Chapter 12 TRAFFIC [1]








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Cross reference— Buildings and building regulations, Ch. 4; fire protection and prevention, Ch. 7; on-site sewage disposal and potable water supply regulations, Ch. 8; sewers, Ch. 10; peddling on Town highways, § 11-9. (Back)


Sec. 12-0. Purpose.

Sec. 12-1. Signs required.

Sec. 12-2. Exemptions.

Sec. 12-3. Violation; penalty.

Sec. 12-4. Clinging to vehicles.

Sec. 12-5. Duty to drive on right.

Sec. 12-6. Stops at intersections.

Sec. 12-7. Yield right-of-way.

Sec. 12-8. Following fire apparatus and driving over fire hose.

Sec. 12-9. Stop when traffic obstructed—Do not block intersection.

Sec. 12-10. Signal of intention to change lanes required.

Sec. 12-11. Obedience to lane markings required.

Sec. 12-12. Traffic control signals legend and regulations.

Sec. 12-13. Flashing signals.

Sec. 12-14. Signs, signals, markings and devices.

Sec. 12-15. Reserved.

Sec. 12-0.   Purpose.

This ordinance is enacted to provide certain regulations for the use of motor vehicles on town highways which promote public safety and provide for the orderly and efficient flow of motor vehicles on the town highways. The Police Department shall have authority to regulate vehicular traffic on all public streets. The Chief of Police or his/her designee in regulating traffic may depart temporarily as far as may be necessary from the traffic regulations of this ordinance. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-1.   Signs required.

Suitable signs shall be posted conspicuously by the Town within the highway limits, a reasonable distance from a point where such regulations become effective. 

(Ord. of 7-23-62) 

Sec. 12-2.   Exemptions.

The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to automotive emergency vehicles when responding to an emergency. 

Sec. 12-3.   Violation; penalty.

(a)  Any person who violates any regulations set forth in this ordinance, unless otherwise specified, shall be subject to the penalties as provided in Title 23, V.S.A., Chapter 13. 

(b)  A Town of Colchester Police Court is hereby established with jurisdiction over parking ordinances of the Town pursuant to Title 23, V.S.A., Chapter 19. The Chief of Police shall be the Judge of the Police Court and shall adjudicate the receiving of waivers of service of process and trial, admission of violation, and fines from violations of the parking ordinance. 

(c)  Provisions of this ordinance that constitute violations shall be enforced by the Town police department and any other law enforcement agency authorized by the Vermont legislature to enforce vehicular laws. 

(d)  Any person who violates a provision of this ordinance may receive a Vermont Civil Violation Complaint or Vermont Municipal Ordinance ticket, as appropriate. Appeals, payment and adjudication of said tickets are handled by the Vermont Judicial Bureau. The schedule of fines for Municipal Ordinance violations shall be approved by the Selectboard. 

(Ord. of 3-6-79; Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-4.   Clinging to vehicles.

No person riding upon a sleigh, wagon, board, scooter, coaster, or other item or vehicle shall attach him/herself or such item or vehicle to any vehicle while upon a public highway as defined in 23 V.S.A. Chapter 4. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-5.   Duty to drive on right.

Operators of vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall exercise due care and shall keep to the right of the center of the highway so as to pass without interference with other highway users. 

(Ord. No. 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-6.   Stops at intersections.

(a)  When stop signs are erected at or near the entrance to any intersection, every driver of a vehicle approaching a stop sign or signal shall stop at or before a clearly marked stop line; or if there is no stop line, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection. If no stop line is marked, then drivers shall stop at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering the intersection, except when directed to proceed by a police officer or traffic control-signal. 

(b)  After the driver of a vehicle has stopped in obedience to a stop sign at an intersection where a stop sign is erected at one (1) or more entrances thereto, such driver shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle which has entered the intersection from another highway or which is approaching so closely on said highway as to constitute an immediate hazard, but said driver having so yielded may proceed and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching the intersection shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle so proceeding. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-7.   Yield right-of-way.

The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign shall in obedience to such sign slow down to a speed reasonable for the existing conditions, or shall stop if necessary, and shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian legally crossing the roadway, and to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another highway so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-8.   Following fire apparatus & driving over fire hose.

(a)  No operator of a motor vehicle other than an authorized emergency vehicle shall follow any fire apparatus traveling to an emergency closer than five hundred (500) feet, or in such a manner as to interfere with the suppression of a fire or the handling of such emergency, or so as to endanger the life of any occupant of such fire apparatus, or thereafter park a vehicle so as to interfere with the suppression of a fire or the handling of such emergency. 

(b)  No motor vehicle shall be operated over any unprotected hose of a fire department when laid down on any street, private driveway or roadway, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of the fire department official in command or a law enforcement officer. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-9.   Stop when traffic obstructed—Do not block intersection.

No driver shall enter an intersection or a marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or crosswalk to allow the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians without obstruction from any direction, notwithstanding any traffic control signal indication to proceed. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-10.   Signal of intention to change lanes required.

The operator of any vehicle upon any public highway shall, before turning his/her vehicle from one traffic lane into another traffic lane, indicate by hand signal or directional light his/her intention to do so. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-11.   Obedience to lane markings required.

Where traffic lanes are so marked as to indicate their use for right turn only, left turn only, through traffic only, or a combination of the same, no person shall operate a motor vehicle except in the direction indicated by such markings. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-12.   Traffic control signals legend and regulations.

Whenever traffic is controlled by a traffic-control signal exhibiting different colored lights successively one (1) at a time, or with arrows, the following colors only shall be used and the terms and light shall indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles, except when otherwise directed by a police officer, and subject to the right-of-way of emergency vehicles, consistent with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 

(a)  Green alone: Vehicular traffic facing the signal may proceed straight through or turn right or left unless a sign or pavement marking prohibits either turn. But vehicular traffic, including vehicles turning right or left, shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles lawfully within the intersection when the signal is exhibited. 

(b)  Steady yellow alone: Vehicular traffic facing the signal is thereby warned that the red or "Stop" signal will be exhibited immediately thereafter and the vehicular traffic, except such vehicles lawfully within the intersection, shall not enter or be crossing the intersection when the red or "Stop" signal is exhibited. 

(c)  Steady red alone: Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop at or before a clearly marked stop line; or if there is no stop line, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, then before entering the intersection and shall remain standing until green is shown alone. 

(d)  Steady red with green arrow: Vehicular traffic facing the signal may cautiously enter the intersection only to make the movement indicated by the arrow and shall yield to other traffic lawfully using the intersection. 

(e)  Turn on red after stop: Unless a sign is in place prohibiting a right turn on red or a steady red arrow, vehicular traffic facing a steady red signal may cautiously enter the intersection to make the turn after stopping as required by subsection (c). Such vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians lawfully within the adjacent crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-13.   Flashing signals.

Whenever an illuminated flashing red or yellow signal is used in a traffic sign or signal it shall require obedience by vehicular traffic as follows: 

(a)  Flashing red (stop signal): When a red lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at an intersection or at a stop line when marked, or, if none, then before entering the intersection, and the right to proceed shall be subject to the rules applicable after making a stop at a stop sign. 

