V-19 – Ex Ses 1st


6:30 pm Monday, October 7, 2024

Barrington Town Hall

283 County Road

Council Chamber




Agenda and attachments:  https://clerkshq.com/barrington-ri


1.      Call to Order

2.      Pledge of Allegiance

3.      Land Acknowledgement:

“Aquene (Peace) We recognize the unique and enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories.  We acknowledge that we are in the ancestral homeland of the Pokanoket Tribe within the original territory of the Pokanoket Nation.  We commit to ongoing efforts to recognize, honor, reconcile and partner with the Pokanoket people whose ancestral lands and water we benefit from today.  Aquene (Peace)”


·       42-46-5 (a) (1) Personnel – District Court Prosecutor

o   The person or persons affected have been notified in advance in writing and advised that they may require that the discussion be held at an open meeting.

·       42-46-5 (a) Litigation:  Sowams Road, enforcement action and potential boundary dispute re Tax Assessor Map 29, Lot 2 and Map 28, Lot 14

·       42-46-5 (a) Collective Bargaining: 

o   United Steelworkers, AFL-COP-CLC, Local 14845

o   International Brotherhood of Police officers, Local 351

o   International Brotherhood of Policer Officers (Dispatch), Local 555

o   International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO, Local 1774

·       Discuss Executive Session Minutes from April 1, 2024, and July 22, 2024, for placement on the next Town Council agenda to receive. 

·       Discuss and Act:  Appointment of District Cout Prosecutor

·       Motion to seal Minutes

·       Discuss and Act:  Appointment of District Court Prosecutor

·       Adjourn Executive Session

·       Recess Town Council meeting






Agenda and attachments:  https://clerkshq.com/barrington-ri


1.      Call to Order

2.      Approve:  Minutes from the Spencer Trust meeting held on September 9, 2024

3.      Discuss and Act:  Senior Tax Exemption

4.      Discuss and Act:  Housing Board of Trustees to Present Changes to Spencer Trust Downpayment Assistance Program (C. DeStefano)

5.      Discuss and Act:  Home Repair Loan Program Revisions

6.      Public Comment

7.      Adjourn






Agenda and attachments:  https://clerkshq.com/barrington-ri


SPECIAL NOTE:  The Engineering Report has not been submitted, therefore, 2024-3 and 2024-6 Ch 179 STOP intersection regarding Fireside, Old Chimney and Copper Kettle.

Date to be determined.


5.      Reconvene the Town Council Meeting



All items with an asterisk (*) are routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion.  There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a council member or citizen so request, and the request is for good cause in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.


7.      *Receive Updates and Events (See Town Manager’s Memo):

·       Tree Planting & Removal:  September 1, 2023- August 31, 2024 – 65 trees removed/ 190 trees planted


8.      *Accept Resignations:

·        Autism Advisory Council:

o   Stephanie Bernardo

·        Bristol County Water Authority

o   George Champlin


9.      *Approve Reappointments to Boards and Commissions: (none)


10.   *Accept Monthly Department Reports (August ’24): 

Business and Finance (none), Fire, Human Resources, Library, Police/Animal Control, Department of Public Works, Planning/Building and Resiliency, Recreation, Senior Services, Tax Assessor and Town Clerk


11.   *Approve Abatement List


12.   *Approve Surplus Property

(To declare the following items as surplus property and authorize the Town Manager, at his discretion, to dispose of this property (discard) if it is not practical to sell in accordance with Chapter 49 of the Town Ordinances): (none)


13.   *Acknowledge Correspondence:  BAY Team Monthly Report, BCWA Monthly Report


14.   *Accept the Minutes of the Town Council on September 9, 2024.


15.   Received:  Climate Action/Ready and Resilient Barrington Draft for the Presentation on Wednesday, October 16, 2024


16.   *Approve:   5 k Road Race: “Trot Off Your Turkey” on Saturday, November 30, 2024 at St. Luke’s School 10 Waldron Avenue starting at 9:30am.


