODUCTION: (none)

·       2024-5 An Ordinance of the Town of Barrington amending Chapter 63 Alcoholic Beverages; Article III Liquor Rules and Regulations; 63-8 License class, number and fee

·       2024-6 An Ordinance of the Town of Barrington amending Chapter 179 Vehicles and Traffic Article II §179-3 STOP intersections designated Copper Kettle and Old Chimney


·       2024-3 An Ordinance of the Town of Barrington amending Chapter 179 Vehicles and Traffic Article II §179-3 STOP intersections designated Fireside and Old Chimney

·       2024-4 An Ordinance Amendment of the Town of Barrington Chapter 45:  Salaries and Compensation for non-union employees §45-24 Pay scale by occupational titles.


19.   Discuss and Act:  Bid(s):

·       Department of Public Works

·       Construction Bid - Lincoln Avenue and Maple Avenue Sidewalk Improvement Project

·       Town Manager

·       Engineering for Repairs to Police Cove Park Seawall


20.   Discuss and Act:  Ten Year Update of the Comprehensive Plan, including Presentation on Complete Streets Study, and Update on Climate Action Plan  


21.   Discuss and Act:  Parking for Non-Residents at Town Beach


22.   Discuss and Act:  Pilot Curbside Composting Program


23.   Discuss and Act:  Land Use Legislation (Amy Goins/Mike Ursillo)


24.   Discuss and Act:  Veterans Issues, including Veterans Day Ceremony, Memorial Day Parade, Honor Roll, Veterans Exemptions


25.   Discuss and Act:  New Flagpole(s) at Town Hall for Town Council Approved Flags


26.   Discuss and Act:  Conservation/Climate Resiliency (Standing Agenda Item) (A. Conway)


27.   Discuss and Act:  Municipal Legal Services (Prosecutor)


28.   Discuss and Act:  Rate Adjustment for Legal Services


29.   Discuss and Act:  Recreation Fields and Facilities (Standing Agenda Item) (R. Humm)

·       Barrington Middle School Synthetic Field – Agreement with Schools

·       Ballot Question for the November Election (Solicitor’s Office)


30.   General Public Comment: (Maximum one statement per speaker up to three minutes in length): 

To the public:  This agenda item is for members of the public to speak regarding a topic that is not already on the agenda.  Please indicate that you would like to speak by raising your hand.  When you are recognized, please state your name and residence for the record.


31.   Set Agenda for the next meeting of the Council:  Monday, September 9, 2024

·       Discuss and Act:  On Recognizing our Volunteers Town Council Contingency Fund Regarding Scholarship Fund Program (K. Berard)

·       Discuss and Act:  Town Council Goal Setting Follow-up (K. Berard and B. Cloutier)

·       Discuss and Act:  DEI:  No Tolerance Condemnation and Reporting (Tuesday, August 13th)


32.   Executive Session (closed) in Accordance with RI General Laws:

·       §42-46-5 (a) (2) Litigation:  Glatter, et al. v. Barrington ZBR (PC-2022-04496)


33.   Adjournment


The Town of Barrington will provide accommodations needed to ensure equal participation in all meetings.  Please contact the Town Clerk’s office prior to the meeting so arrangements can be made to provide such assistance.  A request for accommodations can be made in writing to 283 County Road or by calling 401-247-1900, Ext. 301 (voice).  Hearing impaired callers can dial 711 “Relay” for additional assistance.  The Barrington Town Hall, Barrington Public Library and Barrington Public Safety Building are accessible to the disabled.

Posted date on July 18, 2024, at Barrington Town Hall, Barrington Public Library, Town of Barrington Web Site, and Secretary of State Web Site.



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