(b)  Flashing yellow (caution signal): When a yellow lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles may proceed only with caution. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-14.   Signs, signals, markings and devices.

(a)  It shall be unlawful for any person willfully to deface, injure, move or obstruct or interfere with any official traffic sign, signal, marking or device. 

(b)  No person shall place, maintain or display upon or in view of any highway any unauthorized sign, signal, marking or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles an official traffic-control device or railroad sign or signal; or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic; or which hides from view or interferes with the effectiveness of any official traffic-control device or any railroad sign or signal; and no person shall place or maintain, nor shall there be permitted upon any highway, any traffic sign or signal bearing thereon any commercial advertising. This shall not be deemed to prohibit the erection, upon private property adjacent to highways, of signs giving useful directional information and of a type that cannot be mistaken for official signs. 

(c)  Every such prohibited sign, signal or marking is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and the chief of police is empowered to remove the same or cause it to be removed without notice. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-15.   Reserved.


Sec. 12-16. Speed limits.

Sec. 12-17. Traffic-control light locations.

Sec. 12-18. School speed zone.

Sec. 12-19. One-way traffic.

Sec. 12-20. Abandoned vehicles.

Sec. 12-21. Turning prohibitions.

Sec. 12-22. Stopping in roadway prohibited.

Sec. 12-23. Authority to prohibit use of streets by trucks.

Secs. 12-24—12-30. Reserved.

Sec. 12-16.   Speed limits.

The maximum speed limit on the streets and highways shall be as follows: 

Class 2 Highways:

Bay Road: 35 mph 

Barnes Avenue: 

•  From Route 15 to Winchester Place: 25 mph 

Church Road: 35 mph 

Colchester Pond Road: 

•  From Depot Road to Sand Road (0.15 miles): 35 mph 

Depot Road: 35 mph

East Road 

•  From US Route 2A intersection to north (0.50 miles): 30 mph 

•  Continued to Town of Milton Line (2.46 miles): 40 mph 

East Lakeshore Drive: 25 mph 

Farnsworth Road: 40 mph 

Jasper Mine Road: 

•  From the east intersection of U.S. Route 2 to Mayo Road (0.35 miles): 40 mph 

Johnson Avenue: 25 mph 

Lime Kiln Road: 25 mph 

Mallets Bay Avenue: 

•  From the Winooski city limits to the Thibault Farm (so called) for a distance of approximately 1.4 miles: 30 mph 

•  From the Thibault Farm (so called) to the Blakely Road intersection (a distance of approximately 1.51 miles): 35 mph 

Mayo Road: 40 mph 

Porters Point Road: 

•  From the east intersection with Prim Road to Church Road (0.15 miles): 35 mph 

Route 127 Including Heineberg Drive, Prim Road, West Lakeshore Drive (Prim Road to East Lakeshore Drive only), and Blakely Road 

•  From Burlington city line to the Prim Road and West Lakeshore Drive intersection (2.20 miles): 35 mph 

•  From Prim Road and West Lakeshore Drive intersection to the East Lakeshore and Blakely Road intersection (1.01 miles): 25 mph 

•  From the intersection of East Lakeshore Drive and Blakely Road for approximately 2.73 miles to the intersection of Blakely Road and Roosevelt Hwy. (U.S. 2/7): 35 mph 

Severance Road: 35 mph 

Vt. National Guard Road: 25 mph 

West Lakeshore Drive from Prim Road to Church Road: 35 mph 

Winchester Place: 25 mph 

Class 3 Highways:

Abigail Drive: 25 mph 

Acorn Lane: 25 mph 

Aikey Lane: 25 mph 

Al-Shir Road: 25 mph 

Andrea Lane: 25 mph 

Anna’s Court: 25 mph 

Arbor Lane: 25 mph 

Aurielle Drive: 25 mph 

Austin House Road: 30 mph 

Barbara Terrace: 25 mph 

Barnes Avenue: 

•  From Winchester Place to Camp Johnson: 25 mph 

Bay View Road: 25 mph 

Bean Road: 35 mph 

Belair Drive: 25 mph 

Belwood Avenue: 25 mph 

Birch Drive: 25 mph 

Birchwood Drive: 25 mph 

Biscayne Heights: 25 mph 

Bissette Drive: 25 mph 

Blackberry Circle: 25 mph 

Bloomfield Drive: 25 mph 

Bluebird Drive: 25 mph 

Bonanza Park: 25 mph 

Braeloch Road: 30 mph 

Brentwood Drive: 25 mph 

Brickyard Road: 25 mph 

Brigham Hill Road 25 mph 

Brooke Lane: 25 mph 

Brosseau Lane: 25 mph 

Buckingham Drive: 25 mph 

Burnham Lane: 25 mph 

Caleb Court: 25 mph 

Camp Kiniya Road: 25 mph 

Canyon Road: 25 mph 

Canyon Estates Drive: 25 mph 

Carriage Way: 25 mph 

Casey Lane: 25 mph 

Cedar Creek Road: 25 mph 

Cedar Ridge Drive: 25 mph 

Champlain Drive: 25 mph 

Chestnut Lane: 25 mph 

Chimney Hill Drive: 25 mph 

Churchill Lane: 25 mph 

Clay Point Road: 30 mph 

Cobbleview Drive: 25 mph 

Colchester Point Road: 

•  From Porters Point Road intersection west for approximately 1.0 mile: 35 mph 

•  For remaining section to Mills Point Road: 30 mph 

Colchester Pond Road: 

•  From Sand Road intersection to end of public portion (0.70 miles): 25 mph 

Colonial Drive: 25 mph 

Conquest Circle: 25 mph 

Colden Road: 25 mph 

Collins Farm Road: 25 mph 

Coon Hill Road: 25 mph 

Country Meadows: 25 mph 

Creek Farm Road: 

•  From the intersection of U.S. Routes 2 and 7 for 1.31 miles north: 35 mph 

Creek Glen: 25 mph 

Crossfield Drive: 25 mph 

Curve Hill Road: 

•  From Colchester Pond Road intersection south for a distance of 1,600’ one thousand six hundred (1,600) feet: 25 mph 

•  For remaining distance to Town of Essex (approximately 1,500 feet): 30 mph 

Dalton Drive: 25 mph 

Deer Lane: 25 mph 

Depot Road: 35 mph 

Don-Mar Terrace: 25 mph 

Dunlop Way: 25 mph 

Eagle Park Drive: 25 mph 

Edgewood Drive: 25 mph 

Emmas Way: 25 mph 

Ethan Allen Avenue: 25 mph 

Everbreeze Drive: 25 mph 

Fastnet Circle: 25 mph 

Fern Court: 25 mph 

Fieldgreen Drive: 25 mph 

Ford Lane: 25 mph 

Forman Drive: 25 mph 

Fox Run: 25 mph 

Galvin Hill Road: 25 mph 

Giffin Court: 25 mph 

Goodsell Point Road: 35 mph 

Granite Creek Drive: 25 mph 

Greenwood Drive: 25 mph 

Gregg Lane: 25 mph 

Grey Birch Drive: 25 mph 

Hawkes Way: 25 mph 

Hegeman Avenue: 25 mph 

Hercules Drive: 30 mph 

Heritage Lane: 25 mph 

Hillcrest Lane: 25 mph 

Hidden Oaks Drive: 25 mph 

Hilltop Court: 25 mph 

Holbrook Court: 25 mph 

Hollow Creek: 25 mph 

Holy Cross Road: 35 mph 

Horizon View Drive: 25 mph 

Hummingbird Drive: 25 mph 

Indian Circle: 25 mph 

Ira Allen Court: 25 mph 

Jason Drive: 25 mph 

Jasper Mine Road: 