17.   Discuss and Act:  Interviews and Appointments:

·       Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee:   3 vacancies:  1st and 2nd alternates with a term expiration date of September 30, 2026, and Student Representative with a term expiration date May 31, 2025.  Interview:  Emily Holloran (Student Representative position)

·       Park & Recreation Commission:  1 vacancy:  1 Student Representative to serve a term of June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025 (non-voting member). Interview:  Ellie Donato

·       Resilience & Energy:  2 vacancies:  1 full member, with a term expiration date of November 30, 2027, and 1st alternate position, with a term expiration date of November 30, 2027.            Interview:   Anna Bjurman Pautz


18.   Discuss and Act:  Ordinances

·       INTRODUCTION(S): (none)


o   2024-3 An Ordinance of the Town of Barrington amending Chapter 179 Vehicles and Traffic Article II §179-3 STOP intersections designated Fireside and Old Chimney (Continued from July 22, 2024).  The Engineering Report has not been submitted; therefore, Ordinance 2024-3 Ch 179 STOP intersection will be continued with a date to be determined.

o   2024-6 An Ordinance of the Town of Barrington amending Chapter 179 Vehicles and Traffic Article II §179-3 STOP intersections designated Copper Kettle and Old Chimney. The Engineering Report has not been submitted; therefore, Ordinance 2024-3 Ch 179 STOP intersection will be continued with a date to be determined.

o   2024-7 An Ordinance of the Town of Barrington amending Chapter 134 Parks and Recreation Part 2. Recreation, Article VIII Barrington Beach, §134-39 Parking stickers and day passes.


19.   Discuss and Act:  Bid(s)

·       Department of Public Works/Town Manager:

o   Foote Street Path Engineering

o   Maple Avenue/Lincoln Avenue Sidewalk Reconstruction and Pavement Project (change order)


20.   Discuss and Act:  Barrington Fire Department Requests to Purchase  Two (2) Mobile APX 8500 Vehicle Radios (Fire Capital Equipment Account).


21.   Discussion:  Ballot Question Forum for November Election Regarding Local Questions


22.   Discuss and Act:  DEI Committee – “Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration”


23.   Discuss and Act:  Update of ARPA Budget Allocations


24.   Discuss and Act:  Kent Street Court Lights


25.   Discuss and Act:  CivicRec Fields Reservation and Financial Management


26.   Resolution:  Discuss and Act:  Establishing the Town of Barrington Veterans Advisory Committee (Administration of Local Veterans Affairs, including Memorial Day Parade and Ceremonies, Maintenance of Veterans Monuments and the Honor Roll, and Processing Veteran Tax Exemptions)


27.   Discuss and Act:  Barrington Middle School Field Agreement


28.   General Public Comment:

(Maximum one statement per speaker up to three minutes in length):  To the public:  This agenda item is for members of the public to speak regarding a topic that is not already on the agenda.  Please indicate that you would like to speak by raising your hand.  When you are recognized, please state your name and residence for the record.


29.   Set Agenda for the next meeting of the Council: 

for the next meeting of the Council:  Monday, November 4, 2024, to be held at BMS -Presentation Room

·       Discuss and Act:  Land Use Legislation (Amy Goins/Mike Ursillo)

·       Discuss and Act:  On Recognizing our Volunteers Town Council Contingency Fund Regarding Scholarship Fund Program (K. Berard) (January 2025)

·       Approval of Minutes from Joint Meeting of DEI and Town Council

·       Discuss and Act:  Climate Action/Ready and Resilient Barrington on Wednesday October 16, 2024, at the Barrington Public Library Auditorium


30.   Adjourn


The Town of Barrington will provide accommodations needed to ensure equal participation in all meetings.  Please contact the Town Clerk’s office prior to the meeting so arrangements can be made to provide such assistance.  A request for accommodations can be made in writing to 283 County Road or by calling 401-247-1900, Ext. 301 (voice).  Hearing impaired callers can dial 711 “Relay” for additional assistance.  The Barrington Town Hall, Barrington Public Library and Barrington Public Safety Building are accessible to the disabled.

 Posted date on October 3, 2024, at Barrington Town Hall, Barrington Public Library, Town of Barrington Web Site, and Secretary of State Web Site.




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