•  From Mayo Road intersection west to road end: 40 mph 

Jeffrey Drive: 25 mph 

Jen Barry Lane: 25 mph 

Jocelyn Court: 25 mph 

Joey Drive: 25 mph 

Julie Drive: 25 mph 

Juniper Drive: 25 mph 

Justin Morgan Drive: 25 mph 

Kathleen Lane: 25 mph 

Kylies Way: 25 mph 

Lakewood Court: 25 mph 

Landing Avenue: 25 mph 

Laura Lane: 25 mph 

Lavigne Road: 35 mph 

Lawrence J. Drive: 25 mph 

Leclair Drive: 25 mph 

Leoray Court: 25 mph 

Liberty Lane: 25 mph 

Lily Lane: 25 mph 

Lindale Drive: 25 mph 

Logan Drive: 25 mph 

Lois Lane: 25 mph 

Lomartire Drive: 25 mph 

Longwood Circle: 25 mph 

Lower Mountain View Drive: 25 mph 

Macrae Road: 35 mph 

Mainiere Lane: 25 mph 

Mallard Drive: 25 mph 

Maple Ridge Drive: 25 mph 

Marble Island Road (public portion): 25 mph 

Marcou Lane: 25 mph 

Mariner Heights: 25 mph 

Mazza Court: 25 mph 

Meadow Drive: 25 mph 

Mercier Drive: 25 mph 

Middle Road: 30 mph 

Midnight Pass: 25 mph 

Mill Pond Road: 35 mph 

Mills Point Road: 30 mph 

Morellen Lane: 25 mph 

Morehouse Drive: 25 mph 

Mountain View Drive: 30 mph 

New England Avenue: 25 mph 

Nice Way: 25 mph 

North Harbor Road: 25 mph 

Northland Court: 25 mph 

Norway Drive: 25 mph 

Nottingham Court: 25 mph 

Oak Circle: 25 mph 

Oak Ridge Drive: 25 mph 

Old Saw Mill Road: 25 mph 

Orchard Circle: 25 mph 

Orchard Drive: 25 mph 

Orion Drive: 25 mph 

Overlake Drive: 25 mph 

Parkwood Drive: 25 mph 

Parsons Road: 25 mph 

Pebble Beach Road: 25 mph 

Pine Lane: 25 mph 

Pine Island Road: 35 mph 

Pine Meadow Drive: 25 mph 

Ponderosa Drive: 25 mph 

Poor Farm Road: 25 mph 

Porters Point Road: 

•  From Church Road intersection to Holy Cross intersection: 35 mph 

•  From Holy Cross Road to end of Porters Point Road: 25 mph 

Pretty Road: 25 mph 

Prim Road: 35 mph 

Princess Anne: 25 mph 

Rathe Road: 

•  Public portion: 0.19 miles beginning at Roosevelt Highway (U.S. Route 2/7) to Mountain View Drive: 30 mph 

Raymond Road: 25 mph 

Red Oak Drive: 25 mph 

Renkin Drive: 25 mph 

Reynolds Drive: 25 mph 

Richfield Lane: 25 mph 

River Road: 25 mph 

Robin Road: 25 mph 

Rudgate Road: 25 mph 

Ryan Place: 25 mph 

Sand Road: 

•  From the Colchester Pond Road intersection (Town Hwy. 6) to the Essex town line: 35 mph 

Shady Lane: 25 mph 

Shetland Lane: 25 mph 

Shore Acres Drive: 25 mph 

South Bay Circle: 25 mph 

South Oak Circle: 25 mph 

South Park Drive: 30 mph 

Spauldings Bay: 25 mph 

Stone Drive: 25 mph 

Sunderland Woods Road: 25 mph 

Sunset Road: 25 mph 

Tanglewood Drive: 25 mph 

Thayer Bay Circle: 25 mph 

Thayer Bay Road: 25 mph 

Thibault Drive: 25 mph 

Thomas Drive: 25 mph 

Timberlake Drive: 25 mph 

Tower Ridge: 25 mph 

Troy Avenue: 25 mph 

Turquoise Drive: 25 mph 

Valleyfield Drive: 25 mph 

Village Drive: 25 mph 

Vincenza Way: 25 mph

Wall Street: 25 mph 

Walnut Grove: 25 mph 

Water Tower Circle: 25 mph 

Waterlefe Way: 25 mph 

Watkins Road: 35 mph 

West View Road: 25 mph 

Waybury Road: 25 mph 

Westward Drive: 25 mph 

Wheatley Court: 25 mph 

Wildflower Lane: 25 mph 

Wildlife Loop: 25 mph 

Williams Road: 35 mph 

Windemere Way: 25 mph 

Wintergreen Drive: 25 mph 

Woodrose Lane: 25 mph 

Woodside Drive: 25 mph 

Young Street: 25 mph 


Laker Lane (High School Road): 25 mph 

U.S. Route 2A (Main Street): 

•  Beginning at the Colchester/Essex Town Line 1.17 miles north to 0.3 miles south of Mill Pond Road: 40 mph 

•  From 0.3 miles south of East Road to the intersection of US Routes 2 and 7: 35 mph 

U.S. Route 2/U.S. Route 7 (Roosevelt Highway): 

•  Beginning at the Winooski city line, .35 miles north to .26 miles south of Hercules Drive: 30 mph 

•  From .26 miles south of Hercules Drive to .02 miles north of Rathe Road: 40 mph 

•  From five hundred (500) feet south of Bay Road intersection to five hundred (500) feet north of Creek Road intersection: 35 mph 

•  For 0.2 miles on the south end and 0.1 miles on the north end: transitional: 40 mph 

U.S. Route 15 (College Parkway): 

•  From the Town of Essex Line to the entrance of Camp Johnson: 45 mph 

•  From the Camp Johnson entrance to the Winooski city line: 35 mph 

(Ord. of 11-11-14; Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 10-25-16; Ord. of 1-10-17; Ord. of 3-28-17; Ord. of 12-12-17; Ords. of 10-23-18(2); Ord. of 11-13-18; Ord. of 1-12-21; Ord. of 4-12-22) 

Sec. 12-17.   Traffic-control light locations.

Traffic-control light signals are hereby established at the following locations: 

(1)  Heineburg Drive, Porters Point Road, Prim Road, Macrae Road.

(2)  Blakely Road and Lakeshore Drive. 

(3)  Blakely Road at the school/pedestrian crossing.

(4)  U.S. Route 2 at I-89 south on ramp. 

(5)  U.S. Route 2 at I-89 north on ramp. 

(6)  U.S. Route 2 at U.S. Route 7. 

(7)  U.S. Route 7 at Severance Road. 

(8)  U.S. Route 7 at Rathe Road. 

(9)  U.S. Route 7 at Hercules Drive. 

(10)  U.S. Route 7 at Mountain View Drive.

(11)  U.S. Route 7 at I-89 north on ramp. 

(12)  U.S. Route 7 at I-89 south on ramp. 

(13)  U.S. Route 7 at South Park Drive.

(14)  U.S. Route 15 at Camp Johnson.

(15)  U.S. Route 15 at Barnes Avenue. 

(16)  U.S. Route 15 at Fanny Allen Hospital.

(17)  U.S. Route 15 at St. Michaels College Main Entrance. 

(18)  U.S. Route 15 at Lime Kiln Road. 

(19)  U.S. Route 15 at St. Michaels College South Entrance. 

(20)  U.S. Route 2A (Main Street) at Mill Pond and East Roads.

(Ord. of 1-7-75; Ord. of 8-23-77; Ord. of 12-5-78; Ord. of 10-27-81; Ord. of 1-5-82; Ord. of 7-6-82; Ord. of 10-11-83; Ord. of 6-23-87; Ord. of 4-12-88; Ord. of 6-12-90; Ord. of 9-10-91; Ord. of 10-8-91; Ord. of 6-22-93; Ord. of 2-27-96; Ord. of 10-14-97; Ord. of 8-11-98; Ord. of 2-23-99; Ord. of 6-1-99; Ord. of 9-28-99; Ord. of 11-23-99; Ord. of 1-31-01; Ord. of 9-25-01; Ord. of 3-12-02; Ord. of 10-22-02; Ord. of 2-11-03; Amend. of 12-16-03; Ord. of 6-22-04; Ord. of 7-27-04; Ord. of 4-24-07(1); Ord. of 4-14-08(1); Amend. of 8-25-09; Amend. of 9-8-09; Amend. of 1-12-10; Amend. of 3-23-10; Ord. of 1-25-11; Ord. of 2-22-11; Ord. of 1-10-12; Ord. of 2-12-13; Ords. of 8-13-13; Ord. of 11-11-14; Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-18.   School speed zone.

A speed limit of twenty-five (25) miles per hour shall apply on the following roads when school is in session and warning lights are flashing. 

(1)  On Malletts Bay Avenue, from Blakely Road intersection south three hundred (300) feet. 

(2)  On Blakely Road beginning three hundred (300) feet west of Laker Lane to two hundred (200) feet east of Quinn Lane. 

(3)  On Porters Point Road, beginning three hundred sixteen (316) feet south and two hundred thirty-six (236) feet north of the school property. 

(4)  On Main Street, beginning .09 miles south of Middle Road for .26 miles to .19 miles south of U.S. Route 7. 

(Ord. of 4-22-97; Ord. of 6-8-04; Ord. of 6-22-04; Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-19.   One-way traffic.

One-way traffic shall be designated at the following locations: 

(1)  Along the public access south of the Burnham Memorial Library, beginning at the east boundary of Town-owned land, west to the access drive/U.S. Route 2A (Main Street) intersection where "Do Not Enter" signs shall be placed facing U.S. Route 2A. 

(Ord. of 3-14-00; Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-20.   Abandoned vehicles.

(a)  Definitions. As used in this section, the following words shall have the meanings ascribed to them: 

(1)  Street or highway shall mean the entire width between property lines of every way available for public use for vehicular or pedestrian travel, and designated for such public use by a municipal legislative body, or the appropriate agency of the State of Vermont, or laid out pursuant to Title 19, Vermont Statutes Annotated. 

(2)  Vehicle shall mean a machine propelled by other than muscular power designed to travel along the ground by use of wheels, treads, runners or slides, and transport persons or property, pull machinery or be pulled by machinery and shall include, but not be limited to, automobiles, trucks, trailers, motorcycles, tractors and wagons. 

(b)  Leaving dismantled, nonoperating or unregistered vehicles on streets prohibited. No person shall leave any partially dismantled, nonoperative, wrecked, junked or unregistered vehicle on any street or highway within the Town. 

(c)  Authority to remove vehicles.

(1)  The Chief of Police, or any Colchester Police Officer, is hereby authorized to remove or have removed any vehicles left at any place within the Town which reasonably appear to be in violation of this section. 

(2)  Any vehicle removed by the Chief of Police or his/her agent for violating this section shall be impounded until lawfully claimed by the owner thereof or legally disposed of. 

(3)  The costs of impounding and storing any vehicle in violation of this section shall be the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle. 

(Ord. of 9-25-01, § 12-30; Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-21.   Turning prohibitions.

(a)  Left turns shall be prohibited for westbound traffic on Blakely Road at Severance Green (a private road). 

(b)  Left turns shall be prohibited for southbound traffic on Heineberg Drive at the entrance of 49 Heineberg Drive. 

(c)  No operator shall turn right on red after stop where signage indicates that it is not allowed. 

(Ord. of 8-13-13; Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-22.   Stopping in roadway prohibited.

No driver shall stop his/her vehicle in the traveled portion of a roadway in a manner that interferes with the flow of traffic for the purpose of solicitation, or any purpose other than temporarily to engage in loading or unloading mail, refuse/recycling, merchandise, or passengers. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-23.   Authority to prohibit use of streets by trucks.

(a)  Trucks as further described in this section shall be prohibited from using the following streets: 

• Thomas Drive 

(b)  "Truck" defined. The term "truck" as used in this section, shall mean and include any motor vehicle or combination of vehicles, at least one of which shall be motorized, which vehicle or combination of vehicles has a total vehicle weight in excess of sixteen thousand (16,000) pounds. Total vehicle weight shall be computed as required by 23 V.S.A., Chapter 7, Section 367. 

(c)  This section shall not apply to trucks making deliveries to or from properties located on such streets, municipal maintenance vehicles, or emergency vehicles. This exemption shall also apply to motor vehicles originating from properties located on such streets. 

(Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Secs. 12-24—12-30.   Reserved.


Sec. 12-31. No-parking zones.

Sec. 12-32. Parking without authorization on public grounds—Snow removal.

Sec. 12-33. Parking ban for emergencies and special events.

Sec. 12-34. Stop signs required.

Sec. 12-35. Yield signs required.

Sec. 12-36. Fire hydrant and fire lane parking prohibited.

Secs. 12-37—12-39. Reserved.

Sec. 12-31.   No-parking zones.

(a)  Designation. There shall be no parking on the following streets and publicly owned land: 

There shall be no parking within twenty (20) feet of the intersection of two (2) or more public roads or within twenty (20) feet of the intersection of a public road and private road or drive when signs indicating these prohibitions are provided. 

Anna's Court: No parking along the sidewalk (north) side (inner side of loop). 

All school property: There shall be no parking in the fire lanes. 

Bayside Park: In and along the south and northwest sides of West Lakeshore Drive, from the entrance of Bayside Park to Hazelett Strip Casting Corporation. 

Bellwood Avenue: There shall be no parking on the north and south sides of Bellwood Avenue for a distance of five hundred (500) feet to the intersection of Church Road. 

Blakely Road: There shall be no parking on the southerly side of Blakely Road within twenty (20) feet of either side of the crosswalk located between the entrances of Colchester Middle School and Colchester High School. 

Brooke Lane: No parking along the sidewalk side (east side). 

Brosseau Lane: No parking on the west (sidewalk) side of the street. 

Caleb Court: No parking on the south side of the street. 

Churchill Lane: No parking on both sides of street. 

Colchester Point Road: On either side for the distance that it abuts the Town-owned property of Airport Park. 

Colchester Pond Road: There shall be no parking on either side of Colchester Pond Road for a distance of three hundred (300) feet on the north side and five hundred (500) feet on the south side of the entrance drive to the parking lot access to Colchester Pond. 

Collins Farm Road: No parking on either side of the street. 

Church Road: There shall be no parking on the west side of Church Road in front of Holy Cross Church beginning twenty (20) feet south of the south entrance to the property and north to the end of the no parking zone. 

Dalton Drive: No parking on the south side of the street. 

Eagle Park Drive: There shall be no parking on either side of Eagle Park Drive (Town Hwy 96) for a distance of eighty-five (85) feet from the Severance Road (Town Hwy 7) intersection. 

Emmas Way: No parking on the west side of the street. 

Ethan Allen Avenue: No parking on the south side of the street. 

Ethan Allen Avenue: No parking in bus loading zones as identified by signs. 

Fox Run: No parking on the north side of the street. 

Granite Creek Road: There shall be no parking on the west side of the street. 

Hegeman Avenue: No parking on the south side of the street. 

Hegeman Avenue: No parking in bus loading zones as identified by signs. 

Heineberg Drive: There shall be no parking on either side of Heineberg Drive from Porters Point Road (Town Hwy. 30) intersection to the Burlington city line. 

Jen Barry Lane: No parking on eastern side of street. 

Johnson Avenue: There shall be no parking in front of the Handy Apartments on the right side of Johnson Avenue. 

Kathleen Lane: No parking on the west side of the street. 

Leoray Court: No parking along the south side of the street.

Lily Lane: No parking on the north side of the street. 

Lomartire Drive: No parking along sidewalk (North/East) side of the street. 

Marina District: No parking beginning at Mazza's General Store and continuing along both sides of W. Lakeshore Drive to Bayside Park. 

Mills Point Road: There shall be no parking on either side of Mills Point Road from its intersection with the Causeway Bike Path south for a distance of three hundred (300) feet. 

Morehouse Drive: No parking on the north side of the street. 

Nourses Beach: There shall be no parking on either side of Goodsell Point Road (Town Hwy. 41) for two hundred fifty (250) feet. There shall be no parking on Town Hwy. 1, Bay Road, and Lakeshore Drive on either side of the highway for two hundred fifty (250) feet from the Goodsell Point Road intersection. 

Old Sawmill Road: On-street parking shall be limited to residents and guests only. 

U.S. Route 2A (Main Street)—Village: There shall be no parking along either side of U.S. Route 2A (Main Street) for a distance of four hundred (400) feet near Our Lady of Grace Church. 

South Bay Circle: No parking on the first one hundred sixty-five (165) feet of South Bay Circle on the east/north (sidewalk) side of the street. 

Stone Drive: There shall be no parking on the inside of the street from its intersections with Granite Creek Road. 

Troy Avenue: No parking on either side of the street. 

Vincenza Way: No parking on both sides of street.

Wall Street: No parking on the north side of the street from the southern intersection with Severance Road for a distance of 0.2 miles. 

Walnut Grove: No parking on the west side of the street. 

Waterlefe Way: No parking on the west/north (sidewalk) side of the street. 

Westview Drive: There shall be no parking on either side of the street. 

Wildlife Loop: No parking along the sidewalk (South/West) side of the street. 

Williams Road: There shall be no parking on the south side of the street beginning at the Williams Road/E. Lakeshore Drive intersection for a distance of four hundred (400) feet. 

Young Street: No parking along either side of Young Street from Malletts Bay Avenue to the intersection of Colonial Drive, a distance of 0.2 of a mile. 

(b)  Penalty. Any motor vehicle parked in violation of subsection (a) shall be ticketed, which ticket shall constitute a penalty of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the first violation. The penalty shall increase to fifty dollars ($50.00) for the second or subsequent violation within thirty (30) days of a previous violation; said ticket is to be payable within three (3) days of the offense as provided for in Title 13, V.S.A., Chapter 19. The Ticketing Officer shall have the option of having the motor vehicle parked in violation of subsection (a) towed away at the expense of the owner, which expense shall not exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00). The Officer may have the vehicle towed if, in the Officer's judgment, said vehicle constitutes a traffic hazard or if the vehicle appears to have been abandoned, or if, in the Officer's judgment, the vehicle in that location shall constitute a hazard to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Town. 

(c)  [Loading and unloading zone.] There shall be no parking on the following streets and publicly owned land except for the purpose of loading and unloading passengers from vehicles: 

Ethan Allen Avenue: A loading and unloading zone is established on the north side of the street, beginning at the Ethan Allen Avenue/Doyle Street intersection west for one hundred eighty (180) feet. At no time shall vehicles be parked unattended within this zone. 

(Ord. of 7-16-68; Ord. of 7-23-68; Ord. of 9-6-77; Ord. of 8-1-78; Ord. of 3-6-79; Ord. of 12-30-80; Ord. of 6-16-81; Ord. of 10-27-81; Ord. of 12-13-88; Ord. of 6-18-91; Ord. of 6-22-93; Ord. of 2-25-97; Ord. of 8-10-99; Ord. of 2-22-00; Ord. of 10-18-00; Ord. of 1-2-01; Ord. of 4-24-01; Ord. of 3-12-02; Ord. of 7-23-02; Ord. of 4-14-08; Ord. of 1-12-10; Ord. of 2-22-11; Ord. of 1-10-12; Ord. of 12-11-12; Ord. of 1-8-13; Ord. of 2-12-13; Ord. of 8-13-13; Ord. of 11-11-14; Ord. of 9-22-15; Ord. of 10-13-15; Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 1-10-17; Ords. of 3-28-17(2); Ord. of 12-12-17; Ords. of 10-23-18(2); Ord. 11-13-18; Ord. of 12-10-19; Ord. of 1-12-21) 

Sec. 12-32.   Parking without authorization on public grounds—Snow removal.

(a)  Designation of areas. No automobile shall be parked without authorization on publicly owned land within the Town and including, by way of illustration and not limitation, public and municipal parking lots, drives and ways, including the highways of the said Town, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. from the 15th day of November in each year until the following 15th day of March. The Chief of Police or the Director of Public Works may declare a parking ban for weather related emergencies at other times to facilitate efficient snow removal or roadway maintenance. 

(b)  Penalty. Any motor vehicle parked in violation of subsection (a) shall be ticketed, which ticket shall constitute a penalty of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the first violation. The penalty shall increase to fifty dollars ($50.00) for the second or subsequent violation within thirty (30) days of previous violation; said ticket is payable within three (3) days of the offense as provided for in Title 23, V.S.A. Section 1746. Any police officer of the Town and the Town Manager are hereby authorized to cause vehicles parked in violation of this section to be removed and the owner of any vehicle so removed shall be required to pay a reasonable towing charge not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) for such removal as well as storage charges not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) a day and there is hereby imposed a lien against such vehicle so removed for the payment of the said towing and storage charges. 

(Ord. of 3-6-79; Ord. of 11-10-92; Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-33.   Parking ban for emergencies and special events.

(a)  General prohibition. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle within any designated town right-of-way anytime of the year during a declared parking ban. 

(b)  Authority to declare parking ban. Those listed below may have the authority to declare a parking ban, given that there is a demonstrated need for street maintenance, a hazardous weather event, special events or when situations exist which may threaten public health, safety, or welfare. 

(1)  The Director of Public Works or his/her designee has full authority in declaring a parking ban. 

(2)  The Town Manager may declare a parking ban after consultation with the Director of Public Works. 

(3)  The Chief of Police or his/her designee has full authority in declaring a parking ban. 

(c)  With as much advanced warning as practical, the Town shall make reasonable efforts to notify the public of the parking ban. For non-emergency matters such as a special event or planned street maintenance, the Town shall post "no parking" signs twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the parking ban. The temporary no parking signs must state the time during which the parking prohibition is in effect. 

(d)  Signage declaring a parking ban shall be of such size and material as approved by the Director of Public Works or his/her designee. 

(e)  Vehicles in violation of the no parking ban may be ticketed or towed at the owner's expense. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Editor's note— An ordinance adopted Aug. 6, 2016, enacted provisions designated as § 12-33 and renumbered §§ 12-33, 12-34 as §§ 12-34, 12-35. 

Sec. 12-34.   Stop signs required.

(a)  Designation. Stop signs shall be erected at the following locations: 

Abigail Drive at Malletts Bay Aveune

Abigail Drive at Carriage Way (west) 

Abigail Drive at Carriage Way (east) 

Acorn Lane and Oak Circle 

Aikey Lane at Watkins Road 

Al-Shir Road and Bellwood Avenue 

Anna’s Court at Anna’s Court (where the road reconnects to itself and forms a "T" intersection). 

Anna’s Court at Malletts Bay Avenue 

Aurielle Drive and Porters Point Road 

Austin House Road and East Road 

Barbara Terrace and Holy Cross Road 

Bay Road at Roosevelt Highway 

Bay Road Extension at Roosevelt Highway 

Bay View Road and Williams Road 

Bean Road and MacRae Road 

Bean Road and Prim Road 

Belair Drive at Church Road 

Belwood Avenue at Church Road 

Birch Drive and Prim Road 

Birchwood Drive and U.S. Route 2A (Main Street) 

Birchwood Drive at Canyon Estates Drive and Canyon Road 

Biscayne Heights and Colchester Point Road 

Biscayne Heights at Windemere Way 

Bissette Drive and Al-Shir Road 

Bissette Drive at Porters Point 

Blackberry Circle at Fox Run (east) 

Blackberry Circle at Fox Run (west) 

Blear Drive at Church Road 

Bloomfield Drive at Porters Point Road 

Bluebird Drive and Porters Point Road 

Bonanza Pk. at Heineburg Drive (Route 127) 

Braelock Road and Clay Point Road 

Brentwood Drive at U.S. Route 7 

Brooke Lane at Macrae Road 

Brosseau Lane at Jasper Mine Road 

Buckingham Drive at Colchester Point Road 

Burnham Lane at Nice Way (north) 

Burnham Lane at Nice Way (south) 

Caleb Court and Church Road 

Camp Kiniya Road and Clay Point Road 

Canyon Estates Drive at Canyon Road and Birchwood Drive 

Canyon Road and U.S. Route 2A (Main Street) 

Canyon Road at Canyon Estates and Birchwood Drive 

Carriage Way at Colonial Drive 

Carriage Way at Abigail Drive 

Casey Lane at Porters Point Road 

Casey Lane at Pretty Road 

Chestnut Lane and Justin Morgan Drive 

Chimney Hill Drive at Mayo Road 

Churchill Lane at East Lakeshore Drive 

Church Road and Holy Cross Road 

Church Road and Porters Point Road 

Clay Point Road and U.S. Route 2 

Clay Point Road at Jasper Mine Road 

Cobbleview Drive and U.S. Route 2A 

Colchester Point Road and Porters Point Road 

Colden Road and Niquette Bay Road 

Collins Farm Road at Roosevelt Highway 

Conquest Circle and Timberlake Drive 

Coon Hill Road and U.S. Route 7 

Creek Farm Road and U.S. Route 7 

Creek Glen Road at Deer Lane 

Crossfield Drive at Porters Point Road (east) 

Crossfield Drive at Porters Point Road (west) 

Dalton Drive at Barnes Street 

Deer Lane at Creek Farm Road 

Depot Road and East Road 

Depot Road and Sand Road Extension 

Doyle Street at Ethan Allen Avenue 

Doyle Street at Hegeman Avenue 

Eagle Park Drive and Severance Road 

Edgewood Drive at Blakely Road (east) 

Edgewood Drive at Blakely Road (west) 

Emmas Way and Porters Point Road 

Ethan Allen Avenue at Barnes Street 

Exit from the circle in front of Colchester High School and the high school service road 

Exit from the Colchester Middle School and Blakely Road 

Everbreeze Drive at Williams Road (north) 

Everbreeze Drive at Williams Road (south) 

Farnsworth Road and East Road 

Fastnet Circle at North Harbor Road 

Fern Court at Mercier Drive 

Fern Court at Bean Road 

Ford Lane at Bean Road 

Forman Drive at Severance Road 

Fox Run at Williams Road 

Giffin Court at Severance Road 

Granite Creek Road at Bay Road 

Greenwood Drive and Porters Point Road 

Gregg Lane at Al-Shir Road 

Grey Birch Drive and River Road 

Hawkes Way at Edgewood Drive 

Hegeman Avenue at Barnes Avenue 

Hegeman Avenue at Ethan Allen Avenue 

Hegeman Avenue at VT National Guard Road 

Hercules Drive and U.S. Route 7 

Hercules Drive Eastbound at Hercules Drive 

Hercules Drive Westbound at Hercules Drive 

Hercules Drive Northbound at Hercules Drive 

Hercules Drive Southbound at Hercules Drive 

Heritage Lane and U.S. Route 2A 

Hidden Oaks Drive at Severance Road 

Holbrook Court and Heineberg Drive 

Hollow Creek Road at Justin Morgan Drive 

Hollow Creek Road at LeClair Road 

Holy Cross Road and Porters Point Road 

Hummingbird Drive at Malletts Bay Avenue 

Indian Circle at Creek Glen 

Ira Allen Court at Bean Road 

Jason Drive and Williams Road 

Jasper Mine Road at U.S. Route 2 

Jeffrey Drive at Williams Road 

Jen Barry Lane at Holy Cross Road 

Jocelyn Court at U.S. Route 2A 

Joey Drive at Williams Road 

Johnson Avenue at U.S. Route 15 

Johnson Avenue at Vt. National Guard Road 

Julie Drive at Williams Road 

Justin Morgan Drive at Creek Farm Road 

Kathleen Lane at Severance Road 

King Street at Dalton Drive 

King Street at Ethan Allen Avenue 

Kylies Way at Wall Street 

Laker Lane at Blakely Road 

Lakewood Court at Holy Cross Road 

Lavigne Road and Blakely Road 

Lavigne Road and Mallets Bay Avenue 

Lawrence J. Drive at Porters Point Road 

LeClair Drive at Creek Farm Road 

Leoray Court at Heineburg Drive 

Liberty Lane at Severance Road 

Liberty Lane at Hidden Oaks Drive 

Lily Lane at Main Street 

Logan Drive at U.S. Route 2A (Main Street) 

Lois Lane at Porters Point Road 

Lomartire Drive at Malletts Bay Ave

Lomartire Drive at Annas Court

Lone Pine Road at Bay Road 

Mallard Drive and Porters Point Road 

Malletts Bay Avenue and Blakely Road 

Mallets Bay Club Road at Marble Island Road 

Malletts Head Road at Marble Island Road 

Mangum Avenue at Hegeman Avenue 

Maple Ridge Drive at Princess Anne Drive 

Marble Island Road at W. Lakeshore Drive 

Marcou Lane at Jasper Mine Road 

Mariner Heights at Marble Island Road 

Mayo Road at Jasper Mine Road 

Mazza Ct. and Malletts Bay Avenue 

Meadow Drive and Prim Road 

Meadow Drive and Prim Road 

Mercier Drive at Macrae Road 

Middle Road and U.S. Route 2A 

Midnight Pass at Williams Road 

Mill Pond Road and Severance Road 

Morehouse Drive at Malletts Bay Avenue 

Morellen Lane at Williams Road 

Munson Road at Bay Road 

Nice Way at Blakely Road 

Nice Way at Lavigne Road 

Niquette Bay Road at U.S. Route 2 

North Harbor Road at Watkins Road (both locations) 

Norway Drive and Porters Pt. Road 

Nottingham Court at Church Road 

Oak Circle and Rathe Road 

Oak Circle and Sunderland Woods Road 

Old Saw Mill Road and Blakely Road 

Orchard Circle at Orchard Drive 

Orchard Drive and U.S. Route 7 

Orion Drive at Hercules Drive 

Overlake Drive at Holy Cross Road 

Parkwood Drive at Hidden Oaks Drive 

Parkwood Drive at Liberty Lane 

Parsons Road at Macrae Road 

Pebble Beach Road at Marble Island Road 

Pet Way at the west bound approach of Pet Way at the Pet Way and South Park Drive intersection 

Pine Island Road and Malletts Bay Avenue 

Pine Lane and Porters Point Road 

Pine Meadow Drive and Airport Road 

Pine Meadow Drive and Porters Point Road 

Poor Farm Road and Blakely Road 

Poor Farm Road and U.S. Route 7 

Porters Point Road and Colchester Point Road 

Porters Point Road and Holy Cross Road 

Pretty Road at Porters Point Road 

Prim Road at W. Lakeshore Drive 

Princess Anne Drive and Porters Point Road 

Queen Street at Dalton Drive 

Queen Street at Ethan Allen Avenue (east side of VT ETV) 

Rathe Road and U.S. Route 7 

Raymond Road and U.S. Route 2 

Raymond Road at Jasper Mine Road 

Red Oak Drive and Colchester Point Road 

Richfield Lane at Crossfield Drive (east) 

Richfield Lane at Crossfield Drive (west) 

River Road and Porters Pt. Road 

Ryan Place at Crossfield Drive 

Sand Road and Lost Nation Road 

Shady Lane and Porters Point Road 

Shetland Lane at Justin Morgan Drive 

Shore Acres Drive at W. Lakeshore Drive 

South Bay Circle at E. Lakeshore Drive 

South Bay Circle at South Bay Circle (westbound approach)

South Oak Circle at Sunderland Woods Road 

South Oak Circle at Rathe Road 

South Park Drive at the east bound approach of South Park Drive and Pet Way Intersection 

Stone Drive at Granite Creek Road (north) 

Sunderland Woods Road and U.S. Route 7 

Tanglewood Drive and Colchester Point Road 

Tanglewood Drive (north and south bound approaches), Waybury Road and Rudgate Road 

Thayer Bay Road at Holy Cross Road 

Thibault Drive at Porters Point Road 

Thomas Drive and Blakely Road 

Thomas Drive and Mallets Bay Avenue 

Timberlake Drive at Church Road 

Timberlake Drive at W. Lakeshore Drive 

Troy Avenue at Barnes Street 

Troy Avenue at Hegeman Avenue 

Troy Avenue at Mangum Street (sign each side for Champlain in Sheltered Workshop) 

Turquoise Drive at W. Lakeshore Drive 

Valleyfield Drive at Malletts Bay Avenue 

Village Drive and U.S. Route 2A (Main Street) 

Vincenza Way at Windermere Way

Vt. National Guard Road at Camp Johnson exit 

Wall Street at Severance Road 

Walnut Grove at Jasper Mine Road 

Waterlefe Way and Blackberry Circle 

Waterlefe Way and Fox Run 

Water Tower Circle at Mountain View Drive 

Watkins Road at Jasper Mine Road 

West View Road at Mountain View Drive 

Westward Drive and Village Drive 

Wheatley Court at River Road 

Wildflower Lane at Raymond Road 

Wildlife Loop at Lomartire Drive (East End) 

Wildlife Loop at Lomartire Drive (West End) 

Williams Road and Blakely Road 

Williams Road at E. Lakeshore Drive 

Windermere Way and Airport Road 

Windermere Way at Biscayne Heights (northbound) 

Windermere Way at Biscayne Heights (southbound) 

Windswept Drive at Orchard Drive 

Wintergreen Drive at Creek Farm Road (east) 

Wintergreen Drive at Creek Farm Road (west) 

Woodrose Lane at Hidden Oaks Drive 

Woodrose Lane at Severance Road 

Woodside Drive and Bean Road 

Young Street and Malletts Bay Avenue 

(b)  Full stop required. Wherever a stop sign is erected at the location described above, it shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle, as defined by the laws of the State, to proceed into said intersection without first coming to a full stop. 

(c)  Penalty. The penalty for not observing a stop sign as provided in Title 23, V.S.A., Section 1008. 

(Ord. of 8-23-77; Ord. of 3-14-78; Ord. of 4-17-79; Ord. of 7-8-80; Ord. of 6-16-81; Ord. of 9-1-81; Ord. of 10-27-81; Ord. of 10-11-83; Ord. of 4-12-88; Ord. of 10-8-91; Ord. of 6-22-93; Ord. of 1-23-96; Ord. of 7-23-96; Ord. of 2-25-97; Ord. of 10-14-97; Ord. of 1-12-99; Ord. of 9-14-99; Ord. of 11-23-99; Ord. of 4-3-01; Ord. of 3-12-02; Ord. of 9-13-05(2); Ord. of 8-22-06(1); Ord. No. 4-24-07(2); Ord. of 4-14-08(3); Amd. of 8-25-09; Amd. of 9-8-09; Amd. of 1-12-10; Amd. of 1-12-10; Ord. of 1-25-11; Ord. of 2-22-11; Ord. of 6-14-11; Ord. of 1-10-12; Ord. of 1-8-13; Ord. of 2-12-13; Ord. of 8-13-13; Ord. of 11-11-14; Ord. of 12-8-15; Ord. of 8-6-16; Ord. of 1-10-17; Ord. of 3-28-17; Ord. of 12-12-17; Ords. of 10-23-18(2), Ord. of 1-12-21; Ord. of 9-28-21) 

Editor's note— See editor's note following § 12-33. 

Sec. 12-35.   Yield signs required.

(a)  Designations. Yield signs shall be erected at the following locations: 

Fieldgreen Drive and Orchard Drive.

Kathleen Lane at Giffin Court 

Rathe Road eastbound at Mountain View Drive.

(Ord. of 10-8-91; Ord. of 1-23-96; Ord. of 1-10-12; Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Editor's note— See editor's note following § 12-33. 

Sec. 12-36.   Fire hydrant and fire lane parking prohibited.

No vehicle shall be parked within six (6) feet of a fire hydrant or within a designated fire lane. 

Penalty: Fifty dollars ($50.00) for first violation, one hundred dollars ($100.00) for second or subsequent within thirty (30) days. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Secs. 12-37—12-39.   Reserved.


Sec. 12-40. Obedience to directions and signals.

Sec. 12-41. Manner of crossing the street.

Sec. 12-42. Vehicles to yield to pedestrians crossing in crosswalk.

Sec. 12-43. Vehicles not to pass another stopped for pedestrians.

Sec. 12-44. Duty of drivers to exercise due care.

Secs. 12-45—12-49. Reserved.

Sec. 12-40.   Obedience to directions and signals.

All pedestrians shall be subject to and comply with any direction of any member of the police department and directions of all official traffic-control signs. Where such devices are not installed pedestrians shall be granted those rights and be subject to the regulations as set out in this article. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-41.   Manner of crossing the street.

(a)  Wherever a crosswalk is provided, pedestrians are required to use the crosswalk when crossing a roadway. 

(b)  No pedestrian shall cross a roadway at any point other than by a route at right angles to the curb or by the shortest route to the opposite curb, except in a crosswalk. 

(c)  Pedestrians shall move, whenever practicable, upon the right half of the crosswalk. 

(d)  No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield safely. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-42.   Vehicles to yield to pedestrians crossing in crosswalk.

When traffic-control signals are not in place or not in operation or do not provide an exclusive pedestrian walk phase, the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way, slowing down or stopping if need be to so yield, to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-43.   Vehicles not to pass another stopped for pedestrians.

Whenever any vehicle is stopped at a marked crosswalk or at any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass such stopped vehicle. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-44.   Duty of drivers to exercise due care.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, every driver of a vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian upon any roadway and shall give warning by sounding the horn when necessary and shall exercise proper precaution upon observing any pedestrian, child, bicyclist, or animal upon a roadway. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Secs. 12-45—12-49.   Reserved.


Sec. 12-50. General bicycle regulations.

Sec. 12-51. Riding on sidewalks, bicycle and pedestrian pathways.

Sec. 12-52. Riding on bicycles.

Sec. 12-53. Clinging to motor vehicles.

Sec. 12-54. Bicycles to be in good mechanical condition and properly equipped.

Sec. 12-55. Dissemination of information.

Sec. 12-50.   General bicycle regulations.

(a)  Bicycle defined. A bicycle shall be defined for the purposes of this section as any non- motorized wheeled vehicle that is propelled manually by pedals. 

(b)  Obedience to traffic regulations. Every person riding a bicycle upon the streets, alleys and highways within the Town shall observe and comply with all signals, signs and ordinances regulating the operation of traffic not inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance. 

(c)  Safe operation. Notwithstanding the following specific violations, every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway, sidewalk or recreational path within the Town shall operate in a safe and prudent manner. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-51.   Riding on sidewalks, bicycle and pedestrian pathways.

(a)  Persons riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk or bicycle and pedestrian pathway shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian. 

(b)  Persons riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk or bicycle and pedestrian pathway shall give audible signal before overtaking and passing a pedestrian or another bicycle. 

(c)  Persons operating a bicycle on a sidewalk, in areas where such operation is not otherwise prohibited by this ordinance, shall exercise due care, which includes operating the bicycle at a speed reasonable for the existing conditions. 

(d)  Persons operating a bicycle on a sidewalk, in areas where such operation is not otherwise prohibited by this ordinance, shall come to a complete stop prior to crossing all street crossings. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-52.   Riding on bicycles.

(a)  No person propelling a bicycle may ride other than upon or astride a permanent and regular seat attached thereto. 

(b)  No person may use a bicycle to carry more persons at any one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped. 

(c)  Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway may not ride more than two (2) abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles or except as otherwise permitted by the Commissioner of Public Safety in connection with a public sporting event in which case the Commissioner shall be authorized to adopt such rules as the public good requires. Persons riding two (2) abreast shall not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic and, on a laned roadway, shall ride within a single lane. 

(d)  Riders shall maintain one (1) hand on the handlebars of a bicycle at all times while operating on a roadway, sidewalk or recreational path. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-53.   Clinging to motor vehicles.

No person, while riding or operating a bicycle on any roadway, sidewalk or recreational path in the Town, shall attach his/her bicycle or him/herself to any other moving vehicle; nor shall the operator of any other vehicle permit any person riding a bicycle to attach to his/her moving vehicle. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 

Sec. 12-54.   Bicycles to be in good mechanical condition and properly equipped.

(a)  No bicycle shall be operated unless it is in good mechanical condition. 

(b)  No bicycle shall be operated unless it is equipped with an adequate braking device. 

(c)  It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a bicycle on any roadway, sidewalk or recreational path within the Town during the period from one-half (½) hour after sunset to one-half (½) hour before sunrise unless said bicycle or bicyclist shall be equipped with a lamp on the front exhibiting a white light visible from a distance of at least five hundred (500) feet to the front, with a lamp on the rear of the bicycle or bicyclist which emits a flashing or steady red light visible at least three hundred (300) feet to the rear, and with a red reflector on the rear. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16; Ord. of 11-13-18) 

Sec. 12-55.   Dissemination of information.

Every person or business engaged in the sale, rental or dissemination of bicycles shall inform each purchaser/renter/borrower of local ordinances and state law governing the operation of bicycles. 

(Ord. of 8-9-16) 



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